Frost the Eevee


The Healer of Nirtraga
Name: Frost

Species: Eevee

Gender: Genderfluid, uses all of the pronouns

Faction: Rouge

Island: Nitraga, NORTHERN Nitraga.

Moves: quick attack, refresh, heal bell, and bite

Personality: First impressions leaves you with an easily scared, timid, compassionate, and painfully shy person who does their work and gets out as fast as possible. It's like they believe everything but the old, wise Clefable who lives with them is going to harm her. They do however take pride in their work and it's the only thing you can get them to open up about if he doesn't trust you.

He’s slow to trust, and slow to anger. You could annoy him for days on end and he would simply smile and look after the rouges of Northern Nitraga’s wounds and illnesses. When he DOES get angry, he simply speaks in a low, cold tone that is enough to send shivers down your spine, without ever raising their voice. It is said he has a horrible fear of loud noises which is why he never raises his voice to shouting level, EVER.

When he finally starts to trust someone you see he has a very sarcastic sense of humor. In fact, it's his ONLY sense of humor. He doesn't quite get many jokes and many things go over her head.

Frost also tends to get into debates with many others about the creation of the islands and the world itself. Frost simply believes that the world came about by itself. Pokemon evolved soon after. No so called “Gods” at all, only a figment of pokemon hundreds of years ago trying to make believe about the world. They do follow the teachings of Xerneas, simply because he agrees with the message of peace. He has no belief in the “god”.

Frost is also heavily an optimist, always seeing the good before the bad in everyone. They also get excited by almost anything, especially shiny rocks, gems and new snowfall. They also get easily distracted and combined with a horrible memory they often forget what they were talking about. They are also really curious and ask several questions about pokemon’s lives and opinions when she trusts them.

Frost point blank refuses to talk about the war, believing furiously anything is possible with diplomacy. When forced to fight against soldiers/people who generally hate rogues they tend to use trickery and speed to get away from his foes. They also despise bloodshed and are even somewhat scared of blood from when they served as a healer in Isolude Village. However, their duty always ranks forward when they push to get their job of helping their newest patient. They help anyone who comes their way, even if they to reject the because they are a rogue. They are, however, praised for his skills throughout Ice Flow Beach, as well as her mentor’s own skills.

At the end of it all Frost is just an eevee who is trying to save everyone while wearing a mask at first because of how many people stereotype them because they believe in no “god” and refuse to fight.

History: “Remember Freya Mew is the only true God. They created each and everyone one of us. Arceus is a false God and you must always kill those who support him.” Commander Jokul said to his only child, who sat in the snow outside the family’s home is Isolude Village. A strong willed Espeon, one who inspired many of the young cadets of Isolude. Commander Than, Jokul’s mate and Freya's mother, was also well known among cadets for her harsh training regimes. Freya was to be their only child.

Freya sat, listening to her father ramble. She wasn't quite sure why everyone lectured on and on about the glory of Mew and war. Wouldn't Mew want them to seek diplomacy and peace with anyone, no matter their beliefs? Why can't Mew and Arceus BOTH create the world together? Why could there only be one true god when Xola, the Clefable who lived in the village and was the village healer, prayed to an entire pantheon?

Xola told Freya to never speak of the beautiful tapestries lining the walls of his basement. Arceus and Mew side-by-side, with several other gods around them, each ruling together. Xola especially talked of Xerneas, Zekrom and Reshiram. Gods of Life, Balance and Spirit.

“Young One, life cannot be lived if one does not have the proper balance of bad and good in their days and purifies their spirit.” Xola said often, taking Oran and Pecha berries and mashing the two together, the juices would be strained and given to soldiers on the front lines, “Only then your inner war shall end.”

(Freya refused to believe that Xola, her beloved mentor, was killed the day he disappeared, her mother kept muttering on about traitors for months afterwards. He had saved her life when she was sick with a fever as a child.He was more of her father than Jokul was. He listened to her problems and provided advice to her, and trained her in the medical arts... He was too clever to be dead….)

Xola did teacher her healing moves before he left, she never believed in fighting it just seemed wrong to kill. Because of this the (few) children is Isolude always jeered at her. Shouting loudly, taunting her, destroying her things, and biting her skin, giving her a fear of loud noises, and new pokemon for the rest of her life.

Freya also took over as the village healer shortly after Xola left, in two years she would join the front lines after all, one of the first people who came to her was a soldier already past saving. The Gengar's wounds were deep, so deep that bone and organs showed. He was blinded by his attacker, Freya sat with him the entire hour it took for him to die. But the wounds were something she never forgot, causing her to be scared of blood. But she found focusing on her duty helps her push through when helping others. No matter what their alignment. After all Mew would want her to help and heal, not to kill.

Then, five days before she would enlist to be a soldier(as everyone assumed), Lithulia fell, and Freya suffocated inside. Nothing about her, why did she loathe that word, seemed right; and if a god of some kind existed why would they murder hundreds of Pokemon?

The day before her birthday Misa and Milo came to the village, she had been stocking up on more berries for her successor when Misa came into Xola’s old home, Freya’s workplace.

“Ah! Frost! Nice to finally meet you!” Misa had cried upon seeing her, giggling afterwards.

“Who?” Freya asked, confused.

Misa’s eyes widened, awkwardly looking around.

“The fortunes said that was your name…. OF COURSE THEY GET THE NAME WRONG!” she cried, before giggling again, Freya shuddered.

“Anyways…. My brother and I were reading fortunes to ourselves last night and they mentioned a lone Eevee, a healer. A soldier…. But not a soldier, I won't say much more,” she broke off into giggles “But you are destined for so much more…” with that she flounced out of the house, swiping some sitrus berries as ‘payment’

But ‘Frost’.... With that an old memory of something Xola had once said echoed in her head: “You shape your own path Young One.”

“Freya... Frost…” she muttered to herself... Frost just fit better. He never considered themself to just be the type to go out on a whim... But Frost fit better- Wait, did they-she just use different pronouns for himself-herself. It felt so right...

Later that night Frost told her parents that they wouldn't become a soldier/medic for the front lines, that he didn't believe in Mew or any other god. That their name was Frost.

Frost left that night for the caves of Ice Flow Beach, a sack of berries over their shoulder. Freezing, he fluffed up his fur, when a pink figure met them at the opening of a cave. The figure’s left leg was a stump and he relied upon a wooden staff to walk.

Even though it had been nearly five years since the two had last met, Xola smiled and took Frost in. Almost like no time had passed at all between teacher and student.

The two have lived together ever since.

Other: Xola is now a secondary player character and I'll link to him soon. He also taught Frost heal bell!

Frost also carries a sack full of berries over his shoulder and is more fluffy than your average eevee as they have lived their entire life in Nitraga
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