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You've been stuck in the void for gods know how long. The reason for the extreme imprisonment was because you stood up for the monsters when the humans and other mages wanted to imprison them as well. You don't even know if you succeeded or not in protecting them. Now, here you are, trapped in the darkest darkness to be unknown. The void goes by many names: The Void, The Empty, Chaos, Anti-Matter, and The Nothing. It really is a space of absolute nothingness. It's dark, yet way too bright at the same time. But you're not alone in this place. There's a monster who showed up apparently a few hundred years after you, but you can't speak to each other because the Void just swallows any sound either of you makes. The monster tried to talk to you with his hands, but not only do you not understand him. You can't speak back. Your body faded away so long ago now that all that's left is your soul. You don't even wanna know what that looks like now. But you've noticed something weird as of lately. Something has always been able to pop in and out, but now there's more of them. Three more to be exact. Each one has a different color associated with which one pops in and out. The dark blue for the first one you've seen, now there's red, orange, and a dark reddish-blue one.

'There's no fucking way.' I thought. My small crew of marksmen had mumbled to themselves behind me before I shot a glare at all of them. "You heard the comms, what the hell are you doing just standing there?" I snarled with a glare that got the crew back into gear. They scurried off and took point at the edge of the deck. All of the goofiness rolled off their shoulders like oil on water as they took aim down at the beasts below.

Hello, and welcome to my post.

Just a few things you need to know about me:
- I am a college student, which means my response time depends on how busy I am that day with school.
- I am 20 and I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with someone who is below 18. If you are below 18, please be honest and don't lie to me. I might make an exception if you're 17.
- My writing style hasn't been fully developed (to my eyes anyway) so I tend to bounce around a lot. I also have a tendency to forget to be descriptive, so I apologize for that.
- I am in the Central Standard Time Zone.

With that being said, lets begin.

I'm looking for someone who doesn't mind slightly inconsistent response times. As per the rules for RPNation, I will not be writing about anything extreme. I have a soft spot for romance and I want my partner to be 18+ for that genre. Writing romance with someone younger would be weird. I absolutely love to world build, it is one of my favorite past times. I also don't mind if you decide to play as a guy or girl or anything in between or outside of the binary. I have a small (massive) list of ocs but the few I want to use will be listed below:

Amren - A Rabisu who can't be seen by normal humans unless they are magically inclined or a seer. He has jet black hair and warm brown eyes. He stands at 7 feet tall.

Jack Desmond Briles - He's human, but he's been experimented on and is able to create and manipulate water and fire. His hair is strawberry blonde and he has ocean blue eyes. He's about 5'8 and a transmale.

Damara Mae Flux - She's only part of a fallen angel (demon) named Rasha. Her headmate's name is Ray. Damara has dark strawberry blonde hair and strange blue eyes. She has what is called central heterochromia. There is a yellowish ring around her pupil that makes her eyes look like they change color. She's one of my shortest ocs standing at 5'1.

Lok Vodahmin Viingnu - Just call him Vodahmin. He is a polymorphing wingless black dragon. In his dragon form, he has two scars on his back where his wings used to be. In human form his hair and eyes are black. He stands at about 6'5.

Audrea - She prefers to be called Chill. She was a mage, but now she is just the Void's puppet. Her hair is a dark blue and her eyes are mahogany (reddish-brown). She's about 5'5 and from her knees and elbows down she's just a skeleton.

I have listed my ocs because I am giving you the choice of which one I RP with.

I don't currently have any plot ideas for these characters, but if I come up with something I will edit this post. If you wish to RP with me send me a DM telling me your favorite color.

Edit: November 4, 2021 at 4:16 PM CST: Just fixing an error that I had no idea about at first.
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