

Suffers from Selective Memory
Two important details.

1. I reward stupidity with injury or worse.

2. Zombies are not a part of this reality's pop culture. Your characters will not know to automatically aim for the head.
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Appearences realistic, anime, or realistically drawn? I love the idea of zombies in the winter.
I don't care which you choose. I'm not even sure which I'll be using, although I've found myself enticed by digital art(not anime) lately.
Completely up to you. I'm not forcing any character sets onto anyone. Make your character as you wish.
Hey, I'm done with my character sheet, but I would like to add some pictures to give an idea of what my gear/clothing looks like. @Atom
@Stew Alright. Want me to wait till then?

@RomanTheFireGod Denied. No military personnel. No military grade weaponry.

@Bills352 Accepted.

8 hours in light snow.

6 hours in heavy snow.

Run speed is significantly impaired. You cannot sprint. Normal speed is unimpeded.

@Stew @EnderSlayer

Both accepted

You can both remain outside for two hours in light snow condition. A single hour in heavy snow.

Moving speed is unimpeded. So your character can move at their natural top speed without a problem.

@Stew After you add your pictures I may change your time and speed but this is what I've derived from the description.

@ShatteredSoul Just wanted to inform you that we're only a few weeks into the apocalypse.
@Atom, it'f fine, I'll just add the pictures later on.

@Atom, I'm finished adding pictures. But I'm confused as to why people have Military-grade stuff even though you said for it to be backwoods-hunting sort of equipment.
Oh, ok. At first I thought Halycon's weapon was a Military one, but then I realized that I've seen it used by hunters.
I'm hoping to start today. Depends on how busy I am this evening.
@Roo @Stew Conditions remain the same although you can remain in light snow an hour longer.
Hopefully today. I'm omw home now.

Starter post is up

I'm going to work on my post now.

It's gonna be sizeable to set the scene for myself but then I'll probably make drastically smaller posts. There's no post guideline or anything. Just wanted to clarify that.
Sounds good! I have a rehearsal practice tonight so I won't be able to get a good intro post up until about 5 hours from now. Hopefully not too much will happen in that time frame.
My post will kinda give any inteRested parties a method of getting involved early xP

I'm getting ready to throw it up.
Is my character okay, I'm actually quite worried, I may have made a bad decision as a starting location, but I trust myself
Characters good

Your conditions are the same as Sugars character

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