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Graded [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it. It is a follow-up to Cat Tail Lists, but can be joined/enjoyed without having been part of it.

What to expect out of character:
Narrative / round-turning posts will be made every Wednesday and Sunday, likely in the morning (UTC +1 / CET zone). Fluff interactions (characters chatting back and forth) can happen more frequently in-between rounds, except during combat.

For combat, a relaxed interpretation of the effectiveness rules will be used. Cooldowns will apply in combat, not out of combat (so long as things stay within reason). Make sure to clearly state when you're using skills (as abilities), abilities or titles for leverage in posts.

What to expect in character:
An odd note has been handed over to the Adventurer's Guild.

Hello. My name is Amice Bellamy. I am a gnome. I am ten and six years old. Miss Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke told me to deal with a nest of Goblins near the border. Asuka and Tahmuras told me to sent this note to the Ad-ven-ture Guild for help. Please come help. We will wait in Faeremeadow. Thank you.

The RP will take place in the southern parts of Ryke, along the border with the See of Fae and East Empire. It'll be a mixture of adventure, action and some bits of slice and life, depending on where participating characters end up focussing upon, some might be highlighted more than others.

It's intended to last 2 months at most, but if demand is there, it might be made into a multi-parter.

Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius Flare – Get approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WBDKxy

Amice Bellamy


Amice was a tad nervous. “{Do you think they'll be nice people?}” She asked, wondering who (or perhaps even what) would show up, after reaching out to the adventurer's guild.



“{I'm sure they will be.}” Asuka replied. She still wasn't happy about this development, but she agreed with Tahmuras in that they shouldn't go on this mission alone.



“{At the very least, they should be professional, if they end up finding us through the adventurer's guild.}” The fox added, as he was casually laying in the sun, not really feeling any need to be on the look-out like the other two were. This town was quiet and peaceful and whomever would answer the request was likely to show up eventually, as the town only had one central plaza, so there was no need to worry.
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario (Amice)
Language Key: Common | [Terran]

A certain pink haired mage was passing through an adventurer's guild branch in the Kingdom in the North when she spotted a peculiar note on the board. Faeremeadow...? I believe that was... South of Ryken... Phoebe silently stared at the note for a few moments before making her way to the exit of the guild. After a while of being out in the world, seeing a bunch of exotic places, it's natural to feel a little homesick. Going back to one's homelands once in a while was good too. Clearing that Goblin nest would make the area safter for people too while getting to practice her magic skills. A win-win opportunity for the pinkette, and so off she went back home.


The journey back to Ryke was a bit long, but Phoebe was glad to be back in temperate climates. She didn't go back home to Ryken this time, just being back in Ryke was a pretty nice feeling. Perhaps she'll go back home to pay her parents a surprise visit after clearing that Goblin nest with the person who sent that note to the guild. And where was this mysterious sender? Phoebe was walking around the small town, eyes scanning for the Amice who sent that note. Let's see... They said they were a gnome so... ah. In the central plaza, she had spotted a really short girl. Seeing as that's the only person she'd seen so far that would match the height description of a Gnome, she might as well go up and see if her hunch was right. "Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to be Amice Bellamy, would you? I saw your note at the guild."
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Location: Faeremeadow - Central Plaza

Within the peaceful town of Faeremeadow, a lone figure sneaked through the blocks. Whenever someone was passing by, she would either duck out of their way, pretending to be busy with something at the side of the road, or at least cast her gaze down as if her worn out oversized boots were the most interesting thing ever. It's true that she came out of her basement to go on a little bit of adventure per her master's order, but that doesn't mean she's ready to interact with every single people she met on the way. Even after almost two decades of living in this world she still unable to let go of her past life.

Finally arriving at the plaza, Aqua stayed back under the shadow of nearby building to observe the people there. The one who sent the request claimed to be a ten years old gnome so she should be easy to spot. True to her prediction, Aqua immediately noticed the short figure in the plaza. What she didn't expect though was the presence of two regal beasts and another person. S-she thought it would be just two of them! She intended to at least pretend to acts as a probably somewhat slightly cool older sister figure for the gnome, but with other people present it would be clear that she's just a bundle of mess. Ah, next time she should read the stuffs more thoroughly.

Retreating out of the plaza, Aqua almost walked away when she crashed right into a passerby and fell on her butt. Her mind screams internally and various thoughts rushed through her head. She was sure the other person said something to her while offering his hand to help her but the only thing that came out of her mouth was some weird squeal as she crawled backward and then ran back into the plaza. She arrived at the group with her face red from embarrassment, hopefully nobody saw that.

"G-good morning... I'm here for the posted request." Aqua greeted the people there awkwardly. Her eyes barely made contact with any of them. The girl herself was dressed very modest for this occasion. Just a regular everyday tunic and jacket with a brown cloak that covers most of her body. The thing that stands out the most was actually her staff, which was almost as tall as she was. The orb at the tip shines with brilliance as it reflect some of the sunlight it receives.

Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Whistling as he walked through the streets, John was enjoying this peaceful morning. After all, he had been chased non stop for the past few days by crazy villagers who had accused him of a crime he didn’t even commit, and barely had he any rest! At least now he had finally lost them… for good, he hoped.

Just then, he happened to be walking by the adventurer’s guild. Ah, that’s right! Being affiliated with them could deter those crazy idiots from continuing their chase after him! He just needed to join them somehow… Entering the guild, he’d scan the board of requests, before picking one at random. A quest to slay some goblins. Well, it couldn’t be too hard, could it?

As he made his way over to the meeting location, he couldn’t help but feel a tad bit lost. It was his first time in a town like this, and all he knew was that he had to keep walking till he came into the central plaza somehow. That was when a short hooded figure would run right into him, falling to her butt!

“Hey, you alright there?” He asked her while offering a hand, but she responded with a squeal before running off into a wide open area, which kinda resembled a plaza. Wait, this was probably the place, wasn’t it?! There was a short dwarf lady too, with a bunch of animals and other folks gathered around her. John briefly made his way over to join up with the others, as well as the strange girl from before.

“Hello again.” He’d tap on the hooded girl’s shoulder. “Sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to scare you or anything.” She did seem kinda frightened by him, although he wasn’t even that scary of a person! At least, that’s what he’d like to believe. Turning to face the others, he spoke. “Anyways, hello everyone. I’m here for the request too. Soooo, where do I sign up?”

Trodding slowly down the beaten dirt pathway, a large metallic figure made its way into the quiet town of Faeremeadow. Compared to the quiet countryside, this figure couldn't look more out of place. It's armor clinked and chattered with every step it took, as its insides swelter with flames roaring underneath its steel carapace. Fire can be seen flickering and spitting out of its grated head, like a living furnace. To the residents here, it might've looked like an armored warrior straight from the fiery inferno of Hell coming to bring arson to their village. Some may call it "demon" but to others, they'd call it "Flare".

Flare had been walking for over a solid day, having barely stopped since departing from their village of origin. Their human creator, Fraust, had seen to it that they'd get work from the Adventurer's Guild, before letting them off on their first quest. For a rookie like them, there were plenty of quests in which they could gain a fairly good and easy pay. There were many options they could choose! Whilst Fraust recommended they go for something calm and easy, like working at the docks, Flare found themselves attracted to a letter calling for folks to deal with a goblin nest around the See of Fae and East Empire. Written and provided by a young gnome, they couldn't help but want to help a poor young girl in need. That and it sounded like the perfect mission for which to properly test their new powers on in combat.

Fraust attempted to discourage Flare from going. They still needed funds to help upgrade and augment her OVEN suit properly for such engagements. It wasn't ready for proper combat! But the Fire Elemental's cock-sure attitude oozed with eager confidence. Unsure confidence, perhaps, but from what they read, goblins weren't that much of a problem to deal with for someone like them. Right? Before the artificer could attempt to stop them further, Flare would depart without so much as a hitch.

Seeing the hesitant and scared residents eying them, Flare would simply wave at them; ensuring that they weren't here to burn their village to ash. Still, that wouldn't stop one mischievous child from throwing rocks at them, clinking harmlessly off their armor. The hulking armor stopped, before turning to loom over the child. Flare was about to tell him kindly how it wasn't very nice to throw rocks at strangers, but the kid was already running for the hills in terror. So much for that...

They set forth towards the central plaza, which was easy to find given its large and unique frame against the countryside, and entered inside. With how tall their suit was, they were quickly able to spot what they believed was the young gnome girl. Several other folks were congregating around her, two of which looked to be animals - a fox and a bird. These were probably other adventurers hearing to her call. The more the merrier! Flare would slowly plod over to them, being careful not to step on the toes of the other folks here. One misplaced step with her armored foot could easily smush some poor toes!

"Heyo," Flare casually waved to everyone, their voice being slightly muffled by the grating of her helmet, "Here for the quest by one... Amice Bellamy?" They'd kneel to one knee and gazed at Amice, "Take it you're her?"

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

It hasn't been long since Thane had been appointed as an initiate in the Holy Order of the Axe. Though as one would expect, he wasn't exactly "ready" yet for tasks involving criminals, deemed by his seniors and betters. Thus, he was to complete a fairly "minor" task, one taken from the Adventurer's Guild. Thane didn't expect to be sent out to do a monster extermination, but the holy order wasn't just about hunting criminals. Monsters problematic enough are valid targets for execution by the order, since it they most probably have broken laws and needed to be punished one way or another. He had no qualms facing against monsters in the first place, so he wasn't opposed to the task. It was a slight disappointment, but would most probably prove beneficial for him nonetheless.

Arriving at the fair village, Thane leisurely took his time walking around and taking in the sight around him. The steel in his armor clanked with every step as he surveyed the village. A relatively peaceful one, save for the fact that there was apparently a goblin nest nearby. He scoffed at the thought, before readjusting the great axe on his back and moving on.

Spotting a small gathering at the plaza, he realized he had found the person he was looking for. "Is there one named Amice here?" He inquired as his gaze swept the group. His stare landed on the only gnome in the group, giving her a nod. "It must be you." He walked over to her and greeted her with a clerical salute. "Glad to meet you. I am Thane, here for the request for the Extermination." He declared bluntly, adjusting his belt as the vials of oil clinked from the movement. His expression was impassive, cold even. However the air around him was one of piousness. It was clear that he belonged to some sort of order, but only those familiar with the Ryken Pantheon or the God of Law would recognize that he is from the Holy Order of the Axe.

His eyes would briefly sharpen at the sight of Flare, openly displaying a sense of distrust for a person clad in, quite honestly, intimidating fire and armor. His gaze would immediately ease soon after, approving of their unthreatening demeanor and the perceivable lack of malice coming from them. Looking at the rest of the group, he gave them an acknowledging nod with the presumption that they were here for the same reason. Though his gaze would linger on Aqua who was clearly unused to the situation, feeling a bit of familiarity as he remembered his past life. He also glanced at John and Phoebe, noting John's enthusiastic energy and Phoebe's prudent behavior.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Although Amice was the first to get lost in a crowd, as she'd get stuck within a sea of legs, she also ended up being the first to stand out when there wasn't a crowd. It turned out that her (lack of) height alone was enough to make most people recognise her, first among them being the pink haired mage. She perked up when Phoebe approached and talked to her, glossing over at Asuka and Thamuras to see what to do, but they just gave her a nod. “Ehm, yes! I am Amice Bellamy!” She wondered, did she have the full introduction again? No, that was in the note, right? Right. “Ehm... are you here to help deal with the goblin nest?” She asked. After all, for all she knew, this woman was just here to meet her, right? Or was that not how it worked? She wasn't sure.

The next girl to show up (Aqua) was more clear, as she immediately stated she was here for the request. Yet she didn't introduce herself, so did that mean she hadn't read Amice's introductions on the note? That might be the case. Amice figured she'd play it safe. “Hello miss, I am Amice Bellamy. I am a gnome. I am ten and six years old.” She introduced herself. That's when she remembered one of the questions Tahmuras told her to ask people. “Do you have any... ex-pe... expe... ” What was the word again? She couldn't recall the common for it. “Did you do the goblin nest destroying before?” She tried changing up the question.

The boy that walked up next (John), however, made her panic. “Sign... up?” Had she forgotten something? Oh no! That'd be bad. She looked at Tahmuras and Asuka again.



Luckily enough, the fox helped her out. “If you've accepted the quest from the Adventurer's Guild, you should already be signed up. If not, we can vouch for your participation later.” He stated. He wasn't exactly experienced with how these things worked, but he figured he'd need to do some research for when something like this would occur.

With that out of the way, however, Amice felt more confident again. “Yes, that's it!” She stated, grateful for Tahmuras' support. That's when she realised the guy didn't introduce himself, which meant he might not know her. “I'm Amice Bellamy. I am a gnome. I am ten and six years old.” She introduced herself to John.

The next one to move in, however, had her drop her jaw in awe. She'd start calling out in Sylvan. “{Look! Asuka! Tahmuras! Look! It's a spirit! One of the Spirit King's helpers is coming to help us!}” She called out in joy, upon seeing Flare approaching. Assuming they also spoke Sylvan, she'd run up to Flare. “{Hello! I'm Amice Bellamy! It's such a honour to meet a real spirit! I'm...}” She then noticed Flare starting to kneel before her, which was really, highly confusing. A spirit kneeling? For her? “{I... what...}” She tried, yet failed to make sense of it, as she ended up staring at them in a mixture of awe and confusion.

She was finally shaken free of that confusion by Thane, who greeted her. “{Ehm, yes...}” She realised she started in Sylvan again. “Yes! I am Amice. It is nice to meet you too, mister Thane.” That's when she realised. If anyone might have experience with goblin slaying, it might be this man. “Do you have any exp...” Ah right. She didn't recall how the word went before... and still couldn't figure it out right now. “Did you do the goblin nest exter... exterminion before?”

Although she'd introduced herself to everyone, she felt like she was forgetting something. Something important. Yet... what?



“{Why don't you tell them what we learned when asking around?}” Asuka would gently tell Amice.

Amice immediately flared up. Right. That's what she was meant to do! “When we asked about the Goblin nest, we learned it's in this bear-o-knee, close to the one above this and the border with the East Empire.” She stated, trying to recall what else there was. “It's in a forest and the goblins have been doing things that people said are a bit weird and scary.” She was doing her utmost best to recall everything. “The hunters from this town said the goblins were making traps in the forest and were training wolves and that they had a sha... {shaman or druid} ehm... magic goblin?” She couldn't figure out how to translate those words into common.

Was that all she was supposed to tell? She tried her best to come up with more, yet she failed.



“The village's mayor also offered us supplies from the local general store, should we need anything extra, as a way to aid us with the inbound danger of this goblin next growing and starting to utilise more advanced tactics and weaponry.” Tahmuras added.



“As for us, I'm Asuka, that is Tahmuras. We're Amice's guardians. We were asked to get rid of the goblin nest by a certain miss Steelhaven form the barony north of here, but I must warn you, whilst me and Amice know how to use magic, only Tahmuras has ever used it in battle.” She figured it might be best to set expectations of their capabilities low from the get-go rather than risk others believing they could handle more than they could and them paying the price for it later.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice, however, did have something to add. “Yes! She made us really pretty cat tail lists, look!” She said, as she channelled some mana into hers to make it start floating around her.


“Miss Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke said I should take care of it like a friend, so I should introduce you all!” She realised. “It is called... ” oh dear, that awfully complicated name again … “Raying... Rai... Raijin!” She thought she had it just there...



As Tahmuras looked around, he honestly had a tough time figuring out what talents they were dealing with, so he figured he'd ask. “If you all wouldn't mind, would you quickly inform me and each-other of the talents you're bringing to this extermination? I myself am somewhat educated in the school of [Fire] magic. Asuka knows the basics of Air magic. Amice... Amice has a lot of potential, but it seems her mana hasn't shaped after an element or form yet, as she's only just started learning. I'll admit none of us have any experience chasing down goblins and exterminating goblin nests, although Asuka should be able to aid in searching for it from the skies.”

Seeing the giant metal tank join the party made John feel uneasy, as he took a step back to make way for the big guy. If this mass of metal fell on top of him, he was gonna turn into pancake in mere seconds! At least when they spoke they seemed to give off a friendly vibe. Next up on the list was a knight clad in shining armor. He seemed very strict and cold, in contrary to the metal tank before him. John took a mental note to himself that he shan’t judge a book by its cover from now on.

When the fox would answer John’s question, the boy would nod his head understandingly. But he noticed that Amice’s introduction didn’t seem to make any sense to him. Folding his arms, he’d voice his thoughts out. “Uh huh… Now that doesn’t make much sense now, does it little one? How can you be ten and six years old at the same time? Unless you mean a hundred and six years old, in which case you should stop lying about being all grown up. Lying is bad for you, you know?” He smiled at the naughty little girl, while wagging a finger at her.

Next, they would receive a rundown of the mission, before Amice showed off her toy that she referred to as a cat tail list or something. Seeing the toy float in midair, John would look at it in awe. "Woo, that's a nice little toy you got there... What did you call it again? A Cat Tail List? Maybe I should get one for myself sometime."

When asked what his talents were by the fox, John would answer, “my talents? Well I’m mostly just a regular villager, but I’m good at cooking, cleaning up the dishes, sweeping the floor. My master once told me I did such a good job of cleaning, even the floor was left sparkling!” He’d then realize that this was a goblin subjugation mission, and many of his skills seemed to be irrelevant here. Clapping his hands together, he’d continue. “Oh! And of course, how could I leave out the most important thing. To add on to my wide array of skills, I have a fist!” He grinned proudly at the others, letting that fact sink in. “Which means I could probably beat up some of those goblins if I needed to. Well, although truth be told I have never really fought anything before, but how hard can it be anyway?” The arrogant John shrugged to himself, although he mostly resembled a normal person with no weapons or armor at hand. "Right, and I'm John by the way."
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario (Amice), Elijay Elijay (John), Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Aqua), Develius Develius (Flare), Shatter Shard Shatter Shard (Thane)
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Yes, I'm here for the Goblin Nest." The pinkette responded to Amice's question. A fair question, since she didn't explicitly state what she was here for. It wasn't long after finding the dwarf that 4 others joined the party. It was certainly an interesting gathering of... individuals here. Particularly with that... individual in a suit of armor that resembled a blast furnace. Phoebe couldn't tell at first glance what that person was. Probably not a human... maybe a construct? However, when Amice started talking to the blast furnace person in Sylvan, she figured they were a Fae after all. Well, in any case the way they introduced themselves to the group made it seem like they were pretty friendly.

Phoebe listened and nodded as Amice and the two animals accompanying her explained the situation. The mention of magic wielding goblins and the fact that they were getting more advanced in their tactics was certainly alarming news to hear. All the more reason to get rid of them before they could get too out of hand and threaten the lives of many more in Ryke, Phoebe's thoughts going back to her parents back in Ryken a ways north of where they currently were.

Amice then took out an ornate looking thing that looked like a talisman which she called a "cat tail list." Seeing as how it started flowing, it probably was a magic catalyst of some sort. A peculiar shape for one, Phoebe thought. All the catalysts she was familiar with were wands and staffs, like the wand she had and the staff the blue haired girl was carrying.

As the fox asked everyone about their talents, the ordinary looking guy was the first to speak up. His response was surely... something. Walking into a goblin nest without armor and just your fists to fight back?! Is he going to be okay? She thought to herself. Well, at least he was honest about his talents, if anything. Phoebe spoke up after. "I'm a mage, my specialty lies in Lightning magic." She said, pulling her wand out of her bag to show the rest of the group as well as to just have it ready for the upcoming quest. "I don't have any experience with hunting down goblins or taking down goblin nests in particular... but I have fought monsters before, a few ice serpents up north in the Kingdom recently." Granted it wasn't that much combat experience, but anything is better than nothing right? It was at that moment she remembered something, turning to the group. "Ah. Apologies, I don't believe I've given my name yet. My name is Phoebe Penrose. It's nice to meet all of you."


Language Key: | Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Flare wasn't quite sure what to say when Amice approached them excitedly and began speaking to them in an unknown tongue. Except, they'd quickly realize that it wasn't. Something clicked within its mind, giving a clarity to the girl's words. This was... Sylvan? Sylvan, yes! That's right! They nearly forgot they were able to understand the language of the Fae, given they lived primarily in a common-speaking civilization with a common-speaking human. However this did explain why they were able to understand certain schematics and books written in Sylvan, but being so comfortable with Common that naturally and unconciously reading them somehow caused them to barely register the difference. How funny.

It took them a moment to recognize exactly what Amice was saying earlier. She definitely recognized her as a... '{spirit}'? They suppose Fire Elementals were a kind of spirit in that case. But what wasn't familiar was her thinking they were a '{helper}' on behalf of a '{Spirit King}'. This caused Flare to cock their head, clearly identifying their unfamiliarity. Oh boy, this made them look like jerks, didn't it? "{Erm... Sorry, miss, I think you might be mistaken.}" they asked hesitantly, resorting to a softer tone, "{I'm a Fire Elemental, yes, but... I'm in no relation to this 'Spirit King' you're referring to.}"

They listened to Amice describe the situation with the goblin nest, mentioning how they were causing harm to the natives near the boarder with the Fae and East Empires. The creatures behind her were actually her guardians, though only the red fox had ever used its magic skills in combat. Speaking of whom, he asked everyone for their names and what they brought to the table. Tahmuras the wolf, fittingly enough, wielded fire magic, with the bird Asuka wielding air magic. They immediately pointed two metal fingers at the fire fox.

"Ay, yo, a fellow fire magic enthusiast I hear?" Flare remarked to the fire wolf, before lifting their other hand palm up to release two quick bursts of flame from the circular slot in the middle, "I happen to be somewhat of a fire enthusiast myself. Kinda my thing. Name's Flare by the way; I'm a fire Elemental. Believe it or not, this will be my first quest. Heard a bit 'bout goblins, but never really, er, interacted with em before. All I know is that they really wouldn't like fire being spewed in their direction, so there's that going." Goblins shouldn't be too much of a problem, at least according to what Flare had heard. Fraust had warned them about underestimating them, sure, but part of them thought they were being overdramatic. Still, something to at least watch out for just in case.

They listened to the others explaining their forte. So far, they knew the pink-haired girl, Phoebe, could wield lightning magic. Pretty cool, both fire and lightning are essentially superheated forms of plasma. Practically sister magics. Then there was the dark-haired boy, John, who... just had his fists? Like he could cook and clean but... wait, they hadn't fought anything before? Flare turned to the kid, cocking their head to the side in disbelief. "Kid," they stated, "Hate to be that guy, but uh, you sure you're qualified to take on a tribe of blood-thirsty goblins with your fists and a degree in housekeeping?"

"I-it's okay. I'm used to crashing into people, probably... Uh, thank you for the your concern." Aqua replied to John, she almost unconsciously took a step away from him but scolded her mind to ever thought so and stay in her place. He's showing genuine concern so the least she could do was hold back her shame and acknowledged him.

The rest of the group finally gathered, forming a ragtag group of adventurers that consist of highly varied individuals. Aqua was rather fascinated by the presence of a fire elemental among them, its not everyday she can see one of them, especially ones with such man-made armor like that. The gnome and her two guardians started to explain the mission's details to the group.

"I have... dissected goblins before, but never venture into their nest." She chimed, once or twice in the past her mentor came with a goblin strapped into a plank, a living struggling goblin. Then he used it to teach her monster anatomy and did some experiments on it. They couldn't afford to kill it so they did all that while the goblin was conscious and screaming in pain. Definitely not a memory she would forget. What she did forget though, was the fact that she hadn't give the group her name. She was almost panicked when she realized this, if she missed her chance she might ends up being called 'the gloom girl' for the rest of the mission.

"My name is Aqua. I'm an alchemist.. a transmuter, specifically. I also make staffs and wands." Aqua finally introduced herself. Her eyes were staring at the floating cat tail lists. She could feel that it wasn't only beautiful but also quite a powerful one, Miss Amanda must had taken some interest at the gnome to hand the young girl a powerful catalyst like that.​
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda had half-expected Amice to make off with the catalyst she had provided, after all the girl was a Fae and from what Amanda knew the Fae were seldom to be trusted. Luckily, Amanda had received word of the gnome's efforts to form a subjugation party among the adventurers guild's ranks. With the meetup location being on her travel route she decided that checking in on the group herself before their departure would be only right. Considering the subjugation was her idea in the first place. That and she didn't think the gnome or her guardians had the proper assets necessary to offer a reward for such a quest.

Well, more than the small amount the outer border villages could offer the guild to begin with.

Spotting the group assembling, Amanda quietly approached the group from behind, appraising them all as she did so. It was an interesting group the gnome had managed to assemble, but two in particular stood out to her. A human by the name of John and a mage by the name of Phoebe. Phoebe was a mage who seemed to be utilising a wand far below her relative stat level, whereas John had an expert-level natural defence and was wanted. How peculiar. [Appraisal C]

However, that peculiarity very quickly lost its shine when the boy began to mock her creation. A toy!? Prototype 13 was no TOY! It was a catalyst many in the capital would pay a small fortune for! A tool of great power! What a rude man!

Standing with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face, Amanda glared daggers at the man from behind. "A toy huh, an interesting take. Have you had your eyes tested recently? Or can you not recognise a weapon that could easily render that armour of yours broken with little competition?". Looking at the gnome Amanda's expression lightened and as she glanced to the rest of the group a smile began to creep its way onto her face.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Amanda Steelhaven. I'm an Advisor to Baroness Caelia and I'd like to thank you on behalf of the Baroness for taking on this subjugation quest. Our Barony has been doing its best to curb the goblin threat that once plagued the land and your contribution will be duly noted."

Looking to Phoebe and her wand in particular, Amanda continued "Aside from whatever it is the guild would wish to grant you, I will also be offering you all my services as a craftswoman should you succeed. Save of course for the three fae who already received their reward in advance. And JOHN. You may ask for any type of weapon, armour or tool you so wish. But do note anything you want to be made of Mythril or any other such rare material will require you to pay the material cost as per Ryken trade law."

Returning her gaze to the group as a whole, Amanda's smile slowly shifted to a grin "That being said I wish you all the best in your quest."

Moving toward Phobe, Amanda produced her hammer and began rooting through its pocket dimension for an item she had stored away. "Before you leave, do me a favour..."

From the pocket Dimension Amanda produced a wand, passing the Item to the apprentice mage with a smile. "Could you please use this wand and put it through its paces? I haven't had a chance to myself and I could do with the feedback. Its name is 'Hecate'. I'm entrusting it to you".

C Grade Catalyst

(Created with Magnum Opus, Not intended to be kept outside this RP)

A C-Grade Catalyst made by the Legendary Craftswoman Amanda Steelhaven. This wand is expertly and beautifully Crafted.

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Upon hearing Flare judge his skills, John rebuked, “why of course I’m qualified! I’ll have you know that I am a human weapon. These bad boys -” He flexed his biceps, although there wasn’t much to show anyways. “They won’t let you down, big guy.” Saying this, he flashed a grin at the metal tank.

That’s when he heard a snarky remark come from behind him, John turned to face the woman in question. “Well excuuuuse me, ma’am. All I see is a little girl with a floating device that has something to do with cat tails. Besides, I’m sure even a pair of scissors would be able to cut this almighty armor of mine.” Saying this, John would tug at his villager shirt as if she was referring to that as his armor. He was completely oblivious to the fact that he had an invisible armor surrounding him. The mysterious person would then introduce herself as… their employer?! And she was already targeting him by not offering him any of her services?! Going up to Amanda, John rubbed his hands together while smiling sheepishly. “Ahem, Miss Steelhaven, please forgive my earlier rudeness! I did not know that cat tail thingy could be so powerful! Powerful enough to shred this legendary armor of cloth and fabric that I have on me! Are your feet tired from having walked all this way? Then allow me to give you a foot massage, or would you like me to cook something up for you?”

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane's full attention was on the gnome, noting that she is having trouble with speaking common. "I have no experience with goblin extermination." His words were delivered with dry directness. "Though I am confident I can take them." He nodded to himself. Soon, the gnome began laying the info, and he was visibly startled when the two animals started talking as well. He had thought of them as simple pets or something similar, but he shook his surprise off after a moment as he listened intently. "Barony." He corrected. "Catalyst." Once again he tried to say the correct words, trying to help sorting out her speech. He held his chin as he pondered. "A magic goblin? A shaman huh?" His eyes then admired Amice's catalyst, but had no current interest in magic.

His face was deep in contemplation. "I am sorry to say this, but I am not well-versed with magic. I will have to leave the shaman to the mages of the group." He swept his gaze on the others. "As for my capabilities, I have an axe. I surmise flesh isn't as hard as wood." His great axe rattled with a shrug of his shoulders. "And if needed, I can provide controlled incendiary." He held the vials hanging from his belt. "Though I'd rather hold off from doing so in a forested area." There was a subtle hint of eagerness beneath his eyes betraying his thoughts. This man seemed eager to start fires.

Regardless, he turned his attention to the rest of the group as they started listing their capabilities one by one. As expected, many are users of magic in some way or another, with the only exception being John and himself. At least his assumed so. Thane was giving John a skeptical look, but shook his head. It was rude to assume the character of others when they've only met. Thankfully, he found a sense of camaraderie with Flare and Tahmuras. Fire does bring people closer. As for Phoebe and Aqua, he expected them to be somewhat familiar with the magics. He'd have to rely on them regarding the shaman.

When Amanda arrived, Thane made a clerical salute as she introduced herself. "Well met, advisor." He greeted with a nod. Her describing the capabilities of the catalyst were astonishing for him, but his attention was particularly locked on free equipment. After all, the most feasible thing for him currently were reliable equipment. The rewards brought sparkles in his eyes as he nodded. "I'll try my best to accomplish the task, at the very least." He reassured with a thump to his chest.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.
Uasal Uasal Amanda Steelhaven – See the group off. Provide bonus (crafted) rewards upon their return.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WBDKxy

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice was rather confused by John's statements. “I'm not! It does make sense, look!” She called out to him, as she held up her hands. Slowly, she starting pointing her fingers upwards. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight nine, ten.” She counted. Then she held her hands up even higher, to show that there were no more fingers left to count upon. “Then we go again.” She stated, putting her fingers down. “One, two, three, four, five, six.” She counted. “See! So I'm ten and six years old!” She made sure to show him the evidence by first holding up all ten fingers, putting them down, then holding up the remaining six.



Asuka was quick to try explain it. “My apologies, she hasn't had any formal education. She means to say that she's sixteen.” Upon the revelation, Amice just looked at her guardian in confusion. Clearly she was just counting French-style.



“You're a manservant?” The fox asked, upon hearing John's explanation. “Well, I'm not one to turn away any aid, but do know I'll be protecting them first and foremost.” He nodded towards Amice and Asuka, indicating John would be on his own if things got bad.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice turned to Phoebe, upon the mention of lightning. “Light...ning?” She wasn't sure what that was, until Asuka translated it to “{Lightning.}” for her. Amice was instantly in awe. “You can control the scary stuff that zaps down when it storms?!? That's amazing!”



“Ice serpents? Can't say I've ever seen those.” Tahmuras states. “From what I'm aware, the main difference between such monsters and goblins is that goblins tend to be weaker, but slightly more clever, so we'll be relying on your experience.” He stated with a bit of a toothy smile. “A pleasure to meet you, miss Penrose.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Sadly enough for Amice, the spirit turned out to be unrelated to the Spirit King. “{Oh...}” She replied, clearly a bit disappointed. “{I always thought all elemental spirits were helpers of the spirit king...}” She added, looking at Flare again. “{Well, even if you're not with the Spirit King, I think you're cool!}” She'd made up her mind not to feel down. “{So thank you for coming to help!}”



“Of course~” The fox replied with a cheeky grin upon being pointed out by Flare. “As fiery as the colour of my fur~” He stated, tail wagging in amusement. “Then again, I doubt I could beat someone made of the very element we're tempering with, so I'd be an honour to work with you~”



“Do try not to cause a massive forest fire, you two.” Asuka was quick to interrupted, upon seeing the two of them get fired up.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Diss...sect...ted?” Amice asked, upon hearing Aqua mention the word. She wasn't aware what it meant, but when she looked at Asuka for translation, there was no response. Perhaps it was a word Asuka didn't want her to know? However, the next bit Aqua said sounded familiar. “Oh, you also make cat tail lists! Just like miss Legendary Craftswoman of...”

As she was saying it, she was highly surprised to see the very person they were talking about to show up. “Oh! Hello again, miss Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke!” She called out and waved.

As Amanda would close in on John and Phoebe, they would notice she was doing something (Appraisal C), which they might recognise for what it was, depending on how much attention they were paying and if they knew the skill themselves.

Despite the fact that there were a literal fire elemental and a fire-wielding fox, the one most On Fire for the moment was Amanda, upon hearing one of her master-crafts being called a toy.

Meanwhile, Amice looked confused at the dialogue between John and and Amanda. Asuka looked like she was trying to figure out if she could get them to calm down. Tahmuras merely looked amused.



Thane managed to capture the fox' interest next. “From what I've heard, flesh is weaker than trees, but bones can be about as strong~” He spoke up, a bit hushed as to not let the gnome hear what he was talking about with Thane. “Controlled?” He asked. “That makes three~” He stated, feeling like things might end up heating up soon enough.

However, with their initial introductions out of the way, it would be time to start debating their strategy. “Considering the size of our group, we might wish to see if anyone can scout ahead?” He offered. “We'd probably stand out a fair bit and alarm half the forest if we just went there without any preparations.”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

As he said so, Amice took out a map, trying to spread it out despite it being about as big as her. “We were told the nest was somewhere... here!” She pointed a spot fairly deep into the forest, near what the map suggested was a waterfall. They'd have to follow the road towards the next town for about an hour, then take a side-path towards the river, then take a hunting trail deeper into the forest, until they'd eventually have to go through rough terrain for the last bit of their journey.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario (Amice), Elijay Elijay (John), Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Aqua), Develius Develius (Flare), Shatter Shard Shatter Shard (Thane), Uasal Uasal (Amanda)
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Well it looks like both her guess about Flare were completely off the mark as they said they were a fire elemental. Even after having having been reborn in and living in this world for around 2 decades now, there are still a lot of things she still isn't used to. And then Flare decided to say pretty much what was on her mind to John, albeit in a more... blunt way she probably would have said it. Well, I guess someone had to tell him...

That's when they heard another, new voice, from behind them. Well, behind John specifically, as there stood a blonde woman who evidently did not take kindly to John's 'toy' remark in the slightest. So, she was the one who made that catalyst for Amice, huh... From what she could tell at a glance, it was a pretty powerful catalyst, so she must be very skilled indeed. Well... no duh, Amice called her the 'Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke.' One doesn't just call someone else that for no reason, especially with this world's 'Titles' and stuff. Still... all of Ryke, huh? Just how much did she miss when she was away from home? How much else has changed since she first left Ryke? Now, she's gotta take a look around Ryke again while she was here after this whole goblin affair was over with.

Amanda's offer for her craft services after get manage to destroy the goblin nest was pretty enticing, with Amanda seeming to look in her direction in particular and the wand in her hand, prompting the pinkette to also look down at her wand. It was pretty much just a hand me down from her family, a pretty weak wand in pretty much every metric. Phoebe had been thinking of getting an upgrade eventually, especially now since her magic skills have been improving and ranking up after her past ventures, but in the end she never really got around to it. Looks like this is gonna be the perfect opportunity to do so! She should have enough money saved up from her adventures to cover Amanda's service fees.

"Ah, thank you, but I'm still just an apprentice. I still have a long ways to go." She responded to Amice's amazement at her being able to use lightning magic before turning to her fox companion. "And just Phoebe is fine."

Amanda was about to take her leave when she approached Phoebe. Did she want something from me...? Her confusion only grew when Amanda produced a wand from some pocket dimension. Phoebe looked at the wand in awe. It truly was a finely crafted wand, both aesthetically and qualitatively, being a grade C catalyst [Appraisal E]. Truly to be expected from someone called the 'Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke.' It was only when Amanda said Phoebe should use the wand that her confusion on why she would approach her vanished, only to be replaced with sheer surprise. "Huh?! A-are you sure it's alright for me to use this??" Her eyes shifted between the wand and Amanda before hesitantly taking it. "T-thank you... I'll be sure to take good care of it and return it to you once we're done dealing with those goblins!" Phoebe gave a sincere bow of gratitude to Amanda.

Turning her attention back to the group as discussions about the group's strategy began with Amice pulling out a map, being comically large for her size despite being a regular map. Admittedly, it was kind of amusing to watch. “I can be part of that forward party.” She said as she stepped towards Amice to get a better look of the map she pulled out, her eyes tracing the route Amice recited. “Though I may not be from this part of Ryke, I can definitely find my way around this part of the country. I can hand myself decently well too, as long as I don’t get overwhelmed in numbers. I’m not at all good at melee combat, though… so I’m hoping I don’t have to end up in that sort of situation…”
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John listened in on the others as they revealed their talents. Their party had a lot of fire mages, and considering how they were going into a forest, that didn’t seem like a good sign at all. Hopefully he would be able to make it out of this journey alive instead of being burnt right into a crisp! Besides that, the knight looking man was good at wielding axes, while the others were more of magic wielders. There was also the shy girl who was good at… dissecting goblins?! Ehhh, she was starting to sound hella scary now. Putting that aside, this was starting to look like a great team already. Now John could just sit back and relax as the others fling their magic into the goblins.

Still though, as he thought about it further, most of them had doubts about his ability, and if he really did end up a total burden, their fierce and terrifying boss Amanda might just choose to deny him all of the sweet rewards! And he couldn’t have that… He needed connections with the adventurer’s guild as well as all these strong folk so that the villagers wouldn’t be able to catch him! In that case, he had to step up to take the frontline. At the very least, he could make a good meatshield holding the goblins off for the mages, although he might take a couple of beatings in the process… But screw it! He had to do all that it takes in order to survive!

Hearing Amice’s explanation, John nodded his head as he finally got her reasoning. Asuka would also further elaborate that she had no formal education. John would shake his head. “Oh no no, there’s no need for an apology. I mean, I guess you do get sixteen if you add 10 and 6 together, and I can’t really blame her for her lack of education.”

The fox seemed just as skeptical as the metal man though, as it voiced its concerns. “Oh relax foxy, you can leave the protecting to yours truly!” John smiled smugly, with his hands on his hips.

When the fox would ask for volunteers in joining the scouting group, John’s ears perked up. This was his chance to prove himself! Although was he really the right one for the job? His confidence started to wane as he thought about his skills once more. Neither was he stealthy, nor did he have keen senses. He was just a regular guy! Nevertheless, he’d volunteer himself when Phoebe mentioned her shortcomings when it came to melee combat. Raising a hand, he’d speak, “well, I wouldn’t mind joining if there’s a need for melee combat. I can at least hold those goblins off for Phoebe here to cast her spells, I think.”


Language Key: | Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Flare bowed respectfully at Amice's sylvan remark; proceeding to give her a friendly thumbs up in return. Thankfully she didn't seem as disappointed about this but they'd still feel a prick of nonexistent guilt would dimming their fires just a tiny bit. Still, they'd like to meet this {"Spirit King"} one day... as well as more of their kind if given the chance. They'd heard of other elementals before but rarely did they show up at their home village. Perhaps after this little quest they might ask her if they knew anything about this divine Fae ruler...

Flare glared blankly at John flexing his lil' ole arms. "Uh huh..." they muttered slowly, clearly unimpressed by the tiny pistols he called 'guns', "I bet you are lil'... spud.". If he wasn't compensating for something, they didn't know what his deal was. A farmer boy with gloated aspirations? Though frankly who were they to judge so out of the gate.

Despite their name, Aqua wasn't a water mage, but an alchemist that also happens to make wands and staffs. Flare seemed almost relieved at the fact, seen with a sigh of embers escaping their helmet. With how elementally opposite they were on the spectrum, being drenched by a rogue water blast would put the fire elemental in MAJOR trouble; weakening at worst and risk killing them at worst.

The arrival of one Amanda Steelhaven was an unexpected event, but one which Flare looked on with curious intent. Apparently, she acted as an advisor to some Baroness named Caelia, who was the person who arranged the goblin slaying quest. Flare didn't seem too interested in them at first, believing she acted merely as a spokesperson who was to debrief them on the quest at hand. However, their head perked up upon her offer to provide them with her services as a craftswoman. Apparently armor and weapons are on the table of rewards, even Mythril objects provided it was in accordance to the trade laws in Ryken. She was even kind enough to give Phoebe a cool new wand for her to test out, albeit temporarily.

Flare's definitely gonna request something from the craftswoman after the quest. What it might be, that was something they needed to think a bit more on. Though a flaming sword or axe would be pretty cool...

Speaking of fire, Tahmuras' response got Flare a bit giddy at the opportunity to let their powers flow injunction with a fellow pyromancer wolf of all things. The bird, Asuka, however would warn them not to cause a rogue environmental hazard of a forest fire. Flare shrugged, their metal arms extending sheepishly with their chuckling, "I mean I've heard forest fires aren't all THAT bad," they retorted, nudging in some facts courtesy of Fraust, "Helping improve soil quality and all. But nah, I hear ya. We'll make sure to burn responsibly." Even the armored guy, Thane, apparently had means of causing incendiary damage too, but raised the same concerns.

With the group now discussing battle tactics, Flare judged their capabilities with what the group needed. With their hulking armored form, being a scout wasn't a great choice. They stood out like a sore thumb, not to mention a walking fire hazard that can alert an entire forest to their presence. Besides, there's others that looked more qualified for the job; such as Asuka the flying bird or a more nimble Aqua. Phoebe could definitely provide some magic support with her lightning magic, but admitted their melee strength wasn't too great. John tried to be the hero, claiming to be able in holding the goblins off for Phoebe with his... dainty fists.

Yeah, it's pretty clear what archetype Flare was going to fill.

"I've been told I can punch things pretty good." the armored elemental stated, punching the air as they did, "Given my metal hands and all. And I can certainly crush any poor goblin under my boots if given the chance." Admittedly, melee combat wasn't something they really experimented with much since getting in the OVEN, and neither were they really capable of insane feats of strength yet. That bond needs to... cook a bit more. Still, they were equipped to take a decent beating if push came to shove. "But again, I'll be more than happy to roast some goblin ass if the numbers get a bit too much for us to handle alone. Jus' sayin... Good ol' crowd-control, ya know?"
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Aqua was startled when she felts a familiar sensation creeping on her, like a stranger touching her back and then running their finger up her spine. The sensation of being appraised. She didn't know who to expect when she turned away to look into the newcomer, but she definitely didn't expect Miss Amanda Steelhaven herself to show up. Aqua's jaw dropped as Amanda introduced herself and explained her involvement in the request and offered her service as extra reward.

A-A-An item from the legendary crafter herself! That's a big deal for Aqua, who spent a good chunk of her time tinkering her staffs and wands. Her mind was flooded at the possibility of stuffs that she might request. So much stuffs that it made her a bit dizzy. Though her imagination ends when she reminds herself that the mission hadn't even started, she should finish the task before even thinking about the rewards. Gripping her staff tighter, she approached the small gnome and peeked at the map she opened.

"T-that's quite some distance. We should get going now then, goblins are more dangerous during the dark." Aqua chimed in with much less stutter than before that she surprised herself. It's the power of being motivated! Probably.

"I can join the scouting, maybe... I can make signals and trails..." This part she wasn't too sure, she had no experience in scouting activity in particular but she wanted to contribute something.​

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane noted that the gnome was not a child, just uneducated. "Everyone has struggles." He commented aimed at no one in particular. Though he did glance at John for a little bit. He regained

"Although I can scout, I am currently not confident enough to do a good enough job with it." He declared. "And so I would also like to take on a more frontal role, like Flare." His eyes drifted to his armor, whose purpose is to deflect glancing blows rather than endure direct contact. "I would prefer if the role doesn't constitute soaking in aggression." He added. He scanned the map presented to them, his brows scrunching up in contemplation. "That will be a problem for fire." He remarked, tapping at the forest. "One mistake and we could cause a felony. Setting trees on fire is not against the law, but causing a forest fire is." He held his head as if disappointed. "As much as possible, we should hold off from using fire, unless we have something we can use to douse it when we're done."

He looked at Phoebe and Aqua. "You two, are you able to secure the perimeter?" His face seem to look as if gears were working inside his head. "By that I mean mapping the general area. Exterminating all of the goblins in one fell swoop would be great, but it's inevitable that some would be able to escape. That is a scenario we don't want to happen." He began to elaborate, crossing his arms as he tapped on his forearm. "At least with a knowledge of where we could possibly approach, we should be able to cut off their escape, or at least stall them enough to catch up."

He held his chin, looking at the group with calculating eyes. "Though, that assumes the idea that we would find a small number of goblins. A large amount of them, then it's impossible to wipe them all out. That means we have to cut off the head of their group as fast as possible. Their death will cause confusion, and on the best case scenario rout them. Otherwise, it would buy us enough time to deal significant damage to them." His eyes landed on Flare and Tahmuras. "In both scenarios, Flare and Tahmuras should be the ones controlling the flow of the goblins. After all, a lot of living things fear fire." He had to repress the urge to smile at the thought of evil burning, before his eyes landed at the Phoebe and Aqua. "You two should be able to supplement us by being our eyes. As mages, our backs are entrusted to you two. Oh, and that includes both of you, Ms. Amice and Asuka." His gaze landed on the gnome and the fox. "Do not worry though, your job is to deal with stragglers. That should be easier than taking in the brunt of it." Finally, he turns towards John. "And you, John, should be with me concerning high priority targets." He observed John. "That, or you can also do your suggestion, guard duty." He nodded to himself. "If that sounds reasonable to you all, then we should embark as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to state your dissatisfaction." He declared bluntly.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.
Uasal Uasal Amanda Steelhaven – See the group off. Provide bonus (crafted) rewards upon their return.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WBDKxy

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

It seemed that multiple people were eager to sign up for being the scouting group, starting off with Phoebe, with John immediately tagging on, followed by Aqua as well...

There was just one thing that the fox wanted to confirm.



“No offence, but I'm fairly sure just two people would be enough. Preferably anyone with the ability to [stealth], or perhaps some [survival] skills? Or possibly some [heightened senses] or good [perception] to spot enemies before they spot us?” He then looked at Phoebe's and Aqua's hair. It'd stand out a lot in a forest, unless they were to stealth really well or keep it covered. Otherwise it was almost as bright and noticeable as his own fur.

He'd look at John next, who mentioned protecting. “I sincerely hope you know what you're getting yourself into.” He stated, squinting his eyes a bit. Fighting was already more difficult than most might assume. Protecting even more so.

On the other end, he looked at Thane with some surprise. “It seems you know what you're talking about. I'd gladly leave the planning to you.” He stated, figuring that one was speaking the most sense thus far. “I only have one question. My own magic, nor Asuka's or Amice's, are particular far-reaching. Perhaps if someone else has further reaching-abilities, we can have said person target the heads of whatever enemies look most dangerous?” He'd eye Phoebe for a bit, putting his money on her being the one with the most ranged in this group. He could be wrong though.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Meanwhile, Amice a bit confused by Phoebe. “What is an a-print-is?” She asked, wondering if it was some sort of rank or title for lightning magic users.



Asuka nodded at John. “Thank you for understanding. She's very clever, if you ignore the lack of actual education and the fact she speaks only basic Common.” The bird did sound a bit like a proud mother when adding the latter part.

She would, however, raise an eyebrow at Flare's remark regarding forest fires. She really hoped that one was serious about burning responsibly. His remark of 'crowd control' did get some questioning looks.

That said, Aqua was right, it was time to start moving. Luckily enough for the group, the road towards the side-path was all clear and peaceful. Also luckily enough, Thamuras would have Amice climb atop his back, as keeping the Gnome's pace was going to take them double or triple the regular time.

However, as they got onto the side-path, Asuka flew down. “The trees further ahead are far too dense for me to see well from up high. I'll continue scouting just in case, but don't rely on me to avoid ambushes.”

With that slightly ominous warning given, it was up for the scouting party to go ahead. Those that still decided to join said party, at least.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Forest near the Border
From: https://pixexid.com/image/a-mystica...nging-lantern-amidst-ancient-gnarled-wav5s8xf

As they'd follow along the side-paths, they would notice it was pretty quiet and peaceful. Then again, the trees were thick and dense, the road had some twists and turns, the terrain was rather uneven... In other words, there would be many opportunities for an ambush or for traps along a road like this. The question was; what would they try to be ready for them and/or to spot them ahead of time?

Following a bit behind were Amice, Tahmuras, Thane and Flare (among whomever else would decide not to join the scouting group). Oddly enough it was Amice that noticed something off first and foremost (Survival F). “Isn't it really silent for a forest?” She ask Tahmuras, who just nodded. He didn't like it, so he made sure to stick close to the others. Not for his own safety, but for that of the gnome on his back.

As Tahmuras listed off the skills the scouting party ought to have, John nodded his head attentively. Yup, this sounded like a bad idea. He didn’t have any of those skills in particular! The knight known as Thane did give him a good suggestion that he ought to join Thane in dealing with the high priority targets. That seemed like an important role, and to think that this knight would entrust such an important job to him, he couldn’t possibly let him down now! “Sounds good to me. In that case, I’ll be assisting you at the front.”

Turning to Phoebe and Aqua, he’d add on to Thane’s thoughts. “As for the scouting party, I don’t think they necessarily have to engage combat with any goblins that they come across. If they can’t finish them off in a single attack, we’d risk some of the stragglers escaping and alerting the other goblins. In order to play it safe, they should scout out the location of these goblins from a safe location first, before reporting back to us and allowing us to surround the goblins and set up an ambush. But of course this is just coming from my own inexperienced speculation, I’ll leave it to them to decide what they should do.”
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario (Amice), Elijay Elijay (John), Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Aqua), Develius Develius (Flare), Shatter Shard Shatter Shard (Thane)
Languages: Common | [Terran]

After a few moments of discussion, it was looking like the group's scouting party was going to be Aqua, John, and herself before John seemed to back out of the role after Thane laid out a plan for the group. A very thorough plan at that! He did say he didn't have any experience in these kinds of quests, didn't he? No, wait! He just said goblin extermination. In that case, he must have probably had his fair share of monster hunt quests. In any case, it seemed like the group had a solid foundation for their plan of action thanks to him. "Hmm... well in terms of mapping out the area, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If it's just stragglers that shouldn't be too hard either." She took a glance at Aqua for a brief moment. She didn't explicitly say she was a mage, but considering that staff of hers seemed to be a catalyst she probably knew some spells.

As Tahmuras was talking about some skills he thought would be helpful to have in the scouting team, he looked at Phoebe and Aqua. It didn't take long to figure out why. The scouting party, i.e. just her and Aqua, consisted of the 2 humans in the group that had the brightest hair, pretty conspicuous hair colors. Phoebe ran her fingers through a tuft of hair at the side of her face, holding it in her hand while looking at it for a quick second. She couldn't help it if she was reborn into this world with pink hair. Her eyes too! How was that even possible anyways? In her old world, such a thing was impossible to happen naturally, herself originally having black hair and eyes.

She glanced over at Aqua's light blue hair. Is her's natural too? Is this sort of thing normal in this world? Maybe she should learn a spell or something that could change her hair color to something... less conspicuous just in case if some stuff happens in the future where she needed to make herself stand out less. I wonder if I could remake my old self with such a spell... I definitely stood out a lot less as Cassidy.

Tahmuras then turned the subject back to magic, asking a question about magical abilities. "My spells can reach up to targets 100 feet away. If you need someone to hit important targets from a distance, like that goblin shaman you were talking about earlier, I can be your gal, if no one else has spells that can reach further than that. Also, if there's a bunch of goblins grouped up in one place, I also have spells that can strike every entity within a 50 foot radius of where it was cast. Though, I do mean every entity in the case of my area spells, friend or foe..." She took a look at Flare, Thane, and John, most likely the group's melee fighters. "I would hate if any of you got caught up in those spells... Maybe I could cast those sorts of spells if we can get the drop on them?"

The next question posed to her was also kind of technical, though in a more linguistic way than a magical way. "Well... it's kind of like an informal title to describe a mage's skill in magic. I don't think they've ever been formalized by any sort of magic authority, if they exist. We just use them to describe ourselves and others most of the time. Novices are what we would call those who just started using magic, and apprentices are pretty much one step above that but not quite expert or master level yet."

When the group started making their way along the route they had discussed before, Phoebe went up front as part of the scouting pair. She kept the wand Amanda entrusted to her at the ready, just in case something came out at them and she needed to cast a quick spell. It didn't seem like there was too much amiss in the woods, it was just nice and quiet. While they were walking, she turned to her scouting partner. "[Hey, Aqua, right? You said you make staffs and wands right? Did you make that one too?]" She gestured to Aqua's staff before continuing to scan the trees around them. It shouldn't hurt to have a bit of banter just between the 2 of them, as long as they still remained aware of their surroundings.
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Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Flare listened adamantly to Thane's battle strategy, having brought up some valuable points. Indeed, if the goblin settlement is small, they'd have no problem torching them alive. If it's larger, of course there's a good chance they'd get overwhelmed. His idea that Flare and Tahmuras would help channel and control the flow of the horde would see a gleaming expression raging within their furnace head. "Sounds good to me boss," they stated, clanging their fists in gleeful anticipation. Even though he didn't show it, they could've sworn the knight was about to smile devilishly with them.

With the scouting party having been arranged and their destination set, they would finally set off into the forest towards their goblin target. Flare's first quest had just begun and frankly they couldn't be more excited. While Aqua and Phoebe went ahead as the scouts, Flare was with Thane, Amice and the Tahmuras. "Team Flame" was ready for action! There was a bit of giddiness in their step as they stomped down the trail, the light rattling and clanging of their armor making their excitement all the more evident. Or was this nervousness? It was frankly a bit of both. After all, this was also going to be their first dive into proper combat. No longer did Flare have to test on flammable hay dummies or blast-proof walls. This time, they'd have fresh monsters to fry. This should be easy... but what if something went terribly wrong?

But no time to dwell on such dire superstition, when the faint smell of triumph seemed to be luring them into assurance.

However, as they looked down at little Amice, they'd notice she looked worried. Taking a moment to listen to their surroundings, moving slightly slower to dampen their clanking armor, Flare also noted the quietness the forest. Yet they didn't seem to feel too concerned. "Ahhh, cheer up now," they said in common, with a positive swing to their voice, "It's probably just a quiet section of the woods. I reckon the ambience will return in a lil' bit. Besides, at least we can hear things clearly so the moment someone tries to sneak up on us, BANG! We'd get em before they'd know what hit 'em." They then turned to Thane, "Oi," they motioned with their helmet, "Thane, was it? What got ya into becoming a knight? Got yourself in a life debt with some kingly folk or just tryna be an inspiring hero to folks of your town or something?"

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane nodded along with the other's comments. "The bright colors are a problem, but it is inevitable. If anyone had the ability to properly scout, they would've raised their hand by now." He lamented, noting that he will eventually need to learn how to hunt stealthily and efficiently in the future. "We'll have to make do for now." With a sigh, he moved on. "With that said, John's suggestion would be useful. The purpose of the scout party is recon, so fighting isn't necessary until the rest catches up." He gazed at Phoebe. "As for the matter of shooting spells at a distance, we'll get there when we get there. Though I do hope the shaman won't have some sort of magic shield." He remarked as he scratched the back of his neck. "It would be quite the predicament if it did have one." With his thoughts, the group embarked on to the extermination.

A distance at the front was the scouting party, while ways behind was the main group. Thane's steps were cautious and rigid, tension running through his body as if he was about to walk into war. The glint in his eyes were quiet intense, looking straight ahead with single-minded focus. Thane was snapped out of his mind as he slowed from Amice's remark regarding the unusual silence. Although there was some doubt in his mind, he wasn't one to take comments like these lightly. With sharpened focus, his hands readied, anticipating anything that might come. His attention was momentarily on Flare as they asked him. "I am not a knight." He replied as he pat the axe emblem on his chest armor. "I am a cleric, from the Holy Order of the Axe. Though, it would be more apt to call me an apprentice inquisitor." He remained alert in his stride as he continued. "I simply wanted to enact justice wherever I could reach, that's all there is to it."


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