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Realistic or Modern Friendship Group: Slice of life


New Member
Short Introduction
There are many things to worry about on the very first day of school. Getting lost and missing all of your classes as you hopelessly wander the halls, being assigned a particularly cranky teacher with a hobby of staying late after class to keep kids for detention, being served boiled cabbage or sprouts or some other practically inedible thing in the canteen. But by far the biggest concern is the possibility of spending your school years by yourself, of failing to find your crowd. What if no-one else likes what you like? Or if you can’t find anyone else who listens to the songs of your favourite band? What if you are left with nothing to talk about with anyone you meet?

Under any other circumstance, this group would never have mixed. An assortment of different personalities with an array of interests, they are nothing alike, but they are forced together when their teacher divides the class into small groups to do a task. Who would have known that they would still be inseparable in years to come?

Copied from my interest check thread:

The RP revolves around a group of 11-12 year old children who meet sometime Mid-September in the classroom on their first day of school, observing their relationships with one another as they grow older, keeping each-other sane through the cranky teachers and gruelling piles of math homework that each day brought. No-one would have guessed back then how close they would come to be, that they would still be sitting together in their favourite bar years later, ranting about scary bosses and weird colleagues over glasses of wine and laughing at jokes that would make little sense to anyone outside their circle.

We will play out all the major events in their lives, from the night of their first sleepover as kids to the week that they jet away on their first trip abroad as a group. Perhaps they will be known for getting into trouble as teens for throwing secret parties that always get out of hand, maybe they decide to become flatmates as adults or all conveniently end up attending the same university, anything to stay together. There will be some major fights, gossip and bouts of drama that threatens to rip them apart forever, and there will be many romantic relationships that form both within and beyond the group.

A major aspect of this Roleplay will be character development, with our characters changing and growing as people in response to the situations that they face. We would have a discussion thread to come up with new plot ideas, in addition to deciding when to skip forward a few days/months/years (which will be needed in order to move the RP forward)

Example Form
: You can change/delete/add things as you wish. As mentioned, our characters will grow and change as the RP progresses, hence the emphasis on this being their personality/appearance at the start of the rp.

Personality at the start of the RP:
Appearance at the start of the RP:
Name: Riley Morgan
Age: 11
Birthday: October 1st

Personality at the start of the RP:


Appearance at the start of the RP:

Extremely short,

Writing: She keeps a diary where she documents her thoughts, worries and opinions on all sorts of things. She also carries around a notebook, where she writes down short stories that she never seems to get closet to finishing.


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Name: Axel Robyn
Age: 11
Appearance: Axel is 4 feet 7 inches tall and 80 pounds. He’s pale and has blue eyes and curly brown hair. He is rather thin and has a lot of freckles.

Personality: Axel is quick and playful. He's curious and very intelligent. Axel takes the time to think before he talks. He doesn’t try to cause trouble, but he often does as his curiosity gets the better of him. Axel is quick-witted and always has something to say. However, he rarely says what he thinks. He's also very shy. He is reserved until he feels comfortable, at which point he opens up and becomes more playful.
Likes: Big dogs, books, reading, monkey bars, writing, trees, dark chocolate
Dislikes: Math, cities, beaches, dumb people, most people really.

Dave Dart

  • Name: David Alex Dart

    Nickname: Dave, for now. It will eventually become Dart.

    Age: 12, almost 13

    Appearance: Dave is quite short, and is impatiently waiting for his growth spurt, currently standing at 4 foot 5 inches. He has a very pale complexion and few blemishes on his skin, save from a few cuts and bruises mostly under his clothes and the odd beauty spot here and there. His hair is very dark brown, essentially black, and a mess of slightly curly hair. They're mostly tame when they're short, able to be brushed and kept out of his face. His eyes are a pale blue, darkening towards the middle to a more ocean blue.


Aria Wentworth
Aria is a very mischevious, blunt and sarcastic individual, and her sharp tongue can sometimes unintentionally insult others, she has a quick temper and isn't afraid to throw a punch, she's also very prideful for such a young thing, and will never admit that she cares, even though she'll often admit she doesn't care. She can often come off passive-aggressive and has quite the vocabulary for a little girl, often getting in trouble with her teachers for her blunt and negative mouth.
Spicy food, animals, pranks, causing trouble, writing.
Spiders, most people, dolls, clowns, literally nearly everybody, most foods.

Name: Anna Johnson
Age: 11
Personality: Anna can come off as a shy girl at first, not too good with new people. But once she gets to know the other person, she can be kind and caring. She can be funny out of her own actions and cluelessness without even knowing it. Though, the thing that mostly stands out for everyone to know is...she's a HUGE germaphobe. She can't help it, she grew up with a germaphobe mom, always eating organic foods and the house ALWAYS clean. Like mother like daughter. At school, if even a kid coughs she will pull up her shirt to her nose and breathe through that for awhile. Or when she first enters class and sees that the desk is dirty, she gets a paper towel and soap, scrubbing it off at an intense speed. Aaand, if a friend is sick...hah..she'll stay away for awhile. Kidding, she'll just wear a mask.

Appearance: Anna is mostly the average height for her age. Standing at about 5'3. She's just a little shorter. She's a Caucasian with long brown hair that goes down to her shoulders. It's considered straight but a few curls can be seen here and there. Her eyes blend in with the colors blue and gray.
She usually wears girly clothes that are considered cute. Such as dresses or skirts. But she can just wear casual shirts and shorts. Mostly having converse or boots for shoes.

Likes: Icecream, cleanness, silence, reading, healthy foods
Dislikes: Dirtiness, gross things, germs, sicknesses
Emma Smith

Age: 11
Personality: Daring, not afraid to do anything, independent, humble and protective of anyone she gets close to, seems tough but she can be very kindhearted once you get to know her.

Likes: pranks, making people laugh or smile, listening to music, painting, adventuring
Dislikes: Doing nothing, staying in one place for a long period of time, untrustworthy people
Name: Phoebe Lundberg

Personality at the start of the RP:
Phoebe is the second child of her two successful business parents who are seldom home to take care of her. This caused her to become very close to her twin brother. She was blessed with a caring and affable nature, looking after her brother and comforting him when he was sad by stealing some extra desert from the kitchen. She had to learn etiquette since a young age, making her a very polite child. As her parents deem education as essential, she works hard in school to meet their expectations. She is obedient and does not dare disobey orders unless it would benefit those she loves.

Appearance at the start of the RP:
Phoebe is a light blonde haired girl with olive green eyes. Her wavy hair cascades to the middle of her back. She is above slightly average for her height, but skinnier than average. Her fair skin is void of freckles and very sensitive to the sun.

Likes: flowers, tea, red and pink items, collecting stuffies
Dislikes: the sun, hot weathers, sports, bugs

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