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Fandom Full Metal Alchemist - A Rogue Truth


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Full Metal Alchemist - A Rogue Truth

Full Metal Alchemist - A Rogue Truth

The heroic accomplishments of Full Metal and his brother have long been put into stone, serving as fairytales for generations to come. While the mystical conflict between humanity, led by the the Eldric brothers, and the Homunculi is sure to amaze children and adults alike for decades to come, a far more frightening danger boils within its own realm.

In a time where the military is cautious not to repeat the cruel deeds of the Ishvalan war at all cost, will the prosperous nation be able to defend itsels - and possibly the world - from the malice that awaits?


Ever since Führer Bradley/Wrath has retired from his position as Führer in 1915, Führer Grumman has taken over, quickly establishing Central City as a new town, with a new philosophy. Through him and his successor, Führer Maynard, the Amestris Academy for Alchemy and Peaceful Relations has been established in 1928. The academy is a facility in Central City. There, aspiring State Alchemist have the opportunity to prepare for the exam, and receive the guidance of experienced, already-serving State Alchemists. It also entertains a set of teachers who are well-versed in political negotiations. They're trying to prepare a steady influx of potential successors to the current diplomats. A heavy focus in this careerpath being how to maintain the peace and harmony Amestris currently enjoys. Lastly, a boarding school for children is part of the facility. There, orphans, homeless, abused or otherwise underpriveliged children find shelter and become part of the classes which prepare diplomats and soldiers - depending on their talents and suitability.

The heavy focus of keeping the peace is a conscious effort, and the result of the extreme tensions with Ishval after the Ishval Civil War. First results are indeed showing improved relations to the Ishvalans, and the general public of Amestris is considerably more united than it has been for several decades.

Important note: It has been 59 years since the end of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood/The Manga (so it is currently 1974). Most canon characters are either dead, retired or have left the country to go and see the world. Winry has established herself as a major Automail genius and has founded a company in 1920 that still operates to this day, though she is rarely involved in day-to-day business. Full Metal is not active anymore. The homunculi and Father are public knowledge, though many details are not entirely clear to the common people.


In recent weeks reports of unusual occurences have made rounds in Amestris. People reportedly going mad, as well as attacks, kidnappings, and other outbursts of violence have been registered. The exact source for the peculiar changes in behavior is unknown, as is the exact state of those who go mad. Recently, a murder case was linked to the mysterious sights and reports.

Since then, the State Alchemists and students of the Academy have been put on alert. Small groups of State Alchemists have already been sent to investiage, with one of them having been found dead, further raising the potential threat level of whatever the military is dealing with. It is currently the military's highest priority to investigate these reports and find the source.



I am looking for around 5-6 characters, including my own. I will accept apsiring State Alchemists who just applied for the exam, State Alchemists, students of the Academy AND Automail experts/aspirting experts, who can supply the military with tech (this is especially good if you want a more pacifistic character who does not involve in combat). I would prefer a mixed group, like in the series where you had young Alchemists and old ones alike. Just because there's an academy does not mean this is an academy roleplay(!!!) I cannot stress this enough. This roleplay will be (or... aspires to be) like the series - A mix of young and old protagonists with a variety of adventures. Not a school-roleplay. I have a rough plot in mind that should get our characters across the map similarly to the adventures of Edward and Alphonse, but I'd be super happy to dedicate arcs to a specific characters, so that everyone has a chance to shine, and we all have stuff to do. There will also be some comedy/chillout stuff.

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I luf you tooooooo!

Alas, FMA is also not up my alley. xD

Good luck! I have faith that someday we'll find a mutual fandom!
Hello again

I would love to participate in this too.

(I'm most likely going to go for an older State Alchemist, mainly because I'm not creative enough in the field of Automail Mechanics and designing techs for military use...)
Intrest! This Rp Better get off the ground. I don't wanna sacrifice my other arm to that door guy again.


I suppose a little bump wouldn't hurt. Feel free to follow the link at the top of the first post and check out this roleplay. :) We're starting soonish. :P

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