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Realistic or Modern From Dusk till Dawn : The Scrolls



living paradox

  • Vampire Origin:​

    Since the beginning of civilization, people would tell tales of terrifying creatures & supernatural beings for generations. While believed to be fables by most, only a few know the truth. You may know these beings as vampires, werewolves, and witches.

    It all began with Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, the first vampire. Once a mortal and ruler of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar sought power and immortality. To achieve his desired goals, Caesar made a Faustian blood-pact with a daemon he had summoned from Hell. In exchange for his service and possibly his soul, the daemon allowed Julius to drink from him. This would begin the lineage of vampires. The demon fulfilled its part of the deal but later betrayed Octavian and cursed him to spend eternity in Broken Tooth Mountain, feeding on travelers to satiate his thirst for human blood. Presumably from the lack of regular victims to feed on, Gaius became more aged and monstrous in appearance, with all of his teeth becoming fangs and his fingernails becoming sharp like claws. This evolution paved the way for modern-day vampires to survive.

    Nearly a millennium later, Julius Octavian met his savior. A man from—what is nowadays—Romania, by the name of Matteo Vasari, stumbled upon Broken Tooth Mountain. The cave in which Julius Octavian was bound would become the tomb for Matteo. Except, Caligula had devised an offer that Julius could not deny. You see, Matteo didn't just accidentally stumble upon Broken Tooth Mountain. No, he sought it out, and Caesar knew this.

    Days before Matteo arrived at Caesar's cursed cave, a local oracle had told Matteo of his future. And while it was a dark and gritty one, he didn't want to prevent his fate; as in the oracle's omen, she mentioned that Matteo would acquire power beyond that of any man. And this only intrigued him. She [the oracle] continued by explaining that it would all begin at Broken Tooth Mountain, and so Matteo traveled there, searching for the next step in his destiny. However, before the session with the oracle concluded, she warned Matteo that if he chose this future, only anger, grief, pity, and hatred would follow him. However, despite her warning, he still journeyed to the mountain.

    At Broken Tooth Mountain, Matteo stood confidently against Caesar, listening to the offer-at-hand. The Master Vampire proposed that if he allowed Matteo to drink a sample of his blood, he'd receive the power he desired, but only for a brief time. To cement that power, Matteo would have to drink the blood of a human. By drinking from a human, Matteo would seal his power but would also free the Master Vampire from his cave. The Romanian man accepted the offer, drinking the blood of the Elder Vampire. At that moment, Matteo died but was soon reborn.

    Experimenting with his newfound powers, Matteo found a real thrill in having them. But he had yet to drink from a human. The newborn vampire thought back to what the oracle had said to him, and her descriptions of his future had now just struck him. It wasn't until later in the evening, on the same day he thought about his future, that he sealed his fate forever. A woman was lying in an alleyway, brutally beaten and dying, and she begged for Matteo to end her suffering. His moral compass led him in his decision to do what she asked. Matteo's eyes could see the blood flow through her veins, her heart pumping brutally. His thirst was tearing him apart, and it would be an easy kill. To end her suffering, Matteo began his. From his point of view, he was doing a commendable thing. The next day, Matteo returned to Broken Tooth Mountain in search of the Master Vampire, but he was already gone, and Matteo would not see him again for a long, long time.

    From there to the year 1450, the vampire population had expanded to 17,000 globally. By now, the old-bloods (the Ashagi & Vishanti) had become the first and second full species of vampire, respectively, but evolution was on the way. To promote democracy and order, the old-bloods formed a government. The government that would set and determine the rules and regulations for all vampires would become the Vishanti council.

    Now, in the year 2028, the vampire species has exceeded 10,000,000 worldwide. Most of these vampires heed the laws set by the Vishanti council, but then there's also the Resistance. An underground rebellion created to defy the Vishanti Council and its rules. Established in 1790, the Resistance was built upon the foundation of hope and equality. The Vishanti had ruled with an iron grip on those who were deemed "weak". Only the rich and powerful were allowed privilege and respect, while the others had to scavenge for survival. As a result of the unfair treatment, the supernatural world was thrust into conflict; and the humans found themselves in the middle of it.


    • Supernatural Strength, Speed, Stamina — this varies depending on the individual vampire. Some may be stronger or faster than others.
    • Supernatural Senses — again, this varies by each individual vampire.
    • Regeneration — all vampires can regenerate from injury.
    • Supernatural Endurance and Durability — this is generally the same for all vampires, except between the vampire species themselves.
    • Metamorphosis — only an ability of the Vishanti Vampires. They can shapeshift into a creature of the night (i.e. a bat(s), rat(s), panther, crow, etc.) or a form of colored mist.
    • Immortality — a universal trait of all vampires.
    • Vampirization — another universal trait. Any vampire can turn someone into a vampire, if they make it through the transformation that is.
    • One Random Ability — a random ability that reflects the character of the vampire. If you need help thinking of an ability, let me know and I'll lend some suggestions.
    • Venom Production — all vampires produce venom that takes the place of their "blood". The venom is the key component in transforming people into vampires.


    Vampires must drink blood in order to survive. Their thirst can either be quenched with the blood of a human or from an animal. However, drinking from an animal isn't as fulfilling as drinking from a human and leaves them at a MINOR disadvantage, since it doesn't fully give them the power they need. It's a fraction of difference but still a negative nonetheless. Also, drinking from animals turns a vampire's eyes to a golden-amber color, whereas those who drink from humans have a cherry red pigmentation. It's also worth noting that the thirstier a vampire gets, the darker its eyes get and the more visible the veins around its eyes get.


    Ashagi — The Ashagi are the first of all vampires—a rare and ancient bloodline that predates every known species, including the Vishanti, Skall, and Ekon. They embody the purest form of vampirism, existing at the intersection of humanity and something far more primal. Unlike the savage, deteriorated Skalls or the aristocratic Vishanti, the Ashagi are the perfect mix of elegance and danger, maintaining a delicate balance between charm and their insatiable hunger. Ashagi vampires are highly charismatic, with an almost hypnotic allure that makes them incredibly persuasive and dangerous. Their presence can be overwhelming, and their voices carry a subtle, inherent power to influence and manipulate others, sometimes without even intending to do so. Their beauty is timeless—ethereal and flawless, with an unearthly glow to their skin that makes them both attractive and unsettling. Despite their pristine exterior, an undercurrent of hunger constantly simmers beneath the surface, making them prone to dangerous lapses in self-control.
    What sets the Ashagi apart is their inherent struggle with their thirst. Though they possess immense willpower, their hunger is more intense than any other vampire species. While the Vishanti have evolved to better manage their bloodlust and the Skall are lost to their madness, the Ashagi walk a constant tightrope between control and temptation. For them, hunger is not just physical—it's a deeply emotional and spiritual experience that gnaws at their very core. If they succumb, it is not in a frenzied, feral outburst, but in a cold, calculated descent into indulgence. Their restraint is a form of discipline, and when they feed, it is with both precision and terrifying intent. In terms of powers, the Ashagi exhibit abilities that surpass those of their descendants, though they are much more instinctual and less refined. Ashagi possess an uncanny connection to the dark forces that birthed them, allowing them to control shadows, travel short distances through darkness, and invoke a primal, deep-seated fear in their prey. They are also able to read minds, not in a telepathic sense, but through an empathic bond they establish during a conversation. This makes them experts in manipulation, as they can easily discern desires and fears.

    Their downfall lies in their connection to their origins. The daemon blood that courses through their veins has never been fully tamed. Should an Ashagi vampire lose control—whether through extreme hunger, emotional strain, or intense anger—their true, monstrous nature is revealed. Their eyes turn black, their teeth elongate, and their entire demeanor becomes terrifyingly predatory. It is this inner darkness, this constant battle with their daemon heritage, that makes the Ashagi the most unpredictable of all vampires.

    In modern day, their presence is limited as many of them have been exterminated by the Council due to the potent political threat they posed.

    Vishanti — The Vishanti vampires are the second species to emerge from the vampiric lineage, representing an ancient and highly evolved group steeped in the Dark Arts. With pale, human-like features, they have played a pivotal role in vampire society, forming the Vishanti Council, a governing body that has shaped the vampiric world for centuries. Known for their incredible strength, speed, and agility, the Vishanti possess rapid healing abilities and a remarkable resilience to sunlight, which allows them to navigate both the night and day with relative ease. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays can weaken them, causing their skin to blister and burn.
    Each Vishanti inherits a unique supernatural ability that ties them to the mystical energies of their lineage. This includes the power to manipulate elements or shapeshift into creatures of the night, such as bats, panthers, or ravens, and even transform into mist, allowing them to evade threats or traverse the shadows unnoticed. Their remarkable speed creates vibrant, colorful afterimages known as "flits," which trail behind them, instilling fear in their adversaries and marking their swift movements as an unmistakable signature of their kind.

    Despite their formidable nature, the Vishanti are not invulnerable. They are susceptible to certain weaknesses, including holy water, which burns their skin, and religious symbols such as crosses, which can blind them. Silver is another notable weakness, capable of cutting and scarring their flesh with ease. The only true way to kill a Vishanti is by driving a silver stake through their heart and decapitating the head from the body; decapitation in general, followed by the burning of both the body and head; or, by depriving them of blood—a daunting challenge given their regenerative powers and formidable abilities.

    Dhampir — The Dhampir are a unique hybrid species born from the union of a human and a vampire, typically with the vampire as the father. This lineage grants them a fascinating blend of characteristics, making them a distinctive presence in the vampiric world. Dhampirs are often described as exceptionally attractive, with a diverse range of skin tones that can vary from a warm peach color to lighter shades and even pale complexions. Their striking appearance, combined with subtle hints of their vampiric heritage, allows them to navigate human society with ease and allure. Physiologically, Dhampirs possess enhanced physical abilities, although not to the same extraordinary levels as their fully vampiric counterparts like the Vishanti. They have a notable healing factor that enables them to recover from injuries more efficiently than an average human, though this ability is not as rapid or effective as that of a Vishanti. Despite this limitation, their enhanced strength, agility, and senses make them formidable in combat situations, allowing them to hold their own against various threats.

    One of the most intriguing abilities of Dhampirs is their power to influence the emotions of others. This skill can be wielded subtly, allowing them to calm or incite feelings in those around them, making them effective negotiators, mediators, or even manipulators when necessary. This unique talent not only serves them in interactions with humans but also provides strategic advantages in the ongoing conflict between the Vishanti and the Resistance.

    However, being a Dhampir comes with its own set of challenges. One significant drawback is their accelerated aging process, which causes them to age much faster than humans or vampires. This rapid aging can lead to a limited lifespan, as Dhampirs are ultimately susceptible to death like any other human. Their mortality serves as a constant reminder of their dual nature, creating an intrinsic conflict within them as they navigate a world filled with danger and intrigue. The only way to combat the question of the rapid aging process is to give the Dhampir a ‘new’ soul. Often done through witchcraft, the witch performing the ritual will take someone else’s soul and instill it into the Dhampir to stop the accelerated aging process—usually done by forcefully taking the mother’s soul.

    Ekon — The Ekon race emerged in 1519, born from a dark ritual devised by a powerful witch seeking to transfer the soul of a demon into the body of a dying human. Her son, frail and on the verge of death, became the prime candidate for this experiment. With the help of her coven, the witch succeeded in merging her son’s essence with that of the demon, creating a new breed of vampire—a breed that was stronger, faster, and more resilient than its predecessors, the Vishanti. The Ekon were not only a perfected evolution of vampirism, but a species with their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses.
    The most striking feature of the Ekon is their skin. Though just as pale as the Vishanti, it possesses a durability far beyond that of any other vampire species, described to be as hard as granite. Only supernatural weapons, such as other vampires' teeth and nails, or materials like silver, can penetrate their flesh. Their resilience makes them incredibly difficult to kill, as they can shrug off most attacks that would incapacitate others of their kind. Unlike their vampire counterparts, Ekons are unaffected by sunlight. The Sun and its UV rays, which normally would harm or weaken most vampires, have no adverse effect on them, allowing the Ekon to move freely during the day without fear of burning or disintegration. Ekons are also far more charming to humans and animals than other vampires. Their natural scent is highly alluring, even hypnotic, and they can easily manipulate those around them through their mere presence. Animals, too, are drawn to them rather than fearing them, and many Ekons use this to their advantage, cultivating an aura of power and control over both the human and animal kingdoms. This innate charm, combined with their heightened beauty, makes the Ekon especially dangerous, as they can easily blend into human society and gain influence without raising suspicion.

    However, the Ekon did lose certain traits that their vampire ancestors possessed. One of the most significant is the loss of metamorphosis, a skill common to many older vampire species. While the Vishanti could shapeshift into a creature of the night, the Ekon are bound to their humanoid form. This limits their versatility but also makes them more consistent in their interactions with the mortal world, further aiding in their ability to blend in. They also lack the colorful, trailing effect known as a "flit"—an energy signature seen when certain vampires move at supernatural speeds. Ekon movement is silent and efficient, devoid of the dramatic visual cues that might otherwise betray their presence. Despite their formidable resilience, Ekon vampires are not invincible. Killing an Ekon requires precision and specific measures. Merely injuring them or removing their head is not enough, as their bodies have an extraordinary ability to heal, even from severe damage. To fully destroy an Ekon, one must decapitate them, then torch both the body and the severed head to prevent them from regenerating and reassembling. Fire, in particular, is one of the few elements that can overwhelm the Ekon's regenerative powers, ensuring that their pieces do not heal back together.

    Skalls — Skalls are, in essence, failed vampires—creatures that survived the vampiric transition but were left deranged and deformed by the process. Their bodies undergo disturbing changes, becoming unnaturally slender with a sickly pale-greenish hue. Over time, their muscle mass deteriorates, giving them a gaunt, skeletal appearance. Their limbs elongate grotesquely, enhancing their reach but further distorting their form. If they manage to survive long enough, their eyes fuse with their skulls, rendering them blind. Deprived of sight, Skalls come to rely heavily on their heightened senses of smell and hearing to stalk their surroundings, making them dangerous despite their frail appearance. This warped, incomplete transformation leaves them more monstrous than human, cursed by the vampiric process that should have elevated them.


    To turn someone into a vampire, the venom that is produced in a vampire's body must be injected or transferred into a person. Then, the person either bit or injected with the venom must die. If the venom correctly works, then they'll be reborn as a vampire. If not, the subject will remain dead. The subject could also be alive during the process but the pain will be quite excruciating.
    Note: only an Ekon can create an Ekon and only a Vishanti can create a Vishanti. The venom produced by each respective breed is unique to that species only. Typically, a Vishanti will drink the blood of their intended first, bringing them to near-death, before giving the victim their own blood (which contains the venom) to drink. The Ekon can just inject the venom into the victim willingly.

    The Vishanti Council:​

    The Vishanti Council serves as the supreme governing body of the vampire race, an ancient assembly whose authority extends far and wide across vampire society. While they maintain their iron grip on the world's vampires, there is one figure they all defer to, even in his absence: The All-Father—Master Vampire Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, the first vampire. He has been an unspoken ruler of the vampire world since its inception but hasn't been seen since the 1800s. Even when he did appear, Caesar had no interest in seizing overt control of the council or the vampiric world. His choice to live in mystery only adds to his mythic status, leaving the current power structure unstable, but without direct challenge. Yet, despite his absence, all vampires know that should he ever return, Caesar could take the reins of power effortlessly.

    Kaecilius Themistocles – The Leader of the Vishanti Council​

    In the absence of the All-Father, Kaecilius has positioned himself as the de facto leader of the Vishanti Council. As Arbiter of Blood, Kaecilius sets the laws that govern vampire society, particularly concerning interactions with humans, feeding practices, and maintaining the secrecy of the vampire world. His authoritarian methods and ruthless approach to leadership ensure that the Council remains in full control. Unlike others on the Council, Kaecilius is more concerned with power than diplomacy, and his uncompromising nature makes him a formidable force.

    While Kaecilius’ leadership is uncontested within the council chambers, his rule has not gone unchallenged beyond them. The Resistance, founded in rebellion against the Vishanti’s harsh rule, continues to grow, threatening to undermine the structure Kaecilius has built. His desire to maintain absolute control over the vampire population and stamp out dissent fuels his ongoing feud with Matteo Vasari, whose son has become a constant thorn in Kaecilius' side.

    Matteo Vasari – The Most Powerful, Yet Politically Weak​

    Matteo Vasari, the first of the Ashagi, is the most powerful vampire on the Vishanti Council in terms of raw strength and vampiric ability. His bloodline, tied directly to Gaius Julius Caesar, grants him unmatched physical prowess and heightened vampiric senses, making him an elder among elders. However, Matteo’s political power within the council is diminished, as his legacy is now tainted by the actions of his son.

    Matteo’s son, one of the founders of the Resistance, turned against the Vishanti Council and its oppressive rule, forming an underground rebellion that seeks to overthrow the Council’s rigid control and provide freedom to all vampires. This rebellion has severely undermined Matteo’s position in the Council, as many see him as a liability, or worse, a potential sympathizer with the Resistance. While Matteo’s physical strength is revered, his political influence has eroded, with Kaecilius and others constantly questioning his loyalty.

    Despite this, Matteo remains an essential part of the Council. His knowledge of the old ways, his intimate connection to the origins of vampires, and his prowess in battle ensure that no one can completely cast him aside. He is both feared and pitied—a powerful elder vampire shackled by the rebellious actions of his son, left to navigate the delicate balance of loyalty and resentment within the Council.

    Ishmael al-Farouk – The Wise and Cunning Advisor​

    Ishmael al-Farouk, a seasoned member of the Vishanti Council, plays the role of the wise advisor, often serving as the voice of reason amidst the chaos of vampire politics. He possesses a vast knowledge of vampire lore and history, making him an invaluable asset to the council. Unlike Kaecilius, who approaches leadership with a ruthless hand, Ishmael advocates for a more diplomatic approach, often attempting to mediate disputes between council members and encourage cooperation rather than conflict.

    Ishmael’s past is shrouded in mystery, and there are whispers of his deep connections with various factions, including the Resistance. While he has not openly allied himself with the rebels, his disdain for Kaecilius’s harsh methods has led some to suspect that he sympathizes with their cause. He often finds himself in a precarious position, balancing the need for council unity with his own personal beliefs about justice and equality for all vampires. Ishmael seeks to restore some semblance of balance within the council, understanding that true power lies not in oppression but in the loyalty of the vampire populace.

    The Shadow of the All-Father​

    Though Gaius Julius Caesar has not been seen since the 1700s, his presence looms large over the Vishanti Council. No one dares claim the title of All-Father, as Caesar’s power is unquestionable. Even Kaecilius, in all his ambition, knows better than to attempt to usurp the true Master Vampire’s title. Caesar’s absence gives the council the space to operate with relative autonomy, but it also creates a vacuum of authority—one that Kaecilius has attempted to fill.

    Matteo, more than anyone, knows the All-Father’s power intimately. Having been sired from the cursed blood of Julius himself, he holds a certain reverence for the ancient vampire, even if Caesar has chosen to remain distant. Some on the Council believe that Caesar will never return, content with watching the vampire world from the shadows, while others fear that one day, he might emerge once again to reassert his control over the Vishanti and the vampiric world. Until that day, the council operates in a tenuous balance, with Kaecilius at the helm but ever aware that his grip on power is fragile in the face of the true ruler’s potential return.

    Vampire Age Rank System​

    1. Newborn (0-10 years)​

      • Description: Newly turned vampires grappling with their new identity and abilities. They often struggle with their hunger and lack control over their powers.
      • Titles: Fledgling
      • Influence: Viewed as expendable, Newborns serve higher-ranking vampires as assistants or lackeys, learning the customs and politics of the vampire world.

    1. Neophyte (11-50 years)​

    • Description: Fairly acquainted turned vampires still adjusting to their new existence. They are often inexperienced in using their powers and navigating vampire society.
    • Titles: Initiate
    • Influence: Minimal; often viewed as apprentices or trainees by older vampires. They are usually mentored by more powerful members of their kind.

    3. Ascendant (51-300 years)​

    • Description: These vampires have gained some mastery over their abilities and have begun to establish their identities within their factions. They are more self-sufficient and capable of handling themselves in various situations.
    • Titles: Disciple, Blooded
    • Influence: Moderate; they can participate in council decisions but lack significant voting power. They may lead small groups or tasks.

    4. Elder (301-700 years)​

    • Description: Elders are seasoned vampires with considerable experience and power. They have honed their abilities and are respected within the community. Many are involved in politics or mentorship roles for younger vampires.
    • Titles: Sire, Guardian, Sage
    • Influence: High; they hold sway in council discussions and often act as advisors to higher-ranking members. They can influence the direction of their factions.

    5. Master (701-1,500 years)​

    • Description: Masters have achieved significant strength and knowledge. They often have unique abilities or skills that set them apart from others. Their reputation precedes them, and they command respect and fear.
    • Titles: Archon, Master of the Night
    • Influence: Very high; they are major players in the political landscape, often holding leadership positions within the council or separate factions. Their word carries great weight.

    6. Ancient (1,501-2,000 years)​

    • Description: Ancients are rare and revered figures, often possessing wisdom and power beyond comprehension. They have witnessed the rise and fall of empires and are deeply connected to the vampiric lore.
    • Titles: High Elder, Keeper of Secrets
    • Influence: Supreme; their status grants them near-absolute power in vampire society. They may act as the head of councils or factions and can sway the decisions of even the most powerful vampires.

    7. Primordial (2,001+ years)​

    • Description: The Primordial is a legendary being, often considered the original vampire. He possesses immense strength and mastery over the Dark Arts, with abilities that can alter reality itself.
    • Titles: The All-Father, Master Vampire, Progenitor
    • Influence: Unmatched; their presence is felt across the entire vampiric world. They can command entire factions and influence the course of history. The Primordial is often shrouded in mystery, with many myths surrounding their existence.

    Additional Notes​

    • Evolution of Powers: As vampires age and progress through the ranks, they gain new abilities or enhancements to their existing powers, reflecting their increased experience and mastery.
    • Rituals of Ascendance: To achieve higher ranks, vampires may need to undergo specific rituals or trials that test their strength, cunning, and loyalty to their kind.
    • Factions and Alliances: Titles may vary based on the specific vampire faction (e.g., Vishanti, Ekon, Resistance) and may have different ranks or titles within those groups.
    • Cultural Influence: The titles and ranks can also vary across different cultures within the vampire community, adding depth to their lore and social structures.

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