Hi, I'm fame.


𝒢𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒. 𝒢𝒽𝒢𝒽𝒢. π’»π“Šπ’Έπ“€.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

(Call me fame.)

So, I just came onto this site on a whim and let me say that I am completely intimidated. I've been roleplaying for, what, five or six years? I live to insert characters that I've created into genius plots and watching them grow alongside me. Needless to say, I'm sure that's what a lot of you do. Though, recently, I've had plenty of falling outs with rp partners and groups based on silly things that are silly. Basically, I came here looking for a fresh start with a new community that will hopefully treat me better than the last one.

This being said, I may have just made myself out to look like Undesirable No. 1 (ha. hp jokes) so I'll hope to clear it up by talking about myself in a way that can't be at all tied to narcissism.

Just Trying This Coding Stuff

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First off, I am generally a very nice person that will hold my tongue before it offends anybody. Though, in a world as unpredictable as this, somebody will always find a way to be offended. xD I tend to rely on humor as the foundation of any relationship and will waste no time in showering new friends in what I delightfully call, fame language. I ramble incoherently at times but I've been told that my rambles are usually amusing, what the hay? Let the word barf flow naturally. I write like I'm running out of time. (ha. hamilton jokes) Though my writing centers around the characters constantly arguing and throwing parties in my head.

Fav Band: The Killers (we are one)

Fav Musical: Hamilton (its just fantastic)

Fav Book(s): The Bartimaeus Trilogy (you will be my best friend if you've read this)

Fav Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy (pratt pratt pratt)

Fav Rp Character: Owen Griffith (You'll definitely see him eventually)

Fav TV: Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia (that show just gets me :'D )

I know nothing about it yet and this is intimidating.

So, I'm going to post this now. If you do fancy to adopt your own wild fame as a friend, I would greatly appreciate it. I really need a new rp site that's active and the quicker I get used to this one, the better.

Oh my gosh you sound a lot like me xD . Well, uh, welcome to the community! I'm Techy, new here as well. And I seem to be a lot like you! I know that sounds weird but...okay I'm awkward. I made this awkward. I'm sorry this got awkward. Well, uh, hi!!!

(Also, I agree. This coding stuff is horrifying.)

(Also Chris Pratt is bae ?)


Oml, a person. So yes, I'm used to being on a site called chicken smoothie and even though the coding there is no piece of cake, I'm not into learning new things. It may just be my various types of commitment issues. Like, how my friends told me to play League of Legends. I tried it, I sucked, and I gave up.

(Though, I sort of want to stick with this and hopefully it'll pay off.)

And please, excuse me whilst I blatantly borrow your bordered box as example coding. Literally trying whatever atm. And then I'll need you to hold me freind, because I just had to kill a generally large spider in my bed. But like, it crawled onto the wall and I didn't actually have to end its sad lil' life on my sheets. Thank the maker. (ha. dragon age jokes)



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words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

Alrighty, so ignore all of that. I'm sill trying to get the hang of the coding and it should get a wee bit easier. Which is a major relief because I honestly thought I was going to die painfully. It's a bit more complex, but like, the complexity makes things much easier. Alright, so, BACK TO YOU, YOU WONDERFUL PERSON.

No, you didn't make things awkward at all! Tbh, your assumption of said awkwardness makes you much more awesome for somebody like me. I used to be like... well, my usrname fore everything was literally Awkward Wallabies. But I made friends and changed my name to famouslyNobody. When I'm feeling spontaneous I change it to AnonymouslySomebody. And when I want to assume another identity altogether I go MissAtmoicBomb.... because.. The Killers. And they are my favorite entities on this planet.

I'm rambling. I said that I'd ramble. Sorry. c:

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Don't worry, I do too. And yeah. There's a BBCode guide that I used, but you can obviously see that (duh, Techy.)

ANYWAYS, you seem pretty cool. I have also had a plethora of usernames. RandomC00kiez, ImaginationAstronaut, random things like that. I have the best usernames ever
:P . So creative, Technic is (haha star wars puns.) god i need help

But look, you seem pretty cool. Aaaand if you feel the need to roleplay, I would be happy to try it out with you. I'm good, I swear. And...I HAVE COOKIEZZZZZZZZZZ
wheres my social life.

(Also, POOR SPIDER :c)
Also, I apologize for the change in formatting. I'm deciding how to approach things :P
no worries, haha. I feel you on the whole trying things out ^^^ as you can tell by Owen up there.

Oh dear lord. Its 3:27. You know, this is why i suffer health.

i should go to sleep but when i wake up. we shall discuss more of this rping

because I literally have nothing else to do with y life... as the 3:27 in the morning internet habits dictate.

im still sitting over here, wondering what else to say instead of going to sleep

BUTTTTT you mentioned cookies. fun fact: i love cookies. passionately

(btw this is how i usually talk ooc. just really small font and kept over to the side lol)

back to the cookies though. i will stress eat them. thats how i survived highschool

bombed a test? bought some cookies

lost a friend? bought some cookies

procrastination? change of pace, i bought some more cookies
Agreed. Cookies are the windows to the soul. Oh, you thought eyes were? Nah. Cookies. Cookies for life. That's why I had the name RandomC00kiez at one point. Couldn't think of anything else. I wasn't very creative as a child. I say that as if I am now. ANYWAYS, I'm gonna let you take your booty to bed. Goodnight, Mr. or Mrs. or Miss or Ms. Fame. Have fun with your sleep even though it is for the weak
i think ive fallen in love

with this cat, that will now and forever be my profile pic

space and stars <333

and it'll ms, i suppose. female and im pretty sure im not married yet

but can any of us be

its the deep thoughts that tie me to my reality of insanity
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Well, with so many genders in the world now, you never know! I'm just going to identify as an attack helicopter for now. And hey, I used to have a profile picture much like that one!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb8ab4d27_Edit(17).jpg.d27bf0bd2e08c0ce3e52d208b5d78bbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb8ab4d27_Edit(17).jpg.d27bf0bd2e08c0ce3e52d208b5d78bbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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hahahaha xD the attack helicoptors will be the death of us all

and i know what you mean. its especially hard when you meet online friends

that say theyre transgender which leaves you wondering if you should be all, he, she, them, their because they never specified

it can get confusing but i still love em

well, i did, before the friends in question booted me out because i spoke an opinion

politics related. it sucked. and thats why im looking for a new rp platform.

yayyyy people!!!
People can go suck a [CONTENT NOT SUPPORTED]

Yeah. I used to roleplay on another site as well, but it wasn't as strict or as moderated as RPN and became less about roleplay and more about...drama, honestly. Oh well. People.
can i be the first one to admit that i've just been staring at these darn cats

its like.... succubus


i love cats and though Id never be a crazy cat lady,

i find them superior to the human race in every way

what time zone is it where you're at?
I don't like cats. Dog person all the way β™₯β™₯β™₯

Well, honestly, I'm not sure, buuuuttt, it is current almost 6:30 in the morning over here soooo, yeah. leave it to me to not know my own time zone
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O.o did you just wake up or have you neglected sleep?

and are you in the US?
I've neglected sleep. As I said, SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!

ignore that

ANYWAYS, yes, I am in the US. The deep south.It's like the south, but
haha, you're probably central time zone then, since thats like two hours ahead of me

ive had to deal a lot with people and time differences. my past group of friends were from denmark

9+ hours

and a bunch of east coasters that were 3+ hours ahead of me

now, you should sleep friendly friend
Nah, I'm good. I took a nap. I'm a big girl. No bedtime for me! I've had to deal with people in different time zones as well. I dated a guy who lived in Belgium and that was...stressful, to say the least.
sounds like it

i avoid long distance relationships

maybe im too logical for my own good because i assume they dont work out

and i have strange commitment issues as stated maybe once before

my friend and sister both got into them and well....

they are complicated lol
Yeah. I've had my fair share of long distance relationships. But I don't judge them, because I just have a horrible love life period xD . I still have an ex who stalks me to this day...
hehehe im sorry about that

i dont think im one to really judge any relationship lol

particularily because ive never been in one

ive definitely had opportunities but commitment issues

and social anxieties

that was highschool though and i was still recovering

from a rough middle/elementary school experience

so fingers crossed for college, eh?

so, relationships, people, and issues aside

what kind of rps do you usually do and what sort of characters do you play

idk why, but i mainly stick to male characters as they're easier to write

i also love them like children
I've had plenty of relationships. None of them truly long term though. But, I'm hoping that my current boyfriend and I go a long way, since he his basically like my knight in shining armor β™₯

Anyways, characters really don't matter, whether it be girl or guy. My preference depends on how I'm feeling that day, since some days I want to get all dolled-up and wear dresses and makeup and stuff, then other days I just sit in a sports bra and ponytail and try to forget I have two lumps on my chest. But, not the point. I never use the same character twice, though.

I like many different types of roleplays. Honestly it's quite hard to name them all. I have some basic plots, but none two spectacular or that don't really have a cliche in them (I LOVE cliches.) I also enjoy roleplays that deal with relationships, whether it be family relationships, friendly relationships, or romantic relationships. Of course, if there's romance, I would enjoy if it wasn't the main plot. Maybe intertwine it into the storyline, even though there is one plot that I have that is just absolutely divine and quite fun but romance kinda is the main point aaaaand im rambling okay techy shut up nowANYWAY, yeah. I'm open for anything. I have a forum if you want to see it:

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awesome, yo

your roleplays seem right up my alley

as for plots, im absolutely trash at making them since i don't have the patience

ive come up with a few baed on my OC universe which include some of my

characters like Owen, Jayce, Wyatt, blah blah blah - the list can literally go on forever

its a modern universe dealing with gang wars, conspiracies, and character development

my mind is a little complicated when it comes to these people in my head

they all have their 'alpha timeline' which is what i base all characters off of

and change up in response to what rp im doing so i usually need a plot first before i decide

which character i'll use, and how i'll change him/her up

ive done an assortment of rps spanning from slice of life, mutant/superpowers, universities/schools, roadtrips, werewolf shenanigans, supernatural, time travel

basically a lil bit of everything and im the same way with romance in rps

characters like owen are almost impossibly difficult to get into a ship with and he's only been shipped twice

they were both very depressing and convoluted, though trying to get with him is like a puzzle since he's a puzzle

other characters are much easier to get into a ship with

though i tend to prefer working up to it instead of jumping right in

(one of my biggest pet peeves is when somebody pms me asking

to ship with my character - particularly in group rps)

BUT enough about that, I'd love to hear what plots you have

cliche or not because I'm not that picky


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I am on a horse. In his stupidly long lifespan, Zeveran had never once ridden a horse before in his life since the prospect of such ridiculous notions were simply that: ridiculous. He had legs. He did not have eyes. Hence, Zev was the kind of man who was overly satisfied with what he did have. And the idea that a giant hell beast was currently breathing and living between his legs was increasingly something he was not fond of. "Are you sure that these beasts are safe to ride?" The question as to whether or not this girl was a demon was becoming harder to distinguish the longer he felt her presence. So many humans road horses as if they depended solely on the creatures but Baz didn't even know what they truly looked like. He had no concept of what anything looked like and explaining things to the man was near impossible. How would you describe a horse to a man who had only seen vague shadows of the things around him since he'd been born?

Baz had once described a dog to him using words but until the younger Zeveran had actually gotten up the courage to touch the useless thing, he had no way to tell what sharp, fluffy, or jagged was supposed to 'look' like. And as soon as he'd brought his hands away, it was like his sight was taken from him all over again. Unfortunately, Baxter had ended up killing the dog later when it got bit by some forest predator and came back violent and out of its mind. That was the first time he'd seen what red looked like on his own hands and it was also the day he fell in love with the color. It stood out so perfectly against anything and he could see it every time he needed to just by killing somebody when ordered - that was something that Baz had promised him. He grasped a concept of what 'sharpness' looked like when he felt it cut into his flesh by a blade. Well obviously it had been one of the best ways to describe
sharpness... until it wasn't.

"Baz. What does this plant look like?" Ten year old Zeveran had asked when Baz had come back from his routine trips to whoever the hell knows. Hell. Probably. "Its sharp boy. Dont tou- Zeveran! You dalcop!" Unfortunately, the sharp 'plant' that Zeveran had tried to get a feel of was a desert cactus from somewhere Zeveran had never gone to. It was too long a travel for the young and worthless demon but apparently, this cactus was vital for Baz's apothecary store. He was soon to find out that sharp was too vague a term. It was used to describe hair, facial features, voices, and apparently... desert plants. It was impossible for him to grasp a concept of what things really looked like without touching it which was perhaps why his hands were the most beat up feature on his person. And this stupid horse... he couldn't tell what it looked like from feeling it. He wondered if it had sharp teeth and glowing eyes. It was definitely large enough to imagine blade like teeth and smokey hair. When the monster ran, he saw the smoke following behind their necks and backside. It was intriguing and terrifying. Not to mention the noises they made. His house was close to a farm and the horses would keep him up at night, knowing that the giant creatures were restless when the stars came out. Its when he heard them the loudest. Or perhaps they were always that loud and night just allowed for their growls to carry. All of these perceptions stayed locked in his head the moment he tried to remember why he was riding one of the monsters in the first place.... Wait. How had she tamed this thing? No. Go back. You were literally heading in the right direction two seconds ago. What direction was tha-Oh... hello.

His heart leapt out of his chest when the demoness clambered up on top of her hellhound in front of him and the thing started moving. His feet should have been on the ground but instead of freaking out, he was trying to decide what to do with his hands. The man was far too close to falling off her horse and he didn't quite fancy the idea of grasping this thing's haunches to keep himself upright and
stable. That was a horse pun. Baz would have made that pun. And I think he always expected me to laugh at them. I wonder if he knows I make those humorous quips even now. Where was Baz? He didn't know. But boy did he want too. He had no idea how he was going to get back home from wherever this loudmouthed demon was taking him. She definitely didn't act like one. There was too much emotion in her voice but maybe she was a different type of demon. Maybe she didn't come to this world to kill people. The fact that she wasn't going back to the main city did better to assure him, but his knife was feeling very unused lately and he was itching to fix that. He didn't know who to kill anymore without Sebastian Sallis, and whatever he did now was meant to keep him deathly preoccupied and busy. What did a mentally deficient blind man do on his free time?

Not much.

What did you expect? He was mentally deficient. And partially blind.

You try living a decently normal and exciting life with that combination.
Its hard.

But he sure as hell tried to the best of his abilities. It was kind of a shame when anybody who saw Zev would run away. It thrilled him to an irrational extent when he heard the names they'd come up for him. Zev the Daemonfiend. Redhand Baxter. Even Shadoweye had a ring to it even if it was insensitive to his feelings and disability in every sense of the word. That thought was ironic because he didn't feel anything other than physical pain or what he needed to feel according to the task Baz sent him on. If he needed to, the man could be charming, warmhearted, casual, or even a monster. But when no specific guise had been set up for him, he went simply as Zev. A straight face and a hollow voice. No emotion because those were ninety percent ill-advised. It felt weird to take a human's life with a smile on his face. He was a demon, not a sociopath. 'Sociopath' was a term reserved for humanity so he wouldn't smile when he worked. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't scowl or screw up his lips in disgust. He would simply kill and take what needed to be taken. He had to feed himself and humanity needed to pay the price for what they'd done to demons like him and Sallis.

What is... blehhgh.. His mind was gone again as it always was and he didn't know when he'd ended up wrapping his arms around the demoness' waist in order to keep him from falling. Zeveran might have taken time to enjoy it, if not for her wonderfully red hair spoiling his mood when it got stuck in his face. He would have loved to tell the hair to behave like his own cleanly cut locks, but females did not like to listen to reason. Needless to say, he figured something as stupidly inanimate as hair would not obey either. Ignoring his problems, Zev heard the dogs far before she brought them up and what was left of his heart began to melt some at the idea. He had a weird fixation with the beasts but at the same time, feared everything about them. They were unpredictable and he never could tell when one was about to attack him. So, as much as wanted to run from them when they approached at a fast pace - he ended up embracing all dogs lovingly.

With a knife in the heart.

Every second was
unbelievably heartwarming in those moments between him and mans' best friend. The city children tended not to think the same. He could tell by their sick laughter... maybe. Or they'd been was sobbing. Zev found it hard to tell the difference. Finally the horse was stopping and he snaked his arms away from the girl's waist, all too eagerly leaping off the massive creature when he could. "I did not like that but I could not voice my opinion on the matter. Your hair was in my mouth. Thank you for that," with a face so dang serious and straight, nobody outside his own head would have been able to tell if that had been dry humor or if he was just being disturbingly truthful. Baz would have known it was the latter for some odd reason. He was an excellent judge in character - even Baxter's limited one. "Please never let me ride your horse again. I like a grounded experience. And you are massively mistaken. I love dogs. And the mere minutes I spend with them are quite enjoyable. It is a shame that we always part on much different terms. But the affection is there, I can assure you. Hmm." he stopped talking and completely began to disregard the woman's presence like he had been doing for quite some time now. Yes. Even on the horse, she was pleasantly placed far from his mind. Obviously.

And now he was standing God knows where, with approximately three dismembered thumbs, three stolen hunks of ram, and a loaf of bread in the satchel he'd been carrying - all of which would look blurringly lovely on his dining table. Well. Most of it. He need to send those thumbs to certain people. Unfortunately, he reserved the vases for roses rather than fingers and his shackled guests tended to be quite perturbed when things like fingers were left carelessly on the table. Baz always got unbelievably frustrated when he did things like that.
"I do not know how to get home because I neglected to tell you that I have to find the blacksmith's before I can find my way back. It is a route that I have memorized quite well. But it seems... I am... in trees. Is that your home?" His eyes narrowed as he tried to make out the shabby structure, furthermore failing to make out anything other than a slightly blurry shabby structure. "I will stay and eat your tea and drink your biscuits and, tomorrow, we can find Baz as expected. He tends to not like when I don't come back. Er... did I say drink biscuits? Because that is not what you do with biscuits. Nor tea." he had been pivoting around in place for quite a while now, turning in circles and trying to get in everything he could with the senses he had. It was quiet here except for the dogs he heard farther away. The trees had a way of speaking to him when the wind shifted through the branches. It relaxed him and soon his shoulders hunched and the man was yawning. Where am I again? When he turned around again, he had to do a double take on the figure that stood there. "Who are you? Wait. Never mind. I believe I was offered tea. I have ram... and fingers. But mostly ram. Forget about the fingers."

He remembered a long talk he had had with Nathan almost too long ago. From early in evening to late in the morning, it was the last talk before Owen left home. He could have laughed at the question his little brother asked him that time. "What's the worst thing about being a werewolf?" There could have been plenty of answers and Owen had told him, "the aggression." But that had since changed for more than one reason and now he could only grumpily agree on a new worst - especially since he joined this pack a week ago. If he could go back, He'd tell Nathan - The mind links. It was like a nonstop channel going off in his head and the voices weren't considerate of each other in any way. One after another, voices of others caused his lips curled to reveal a deadly row of fangs. And who he could possibly reply to first was automatically lost on him and his claws dug into the earth in frustration. It's not like he could shut it off either and anybody was free to invade his head and make it a freaking catastrophe of confusion. The first voice was easy because he could see the wolf that belonged to it and he narrowed those piercing eyes of his in response, "Espinosa, if you'd put that inquisitively curious head of yours to good use - you'd be able to smell the deer that may or may not have just been scared off by your sorry pelt." In a way, if a wolf could glare - he would have been in her direction, "And oh... by all means - let me move five feet in a different direction so I can walk around you. Wait.... Yes. That's right. You heard me - you would be surprised at what we, werewolves, can accomplish when we put our minds to it. Unless you're just here for a story. Once upon a time, there was a mindless little warrior female and a most definitely mindless male warrior. Both of them decided to go kill a deer so the esteemed and highly exalted delta could go see what the HELL everybody else wants with that poor ba****d." And just as quietly as he had come, he walked off - muttering things in his own head to himself about annoyances and wishes that could never possibly come true. One being to be back in his own dark streets. The world he could slink through as a mutt with one purpose - a purpose that was hidden from every single one of these pack members. Lucio - he had no idea how much that alpha knew about him but he hardly cared. Lucio was a man that Owen could trust just as much as expect betrayal from. There was neutral ground between the two of them that neither cared to speak of. The fact was - Lucio needed him and he needed that devil just as much, for the time being. He threw effort into the painful transition between his wolf form and his human form - something that he knew wasn't normal. So damn painful for him and his head felt like he was breaking apart. If anybody knew the effort it took for Owen to change - they could use that as a weakness anytime they wanted. He let his back fall against the tree in human form and he raised a brow at nothing when the alpha's voice rang out in his already throbbing head. Oh yeah - thanks for adding a pack full of voices to accompany his own annoying thoughts to attack his broken head. But dead eyes thought hard on Lucio's request - order - who knew. After a long while of silence as he contemplated answering or not, he finally did, "Pokemon? Ohhh, Lucario, my respect has fallen so damn low. Wait - its already at rock bottom. Oops." See, Owen has always had a problem with authority. It didn't matter if it was police or alphas. Owen treated them just the same. And he treated them like he treated every human on this planet. Not. Worth. His. Sincerity. Its not as if he thought he was better than them - God, not by a long shot. But he couldn't bring it in him to give even the smallest of damns. Perhaps it would have been smart to brown nose the alpha but Griffith was no pup with a tail between his legs and there was a large part of him that figured Lucio hadn't expected any differently. He continued just as easily as he had before, "But no. I'm not busy. Where's my target location big guy." And that's when Owen let out the most pained of frustrated groans when another voice popped into his head unwelcomed. He turned around and hit his head repeatedly against the tree he'd previously been resting on. And the voice that it belonged to didn't help. The impervious duo that couldn't even have been paid to just leave him alone. He began to rube his temple before responding, "Tatum. Jesus. What. what do you want this time? Get out of my head you insufferable she witch. Skye's lucky she didn't get her snout bit off. Can I ask you something? Serious question honey," The hair fell over his eyesm casting it in darkness, "What in Lord's name do you want from me? A dinner for three? A romantic movie where I sit on the opposite side and you two can giggle your lives away after I fall asleep from the chick flick you're undoubtedly going to make me watch. Maybe just a compliment? Wow Tatum, you mind link is crystal clear today. I can barely hear myself think. Well done girl. Its crisssssp."
He smirked at the girl, flashing a bit of a crooked smile as he leaned in the length of an inch, "Alas, I'll admit it. That was a really great dream. You were fantastic." And the he went back to his easy stance, slipping his fingers back into his pockets as was his default position. He was a docile dude, one that leaned, rested, and supporting himself when at all possible. And pockets were exceptional little places to rest his arms. He listened with a mild interest at best as she rambled on about Harry Potter. Nodding every now and again, he took a moment to study her face and lips while she talked. Not in a, 'wow, this girl is beautiful' way, but a much more Andrew style 'I wonder when how soon I could get her to read me a bedtime story in my room' sort of manner. Andrew didn't go to 'romance' when he looked at people. Though, at this school, who did? Well, there was that Miles 'bloke' and a few in between. But ninety percent of the males in this school were.. let's face it, glorified man 'horses'. At least Andrew recognized this about himself. About half a minute later, he realized that she had stopped talking and his mind was still in 'candy land'. He blinked, cleared his throat, and looked her in the eyes to respond, "That's alright, I couldn't possibly watch Dobby die a second time much less stomach having it read to me." He'd been messing with her, obviously. He wasn't living under a rock and had actually gone to see the movies as they came out. Granted, he hadn't seen the first three as he'd been too young and far too cool to slum it with the geeks. But the call of theatre got to him eventually and it wasn't too bad. He wouldn't go as far as saying reading them would benefit his intellect though. He would rely on the countless hours of school to contribute to his brain cell count. "But listen, if I ever get to watching the first three, I'll be sure to let you know and you could whistle me a tune of HP knowledge, yeah?"

Hey, so sorry for not replying. I just recently came over with a horrible sickness. Cant get out of bed, really. I'll reply as soon as I'm feeling better.
thats an amazing gif friend

if i becaome your said homie, can i expect more gifs such as this?

if so, sign me up lol

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