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Futuristic - Fugitives -


The Mediator
You may use the BBCode as much as you like

A Like Equals Accepted

(Picture of Character Needed)





Sexual Orientation:




Status:(Captured, Hidden, Fugitive, Government)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:






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(Ben Affleck!!!)

Name: Marko Carter

Alias: Void

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Cold, ruthless, and psychotic, along with several other personalities.

Alignment: Villains

Occupation: Former CEO of Stym Tech, hacker, weapons dealer.

Status: Fugitive

Height: 6ft 9

Weight: 160 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Power/s: Telekinesis



-Billions of dollars at disposal



-Multiple psychotic personalities

-Makes lots of enemies


The important facts:

Made high tech weapons for the military but soon resigned. After starting Stym tech, Marko began making LOTS of money! After 10 years, he began having psychological irregularities and slowly developed his TK. He then went insane and murdered a bunch of people, stole money, sells weapons, etc. Now a fugitive.



Equipment: Several weapons, carbon fiber armor. Hack proof phone.

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CHIMNY said:
Name: Marko Carter
Alias: Void

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Cold, ruthless, and psychotic, along with several other personalities.

Alignment: Villains

Occupation: Former CEO of Stym Tech, hacker, weapons dealer.

Height: 6ft 9

Weight: 160 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Power/s: Telekinesis



-Billions of dollars at disposal



-Multiple psychotic personalities

-Makes lots of enemies


The important facts:

After starting Stym tech, Marko began making LOTS of money! After 10 years, he began having psychological irregularities and slowly developed his TK. He then went insane and murdered a bunch of people, stole money, sells weapons, etc. Now a fugitive.



Equipment: Several weapons, carbon fiber armor. Hack proof phone.
Please add the Status and Picture of the Character
CHIMNY said:

(Ben Affleck!!!)

Name: Marko Carter

Alias: Void

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Personality: Cold, ruthless, and psychotic, along with several other personalities.

Alignment: Villains

Occupation: Former CEO of Stym Tech, hacker, weapons dealer.

Status: Fugitive/hidden

Height: 6ft 9

Weight: 160 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Power/s: Telekinesis



-Billions of dollars at disposal



-Multiple psychotic personalities

-Makes lots of enemies


The important facts:

After starting Stym tech, Marko began making LOTS of money! After 10 years, he began having psychological irregularities and slowly developed his TK. He then went insane and murdered a bunch of people, stole money, sells weapons, etc. Now a fugitive.



Equipment: Several weapons, carbon fiber armor. Hack proof phone.
what I meant by Fugitive is that they have been found by the government and is on the run and if you are hidden then you are not yet a fugitive

Nathaniel C. Vincent



  • Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

    Alias: Reaper

    Age: 35(42)

    Sex: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


    Nathan over the years grew in Selflessness, Fearlessness, Seriousness and Recklessness though being quite Quick Witted, Aggressive, Friendly, Caring, Kind and Proactiveness

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Occupation: P.D.R.

    Status: Government

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 142 lbs

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Blue

    Power/s: Regeneration


    -Hacking Skills

    -CQC specialist




    -Susceptibility to Freezing



Sarah G. North



  • Name: Sarah G. North

    Alias: Winter, Blizzard

    Age: 28(35)

    Sex: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


    Sarah as the Years went by made her Serious, Joyous, Passionate, Caring, Defensive, Aggressive and Deceptive

    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Occupation: P.D.R.

    Status: Government

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 122 lbs

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Blue

    Power/s: Regeneration


    -Training in Freezing Temperatures

    -CQC specialist






    -Blacks Out in High Temperatures

    -Slower Regeneration

Johnathan T. Carmichael



  • Name: Johnathan T. Carmichael

    Alias: ?1 Tango

    Age: 51(58)

    Sex: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


    Johnathan over the Pass few Years learned to become More Understanding, Caring and Merciful while be it he is still a Quick Learner, Arrogant, Over Confident, Resourceful and Manipulative

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Occupation: P.D.R.

    Status: Government

    Height: 6'5"

    Weight: 122 lbs

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Green

    Power/s: Regeneration


    -CIA training

    -Special Operations Training


    -Quick Learner



    -Over Confident

    -Hard Headed

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Name: (rick) Reaper mech.

Age: (died at 37) 15 since deployment.

Sexuality: heterosexual

Sex: (died a male) male mindset.

Personalty: Cold and quiet and follows directive although he's still caring and humours.

Alignment: Fugitives

Height. 8,3

Weight: 300

Power: able to control technology from his mind.

Strengths: Built to kill a tank. Nuff said. Advanced firewalls.

Weakness: can be hacked and shut down with electricity.
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[QUOTE="Joshua matt]

Name: (rick) Reaper mech.

Age: (died at 37) 15 since deployment.

Sexuality: none.

Sex: (died a male) neither.

Personalty: Cold and quiet and follows directive although he's still caring and humours.

Alignment: neutrality.

Height. 8,3

Weight: 300

Power: able to control technology from his mind.

Strengths: Built to kill a tank. Nuff said.

Weakness: can be hacked and shut down with electricity.

Where is the Occupation and Status?
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]
Occupation: mercenary.

Status: neutral.


Status is either Captured, Hidden, Fugitive or Government

Name: Victor Forraeder

Alias: Street Stalker

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Is an overall bitter and angry person. Some would say that he'd mad at the world, or that he's slightly insane. In either case, he is not a pleasant person to be around if you're on the wrong side of the law. He is in direct contrast to himself a few years ago, when he was an optimistic hero fighting for hope and peace. Now he runs the streets with fear and terror, he doesn't mess around anymore. In his eyes, criminals are a disease, and deserve to be eradicated with force and brutality. He isn't afraid to do what it takes, for the ends justify the means. If it takes a few casualties to accomplish cold justice, he will not hesitate.

Alignment: Vigilante

Occupation: Bar tender

Status: Captured

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Power/s: Echo Location

Strengths: quick, agile, acrobatic, fast reflexes, indirect fighting, brave, loyal.

Weaknesses: his temper can get him in trouble sometimes, rash, problems with authority, under estimates enemies, loud or high pitched noises.

Background: Grew up in a relatively normal family, until his parents found out about his powers. From then on, he was held to extremely high standards, always expected to do better and make use of his gift. His life lasted like that for a few years, until he was no longer able to bear the pressure. Moving out, he decided to travel the world, expanding upon his experiences and skills until he arrived at Astra city. Hoping that it would be a fresh start, he stayed there, hoping to prove that he was ready to learn his own ways. After the hero alliance dissolved, he found himself fighting the rising crime alone. Having lost hope in doing things the clean way, he began to change his methods.

Relationships: None

Equipment: a sword, two daggers, one whip, a grapple line, nun-chucks, brass knuckles, a pistol, night vision goggles, gas pellets, and flash grenades.
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VirtualNotoriety said:
You may use the BBCode as much as you like
A Like Equals Accepted

(Picture of Character Needed)





Sexual Orientation:




Status:(Captured, Hidden, Fugitive, Government)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:






(i hope an anime image is ok)


Name: ali (AI lifelike infantry unit)

Alias: night shade

Age: time since she's been activated 3 years (looks to be at least 19)

Sex: looks and acts female

Sexual Orientation: programmed to be bisexual

Personality: truly she is a perfect combination of every personality, she can choose which personality she uses weather its absolutely adorable and innocent, completely cold and ruthless, or even down right seductive.

Alignment: at the moment evil

Occupation: assassin

Status: fugitive

Height: 5"11

Weight: 134 pounds

Hair Color: a deep blue

Eye Color: sky blue

Power/s: super strength, master marksman, enhanced vision hearing and other sensory functions, master of melee combat with weapons


not easily manipulated

never intimidated

emp's dont really work


can be hacked

her optics can be fried by electrical pulses

her enhanced hearing often causes disruptions in her fighting skills

Background: tbr? (if cant leave her back ground as a to be revealed ill put it in)

Relationships: none atm


integrated flight suit on her back (completely hidden when not in use) her feet also have booster in the bottom's for propulsion


sniper rifle


dual revolvers stored in her upper legs


dual swords hidden within her legs (swords in picture)

throwing stars held in her hips

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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](i hope an anime image is ok)

Name: ali (AI lifelike infantry unit)

Alias: night shade

Age: time since she's been activated 3 years (looks to be at least 19)

Sex: looks and acts female

Sexual Orientation: programmed to be bisexual

Personality: truly she is a perfect combination of every personality, she can choose which personality she uses weather its absolutely adorable and innocent, completely cold and ruthless, or even down right seductive.

Alignment: at the moment evil

Occupation: assassin

Status: fugitive

Height: 5"11

Weight: 134 pounds

Hair Color: a deep blue

Eye Color: sky blue

Power/s: super strength, master of hand to hand combat, master marksman, enhanced vision hearing and other sensory functions, master of melee combat with weapons


not easily manipulated

never intimidated

emp's dont really work


can be hacked

her optics can be fried by electrical pulses

Background: tbr? (if cant leave her back ground as a to be revealed ill put it in)

Relationships: none atm


integrated flight suit on her back (completely hidden when not in use) her feet also have booster in the bottom's for propulsion


sniper rifle


dual revolvers stored in her upper legs


dual swords hidden within her legs (swords in picture)

throwing stars held in her hips


The character seems kind of A Mary Sue, I will Allow you to keep three powers ok so that it can be fair for others who will join the RP and that your character can't be easily beaten.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Odst.png.65fbe418ef039395a174146b252f850f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Odst.png.65fbe418ef039395a174146b252f850f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jek Kadar

Alias: Rookie

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: The strong/silent type, usually calm under pressure, known to be "ruthless" doing what ever it takes to get the job done

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: P.D.R.

Status: Government

Height: 6'1

Weight: 190 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Power/s: "Enhanced Training" John's enhanced physical and mental training have allowed him to become one of the best Spec Ops troops currently.

Strengths: 1. Highly Sophisticated Body Armor

2. Trained in CQC (Close Quarters Combat)

3. Night Combat

4. Quick learner

Weaknesses: 1. Tends to be "ruthless" which can sometimes create a large amount of civillian casualties

2. He is "only human" relying only on his wit and training due to his lack of powers.

3. His armor's systems can be shut down by an EMP.

Background: [Level 10 Access Required]

Relationships: N/A

Equipment: M7S Caseless Submachine Gun, and the M6 SOCOM Pistol

P.D.R. Shock Trooper Battle Armor (MK V)

Shock Trooper Helmet - The helmet is made of titanium, coated with a heat resistance material to help disperse heat - the inside is lined with black padding to provide comfort when the user is wearing it. The helmet's faceplate is made of a strong, glass-like material with the ability to polarize. When polarized, the helmet's faceplate has a silver blue color to it, and obscures the wearer's face completely. It also has a communicator in it. The helmet also has a heart beat sensor in it's heads up display.

Shock Trooper BDU - The body suit is made up of several different layers and materials, the inner layer of the black-gray undersuit is made up of Kevlar material to aid in protecting the wearer from small arms fire, the inner layer also contains a heating and cooling system which regulates temperatures to keep the user warm or cool depending on the weather conditions - the heating and cooling system can also match infrared signatures of the current weather as well to allow a Shock Trooper to go undetected in hostile locations. The outer shell layer is comprised of Titanium and Ceramic composite armor plating that covers the chest, shoulders, legs and feet.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Odst_b12.jpg.43e7f778c5c17da9cadd8b8f6a4ae7ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Odst_b12.jpg.43e7f778c5c17da9cadd8b8f6a4ae7ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rookie said:
View attachment 254777
Name: John Doe

Alias: Rookie

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: The strong/silent type, usually calm under pressure, known to be "ruthless" doing what ever it takes to get the job done

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: P.D.R.

Status: Government

Height: 6'1

Weight: 190 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Power/s: "Enhanced Training" John's enhanced physical and mental training have allowed him to become one of the best Spec Ops troops currently.

Strengths: 1. Highly Sophisticated Body Armor

2. Trained in CQC (Close Quarters Combat)

3. Night Combat

4. Quick learner

Weaknesses: 1. Tends to be "ruthless" which can sometimes create a large amount of civillian casualties

2. He is "only human" relying only on his wit and training due to his lack of powers.

3. His armor's systems can be shut down by an EMP.

Background: [Level 10 Access Required]

Relationships: N/A

Equipment: M7S Caseless Submachine Gun, and the M6 SOCOM Pistol

P.D.R. Shock Trooper Battle Armor (MK V)

Shock Trooper Helmet - The helmet is made of titanium, coated with a heat resistance material to help disperse heat - the inside is lined with black padding to provide comfort when the user is wearing it. The helmet's faceplate is made of a strong, glass-like material with the ability to polarize. When polarized, the helmet's faceplate has a silver blue color to it, and obscures the wearer's face completely. It also has a communicator in it. The helmet also has a heart beat sensor in it's heads up display.

Shock Trooper BDU - The body suit is made up of several different layers and materials, the inner layer of the black-gray undersuit is made up of Kevlar material to aid in protecting the wearer from small arms fire, the inner layer also contains a heating and cooling system which regulates temperatures to keep the user warm or cool depending on the weather conditions - the heating and cooling system can also match infrared signatures of the current weather as well to allow a Shock Trooper to go undetected in hostile locations. The outer shell layer is comprised of Titanium and Ceramic composite armor plating that covers the chest, shoulders, legs and feet.
Accepted, as a suggestion - change the guys name, too Jen Eric (i meant generic) :P , but its up to you.

Elaine N. Ardent



  • Agent Aurora
  • Sarah Westbrook
  • Orpheus

Age: Physically 22, presumed to be older; theoretical age is [REDACTED, LEVEL 10 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 117 lbs

Hair Color: Spring Green (Brown as Sarah)

Eye Color: Amber (Brown as Sarah)

Alignment: Villains

Occupation: Vigilante/Chef, former P.D.R agent, former [REDACTED, LEVEL 10 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]

Status: Fugitive


  • Cunning and sly, her craftiness and brilliance lead her to the top ranks of the P.D.R before the events of [REDACTED, LEVEL 10 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. Her sarcasm and wit was second to none in the department.


Her primary power is Photokinesis which means she can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. This allows her to do a multitude of things including:

  • Light Attacks - She is able to summon orbs of light so intense that they are able to obliterate things in its path without any need for heat.
  • Invisibility - Elaine is able to negate light from hitting her body, thus making her completely invisible.
  • Light Solidification - With some concentration, she is able to make light tangible. Depending on her focus, the hardlight can be akin to a jelly-like substance or nearly as hard as metal. She hasn't mastered this trick quite yet though, having newly created it accidentally.
  • Illusion - Elaine's power allows her to create, shape, and control illusions. They are based on sight entirely, thus having no effect to the other senses or have a physical presence.


  • CQC Specialist
  • Multilingual
  • Mastery over power
  • Decent Marksman
  • Expert in clandestine operations


  • Fragile frame
  • Does not know when to keep her mouth shut
  • Has tunnel-vision, when she goes for something she'll put all her effort into that thing.



Relationships: N/A


(with spring green as its secondary color)

Elaine's usual apparel, made out of durable fabric with nanites that regulates temperature.


Elaine's battle armor. Made out of tough yet light synthetic metals, it provides strong protection while not hindering the wearer's mobility in the slightest. Its helmet has a HUD that keeps track of the wearer's condition, heartbeat, ammo, and etc.

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