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A century of peace has passed in the six kingdoms, under the watchful eye of Bran the Broken, First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm and the Three-Eyed Raven. King's Landing has been rebuilt to its previous glory beneath the Hand of the King and his Council. To this very day it prospers, even with the first of the New Era died and gone long ago. Tales of the Burning of King's Landing are still told to this day, despite no one having seen a dragon in the century since.

The children of the noble houses in Westeros grew up hearing of their grandparents' wars and sacrifices to bring them peace and prosperity: a lifetime of happiness without the worry of dragons or a tyrant's rule. Though as many have predicted, darkness is always lurking, waiting in the shadows to take advantage. Thankfully, the King's Master of Whispers is always listening...

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The North

Under the conscientious eye of Sansa Stark, Queen of the North, First of Her Name, the Northern Clans and Bannermen started to rebuild what was once theirs. After so many losses they found their numbers had dwindled, even with the influx of Wildlings that remained behind. Given this lack of able-bodied men, Sansa reformed the structures of the houses, proclaiming new laws. *This day forward every woman, crone and child will be equal to their male counterparts. They may own lands, head houses, and run businesses. The Law of Man is now the Law of our People.*

While many nobles outside (and within) the North frowned upon Sansa's decision, in time none could deny the glorious effects it had for her people. It bolstered their rank and file: allowing girls to join the depleted armies and follow in the steps of Lyanna and Arya during the Battle of Winterfell against the Night King and his armies.

Despite their lowered population, the North remain aloof to the other Kingdoms. They have been courteous with their allies but certainly have no trouble sending any neighbors back to their own borders when their land is encroached upon. Beyond this - there is very little else known about what the North is up to, but of course there is always speculation.

Basic Information

Capital: Winterfell

Reigning House: Stark

Historical Sites: The Dreadfort; after Bolton was defeated by Jon Snow and Queen Sansa reign started she declared the Dreadfort a ruine and none have attempted to reclaim it since.

Climate: Tundra/Boreal: Summer has come again and still the North remains the coolest of all the kingdoms. However, the temperature is warm enough to grow hardy crops and root vegetables, but it remains unsuitable to citrus fruits and the like.

Economy: The North's primary resources are timber, wool, and hides which it continues to export in vast quantities to its Southern neighbor and across the Narrow Sea.

Allies: The Vale

Rivals: The Riverlands, Iron Islands

Societal Norms

Widespread reforms under Queen Sansa; all men and women are equal in law and home.

Religions: The Old Gods primarily, though there has been some growth in the Red God, R'hllor after the Battle of Winterfell and the Night King.

Languages: Common, but with the addition of Wildling Speak since they've integrated into their population and trade commonly with those Beyond the Wall.

Aesthetic: Darker tones, long sleeves - not a great deal of access to otherwise being able to dye clothing and as they primarily wear items like leather and thick wools - they don't take well to light-coloured dyes.

Events/Holidays/Traditions: Lyanna vs. the Giant reenactment, performed every year on the eve of the Battle of the Night King. A girl is selected from the local village to act out Lyanna "The Little Bear" Mormont's battle with the Giant.

Popularity of the Royal House among the people: Very popular, the North have a great love of the Stark family.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The North are typically traditionalist, very slow to accept new technology, however will accept magic as common knowledge and valid explanation (for acts of healing, unnatural crop growth, etc.)

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: N/A - The North do not have an opinion about the King of the Six Kingdoms, whom they do not bend the knee to.
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The Riverlands

Following the conclusion of the War of Five Kings, The Twins were gifted to a Lesser Lord. The Lord was given a seat and a banner with the hope of filling a role which had been void following the Massacre of the Freys. Twice however, a Lord and his family to settle the castle and twice those families succumbed to illness the likes of Westeros had never seen. It is said the castle and its grounds are cursed - any that attempt to make it a home will suffer the same fate was Walder Frey and his sons.

In the years following Bran the Broken's ascent to the throne, the Gods Eye region in the Riverlands continued to be home to an extraordinary number of gray wolves. Many of these wolves possess striking golden eyes and are significantly larger than normal. These wolves are highly intelligent and tend to be more aggressive. It is believed that this boom in the wolf population can be attributed to Nymeria: the long-lived direwolf that once belonged to Arya Stark, which began interbreeding with the local wolf population following her abandonment. Thanks to King Bran’s guidance, no one has been allowed to fully exterminate the pack (despite many illicit attempts), only manage their numbers in order to protect their homes and livestock.

Basic Information

Capital: Riverrun

Reigning House: Tully

Climate: Temperate/Forest: Moderately humid Summers with cool Winters.

Economy: The Riverlands are one of the wealthier provinces in the Six Kingdoms, second only to the Reach & the Westerlands (and arguably drawing even with Dorne). The soil is rich and fertile thanks to the multitude of streams, rivers, and creeks running through the region. Grain is the most common crop, though grapes are grown in small vineyards in order to produce wine that is tart in comparison that of the Reach or Dorne. The abundant water bodies also provide for the Riverlands directly, being an abundant source of freshwater fish as well as a means of facilitating trade & travel between the North and South.

Allies: The Reach, The Westerlands

Rivals: The Vale

Societal Norms

Religions: The Faith of the Seven continues to be the dominant local religion, though there has been a resurgence in worship of the Old Gods.

Languages: Common

Aesthetic: The attire of Riverlanders is a mix of dull tones of forest green, gray, and brown (often made from water-resistant fibers) as well as the more bright shades popular farther South. The latter tends to be increasingly popular among the nobility and merchant class.

Events/Holidays/Traditions: The anniversary of the Red Wedding is held as a day of solemn remembrance each year.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Fair.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The Riverlands are generally keen to accept new ideas, whether they be based in magic or technological developments.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Fair.
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The Vale of Arryn

Bronze Yohn Royce, Guardian to Lord Robin Arryn, spent his final years to turn the young lord into a respectable, honorable leader. Lord Robin Arryn eventually outgrew his infirm and sickly ways, asserting his own rule with Petyr Baelish and his mother Lysa no longer around to poison his mind and manipulate him.

However, the events leading up to the new peace did leave a lasting mark. The Vale is not particularly fond of being the buffer state between the now-independent Kingdom of the North and the Six Kingdoms, but they've accepted their lot with mild reluctance. The Vale has become mildly isolationist and wary of outside influence after being played like puppets for so long. Despite this, they maintain relatively friendly relations with their neighbors, both North and South. There have been calls over the years to follow the North's example and secede from the Six Kingdoms in order to become independent or even join the North, but these have yet to gain serious traction.

The savage hill tribes & mountain clans are still active. They used the chaos caused by the events of the War of Five Kings to become even more powerful. Some joined forces with displaced Free Folk, local thugs, and deserters from various armies in order to carve out remote sections of the Vale's mountains and foothills as fiefs of their own. They mostly keep to themselves save for occasional raids on remote farming villages, which leads to the Knights of the Vale launching a punitive expedition every few years to remind them of who is the true power in the Vale. This has been one of the few recurring sources of conflict in the last century of peace.

The Vale's livelihood comes primarily from farming and mining a number precious ore veins recently discovered in the mountains. They have also benefited from their buffer status by acting as an intermediary conduit of trade between the North and the Six Kingdoms. In recent years, the Vale has tentatively engaged in maritime trade with various city-states of Essos, primarily Braavos, basing the bulk efforts out of Gulltown. Not being keen sailors traditionally and adhering to their isolationist stance, this process has been slow and hesitant. They obstinately refuse help in this endeavor from the more experienced sailors of the Iron Islands and Stormlands.

Basic Information

The Eyrie

Reigning House: Arryn

Climate: Mountain/Temperate; mild summers with harsh winters (second only to the North) that are exacerbated by the high elevations. Severe storms are a frequent occurrence throughout each season.

Economy: The Vale's economy continues to be based largely on agriculture, with small farming villages dotting the mountain valleys throughout the region. Not many crops can handle the climate and harsh terrain, but those that can thrive. The economy has diversified in the last two decades with the discovery of abundant ore veins in many mountains: iron, silver, and even gold. Coal and gemstone mining is also growing source of wealth. Fishing and maritime trade has increased in recent years, but continues to lag behind the efforts of other coastal provinces.

Allies: The North

Rivals: The Riverlands

Societal Norms

The Faith of the Seven is ostensibly the dominant religion in the Vale, but the Old Gods continue to be worshiped in numbers greater than anywhere else in the Six Kingdoms (surpassed only by the independent North).

Languages: Common

Aesthetic: Traditionally, residents of the Vale have opted for the rugged clothing and subdued tones similar to those seen in the North, with only nobility seeking out brighter (and occasionally garish) clothing. However, with the recent discovery of veins of precious metals in the mountains and the resultant economic boom, it is increasingly common to find even smallfolk adorning themselves in jewelry or the latest Southern fashions.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Fair, but improving. Despite the amount of time that has passed since the malicious conspiracy perpetrated by Lady Lysa Arryn and Petyr Baelish, the people still remember and are wary of the governing family.

Stance on magic & advanced technology: Indifferent; neither are overly accepted.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: King Baratheon is well received by the people of the Vale of Arryn.
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The Iron Islands

The Iron Fleet, after the Battle of King’s Landing and the Great Burning, was all but lost. Only a few ships survived under Yara’s command that limped back to the Iron Islands. Yara was recognized as Lord of the Iron Islands and swore fealty to Bran the Broken. However, it was proclaimed that the people of the Iron Islands could no longer raid and pillage ocean-sides villages for loot or thralls. Yara refused to be undone, nor would she go against her house words: ‘We do not Sow’.

The Iron Fleet and its people were among the few remaining ships and crew seaworthy in all of Westeros. Knowing this, and that the other Kingdoms who relied on trade, she put out an offer to the coastal kingdoms: Let us be your ships.

Tyrion Lannister was the first to reply, now the head of his House he snapped at the chance at restarting his kingdoms trade. For the past hundred years the Iron Fleet have acted as merchant traders on behalf of the Lannisters.

Basic Information


Reigning House: Greyjoy

Climate: Temperate/Maritime: Summers are mild albeit humid. Winters are quite harsh, with the cool temperatures exacerbated by the humidity. Storms are a frequent occurrence year-round.

Economy: The thin, stony soil of the Iron Islands continues to be unsuitable for anything more than sustenance farming with the hardiest of crops. Iron, tin, and lead deposits are present and some of the lower classes make a living mining and working the metals. However, the primary livelihood of the Islands continues to come from the sea. With raiding outlawed, the Ironborn instead forged a profitable trade agreement with the Westerlands wherein they serve as a fleet of merchant ships (and occasional privateers) to the wealthy province in exchange for a cut of the import tariffs.

Allies: Westerlands

Rivals: Stormlands

Societal Norms

Gender Roles:
Often women in lead roles (ship captains or naval officers) will call themselves by the male appellation: Ser, Sir, Lord, Master. The practice of legalized polygamy in the form of "salt wives" continues, though in a more consensual fashion than in generations past.

Thralldom: The practice of taking thralls by force from captured Westerosi folk ended with the outlawing of raiding & reaving on the soil of the Six Kingdoms or that of the independent North. However, the Iron Islands now has a new source for this precious resource of forced labor. It is not uncommon for Ironborn ships or their merchant charges to be attacked at sea by pirates of Essos (or in some cases, particularly bold Wildlings launching raids from the northern isles).

In this case, those who are captured following such battles are often given a choice: thralldom or being offered up in sacrifice to the Drowned God. Those that choose the former become indentured servants to the Ironborn, with their role depending on their particular skills (or lack thereof). This is typically a lifetime arrangement unless their Ironborn master sees fit to grant them their freedom at a later date. These individuals are not slaves (which remain illegal under Westerosi law), possessing several basic albeit extremely limited rights. Thralls may marry and any progeny of theirs do not share their parent's debt, allowing them to become full-fledged citizens.

Religions: The Drowned God continues to be the dominant religion of the Iron Islands. Missionaries representing the Faith of the Seven have attempted to make inroads on the archipelago with very little success.

Stereotypes: Most of the other Kingdoms view the Ironborn as boisterous and rowdy trouble makers.

Languages: Common, various trade dialects from Essos.

Aesthetic: As the majority of those from the Iron Islands spend most of their lives on ships, waterproof linens and wools of dark colours are uniquely common. With the introduction of various sea ports around Essos it isn't uncommon to see a few Islanders sporting something 'exotic' when not at sea.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Mixed - Deformed birth of nobleborn child.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: While exposed to a great deal of new technology through the Westerners the Ironborn don't typically adopt it in their own lives. The Ironborn will readily accept any and all magic, however.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Fair - many of the Ironborn still consider themselves a free nation, despite having sworn fealty to the King.
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The Reach

Bronn was not received well among the other Lords of Westeros, which was not much surprise to himself, nor did he care much of other’s opinions. He selected one of the Tyrell’s favoured houses and married their eldest daughter, appeasing the houses. He wasn’t much for ‘Lording’ about - his words; and so he left it to his wife to continue or change any previous Tyrell traditions.

Many Dothraki assimilated into Westerosi society, which tempered their inclinations for raiding, looting, raping, and pillaging. Inevitably, some Dothraki bucked the trend and ended up becoming raiders and horse thieves. These upstarts did not last long for the most part.

The ones who adapted chose to market their services as sellswords and freeriders. They largely avoided the North and instead settled in the Southern lands: the bulk of them chose the Reach, which had vast grazing lands for their horses and reminded them of home. Ser Bronn actively encouraged this, as he had seen firsthand what the Dothraki were capable of in battle and enthusiastically integrated them into his feudal army as elite light cavalry. Many of them ended up taking wives and integrated into Westerosi society, raising children and grandchildren on war stories from across the Narrow Sea.

Basic Information


Reigning House: Blackwater

Climate: Tropical

Economy: Heavily based in agriculture. The Reach is far and away the most fertile of the kingdoms; the region is home to farms which raise a variety of crops: wheat, melons, fireplums, peaches, apples, and grapes. They are also famed for their vineyards, which produce sweet Summer wines of great renown. The introduction of rugged Dothraki horses has led to a prominent horse-breeding industry.

Allies: The Riverlands

Rivals: Dorne

Societal Norms

The Faith of the Seven, The Great Stallion

Languages: Common, Dothraki

Aesthetic: The Reach remains among the wealthiest of the Kingdoms. The nobility (and to an extent, the smallfolk) enthusiastically wear bright, garish clothing that is well-embroidered. Short sleeves and attire that would be considered "revealing" or even scandalous in other provinces are widely-accepted. However, a great deal of the people have also adopted rugged Dothraki attire as a sort of novelty, modifying it for the region's unique aesthetic.

Events/Holidays/Traditions: As much of the populace were Dothraki naturalized citizens, some of their traditions have transitioned through the culture, most notably the tradition of horse theft: should one or more breeders fail to live up to the quality known to those within the Reach he will find his breeding stock plucked from him, leaving him penniless. This tradition started under Ser Bronn's rule. At the time, Ser Bronn did not feel the need punish the thieves as they, in the end, were increasing the wealth of his own kingdom.

Chivalric values continue to be widely-venerated in the Reach, which is home to the greatest number of anointed knights of any province. Well-regulated tourneys are a common pastime, serving to entertain nobility and commoners alike.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Very popular.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The Reachmen adopt new technology quickly, however continue to hesitate with new magic.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Fair
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The Westerlands

Under the guidance of Tyrion Lannister, the Westerlands found themselves climbing back into the spot of the wealthiest Kingdom in Westeros (though not too far ahead of the Reach). With their famous gold mines long-since depleted, Tyrion looked East for a new source of wealth.

Being among the few whom had seen Essos firsthand, he possessed considerable knowledge about the goods and trade of the various port cities and the economic potential they held. Forging an agreement with Lord Yara Greyjoy, he would pay her fleet to transport and protect his cargo.

This agreement continues to this day, wherein the Westerlands import foreign goods with tariffs that many would consider almost punitive. However, traders from Essos continue by and large to market their goods through the Lannisters all the same, as the Iron Fleet's efficiency and trustworthiness is considered more than worth the expense.

Basic Information

Capital: Casterly Rock

Reigning House: Lannister

Climate: Tropical/Dry Grassland: Very mild winters with hot, humid summers.

Economy: Casterly Rock and Lannisport are hubs of maritime trade, importing vast amounts of foreign goods on a weekly basis. With the loss of gold as an economic mainstay, textiles and tailoring has seen a boost in recent generations and the defunct gold-mining operations have been repurposed to exploit a number of iron ore veins in the region.

Allies: Iron Islands

Rivals: Stormlands

Societal Norms

The Faith of the Seven

Languages: Common, various languages from Essos

Aesthetic: Traditionally, the people of the Westerlands adorn themselves in red and gold colours. As iron is abundant in this region, it is often used as jewelry among the small folk.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Mixed.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The people of the Westerlands adopt technology and magic faster than any other kingdom.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Mixed
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The Stormlands
Lord Gendry Baratheon took up his seat in Storm's End following his legitimization at the hands of the Dragon-Queen (which was promptly reaffirmed by Bran the Broken following his inauguration). He instituted a variety of reforms which made him imminently palatable to the smallfolk, subsidizing a number of their economic efforts for the good of the province. Lord Gendry did not take a wife for many years even after taking up his seat; those in his inner circle suspected that he secretly pined after Arya Stark, hoping that she might one day return to his side and become his Lady.

The Stormlands have a profitable relationship with the Crownlands, facilitating maritime trade coming into King's Landing. The Iron Islands have surpassed them as the preeminent maritime power in the Six Kingdoms to the ire of many Stormlanders, though they seek to narrow this gap with each passing day.

Basic Information

Capital: Storm's End

Reigning House: Baratheon

Climate: Tropical/Maritime: The Stormlands were so-named for their severe and frequent storms, which ravage the coastline on a regular basis during autumn.

Economy: The rich forests dotting the landscape are a potent source of timber and pelts, along with a number of small iron deposits. The inland portion of the Stormlands is sufficiently fertile to allow for limited agriculture, though the province cannot match the Reach or Riverlands in this regard. Instead, the sea continues to be the province's primary resource. The thriving coastal towns compete heavily with the Westerlands for maritime trade with Essos. Following the Great War, the region's deposits of dragonglass has become a popular albeit expensive luxury item to be used in jewelry and weaponry, thus making the large deposits found in the region a valuable resource.

Allies: The Crownlands

Rivals: Iron Islands, The Westerlands

Societal Norms

The Faith of the Red God R'hllor continues to be the primary religion of many inhabitants of the Stormlands, both commoners and nobility alike. Representatives of the Faith of the Seven have attempted to reestablishing their worship within the province in the last century, with limited success.

Languages: Common, various trade languages from Essos

Aesthetic: Traditionally, the people of the Stormlands adorn themselves in brown, gray, and dark green colours. Jewelry -- among those who choose to wear it -- is often drab in comparison to that of other regions, often coming in the form of plain iron bands or the occasional dragonglass heirloom.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Mixed.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The miracles performed by the Red God have left the traditionally conservative Stormlanders quite accepting of magic, though opinions about advancing technology vary.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: The people of the Stormlands are overwhelmingly supportive of their King, many of them having fond memories of his reign as Lord Paramount of the Stormlands prior to being elected.
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Following the loss of the majority of their noble house and subsequent heirs, Dorne was crippled. On the precipice of civil war, the Martell house announced the discovery of a young bastard of Martell blood. With the people satiated for the time, the impromptu Prince of Dorne with the surname of Sand left for King's Landing to determine the fate of their Kingdom. Once the vote had concluded, Bran the Broken recognized him as the true heir of the House of Martell, legitimizing his claim and settling any rising tensions.

The Dornish people were not overly satisfied with the decision to bend the knee to the new king, however with the broken House needing to be rebuilt and their allies gone, Dorne needed to recuperate. To this day the people of Dorne believe they should secede from the Kingdom and reclaim their independence.

Basic Information


Reigning House: Martell

Climate: Arid/Desert: Dorne is home to the most unforgiving Summers in all of Westeros, with a consistent dry heat throughout the daytime hours, only to be followed by surprisingly cool nights. Winters, however, are very mild and only the coastal regions tend to see significant precipitation.

Economy: Dorne's climate and terrain is unique among Westeros and facilitates the growth of many unique citrus crops that aren't available elsewhere: olives, lemons, pomegranates, plums, and blood oranges. Dornish red wine continues to be a staple among the nobility throughout Westeros, renowned for its blood-red color and sweet flavor.

Dorne also exports exotic spices and rich dyed textiles that are in great demand in the northern provinces and across the Narrow Sea. The province is also famous for its "sand-steeds"; the lightly-built horses are fabled for their speed, endurance, and gracefulness. The bazaars of Sunspear are a hub of trade where merchants from Essos, the Summer Isles, and Westeros meet in order to exchange goods.

Allies: The Westerlands

Rivals: The Reach

Societal Norms

"Paramours" are frequent among the upper classes, where men and women frequently take on multiple lovers without the need or desire for secrecy. In many cases, these consorts are given the same rights and status as a legal spouse and any children they bear -- despite receiving the surname "Sand" -- are legitimized heirs. Bisexuality & homosexuality do not carry the same stigma in Dorne that it does in other regions.

In typical Rhoynar fashion, the term Prince/Princess is used as opposed to Lord/Lady.

Religions: The Faith of the Seven

Stereotypes: Dornish men and women are regarded as hot-blooded, passionate, and promiscuous by the rest of Westeros.

Languages: Common

Aesthetic: The Dornish people favor light-coloured silks given the high temperatures at midday, women often wear scarves in lieu of hats to keep the heat off.

Popularity of the Noble House among the people: Fair, they are satisfied the Martell name has brought balance back to Dorne.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The Dornish are wary of magic, but readily accept technological advancements.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Low, despite being a favoured House, the Dornish believe they should either rule the 6 Kingdoms or secede.
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The Crownlands & King's Landing

The Crownlands suffered greatly from the ambitions of those within and around them during the War of Five Kings. King's Landing -- the Westerosi capital -- was nearly razed in its entirety by the Dragon-Queen. Following Bran the Broken's inauguration as King, the process of rebuilding began. Generations passed before the city began to resemble its former glory.

Among Bran's orders came the decision to construct seven keeps ringing the city: one representing each of the kingdoms, even the now-independent North. These holdfasts can be used as defensive fortifications in times of war, but often serve simply to host delegations arriving in the city.

The reform of the Kingdoms' political system has had a lasting effect on how "the Great Game" is played... though it has not disappeared. Where royal weddings, assassinations, and even coups once served to further a noble family's ambitions toward the Iron Throne, now information is a dominant force. Lords and ladies attempt to curry favor with the Great Houses or mar the name of others in order to earn votes in their favor for when the next monarch must be crowned.

Basic Information

King's Landing

Reigning House: Baratheon

Climate: Tropical/Temperate: Summers in the Crownlands tend to be hot and humid, though winters are mild by comparison.

Economy: King's Landing, following its rebuilding, has grown once again into a thriving metropolis in recent years. The harbor is among the largest in the Six Kingdoms, facilitating trade from the rest of Westeros as well as from across the Narrow Sea. Trade goods and taxes arrive from the other provinces on a daily basis and various districts dominate portions of the crowded city interior where trade guilds dominate everything from smithing to tailoring to jewelry-crafting.

Outside of the capital, the landscape is dotted with smaller trade towns and farming villages.

Allies: The Stormlands

Rivals: Dorne

Societal Norms

The Faith of the Seven is still the dominant religion, though its influence has waned considerably since the end of the War. The Sept of Baelor was never rebuilt and no ruler since has been eager to repeat Cersei Lannister's mistake where the Faith Militant and High Sparrow are concerned.

The crowning of Bran the Broken -- a proven Three-Eyed Raven and greenseer -- vindicated the faith of the Old Gods in the eyes of many, leading to a resurgence of the old beliefs in the Crownlands that hasn't been seen in thousands of years. A small grove of trees situated near the Red Keep was converted into a Godswood.

The faith of the Red God R'hllor is increasingly common in the Crownlands.

Stereotypes: Crownlanders are often seen as self-important by residents of other provinces.

Languages: Common

Aesthetic: Thin, light-colored clothing is favored in the Crownlands due to the humid heat. The attire of the upper classes tends to be well-embroidered, while those residing in the slums of the inner city make do with drab tones such as tan and brown.

Stance on advanced technology/magic: The people of the Crownlands are quite eager to accept new technologies. The reign of Bran the Broken left them open to the idea of magic and miracles.

Opinion on the governing King/Queen: Approving.
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Essos & The Narrow Sea

Essos was never the same after the arrival and ascension of Daenerys Stormborn, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. The trio of slave cities in Slaver's Bay -- Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen -- were no longer able to forcibly hold a large amount of the population in chains. Following the Dragon-Queen's departure from Essos and subsequent death, a power vaccuum emerged. The slave cities and surrounding regions fell into a state of civil war and anarchy: former slavers attempting to reassert their dominance, former slaves avenging old vendettas, and the massive redistribution of wealth and power which had knock-on effects throughout the rest of Essos. A century later, old blood feuds continue -- but widespread institutional slavery has not reemerged. The former slave cities have managed to become prosperous trade centers, though instability remains a perpetual problem.

The Free Cities continue to prosper as conduits of trade between the rest of Essos and Westeros. The Iron Bank of Braavos saw their influence across the Narrow Sea diminish... only to rapidly reappear as the kingdom was forced to take out a number of loans in order to rebuild following the War. Much of the debt has been repaid since, but this is an ongoing process. The Disputed Lands continue to change hands on a regular basis and are home to frequent skirmishes and minor wars, allowing sellswords to ply their trade.

Dothraki society was never the same after Daenerys. She burned all the major Khals alive and brought the lion's share of fighting-age riders with her to Westeros for her invasion. With many Dothraki being killed in the subsequent conflict or choosing to assimilate into Westerosi society afterward, relatively few chose to return home to the Dothraki Sea. Taking ships back across the Narrow Sea, they linked up with the few of their kin who had stayed behind and attempted to reassert their dominance in Essos. This caused a considerable chaos on the already tumultuous continent, but ultimately they were never able to reach the same height of power they enjoyed prior to the rise of the Dragon-Queen.

The Unsullied -- once one of the most feared and disciplined military forces of the known world -- have faded into history. Few remained in Westeros following the death of their Queen. Some traveled
back to Essos in order to help lead slave revolts or serve as sellswords. The majority followed their leader, Grey Worm, to the island of Naath. In time, they integrated peacefully with the pacifistic natives, serving as protectors of the isle against raids by slavers & pirates and teaching future generations to defend themselves as necessary.
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Beyond the Wall

Shortly after Jon Snow was sent to the Wall to return to the Night's Watch and serve out the remainder of his days he escaped into the North Beyond the Wall. The Night's Watch never openly contended that they had made attempts to stop his flight, though they also never noted that they hadn't. The general confusion of those whom had reported Snow missing, months after it has occurred, left the Hand of the King with no other choice. A bounty was placed on Snow's head; any that turn him in would receive one Silver Stag.

Nothing more has been heard from Beyond the Wall - at least nothing South of the North - though rumours spread, as they do, that Jon took a wilding wife and sired children, whom had their own children. The word spreads that one of his grandchildren are claiming birth rights to the Throne of the Seven Kingdoms but there has been little proof of any authenticity behind this.​

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