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Fantasy From the Colosseum - Neutral Characters


Keeper of Secrets

Thor'ral Battleborn


A hill giant Ring Master, Thor'ral Battleborn was known as the "King in the Ring" in his prime. Once a gladiator himself, nomadic merchants of Daia'Thas had bought him out of the Ruby Colosseum. Feeling out of place as a guardsman for these merchants, he betrayed his masters and took up a band of mercenaries to lead around the Deserts of Surda. Eventually, Thor'ral was found by Daia'Thas troops and they offered him a deal in stead of trying to arrest him for his murder of his former masters. They gave him the position of Ring Master of the Ruby Colosseum in return for his loyalty to the empire. Now he lords over the Ruby Colosseum and ever gladiator under his supervision knows their limits under his reign... and if they don't...

Azaj Viletide


Azaj Viletide is of a race of sea-dwellers known as the "skathiss," serptine-humanoids that live in tribes in several parts of the sea throughout the world. Azaj was the High Priestess of the Viletide tribe, however she relinquished her position to take up the honor of Ring Master in the Sapphire Colosseum. The position was offered to her by the people of Itharia and as the Ring Master, she lords over her subjects with an iron fist, but has shown to treat the gladiators as more than just puppets for entertainment.

Leon Greywhisker


A ferren that was of the original clan that settled in the Emerald Colosseum before its renovation. Leon Greywhisker was a warrior of his clan before, known as the "Watchman." He is wise and patient and fair. He treats the gladiators with respect and helps train them through guidance and support rather than force and threats. The gladiators of the Emerald Colosseum love him and the audiences always look up to him for his values.
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The Ruby Colosseum

Notable NPCs

Name: Samar Irryad, the Bloodspiller

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Colosseum: The Ruby Colosseum


Description: Samar is five feet and eleven inches tall, weighing in at around one hundred and eighty pounds. His body is very muscular and athletic due to formerly being a tribal swordsman and now being a gladiator. His hair is short and black but most of the time his head is covered with the veil. His skin is a light bronze tone and his eyes are a deep brown.

Weapon: A steel saber; dagger (x2)

Armor: Tough leather vest, bracers, gloves, boots, and leggings. He also wears a traditional armor piece on his back that is meant to hold his tribal banner. Instead it's been replaced with a flag of the Colosseum. The armor has three wooden spikes and it can also holster his saber.

Gear: A red linen cloth around his waist to block heat and sand, while a beige cloth head piece to protect from the elements.


  • Isolation
  • Swords
  • Various fighting techniques
  • Golden Lynx
  • Tranquility


  • Foolishness
  • A warrior without honor
  • Being a slave in the arena
  • Enemies with ranged weapons
  • Hill Giants (esp. Gragor Brutefist)


  • Swordsmanship
  • Athletic / Agile
  • Adaptive


  • Only wears leather armor which can be easily passed through with heavy weapons.
  • Limited strength
  • Isolated.

Personality: Samar the Bloodspiller is an isolationist. He likes to be left alone. This is in part due to his spite over being a slave and that his first and only friend that he made in the arena was killed early on in his gladiator career. He is a noble soul, despite having more savage fighting techniques. He's not prone to talking to many people, especially those he has not studied from afar and in the ring.


Name: Gragor Brutefist

Race: Hill Giant

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Colosseum: The Ruby Colosseum


Description: Gragor towers over all gladiators in his coliseum, standing at twelve feet and eight inches. This body is riddled with muscle that could crush even the strongest of metal. His bronze skin shines in the desert sun. His eyes were a fierce brownish red that made his opponents tremble.

Weapon: Anything he can hold.

Armor: Leather leggings and boots. A leather belt with an enormous steel buckle. He also wears thick steel bracers around his forearms.

Gear: None really... he's kind of a giant...


  • Fighting
  • Crushing things
  • Rabble rousing
  • Victory
  • War


  • Smaller races
  • Nobles, magicians, etc.
  • Thor'ral Battleborn
  • Samar Irryad, the Bloodspiller
  • Anyone who doesn't fear him.


  • Brute strength
  • Commanding
  • Breaking things...


  • Agility
  • Limited mobility
  • Not well liked

Personality: Gragor is an attention hog. He loves his celebrity status and that almost every gladiator in the coliseum fear his wrath. He is a fighter through and through. He feels that those that are smaller than he are worthless and feeble beings for him to crush.


Name: Banswadi, the Scavenger

Race: Sand Troll

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Colosseum: The Ruby Colosseum


Description: Banswadi stands about seven feet and two inches tall. His gold toned body was hairless, save the red mane on his head. He was very muscular but, as a troll, slimmer than most of the other races in the coliseum. He spoke with an islander (Jamaican) accent and had two tusks, each about a foot in length, extending from his jowls. His eyes were a crystal, sharp red. Many scars covered his body as well. He also generally wears blue warpaint all over his body.

Weapon: Two curved daggers and generally a two-handed battle scythe.

Armor: He, as most trolls, does not wear boots. He wears only a wood-plated loin cloth, wood plated shoulder guards, and wood plated breast plate. Most notably, he wears a voodoo mask. It has traditional markings, but they are not enchanted as he would be executed if he did so.

Gear: He wears traditional beads on necklaces and bracelets that he has created himself.


  • Observing scenarios and events and gladiator matches
  • Secrets & knowledge
  • Magic
  • Samar Irryad & Gragor Brutefist conflict


  • Daia'Thas
  • People who talk too much
  • Arrogance
  • Goblins


  • Nimble and agile
  • Knowledgeable and intelligent
  • Keeping secrets
  • Stealth combat
  • Troll magic


  • Limited strength
  • Knows too much
  • Cannot use his magic

Personality: Banswadi is a sly troll. He trusts only his own kin that are enslaved with him in the coliseum and not very many people trust him. Despite these trust issues, however, he is the only one with access to the most information about the outside the world. Rather than trading information for materials, he trades information with information from other gladiators. Banswadi does have a conscious, unlike most folk in the coliseum. If he sees a person is sick or severally wounded, he will do what he can to be a make-shift doctor since the Ring Master provides no care for the gladiators. If it's someone who he knows is a guilty soul, then he will most likely not give his services so freely. His followers are either other sand trolls or those he has helped in the past and owe him.
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The Sapphire Colosseum

Notable NPCs

Name: Lekura Seaclaw, the Sea-Dancer

Race: Dathyrian

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Colosseum: The Sapphire Colosseum

(The picture portrays a male character, she looks more or less the same, only with a more feminine physique.)

Description: Lekura is about five feet and ten inches tall, weighing around 160 pounds. Her scales were a bright blue while her fins were yellow fading out into a greenish blue. Her stature was what you would expect from a soldier. She is a soft speaker. Her beast is very protective and it in the presence of her beast that she feels safe to speak to strangers.

Weapon: Retractable blades, strapped to her arms. The blades fold back so the tips are just behind her knuckles, but high enough off to allow her hand mobility. She has one on each arm.

Armor: Her scales provide her with natural armor.

Gear: None.


  • Her pet, Arkus
  • Being in water
  • Sea Giants
  • Meditating


  • Leviakan (esp. Gar'kresh, the Dragon)
  • Barbarism
  • Her and Arkus's enslavment
  • Dry sand
  • Ice


  • Fighting with Arkus
  • Agile, fast, strong, and naturally armored
  • Fighting underwater


  • Cannot wear exterior armor
  • Is more vulnerable when not fighting with Arkus
  • Bull-headed

Personality: Lekura the Sea-Dancer was a very peaceful warrior-lady of her people before the arrival of the Daia'Thas. Many of the leviakan tribes joined the forces of Daia'Thas and brought many of the Dathyrians into enslavement. Many were used as laborers in leviakan dwellings, but others were used as instruments of entertainment for Daia'Thas and Itharian nobles. She was one of the slaves captured and turned into a gladiator. She was a solemn soul, secluding herself even away from her own people, until she was in the arena and she met the one who be her abyssal companion in Arkus. Arkus then turned her personality around and she became determined to fight the leviakan and free herself from enslavement and then the rest of her people.

Abyssal Companion: Arkus

Creature: Abyrcat


Description: A saber cat that has the ability to breathe underwater. Arkus can swim up to 50 miles an hour and he can run just as fast. Powerful legs allow him to leap and dash with great power. Standing at six feet tall (ground to top of head) and having a body that reaches ten feet. His translucent fins fold onto his body and stick to himself while he is not in the water. When in water, however, his fins are released from his flesh and allow him to better control his movements in the water. Two gill slits on his chest and four breathing holes on his shoulder blades allow him to breathe underwater excellently. Lekura sits just between his shoulders just before where his dorsal fin starts to rise from his back. His two feet fangs are sharp and them along with his lethal claws make him a grim adversary. He is bound to Lekura through unconventional means that have never been seen in her people's culture. She is the first Dathyrian to make this binding and the Ring Master has been having issues with the creatures becoming Dathyrian pets because of Lekura. Now, she is one of very few Dathyrians in the arena as she has been demanded to stay in the arena by the audiences as a contesting champion along with Arkus.


Name: Zantaur Spitescale, the King Under the Water

Race: Leviakan

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Colosseum: The Sapphire Colosseum


Description: Zantaur from the ground to head on average is eight feet tall, however his length from the tip of his thick tail to his serpentine head is about 14 feet. His scales are a deep blue and his underbelly are a golden yellow. His fins are yellow at the base and become light blue as they extend. His facial features are sharp reptilian. His eyes were black slits surrounded by a fiery amber. On his hands, five inch claws extended from his finger tips. Small spikes protrude from the top of his nose.

Weapon: A battleaxe that he calls the "Wavereaper." His claws are also lethal in close quarters.

Armor: His scales are his first layer of armor. They are razor sharp which allows him to have a natural defense against more stealth and assassination based gladiators. He also wears steel shoulder-plates that guard the sides of his neck .

Gear: A necklace comprised of small bones from his kills.


  • Fighting and killing
  • Being in water
  • Recognition and acclimation for feats in the arena


  • Dathyrians (esp. Lekura the Sea-Dancer
  • Ranged fighters (cowardice)
  • Humans
  • Enemies he cannot catch



  • Combat, both with axe and claws.
  • Stronger than most others, and naturally armored
  • Fighting underwater


  • Ranged fighters
  • Tunnel-visioned / reckless
  • Slow and not as agile as others of his kind

Personality: Zantaur Spitescale is a viscous creature. He is ruthless and savage and cares not what others think of his rather oppressive and bullying methods to make his presence known and too establish himself as a dominant force in the coliseum. He craves the fear of his fellow gladiators and he bathes in the adoration from the audiences that come to watch him put poor souls to the slaughter. Those that are not afraid of him are who he despises most. It is those individuals he will look to make their death long and excruciating before splashing their blood over the audience.


Name: Kayl Grimfury, the Red

Race: Mud Elf (former High Elf)

Gender: Male

Age: 54

Colosseum: The Sapphire Colosseum


Description: Kayl stands about six feet and six inches tall. He is a fair skinned elf and his eyes glow a bright green (there is a significance between green and blue). His hair is a fiery orange and was cut very short not long after his enslavement.

Weapon: He wields an elven short sword and an elven combat shield (as shown in the image above).

Armor: Kayl wears light crimson leather for leggings and chest piece, with dark brown counter parts for gloves and boots. Over this, he wears light steel plate that is a crimson red with gold rim for his breastplate, leg-guards, gauntlets, and shoulder-plates. If he wears a headpiece, generally it is only a face-plate that will protect his mouth and the back of his head.

Gear: None


  • Magic
  • Books
  • Experimentation


  • Being in the water
  • His green eyes
  • Humans, jungle trolls, leviakan, and dathyrian
  • Being a gladiator


  • Knowledge of magic and related items
  • Swift and agile
  • Renown for his neutral status in the Colosseum


  • What he posses in speed and agility he lacks in strength
  • He only has combat experience as a gladiator
  • His lack of magic

Personality: Before, Kayl was of the surname: Sunfury. Upon being captured Daia'Thas slavers while visiting Itharia, the first thing he underwent was a ritual in which a sorcerer drained the magic from the elf. Ever since, he has joined the new breed of elves that go by the "mud elves." His anger and hatred of the Daia'Thas is what drive him to survive in the Sapphire Colosseum. He despises humans for their moral weakness.
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The Emerald Colosseum

Notable NPCs

Name: Alanor Darkwind, the Warden

Race: Moon Elf

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Colosseum: The Emerald Colosseum


Description: Alanor stands six feet and ten inches. He is a very muscular elf layered in a light blueish-purple skin. His eyes glowed a light yellow. His black hair was long, falling to the middle of his back if he didn't have it tied up in a bun. He posses a very chiseled set of features.

Weapon: Alanor wields a two-handed mace that's known as "the Fist of Stone."

Armor: Alanor wears leather armor mostly, but does wear steel plate shoulder-guards and gauntlets and bracers. The leather is a charcoal grey while the steel is a black. His cloak is white and his plate helm is black.

Gear: None


  • Magic
  • Combat
  • Shadow Lynx & Sera'kora
  • The night & the forest


  • Forest Trolls, Ashen Lynx, & Ursine (esp. the forest troll, Uk'rala)
  • Mountains
  • Dishonorable opponents
  • People who are malicious


  • Combat at night or in the darkness
  • Strong and fast
  • Is respected by those that run and operate the coliseum


  • Agility
  • Prejudice (clouds his judgement in certain situations)
  • Bright lights

Personality: Alanor was an elven captain before being selected for the coliseum. He looked at this decision as an honor and reveled the gladiator life. He despises those gladiators who fight with malice and hate - such as the forest trolls. He has saved many gladiators both in the arena and out from being butchered by forest trolls or their allies which has earned him his title of "the Warden." He is a noble soul and it wouldn't be a wise decision to wind-up on the other end of his Fist.


Name: Uk'rala, the Cannibal

Race: Forest Troll

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Colosseum: The Emerald Colosseum

(Her skin is actually green and her hair is more


Description: Uk'rala stands an inch over seven feet tall and weighs about 170 pounds. Her skin is green and covered in the same color fur. Being a forest troll, she has moss that grows over her fur as well. Her flesh has natural regeneration which is faster than most other races, allowing her to stay in fights longer. Her hands are clawed and she has short fang that protrude from her lower jaw. Her red hair is in dreadlocks and reaches the small of her back.

Weapon: Uk'rala uses various weapons, but she has always preferred wielding two axes to others.

Armor: Uk'rala wears leather straps on her legs and arms with decorative bone pieces. Her breastplate is cloth and leather with wood plate and pieces of bones on the outside. Her shoulder-pads are tough leather with animal hides covering them.

Gear: None


  • Fighting and killing
  • Cannibalism and rituals
  • Fearful opponents
  • Torturing thing or people


  • Moon elves, shadow lynx, and sera'kora (esp. the moon elf Alanor the Warden)
  • Burns
  • Opponents that rely on stealth and deception
  • Those that look at her and her ways in spite or disgust


  • Combat versatility
  • Fast, agile, and relentless
  • Can use almost anything as a weapon


  • Strength
  • Prejudice (clouds her judgement)
  • Fire
  • Easily makes enemies

Personality: Uk'rala was a well-respected warrior of her tribe before she was selected by the elders as their next gladiator. She took up the cup proudly and drank the "gladiator's blood" as the ritual deemed it. She is savage and ruthless. She is not afraid to take out a tongue if she doesn't like what it says. She hates moon elves and races that are deemed as weaker than her own (which is a decent list).


Name: Eranu Rockhoof, the Patient

Race: Minotaur

Gender: Female

Age: 37

Colosseum: The Emerald Colosseum


Description: Eranu is short for a minotaur, only standing seven feet and two inches. Minotaurs are heavy-set in nature, and Eranu is no different - weighing about 250 pounds. Her fur is a light brown that fades into white on her underside. Her horns are pearly white. Her eyes were a bright amber color. Her horns extended from the sides of the back of her head and arched forward enough to where she could see the tips in her peripheral vision.

Weapon: The Patient minotaur wields a shield an a sword.

Armor: Eranu wears largerly plate armor. Gauntlets, bracers, breastplate, leggings, and shoulder-guards. (Ignore the face-piece in the image.)

Gear: A totem with unknown significance.


  • Spirituality
  • Honorable combat
  • Nature


  • Disrespect
  • Hostility
  • Being threatened


  • Fighting as a team
  • Physical strength
  • Patient and wise


  • Agility
  • Can be a bit gullible
  • Can be a bit too forgiving

Personality: Eranu received her title as "the Patient" because of the way she carries herself both on the field of battle and off. She is very wise and contemplative. She is very forgiving and she finds the good in all people, even some of the most vicious of people. If she can, she would prefer to spare a life rather than take one.
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Other NPCs (Will be updated periodically)

The following NPCs may not appear to be affiliated with their "leader."

Banswadi, the Scavenger - Followers:

  • Rak'lua Sandtusk - Sand Troll; Male
  • Eruka Dustmane - Sand Troll; Female
  • Kalgoz the Dustbringer - Sand Troll; Male
  • Joseph Calisaph - Human; Male
  • Gerald the Debtor - Human; Male

Samar Irryad, the Bloodspiller - Followers:

  • Nikova Rastal - Human; Female
  • Faldren the Assailant - Human; Male
  • Zakra Sandcleaver - Orc; Female
  • Nrog Dustmane - Minotaur; Male
  • Garnosh the Raider - Orc; Male

Gragor Brutefist - Companions & Followers:

  • Aggor Rockrage - Hill Giant; Male
  • Galix Hellfuze - Goblin; Male
  • Kar'gog Furyaxe - Orc; Male
  • Yandi the Warped - Sand Troll; Female
  • Gro'gosh the Brute - Ogre; Male


Lekura Seaclaw, the Sea-Dancer - Companions & Followers:

Zantaur Spitescale, the King Under the Water - Followers:

Kayl Grimfury, the Red - Companions & Followers:


Alanor Darkwind, the Warden - Followers:

  • Myrja the Observant - Shadow Lynx; Female
  • Killion Songwood - Moon Elf; Male
  • Nylana Songwood - Moon Elf; Female
  • Akala Brightstar - Moon Elf; Female
  • Bri'Kee - Sera'kora; Male

Uk'rala, the Cannibal - Companions & Followers:

  • Rol'lar the Rager - Ursine; Male
  • Firepaw - Ashen Lynx; Male
  • Ga'ku the Ritualist - Forest Troll; Male
  • Renatha Darkfoot - Forest Troll; Female
  • Letheka the Shadowy - Forest Troll; Female

Eranu Rockhoof, the Patient - Companions:

  • Matthew Ranhal - Human; Male
  • Gregory Glassman - Human; Male
  • Darg Mudhorn - Minotaur; Male
  • Macka Longwalker - Ferren; Female
  • La'Kree - Al'akora; Female
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