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Realistic or Modern Frozen Smile


Men are NOT peanut butter.
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My Interest Check
Beep! Beep! BEEEP!

At the sound of their alarm clock bleeding into their dreams, Cam groaned and turned over, turning the horrible sound off before getting up. It was going to be a normal day, they hoped. Cam got dressed and grabbed a piece of toast before leaving. “Great, another day just like the rest.” They muttered to themself before running the rest of the way to school.

When Cam got to the school, they quickly plastered on a smile before running to their locker. Hopefully they would get some alone time before the friends they didn’t consider friends bombarded them. They quickly put their bag away before grabbed their sketchbook and a pencil. Cam leaned against their locker, sketching for a while until they decided they should go meet everyone outside.

“hi,” Cam said, fake enthusiasm covering their annoyance. They feined a smile and leaned against the wall, tilting their head up to the sky and fixing their hood. “how are you?” They asked, not wanting to beyond common courtesy but knowing they would have to talk to these people. Most days, it was fine, tolerable, but today, they felt like absolute crap and just wanted to be done with it all.

( eyclore eyclore )
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Kenzo took a while to get ready that day, he set his timer to 6am, getting him enough time to get dressed and eat breakfast. Kenzo decided to dress into something casual, he wore a white top with some black jeans and a silver chain around his neck and grabbed a pop tart for breakfast before he walked over to school. The walk was short to the school, as he walked past, many people stared at him. It was normal for him them to do that, after all Kenzo was good looking. His hazel eyes twinkled and his blonde hair shined, the freckles dotted around his face stood as he strides down the street.

he arrived to the school, many students were cluttered at the front, talking to their friends. Kenzo immediently went for the courtyard, where his friends usually met. There was Cyprian, the sandy haired boy had a football on the floor as he played with it, then there was Rani. The dark haired boy was talking, hands in his pockets as he squinted against the strong wind. Then there was Cam. Their white hair stood them out of the crowd as they leaned against the wall. As Kenzo approached them, his heart pounded faster and he took his place next to Rani. He nodded at them in greeting. “Yo.”

his friends greeted them and then Rani suddenly launched into a conversation about how fried chicken was better in takeout or eaten inside. Kenzo started to notice how quiet Cam was. They were usually much more talkative and energetic. He tilted his head, blocking out rani’s voice and watched cam, an eyebrow raised. “Hey cam, want to stroll around?” he offered. He could ask cam when not much people were around.

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ]
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Cam didn't engage in Rani's conversation, but listened slightly. It wasn't interesting, as they rarely went to restaurants and instead cooked, but they wanted to listen to what the others said, in case someone brought it up, although they didn't value the certain conversation very much. It wasn't like they would ever use the information. On the other hand, there was nothing else they had to do.

When someone walked up to Cam, they jumped slightly. After regaining posture, they smiled warmly at Kenzo. "Hi!" They said, sugarcoating the words. "You look nice.." They weren't sure what else to say, and just took their hood off. It felt odd, like they were doing something they shouldn't have been, but they didn't show it. They weren't sure what to say next, instead offering a small smile.

Cam's smile faltered for a moment before they tilted their head slightly. "What do.. you mean, a stroll?" They looked around for a few moments before adding "I mean, school is going to start at some point soon, so we don't have.. very much time, but sure.." They shrugged, watching him.

( eyclore eyclore )
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Kenzo watched Cam as they jumped slightly and he narrowed his eyes. Cam wasn’t usually like this, were they okay? He was usually one to ignore someone who was moody, but he could tell cam was upset about something. As Cam greeted him, he felt as if Cam was forcing the cheerfulness out of themself. Then cam complimented that he looked nice. kenzo’s cheeks flushed and he gave a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks.” He watched as Cam took off their hood and kenzo stood awkwardly. What should they do now…?

when Cam jumped at Kenzo when he suggested about the stroll but reluctantly agreed. “Don’t worry. They won’t even notice that we’re gone.” He said with a wink. Then Kenzo turned to a path walking down the school. As he walked down, he kept glancing at Cam, watching as they walked with him with a concentrated stare, his cheeks heated up and his heart pounded before he looked away quickly.

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ]
Cam nodded slightly before realizing they had been staring and looking away. Let's hope they don't notice us.. they thought, staring at the ground before quickly looking up and looking around. "Where are we going?" they had seen the path, but had always been too busy to see where it went. They slowly put their hood back on, letting it cover half their face.

Cam looked back at him, smiling slightly. "Why are you so .. embarrassed?" they teased, watching him on the verge staring. They walked a little bit faster, looking around at the scenery. "It is.. pretty over here, even though we are really close to the city and the busy streets." They thought out loud, looking back to Kenzo with a warm smile.

( eyclore eyclore )
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Kenzo jumped as Cam asked why he was embarrassed and his heart pounded fast and he looked away before turning back. “Nothing..” he mumbled as he looked forwards. Was he being too obvious? What did cam think of him? Probably just friends. He wanted to confess to Cam, but would that change their friendship…? Anyways, kenzo couldn’t get distracted. He needed to know why cam was faking their happiness.

cam then smiled at him, complimenting about the scenery and he nodded, smiling. “It seemed like you were quite quiet today.” He commented, trying to slip in the question subtly.

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ]
Cam smiled and nodded. “oh..okay..” they whispered, watching Kenzo. “okay..” they repeated. They didn’t exactly believe him, but didn’t want to push. They did the same thing, and didn’t think it was right to call him out on it.

When he brought up their quietness, Cam looked away. "oh.. just.. tired" they lied, staring at the ground and hoping he wouldn't notice. "I spent all night studying." They added with a shrug. "just don't exactly feel like myself."

( eyclore eyclore )
Kenzo hoped that Cam didn’t think he was keeping secrets from them but shook that thought away. He hoped he didn’t hurt Cam’s feelings.

as Cam said his excuse, he raised an eyebrow. cam wasn’t the sort of person to study so this was strange. There was no test coming up either. “Oh.” He nodded as he looked ahead. “I don’t remember any new tests coming up.” He shrugged. ”you shouldn’t study at night,”he added, sighing. “You won’t feel well in the morning. Maybe I can help you with whatever you’re studying so you don’t have to stay up late.”

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ]
Cam shrugged, scrambling for an excuse. “I… uhm.. had homework i had to do.. that i forgot about.. until last night..” they stammered. Even though they didn’t think he would buy it. “And..i’m okay.. it was just science..” they shrugged. “it just took a while to do.. and i lost my notebook.”

Cam shrugged. “plus.. what if there’s a pop quiz? what do I do?” they asked him, watching the scenery. “i just.. want to be prepared..” they shrugged. 'even though.. my science teacher doesn't give pop quizzes..' they added in their head, but didn't want to say. "And.. no, that's okay, thanks for the offer. I just need to get.. better with my homework." They said out loud, rubbing their neck with an embarrassed smile.

eyclore eyclore
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Cam stuttered, as if they was trying to hide something from him. Kenzo’s eyebrows went higher each time they paused. That was a lot of information. “ohh.. yeah. Science homework was hard yesterday.” he murmured, running a hand through his hair. even if we didn’t get set homework yesterday.. he thought grimly.

Cam refused his offer to help as they stuttered and murmured. Kenzo tilted his head to a side. “cam, is there something bothering you? I can something’s wrong.” he asked softly.

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ] [/B]
Cam looked up at him, surprised. "No.. no, I'm okay.." They whispered. "I just need to get more organized." They hoped he would believe them, and offered a small smile before staring at their feet again. "And.. I couldn't sleep last night." It wasn't far from the truth, and maybe if they were lucky he would actually believe it. It wasn't a lie if it was partly true, right?

"Hopefully I can get more sleep tonight." They smiled slightly in his direction. "Although, it may be hard. My brother moved into my room and is always screaming or playing video games when I'm trying to sleep. It's annoying, but my parents don't care.." They stopped. "Sorry, was that.. too much?" they asked, realizing how much they had talked.

( eyclore eyclore )
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