Friendship [Inactive]



The roleplay takes place the first day after summer vacation. Jake's accident occured the previous evening and the students do not know anything about it yet. The teachers will tell them to visit the headmaster who wants to delivers them the message of his death.


Alex sighed when she opened the locker to store her school things away. It was her first day at school after summer vacation and she still thought that having some more free days would not harm her. Being back at school was not one of the things she loved to do. What luck it was that her parents were not able to read her mind. She closed the locker door and went along the corridor towards the classroom. She had english with Mr. Miller. Most of the girls were mad about him which she could not understand. Surely, he was good-looking, but not exactly her type. She stepped through the door into the classroom, but only to catch sight of Mr. Miller who stooped over a cluttered table. Smiling she passed the teacher's desk and wanted to head for her seat when he suddenly said her name. "Alexandra?" "Yes?"


"The headmaster wants to talk to you." She stopped and watched him with a look of complete puzzlement on her face. Did she do anything forbidden? When she recognized the teacher's facial expression was more worried than angry, she got frightend. Hastily she turned around and left the room heading for the headmaster's office. Strangley, it was entirely empty and she decided to sit down on one of the sofas and wait for his arival.
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Ju lazily batted at her alarm clock and muttered some unintelligible words from the safety of her duvet. Suddenly, she shot upright.

"Holy mackerel its first day back!" she exclaimed "And I'm late, great start,"

In her rush to get ready she threw on some clothes and flew downstairs. "Mornin' mum, mornin' dad," she grabbed a piece of toast, flung her bag over her shoulder and was out the house.

She'd already memorised her timetable so knew to head straight to history if she wanted to avoid getting a detention for being late. She floated through the school gates with the rest of the crowd, earning herself a few wolf whistles from the guys already. She was going single right now so the male attention she was getting was higher than usual. Unfortunately.

Fortunately, her history teacher Mr. Richards was ushering his pupils inside the classroom. She sped up her pace and made to enter but Mr. Richards extended his arm and stopped her. A gentle and kind gesture, Ju looked up and his eyes read sympathy. What was going on? "Sorry Julie, the headmaster wants to see you,"

"Oh, OK" she could feel her stomach begin to churn with nervous anticipation as she walked to his office. She'd only been called to his office once before and that was for a gifted and talented day out for bright pupils. It had been quite dull but she appreciated the school recognising her hard work.

"Oh... Hey Alex,"
I walked out of my house onto the 'street' I looked down at the crystal clear water seeing fish swim. I wasn't excited about school, but at the same time I was. I honestly don't like school very much but I get to see Ethan every day so it makes up for it. My scandals sink in the sand once I leave the. Boardwalk and make a left for the school, I checked my phone pulling it out of my jean short shorts back pocket. I was already late and wasn't even there yet. Minutes later I walked in and headed for art. My Art teacher Mrs.Becket called out my name, "Sofia?" I turned around "yeah?" I said dully. "The head master would like to see you." She said and Fear raced through mr, had they found out about me and Ethan? No they couldn't have, so I smirked. Getting out of class was always fun. No matter what reason. " Alrightyyy " I say happily before skipping out the class then pulling to a walk, I open the door to the office and I see Alexandra and Julie. My eyes widen and I stand still half way through the door I slowly made my way in and shut the door, " Alex, Julie. " i say sitting a chair across from them
He had always hated the first day back to school. The rush that came with it, the business, everything about it. The freshmen had always bumped into him, asking him where the next class was, where they were supposed to be. He didn't hate the freshmen like most did - he knew how it felt to be in their shoes. He pondered this as he rolled out of bed, and glanced over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of his clock. It was precisely six o'clock. Standing up on his feet, he reached for his closet door, pulled on a dark t-shirt, a denim jacket, and lastly, some jeans, before heading downstairs. He was greeted by his mother, who was dressed and awake despite how early it was, and his father, who had sit down with a mug of black coffee, a plate of eggs and toast. "-in the name of the Father, amen," was all he could catch. Logan sat down, and ate in complete silence, his eyes intently focused on his plate.

The ride to school was long. Torturous, even. His mother, worried as always, kept asking questions: "Do you have your lunch packed?" "Will you have enough pencils?" "You'll be just fine. Just call me if you need anything, alright?" The usual routine, for Logan at least. He just shut her up with a simple 'I'm fine' answer, and then the silence that followed. He felt a twinge of guilt for being distant, though he couldn't help it. He'd never been able to connect, fully, with his parents. It hurt, yes, but it was what it was. Logan stepped out of the car, a backpack resting on his broad shoulders, his eyes scanning the crowds as he made his way to the entrance. Another year of school, he thought grimly. He reached for the door, and slipped inside. Crowds of different aged students were hanging by the door; freshmen, sophomore, juniors, and a good amount of seniors. A mix of different boys and girls were there, blond and black and brown hair clashing. He smiled.

His first class was Biology. Not his favorite, exactly, but he was pretty decent. Mr. Blackburn, a fifty-year old man with a head full of brown, graying hair, looked up from his desk, papers spilling from every angle. He pushed his black rimmed glasses up his nose, and hesitantly glanced at Logan. Logan could only raise an eyebrow; had he done something wrong? Was he in the incorrect classroom? Was he in some sort of trouble? All of these doubtful thoughts raced through his mind as Mr. Blackburn called for Logan. "Yes, sir?" a mixture of confusion and slight tension was twisted on Logan's face as he walked up to the teacher's desk, his hands casually behind his back. "The headmaster would like to speak with you, if you wouldn't mind," the man said, pity clearly swirling in his brown, aged eyes. Logan just nodded, though he had a sinking feeling as he walked out of the class, his hands clenched with tension. What happened? Whatever it was, it wasn't good. He knew it even before he walked into the office.

Logan glanced from Sofia, Julie and Alex. They were all seated, the same confusion met with their eyes. Logan swallowed, taking a seat beside Alexandra. He turned his head to meet her eyes, and opened his mouth. "What's going on?" he asked quietly, glancing nervously around the office. "Are we in trouble?" He hadn't ever been in serious trouble. Not enough to catch the headmaster's attention, anyway. And it made his stomach twist with anxiety as uncomfortable silence settled in, suffocating him. He sat completely still, his hands raking through his light, tousled hair. He looked up, and out of the window in attempt to calm himself.
Sean was filled with dread. He hadn't wanted to go to school, but the rest of his band, and his family had forced him over the summer to go this year. Originally, he kept telling them no, but they just kept bugging him. The pressure got to him, and he finally broke, and said okay. Partially to get them to stop talking about it, and partially to see his friends who were at the school. Though the other part didn't seem to matter because everyone took the courtesy to annoy him about it. Usually they would just say that they were excited he decided to go to school, or just even say that the summer was going by fast. He groaned at the thought as he pulled on a white v-necked tee shirt, and some olive green cargos with some black sneakers.

As he slung on his simple-looking backpack, he walked onto the boardwalk, the sun kissing at his skin with major heat and humidity. Seagulls soared over head, clucking a faint sound that went along with the waves that were lapping around the dock gently. The tides weren't high yet, he could smell it. When the tides were low, it smelt over over salted eggs and vinegar, but faintly. What he thought was weird as he waded through the sand was how Jake hadn't called him or texted him, or just randomly ran into him from his bungalow in the past twenty-four hours. After overthinking it the whole way to school, and as he walked through the doors, he brushed off the thought. He was just probably late or something, or just busy.

The halls were bustling and quickly paced. He honestly hated the lifestyles that most of the hormonal teenagers were living in the school, but he couldn't say anything. That would be hypocritical partially. What he was about to think is that the teens around here live too fast, and don't stop to enjoy the little things. But he couldn't say anything because one, he was also a teenager, and two, he was too lazy to stop and do anything. A person slammed shoulders with him and he let out a low snarl under his breath, already angry on the first day of this school. After walking down the hall, a teacher stopped him. Probably to scold his laziness, but he was wrong. They said to head to the headmaster's office, and he just nodded. Sauntering off to the office, he grumbled. The headmaster would probably scold him instead of the teachers.

He saw the rest of his friends in the office, and he was utterly confused. It just boggled his mind that they would all be in the office. Quite nervously, he readjusted the strap of his backpack on his shoulder, and hesitantly sat down on the couch next to the rest of his friends, who looked just as confused and anxious as him.
Alexandra did not have to wait for a long time when another person stepped through the door. She could identify the face immediately. It was definately not the headmaster who was standing in front of her, greeting her in a confused yet nervous way. "Hey Ju." After a minute another person showed up. It was Sofia, and shortly after her it was Logan who open the door, and looked at the crew. Her heart made a short leap, and she had to restrain herself to not move away immediatley when he sat down next to her, and started to ask her something. "I think nobody knows. Hopefully not." Her voice trembled slightly, but she wasn't sure wether she was afraid, in cause of the upcoming talk or nervous, because she was sitting next to Logan. Sean went inside, he had the same mien as everybody who was sitting in here. "Hey."

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blowed away a few paper shavings. The headmaster had closed the door and moved his well covored body past the shelves. He sat down on an armchair which was just standing in front of the sofa they were sitting on, and let his eye rest on the five students who were sitting in front of him. There was a kind of sadness in the way he was sitting there and looked at them. He cleared his throat and started to talk, seeming like he did not want to be interrupted. "Alexandra, Julie, Sofia, Logan, Sean, you all know yourself very well. We know that you used to hang around very much for quite a long time and that there was somebody who was always with you - his name was Jacob Winters." He paused and took a sip of his coffee. Whatever he wanted to say thim, it did not seem to be something good."Jacob Winters visited his grandparents last night, it was about ten a'clock when he left them, very dark. When he drove along the road, the there was a truck approaching. The driver was drunk, not fully concious and drove on the wrong' side of road. Too fast, he couldn't avoid it ... Jake was dead immediately. I'm sorry."

My lip trembles and A cry of sadness escapes from my mouth. I'm never like this. But Jake? he was! amazing! A best friend. He held us together and now, now this? My eyes filled with tears and I sat there feeling torn apart. Friendship is stronger then anything. I couldn't believe this. I look at Logan,Sean,Ju and Alexandra.

" are... You're joking! you have to be! " I exclaim a tear rolling down my cheek and I wipe it away.

" excuse me. " I say. The bell rung signalling second period. I stand up and run out the door. I haven't realized how long we had waited. I walk to the English room. I needed to see Ethan. I hid my face and waited for the last student to leave the classroom before I jogged into the room. I shut the door and pulled down the blinds to the small window in the door before running over to him and hugging him crying into his chest not saying a word.
Sean drew a shaky breath at the headmaster's words, his eyes stinging as tears were triggered. Rapidly blinking his eyes so no tears would fall, he stood to his feet, and dropped his backpack to the floor. He shook his head as he ran his hands through his hair, fingers raking through the dark locks. After a while, he paused. He turned to the headmaster with an angry, more as frustrated look in his eyes.

"No. No, no, no, no." He chanted, paced around anxiously. He cursed words under his breath, worse than a sailor.
Logan stared at the headmaster with glassy eyes. He couldn't breathe as the headmaster's words rang through his mind. Jake was dead immediately. The words pierced through his heart like a knife. He couldn't move, couldn't take his eyes off of the headmaster. He didn't allow any tears to slide down his face. He couldn't feel anything. Jake had been everyone's best friend. He'd been the one that kept the whole group together, even if it was tearing apart. He was the center of everyone's friendship. And now he was gone. Feeling sick, he stood up, and mechanically, walked out of the suffocating office. Trying not to let the grief and pain wash over him, he made his way to the next class, a solemn expression on his face. Logan would probably cry behind doors, but never in front of everyone. Ever. It wasn't healthy, he knew, but it was the way he grew up. He grew up bottling away his emotions, storing them for a time behind closed doors where no eyes could see. And then he'd come out, pretend everything was fine, and move on with life. Only to breakdown again, and again, and again. It was a never ending cycle. Except this cycle, Logan wouldn't be able to move on. Ever.

He had always liked Jake, even from the very beginning. The way he smiled, his genuine laugh. Everything about the guy was just all around genuine and honest, and something else he couldn't quite place. Logan naturally grew close with Jake, just as everyone else had. He was the glue that held them all together. And now that he wasn't there to be the center point, he didn't know how long their group would last. Not long, he assumed.
When Alexandra heard the headmaster's words, it took some time, since she could become aware of their meanings. Jake is dead?, she asked herself silently as she could not believe that it was true. Her hands were shaking slightly and she hid them under the wide sleeves of red, wool jersey. She could hear Sofia sobbing nearby and held on her breath to not burst into tears. Alex had always been one of the people who mourned silently, as she hated to show her feelings. Looking at the floor, she could feel the cushions moving as Sofia stood up and left the room. Shortly after the door snapped shut, Sean and Logan rose and also left the room. Even without looking up, she knew when Sean stopped suddenly. Swallowing, she lifted her head, and looked at him when he started to chant. No, no, no, no, the words echoed in her mind and suddenly a single tear left her eye. "Sorry," she excused herself with a croaking voice, and stormed out of the office. Blinded by the tears, she stumbled, but pulled herself together again and headed for the toilet.
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Ethan didn't ask Sophia anything, he just held her. Sophia cried hogging him until she started having a panic attack. Ethan helped her sit down and rubbed her back trying to help. " He's gone.. He's gone.." She said over and over again giving Ethan a puzzled and angry expression on his face, "Who's he..?" He said as calm as he could. "j... J..." Sophia stumbled not being able to say he name and she just cried. Ethan sighed and sat down beside her on the floor and putting a arm around her shoulders and saying soothing words like everything will be okay, but Sophia knew it wouldn't.
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