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Realistic or Modern Frostbite


Suffers from Selective Memory

Time=24 Hours until darkness


Snow Height=6 inches

Sky=Clouds in the distance, moving towards Arbiture

Temperature=5° F

The world had definitely gone to shit. And not even the temperature extreme areas, places like Arbiture, were spared. Hell, you could say things were worse. At least for Arbiture was. The initial panic claimed about 90% of arbiture's citizens. Not as many as a city but they were still a sizeable town.

After the first week the next 5% went, numbers quickly dwindled until only the lucky or the strong remained in Arbiture...and the undead.

And what shit timing all this was. The strong of Arbiture would need to become a lot stronger to survive what was coming. The dark months. Northern Alaska's winter. For Arbiture it wasn't just a simple time of heavy snow. The sun set, and it wouldn't rise again, not until summer finally rolled around...things were about to get dark, cold, and downright deadly. Don't get Frostbite...
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Ernie Mack

World gone to shit, undead eating everyone, bombs in cities, nukes, an entire shitfest in the world.

And Ernie didn't even know it. For the past two months he'd been deep in the Alaskan wilderness on a hunting trip. He'd had a decent haul this time around; a majority of the meat now kept in his cabin he used when on these trips. A single large buck was loaded in the back as Ernie made his way down the winding mountainous road into Arbiture. Things were rather normal until he reached the outskirts of town. Six inches of snow on the road...

Traditionally Arbiture managed to keep the roads rather clear, even if heavy winter conditions. So it was no surprise that this caught Ernie's attention. Ernie sat there a moment, looking out at the snow covered road, hesitating. His mind was itching, tellin' him it was a bad idea to go forward. But of course Ernie didn't listen, he had a deer to sell, big ole 13 pointer. Definitely would fetch him a rather good price. After another moment’s hesitation Ernie put pressure on the gas and started forward. His studded tires made sure he didn't get stuck in the snow as he drove in.

The further he drove the more Ernie felt unsure of Arbiture, the streets seemed deserted. Shop windows smashed, doors hanging wide open to the cold. And the gun store was completely demolished in the front, and the interior looked torn apart. Ernie skidded to a halt as he began hearing gunfire. It was further down into the town, probably near the center by the sounds. Ernie hesitated a moment before reaching back and grabbing his colt before continuing on.

About a block away from the center of town he spotted someone finally, meandering down the road. Ernie drove up beside them quickly, rolling the window down. "Hey! Hey pal! Where's everyone at? I haven't seen anyone and the town looks trash- ey man you alright?" Ernie asked as the man turned, half of his face was torn away, dripping blood and his eyes looked faded. The man let out a low moan and began approaching the truck.

"Hold on man! Let me give you a hand! Come around the side!" Ernie said quickly, pushing the door open and getting out. He turned to head around the sound right as the man fell forward the last few feet and seemed to tackle Ernie, hitting him with a deadweight it seemed. Ernie collapsed beneath him with a shout, his pistol fumbling to the ground a short bit away. The man didn't hesitate to attempt to bite Ernie, jaws working open and closed as he yearned for Ernie's face, only his arm under his chin holding it back. Ernie struggled against him, groaning against the man’s weight. After a bit of a struggle he got a knee beneath him and shoved the man away with a grunt.

"Ey man back off! The fuck's your problem?" Ernie asked, quickly grabbing his pistol and raising it, "Don't come closer or I'll shoot! I'm warnin' ye!" Ernie shouted, leveling the gun on the man’s chest. The man stumbled forward, "I said back off! I won't hesitate if you take another step!" Ernie warned. The man only came closer. Ernie took a deep breath and lowered the gun, firing once into the man’s knee. He went down with a thud, but no scream of pain, no recognition he'd been shot, and he only started crawling. Ernie backed away, officially freaked the fuck out. Without hesitation he jumped back into his car and floored it.

The old truck lurched forward in the snow and left the man behind as Ernie guided it down the street with shaking arms. "Christ...what's going on?" He muttered, steering onto the main street.

The source of gunfire presented itself immediately to Ernie. A group of people were holed up on top of the sheriff’s department. A small portion of them were on the roof firing into a large crowd of people who all were pressing together, smacking against the side of the building. None were panicking, none were fleeing. And those who were shot just kept moving, they kept coming, relentless. Ernie sat there, his truck idling down the street, watching the horror before him slack jawed.
It all happened so quick. A week ago it seemed so normal. Annabeth went to work, went out for drinks with the girls, even watched a few movies before falling asleep. However when she woke up chaos had started. People running around getting chased by other things. When she saw what was happening, she was quick to lock the door and turn on the news. The young adult sat frozen on her couch, tears in her eyes as the news reporter was attack by what they were calling the undead live.

Annabeth then had the thought of her family. She kept telling herself they were alive and safe. That she would save them. However when she reached the cabin there was blood across the snow. Annabeth was hesitant to enter the cabin. She stood there, frozen in shock. She then heard a low moan. This encouraged Annabeth to open the door, only to find her parents missing and her 11 year old sister one of those /things/.

"Jackie Lynn... Jackie Lynn, dont you dare move... D-dont you make me hurt you..." She whispered, tears in her eyes as the little girl limped closer to her. Annabeth reached out for the rifle that was held up on the wall. Her father's prize possession. "Baby girl... Please... Please dont do this..." Salty tears poured out of her eyes, watching her sister snarl and snap at her. "JACKIE LYNN!! Listen to me! Please!" Annabeth screeched now, aiming the gun towards her. The little girl reached out, grabbing onto Annabeth. The brunette shot. Once. Twice. Three times. She didnt really aim, her vision blurred by the tears that spilled from her eyes. She wasn't sure exactly which shot killed it, but all she knew was her sister laid dead on the floor now. Annabeth lowered herself to the floor, yelling out her frustrations. She was so confused. How could something like this happen? And so quickly.

After an hour or so Annabeth was all cried out. She stood up, her face emotionless. The least she could do was survive. She was quick to load up on supplies, filling her SUV up with any cans, jars, meat, and medical things they had in the cabin. She also took her fathers snow camo for when he hunted in the winter time , and his rifle with the thermal scope. She unlocked to ammo cabinet, unloading it into her car. With that she set back out towards Arbiture where she resided. When she drove through the city she could here the screams and shouts of people. She was quick to unload her car into her house, luckily avoiding any of the undead. She locked her door, turned off the light, and turned on the news.

It had been a week since the incident. The town had become considerably quiet. Mainly because everyone was dead except for a few. Maybe a dozen at the most. Annabeth had stayed inside, only eating when necessary. The news had completely gone off air now. The brunette looked outside her window, giving a small laugh. "You're a fool Annabeth. A god damn fool." She whispered to herself. It was like she heard her mom in the back of her mind, reminding her 'if you have a life, live it to the fullest, not like you're already dead'. Annabeth thought for a moment, looking at the gun that sat next to her couch.

Annabeth was now on the street, makeshift cardboard signs in her hand. She was hammering the signs onto lamp post, or deserted cars at random spots. The girl was hanging up another sign that read 'Survivor at 1365 Spokane Street. Willing to feed and shelter travelers.' This was the last sign she had to hang when suddenly she felt something grab onto her arm and give a snarl. Annabeth was quickly to turn around, pushing the thing away from her. Three shots was all she ever wasted on the undead. One in the knee to immobilize it. One in the heart. And one in the head. Annabeth took a step back, aiming the gun.

Bang. Release the shell.

Release the shell.


She always gave it thirty seconds. If it didn't move after thirty seconds she didn't bother to shoot anymore. "hmm. It was quiet. And grabbed me. I'm gonna go ahead and give me 6 point for this one here." She spoke out loud, giving herself a mental pat on the back. Annabeth scanned her surrounding, looking for anything unusual. She could hear other gunshots in the near distance so she assumed thats where most of the undead were at that moment. Best not bothering going over there for the time being. After considering it clear the young women started trekking back towards her house.

Kalyca Ray Sao.

Kalyca started out in a somewhat stable group of seven plus herself, making eight. All who knew one another rather well, excluding herself who had only joined that group a few days prior to their first. We'll call it incident. Although due to the circumstances their abilities to work together, rely on one another, and to do any basic functionings, was completely null and void. Now all that was left was her.

Kalyca chalked it all up to good luck, and possibly good karma. No matter what it was, she knew it wouldn't last long. At this point she had no protection, save for a petty pocket knife. A knife better suited for one out in the wilderness under normal, average, everyday, pedestrian circumstances. Not fit for a person fighting, well whatever she had been pitted against.

Being alone for the last few days has left her in complete surrender to her thoughts, and while she had little control over them she had managed to push away thoughts of her parents. Likely dead, though as anyone else would she hoped not. Her thoughts lead to other things, some a bit silly, some more reasonable. Taking notes, and naming the creatures...
Homo Necrosis. Well a scientific name, she couldn't think of anything in the ways of a common name for them. Kalyca wondered what others referred to the creatures as. Frivolous it may be, she thought of things to pass the time nether the less.

That was what was happening, her frivolousness thinking, until her thoughts were crushed flat with the thunderous sounds of gunfire. A slight jump up, then she stood up. That is both good and bad. Good in that there are people nearby, bad in that there are creatures nearby. Unless they learned to handle guns. In which case all was good and done, wash off your hands and call it a night.

More frivolous thoughts, Kalyca took a moment to pull herself out of them.

Kalyca came down from the second floor of the building, then walked cautiously over to the wall facewards of the street, peeking out off one of the cracked windows. Seeing a guy in a truck, in udder confusing and for whatever reason not moving in the slightest. His car idling. She scooted closer to the opening of the dilapidated door. Waiting a moment as she watched him, until she noticed a piece of broken glass on the ground. Grabbing the glass, she tossed it over hitting the side of his car.

"Aye!" Kalyca called out, though she did keep a bit quieter. Being quieter than the gunfire isn't hard. She motioned him to come over, but by the look on his face she wasn't sure that he would even leave his car.

@Atom )

Harry Hartfield

It was all a pretty normal day, well, somewhat normal, actually, not normal at all, Harry didn't feel right at all today, everything felt a bit off, and it wasn't right, he tried to tell himself to lighten up, maybe he's just nervous, going on this trip, even then, that didn't seem right, there's been plenty of college trips this year, and a lot better than this one.

"Harry, hey Harry" Harry hears as he snaps back into reality, "You Alright man, you've been zoned out since we got to school, and we're about halfway to the city now" Harry's friend Jason says, "Yeah, I'm alright, today's just weird." Harry replies, "Man, if anything, you're weird." Jason says turning to talk to some other friends on the bus.

Suddenly a swarm of police cars pass by the bus and everyone starts freaking out. "Settle down!" The teachers call out Harry thinks to himself, "If the city police force can't handle it, it must be something big." Before

When the bus arrived to the college Harry got off the bus an followed the rest of his classmates into the cafeteria, to eat before taking the tour , not feeling very Hungry Harry requested to go to the bathroom, and was pointed into the general direction.

Suddenly a girl screams, causing Harry to turn around in shock, seeing a person collapse on top of the girl and tears it's teeth into her throat as a horrific amount of blood spews from her still gasping body "What the fuck!?" Harry mumbles to himself wide eyed on the scene, as the entire hallway starts rushing away from the scene, somebody knocking into Harry's shoulder, causes him to snap back into reality, and turn into the closest class and escape through a window.

It felt like miles that Harry ran, still not knowing just what the fuck he witnessed, "That person just, ate her throat out, seriously, just, I...I, I'm gonna be sick." Harry says as he begins to vomit on the snow covered sidewalk, when he looked up, he saw someone sitting in the alleyway, "looks like a cop" he thought to himself. Getting closer he saw the gash of flesh missing from the dead cops arm, and part of it's head missing, sitting next to it was a shotgun "I guess he shot himself after being bit by that guy or something, this makes no sense." Harry picks up the shotgun and slings it around his back. "I guess he won't need the handgun either, this is disgusting" Harry says removing the belt from the cop and replacing it with his own.

Walking out from the alleyway Harry sees a tv on in an empty tool store, "Maybe the news might know just what the hell's going on." Harry says, hurrying across the road.

"The living dead?" Harry reads across the bottom of the screen of the tv before the signal cuts out, "I better get what I can from here, and get out of this city, mom and dad are probably worried sick, if not-" Harry cuts himself off not dating to finish that sentence. Grabbing what was left in the store Harry prepped himself for the worst day of his entire life.

JC Kollmen

Age 26

November 3rd

Arbiture, Alaska.

Day Three

I still don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what these things are, or why they aren't human anymore, or why they want to tear me apart. I only know that once you die by the hands of these things, you become one of them. How or why, I don't know. I don't know a lot of other things. I don't know how many others are out there. I don't know how many are like me. I hate not knowing, but I don't know if knowing is any better. Knowing means this is all real. It means that this isn't just a bad dream. It means that its real. Knowledge used to be desired.... now it is feared.

JC sighed and took this moment to comb through her wind-blown hair with her left hand. She closed the journal and set it back in the small cash box under the liquor counter, along with the ink pen. She was lucky to find them when she did. She had been writing down her thoughts in this journal for three days now, but she had lost track of how much days since the outbreak.

The day was in full bloom now, the sun sprouting through each alley like petals from a bud. It was weird to think this was the same sun that rose and fell everyday before the outbreak. It continued it's cycle, oblivious to the sufferings of the Earth.

Damn, I think too much. JC stood up from behind the counter, taking a quick swig of her water. She was running low on supplies. Today would be another run. Don't think. Just survive. Thinking led to distraction. In this world, distraction meant a fate far worse than death. Every second of every day, she was one mistake away from becoming nothing more than a moaning creature doomed to wander for the rest of eternity. Don't make that mistake.

Making sure to avoid the shattered liquor bottles on the floor, JC made her way to the entrance. Two of the windows had been completely destroyed, so yesterday she had boarded them up with spare wood in the back of the shop. She had shoved all the remaining liquor and alcohol into a back closet. A few years ago, she would have absorbed all that in a heartbeat to try to drown her sorrows, but not today. There was no numbing the pain away today. Being numb meant being weak. Being weak was a luxury she couldn't afford anymore.

Peeking through the cracks, JC saw the same sight she had seen for the past two days. Empty streets. Empty buildings. And a hell of a lot of snow. She tugged her jacket closer, zipping it up just halfway. The liquor store didn't provide much heating, but it certainly was nice to have a home---no, a shelter---from the wind. She shook her head. She would not call this a home. Calling it a home made this situation all too real. JC vowed to herself that she would not end up like the biters. No matter what she had to do, JC was determined to outlive this.

As her hand felt the familiar touch of her gun at her side and her knives tucked in her pockets, she was ready. There was distant gunfire in the distance that could be heard as she cracked the door open. This wasn't new. Gunshots had rang out haphazardly over the past few days. JC had been tempted to investigate at first, but then decided it wasn't safe. She didn't know who was shooting, why they were shooting, or who they were shooting. It was best to lay low until she knew for sure what to expect. JC bent down and grabbed a small chunk of cement by her feet, and then gave it a gentle toss out the door.

She had discovered in the past days that the biters liked noise. They followed it like it was some sort of pathway leading them to food. Well, too bad for them because this girl was not about to be some undead snack for the day. It didn't sound like any of them were nearby. Right as JC was about to go out into the open, she heard voices.

"Don't come closer or I'll shoot! I'm warnin' ye!"

She raised her eyebrows as she heard this voice yelling out. Didn't this guy know that yelling would only bring more of them. Oh well, not my problem. JC closed the door silently and peeked through an adjacent window. There was a middle aged guy with a gun, leaning against a truck that was still running. Oh sweet Lord, a truck. JC marveled at the thought of having a vehicle. I haven't been able to find any running cars in this bloody town. All the gas pumps are out. Most cars are empty and if not, somethings wrong with the engine or the transmission. If I could just get him away from that truck, I could take the corner around this block and pull it around back of this shop. Having a running car would be so useful at this time.

Just give it a few moments, JC. See how he acts. See if he knows, or if he's just as clueless as I am. Wait until he leaves the car alone, then go.
JC was all strategy. She didn't have time for morals anymore. Having morals would get her killed. Cmon bud, just go for a little walk.
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news ladies and gentlemen but this Atom must depart for the next five days in an impromptu vacation of sorts. I will do my best to check in daily but as of now I must pull Ernie from the RP for the time being. Until I return for a majority of the my time again @Roo will be in charge. She actually has access to my account so don't be surprise if she makes a few posts that dictate what's going on from my account :P

Yes I know, it sucks, and she's so lame(jk), but I shall return! And I'm gonna be madder than a nest O' Hornets if you all let this die!

Ernie Mack

Ernie sat still in his truck, staring at the scene before him before he gave into his fear. Ernie didn't hesitate one bit as he slapped the truck into reverse and spun out of the road and around the corner, driving at top speed the way he'd came.


A sky red from the blood, rose cheeks dull from the mud, hands worn through from the sludge, a self no longer begrudged. Was this what humanity has come to? No one has fear to do what they want anymore. This apocalypse give the opportunity for pshycopaths to show their true self, kill people for enjoyement, and who was he to judge? Maybe all of this future was written in the books, the destiny of this species to learn who they are deep inside.

Humans are animals, and until now we have realized. The rule of survival of the fittes thas never been more true. This world was just begun, and we're barely at the rubble of the past beneath it. Are we even ready for this world? Sometimes Joel's mind would be flooded with these questions, after the apocalypse, it was all he could think about.

Two weeks ago

''Honey, come on, pose for the picture!'' his wife said, as she was smiling like the brightest star in the night sky. They were just in front of a tall cliff, a bare fence there. The view was beautiful. Joel smiled, running on and hugging her tightly. The perfect day, maybe, they had came here for a shrot vacation, maybe even staying to live, but, what a bad decision. The camera took the shot, and the flash blinded them both. The stranger handed them the camera, and his wife smiled at him. ''We look so-!'' a scream filled the air, chopping off her speech in a matter of seconds. She looked at Joel, confused, scared. Then, their nightmare took place.

A man was being devoured by two beat up creatures. He would call them human, yet they were not remotely close to that. People all around screamed and ran, scared out of their minds. The creatures did their best to run to them, they were quite close anyways, and they were heading directly to his wife. He pushed her slightly aside, and got his fists up, getting ready for whatever these creatures wanted.

One pounced him, and the other jumped at his wife. He quickly grabbed its neck and lifted it up, slowly getting himself up and the light creature on foot to. He used all his strength to throw it from the fence, it screetched as it impacted the floor that was about 30m tall from the ground. He quickly looked at his wife, the creature pushed her off the fence, and itself got tricked by the weight aswell, it being sended flying elsewere. Joel ran, and just at the right moment could grab her hand. Her weight pulled him down, making him fight for not going down with her.

''It's okay.'' his wife said, as she smiled at him. There was another creature running to him. He looked back, shocked, and with his right hand tried to punch him, even though Joel was still on the floor. He lost strength on the other hand, and his wife fell. She didn't scream, she remained silent, until her slam rumbled trough the air.

He got up, punching the thing in the face and making it lose balance and fall, hitting its head on the edge of a rock. Joel stood there, shocked, his wife now spreaded in the grassy floor than was at the end of the cliff.
The person he most loved was now dead.


Kicking around stuff in the now closed shop. He was scavenging, trying to find some actual edible food. As far as now, it wasn't going as well as he'd like. A few canned foods and a bottle of water, sure, enough, but not enough to not go out to this hellhole for a while.

He heard a scream, but he ignored it, keeping scavenging the place.

''Another day in this hell and I'll go insane.''

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Hellman drives the 1990 Jeep Cherokee down the near-frozen-over road towards what he thought was Vancouver. An old 60's-70's mixtape plays through the speakers of the jeep. He glances around the car occasionally to spark up a non-existent conversation about said object; this leads him to look at the .32 sitting in the passenger seat next to him, "So how about this weather? Huh? Damn Frosty the Snowman is tip-tapping out 'round here." Hellman chuckles and looks back at the road just in time to see a man zoom past him, "SHIT!" Hellman screams as he swerves to avoid the truck, causing him to nearly crash into a sign, knocking it over and then hitting a building with the remaining speed the jeep had.

Hellman realizes the crash has attracted what he calls 'Strange Folk', he has no time to spare. Hellman grabs his rifle and gets out of the jeep, he goes around to the back of the jeep and pulls out his rucksack and ax,"
Alright, motherfuckers. Let's take this nice and easy." Hellman surveys the situation, 7 Strange Folk were shambling towards him and he didn't have enough time to deal with them all. Hellman takes an ax to one of their legs, causing it to bend at the knee and fall over. "FUCK OFF, WILL YA?!" Hellman yells as he runs around the jeep. Hellman quickly plans out his next move. It suddenly hits him, The building! Hellman runs around his jeep again, causing the infected to follow him around it twice.

Hellman runs into the front door of the building, causing it to fall off his hinges. He then comes face-to-face with a woman, "
Grab your fucking things and follow me! I'll hold them off while you can grab your stuff!" Hellman turns to the door where another shambling corpse was beginning to approach. Hellman pulls out his revolver and begins to shoot the corpse; after shooting it a couple of times in the torso, Hellman finally shoots it in the head, causing it to fall over, dead. Hellman uses this new-found weakness to his advantage and begins to hack away at the oncoming horde.


@Atom (Mentioned)
Jason Murry

5 days before the Winter Solstice - Arbiture, Alaska

I pack provisions into my pickup truck at the border of Arbiture near the Shell gas station. That's when I hear footsteps approach me as I load a pack of food into the bed of the truck and cover it with a tarp.

"Jason, where are ya going?" The man says with his local slang. It's Bobby, a drinking buddy.

"South, I'm hoping to beat the winter and make it to Juneau, visit family." I reply. Turning to him with somewhat of a smile.

"Well that's good, for you. I get stuck in this middle of nowhere town with population of 50." Bobby says in a depressing tone.

"There's more people than that Bobby." I say with a chuckle. I pluck my keys off of the tarp of my provisions and move towards the door of my truck. "And no, you can't come." I say as Bobby opens his mouth to ask the same question. He closes it slowly.

"Well I'll see ya then." Bobby says with a warm smile, almost warm enough the melt the already rather large layer of snow. I nod at him as I close the truck's door behind me and start it up. I look to my rifle and backpack in the passenger seat, I was planning for somewhat of a hunting trip but winter came too fast so I planned for a trip to Juneau, the next best thing. I pull out of the Shell station and start my way south down the highway to Juneau.

I didn't make it very far.

3 Days before the Winter Solstice : 29 miles away from Arbiture - More than 100 miles away from Juneau

Snow packs the wheel wells of my truck is stopped on the side of the highway. No other car tracks go along the thick snow covered highway. I barely could tell if I was still on road. Sure enough, I could somewhat feel the rumble strips if I got too off track.

"Shit." I say under my breath as the engine sputters off. Snow is lightly falling but my phone's weather says that it's supposed to pick up around 6 o' clock. But by then it will already be dark. I grab my phone for a second time and send a text to Bobby, who is the only person to really know of my existence out here.

Bobby, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, got a tow truck?
No, Mack might but he hasn't been around town in awhile
Do you think your beast of a truck can come get me?
Oh yeah, be there in a few hours

I pull out the newest newspaper and start catching up on recent events.

Bobby did come, we got back to town, but only to find it in chaos. Something happened in the days we were gone.

1 Day before the Winter Solstice - Arbiture, Alaska

"What the hell happened?" Bobby says as he watches a car burn in the middle of the street.

"No clue." I say, watching bits of glass fall from shattered windows.

"Think it's the Chinese?" Bobby says, he always had a think against orientals and since living in Alaska, he thinks we're the next target for their "master plan to control us".

"No, drop your don't-trust-the-Chinese bullshit." I say in a mocking but serious tone. He goes quiet but soon a minute later he opens his mouth to talk again.

"Want to check the bar? See if the taps are still flowing?" Bobby says with a hardy smile and laugh soon after.

"Sure, why not?" I say. He turns around the car and goes down a few side roads to reach Pale Moon Bar in the center of town off of Main Street. A few cars were scattered on the streets but we were able to push the ones that caused a problem out of the way. We step out of the truck and right into heavy snow. We quickly move into the bar where it seems empty. But we could be wrong.

"Grab a few mugs, I check the taps." Bobby says as he hops over the counter and trips after he lands. I crack a laugh as I grab a few empty glass mugs off of the tables.

"Don't laugh!" He shouts with anger and fear in his tone, "Earl's dead back here!" Bobby says as he raises off the floor, his hands covered in another man's blood. I quickly move to him and put the glasses on the bar counter. Earl, the bartender and co-owner of Pale Moon Bar lay dead behind the counter, holes lining his chest, puncturing his apron that still lies around his neck, blood seeps out of these holes and from underneath him, meaning some went through.

"Looks like buckshot. Shotgun." I assess. I look to the other end of the counter and find the culprit, a Remington shotgun with a few empty shells on the ground.

"Killed by his own beauty." I say with a revering smirk.

"Earl wasn't beautiful!" Bobby says, obviously still tearing up over the death of a close friend. Bobby was never the one for death.

"No, his shotgun. Some guy came in here, shot him, probably stole all the money." I say, pointing to the broken and open cash register.

"Shit." Bobby says. Whipping his hands off on a few paper towels. Bobby then grabs the mugs and starts filling them with the finest liquor in the shop and hands one to me. "To Earl, the kindest, drunkest, and hardest man I knew." Bobby says raising the glass into air, and I raise my up as well.

"Cheers." We both say in unison as we gulp down the whole glass of hardy liquor, I don't even question what it is, it is enough to wash away sorrows. That's when we hear banging from the back of the bar.

"You heard that?" Bobby asks with a burp.

"Yeah..." I say, reaching back towards my pistol in my holster. Maybe Earl's killer is not that far away...

(I wouldn't say I got carried away with the story, but I got into it and developed it into something I now am really invested in.)
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Kalyca Ray Sao.

"Er..." Kalyca murmured as she took a few steps back, quick to turn around she headed back up the stairs, "break in the wall conjoined the next building. Follow me!"

Before the person could respond she made it up the stairs. Grabbing up her backpack off the floor, throwing it onto her back. She made her way to the hole in the wall, kicking at the bored that fruitlessly attempted to block off the opening. Smoothly she slipped through the the neighboring shop room..

(( @Stew Good enough right? I feel like since we're out of back stories our posts don't need to be long now. ))
Jason Murry

A blood covered man stumbles out of the bar's bathroom, a low growl emitting from him. The man, somewhat disfigured was still recognizable, but his fat physique is hard to miss, Frank Willis, the owner of another smaller bar across town, and known enemy of Earl.

"Frank, did you do this?" Bobby shouted to him, reaching for the shotgun. Frank does not respond and growls more as he looks up to meet Bobby's gaze. Frank's pupils are the same black, but his irises are a sickly yellow, his eyes are heavily bloodshot and glazed over.

"Frank, what's wrong with you?" Bobby asks. He seems to be oblivious to that there is something wrong with Frank. I pull my handgun, a .45 Colt, fully out of my holster. I kept the cold weapon against my leg, even though I couldn't feel it on my leg, I could feel the cold metal in my hand. Frank starts stumbling towards us, arms extended, growling at full volume now with a snarled face. I raise my pistol and aim for his chest, hopefully it hits his heart, it might get lost in all the fat.

BANG. I fire off a round, the sound echoes through the room and probably out into Arbiture, if he has any friends, they probably heard it.

But, Frank's not dead. He still trudges towards us, with the mind in goal of getting to us. I aim for his leg.

BANG. He falls slowly to the ground after the bullet passed through his kneecap, surprisingly. With his right kneecap gone, he still tries to semi-crawl towards us, only a few feet away. This whole time I didn't know Bobby wasn't next to me, he was behind the counter, doing something behind there, but I couldn't tell, too focused on stopping Frank. Bobby came out of nowhere with the cash register and drops it on Frank's head, his head breaks inwards and blood splatters onto the floor, luckily blood didn't splash onto my boots.

"There was only one organ left to stop that makes ya live... The brain." Bobby says through panted breaths. Frank did not try to get back up, so that means the head is there dead spot... I wouldn't have figured that out without Bobby.

"How'd you figure that out?" I ask him as he jumps off the counter and reaches for another glass of hard liquor. Bobby gulps down a glass and then looks to me.

"Well, we took out the heart, kept moving. Took out the knee, kept moving. So that was the heart, which kept blood flowing, and the bones which kept ya moving, so... the brain was the only thing that still controlled ya. Lucky guess, I guess." Bobby says, chuckling after. He may be a little drunk, definitely not sober.

"Check his phone, see who he last called." Bobby says, leaning against the counter with another glass of liquor. I grab Frank's surprisingly clean phone out of his pocket.

"He didn't call... But he did text. If he was going to kill someone, he should have called someone to tell them about it." I say, quietly laughing at his mistake.

Where are you going Frank?
Kill that bastard Earl, he stole my business
It's the apocalypse, I can do whatever the fuck I want
Don't do this!

"He left his wife at home so he can come over he and kill him. She could be dead and he didn't care." I explain to Bobby.

"Damn. He had it out for Earl. But since Frank was... like this, think he killed Earl then caught this disease thing." Bobby says, trying to assess the situation.

"Maybe. We'll never know." I say, sitting down at a bar. "Hopefully we're not the only ones left in this town..."

That's when we hear more gunshots.

(Sorry... I really like that text message thing.)


Hellman smashes another zombie with his ax in the face, causing it to stumble back and fall over. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there!" Hellman says to the girl as he begins to back up, in full realization that the horde is getting bigger. At this point Hellman is beginning to conclude that the headis the weakspot to these fuckers as he runs up the stairs. Once he reaches the top, he turns on his heels without losing any speed and follows the girl through the wall, Hellman looks around for something to block the hole and finds a lunch cart. Hellman wheels over the lunch cart and begins to weigh it down and try to stop the wheels from moving.

Hellman follows the girl through the shop and begins to lead themselves, "
Alright, my jeep is a little fucked up right now, but it may get us to another place." Hellman walks down into the store's 1st floor, ax ready, and sees that the horde only seems to be heading towards the building they were in, "Ok, I'll get out there, you can follow after I clear a path." Hellman says before reloading the revolver and heading outside; once out, he begins to pop the shambling corpses in an attempt to clear the way to the jeep.


Shit, the guy in the truck drove away. There goes that plan. JC sighed, sliding down to a seated position with her back against the door as she ran her hands through her hair. I should have just talked to him. Maybe I could have reasoned with him. Gosh JC, you really need to get out more. She sighed in frustration, banging her head back on the door. Next time, I'm not going to hesitate.


Another gunshot jolted JC and she stood up quickly. Screw this, she was going to investigate. She grabbed her gun and made sure it was fully loaded, as well as double checked that her knives were hanging by her side. Allowing herself only a second to take in a breath, she shoved the door open and felt the brisk wind take a hold on her skin.

The commotion was coming from a building about 20 yards down. There was a handful of biters crowding around the outside, taking on their usual moaning and trying to tear the building apart. JC sighed, not wanting to waste her bullets. She even considered turning back into the building, until one of the biters caught her in the act. Too late to turn back now...

That's also the moment she watched a man pop his head out of the building (@Stew )

"What the hell are you doing?" JC shouted, watching the man trying to take out the whole hoard on his own. She approached the group, noting that only a few had taken notice of her.

BANG. BANG. One shot to the chest, one shot to the leg. The creature was down, but not dead. JC didn't bother finishing the deed, it was only a waste of bullets. Besides, as long as she didn't get too close the biter on the ground couldn't hurt her. JC continued shooting.
Walking around the store, Harry found a crowbar, a few rolls of duct tape, and a flashlight, he emptied his backpack and put a tool box in it "Hopefully somebody knows how to actually use these, if I can find anybody else in this hell hole."

Harry looks out the store and looks down the street "The streets are empty right now, no monsters." Opening the door the bell rings and one of the monsters steps out of the alley by the shop.

"Oh no!" Harry says as the monster approaches him, "I'll shoot, I promise, back away!" Harry says fumbling for his handgun in the holster before dropping it onto the ground. "Crap!" The monster grapples his shoulder knocking Harry to the ground. "Get off me!" Harry says holding his free hand on the monsters neck, it biting the air ferociously saliva falling all over Harry's face, in Harry's other hand he takes the crowbar and shoves it through it's lower jaw killing it.

"Oh my god..." Harry says throwing the dead monster off of him, standing up he vomits at the stench of the rotting corpse "It smells disgusting" Harry takes the crowbar out of it's skull and walks down the street arriving at a residential district.

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