Poetry From The Mind of Genkuro


Past before you with a shattered concept,
So far gone what good is a hand up.
Looking back thought tainted glass,
When was the first moment illusion was casted?
Living in the present, avoiding the future hunted by the past,
What is real when you no longer understand the emotion of feel.
Eyes, lies, surprise, disguise more questions than whys,
Hidden truths are the most hurtful demise.
Embracing the moments during every blink,
Drowning in thoughts and the movement of the mouth is a smile one would think.
Problems are shiny stones awarded to the worn,
Harm is a part of the charm so why raise the alarm?
Inhale the gold dust and release the black smoke
Existing in the moment of their cruelest joke.
As the pure snow falls from the sky to cover it all,
I lay, I sit, I stand but always survive whatever may fall.


Basking in the presents of everything dear,
with every sound cant we hear?
Hollow breath between the air,
Blissful minds no longer there.
Empty eyes wash of each thought,
From the moment of birth is was always a not.
Nothing was real or ever a truth,
Hello darkness smiling with proof.
A touch so warm it all melts away,
Why wasn’t this illusion that came out to play?
Guess we will see what the story will tell,
My mind is the devil with my soul is its hell.


Past before you with a shattered concept,
So far gone what good is a hand up.
Looking back thought tainted glass,
When was the first moment illusion was casted?
Living in the present, avoiding the future hunted by the past,
What is real when you no longer understand the emotion of feel.
Eyes, lies, surprise, disguise more questions than whys,
Hidden truths are the most hurtful demise.
Embracing the moments during every blink,
Drowning in thoughts and the movement of the mouth is a smile one would think.
Problems are shiny stones awarded to the worn,
Harm is a part of the charm so why raise the alarm?
Inhale the gold dust and release the black smoke
Existing in the moment of their cruelest joke.
As the pure snow falls from the sky to cover it all,
I lay, I sit, I stand but always survive whatever may fall.


Twisted the strings till they tear and wilt,
With a flash or slice its all the matter of the hilt.
Loving the imperfections is a fools games,
Love, like and hate dont matter when they are dressed the shame.
The weight of it all rest on the backs who are strong,
why even bother if its the only thing you carry wrong?
Trapped and free are all the same within the dark,
Confusing them as different shows how the world's part.
The curse of it all show that this glamour was brighter then the rest,
Only a matter of time till it dimmed liked the rest.
Toxic is the key to all in this life,
Death my old friend you should of stroke more than twice.
But its okay we been dead for awhile,
Cant you tell but the hollow of our smile?
Shade no tears for us because it all looks bleak,
The three ladies are giggling as the last hope remains sleep.


I am
The outcome of all this has me pissed. My skin burns with rage, my eyes with angry. I ball my fist and look forward, wanting to release it all in a fury of unfiltered gore and horror.
I am justified hostility.
Lost and confused I wonder thought the mirrored walls of thoughts that make me up. I see all out yet am blind at the same time. I know not what to make of all this but I know this.
I am bemused mind
I steady beat in pain and torment. I ache and I hurt and I know why. I did all that was asked of me and loved like I was meant for. Living for what I was told I was here for but in the end.
I am a broken heart.
My place is not told to me. I am not sure why I am here but know that I am. When I look up I feel wronged. When I look I ask why I still care. Why am I even still here?
I am a vexed emotion.
The realization of my being is as clear to me as it ever been. I am here to show the end of it all. My place is to show that no matter what it is will be alright. No matter what I am put though.
I am personal contentment.

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