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Fantasy Friends to Lovers~ (Royal romance) {MxF} [w/Paenitet]


Yiling Patriarch
Plot- Our characters have are each an Heir to a powerful Kingdom. They've been friends since childhood, with the knowledge that they would one day marry and unite the two kingdoms. Neither royals have really thought about their impending marriage while growing up the bets-of-friends but now, at 20 their parents have each announced their upcoming wedding tot he kingdoms. One month. A single month to either fall in love or simply accept ruling beside one another. Can love blossom in such a short amount of time? Or will their friendship shatter under the pressure?

Prince Leonard Arthur Vollet of the Kingdom Xeris~
The young man stands around 5'9, his frame lithe with faintly toned muscles His skin is a ghostly pale and yet he doesn't look, nor is ill. The prince has faint scars marring his body, but the worst two are upon his upper back and face. The back scar is a jagged word carved into it, though the scar is now faint enough that no one knows what the word said. The scar on his face is also faint but it crosses from one side of his face to the other; from his left eye down to his chin. Leonard has mesmerizing stormy blue eyes, that usually hold warmth and mirth. However, if pressed in the wrong way can turn as cold as a blizzard and quite deadly. Framing high cheekbones and soft lips are his long raven black hair- which is usually tied back in a warriors braid or some other complex style. There are also some strands of snow-white hair throughout the silky locks, which as a child and even young man he has been teased for.

Leo is a very soft-spoken young man, thoughtful as well. Many believe that if not for his royal blood and the fact that he is first-born, he'd be a well-renowned scholar. The young man seems to have an everlasting smile tilting his lips upward, a frown is never visible. He's quite good at masking his emotions and only allowing them freedom in the privacy of his own bedchambers. Nonetheless, when truly angered he is known to radiate an aura of dangerous powerful, causing the fiercest man to back down... at least momentarily. Primarily, the young prince is a kind person.

Leonard is a skilled swordsman, though he does prefer pacifism unless necessary. Unbeknownst to most, he is also trained and mastered, poisons. Both how to create them and to use them. In fact, all his weapons are coated in different poisons causes different effects, most are not deadly. He is also a rather fast reader. But, like all humans, he has his flaws. No matter how he tries he cannot learn, much less master archery and has repeatedly hit that that is not his intended target. His mind is also not a war strategic mind either, unable to comprehend and follow through with mock battles. Luckily, he has loyal advisers on war and of course the Kingdom's general who happens to be a childhood friend, whom he trained alongside at battle school.

The prince's family consists of his father (45), mother (43), little brother (18), and youngest twin sisters (16). His father, Cain is the current King of Xeris. Standing beside him is his beloved mother, Lilian. Leo's little brother is someone he sadly does not get along with, as his little brother hates his pacifist ways. To his relief, Leo is very close to his twin sisters, neither of which care one way or the other.

Oh, and Leo has a pet black wolf named Shadow and a white stallion named Storm.

Original search thread- Fantasy - Friends to lovers~ (Royal romance) {MxM or MxF, your choice}
Princess Vivienne Fortis Crawford of the Kingdom Avem~
The young woman stood at a rather tall 5'7, having inherited then trait from her 6'5 father. Her peach skin seemed to glow wherever she went, and the abundant scars would always stick out. Speaking of those, she had basically a collection. The most noticable one ran across her left eye, rendering her as partially blind. One of here eyes was a vibrant, light green, while the other, infected by glaucoma, resided at a pale, ghostly white. She didn't bother tp cover it, seeing no need to hide her scars as most were retained from battle. Vivienne had surprisingly soft, dirty blonde hair which she most usually tied up in a braid.

Vivienne was a rather coldhearted, apathetic young woman with a lust for blood. She often engaged in war with neighboring kingdoms and also often won. The wars she hadn't won had been a stalemate where both parties had retreated despite Vivienne's push to move forward. She wasn't known to smile or frown, often having a blank canvas for face. She was often kind around her younger sister, Elizabeth, to whom she loved dearly and spent profuse time with. Whenever she wasn't decapitating some poor soul, she was taking Elizabeth out into the town.

Vivienne was skilled with her rather viking-esque techniques consisting of a shield and an iron sword. She often caught the enemy offguard by knocking them off their feet with a tackle then finishing them off quickly. She wasn't a torturous person and preferred not to do things slowly and rather get to the point, which is why she didn't really have interrogations. It was quite hard for her to find out information without a spy because she would often get tired of questioning and slaughter the person. It was obvious she was stubborn and preferred to do things her own way. She didn't take no for an answer and had a problem with controlling her anger towards others.

Her family consisted of her Father (55), her mother (47), and her younger sister (11). Her mother and father ruled the Kingdom of Avem - not as ruthlessly as Vivienne desired, but close enough. Her and her only sibling, Elizabeth got along quite well despite their clash of personalities with Liz being a petite, kind child.

Vivienne, being absolutely in love with birds, owned quite a few. Some of her favorites were her crow named Regiis and black swan named Caedus. She also owned an albino cornsnake named Album which had been a gift from her father.

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