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Fantasy Friends to Lovers~ (Royal romance) {FxF} [w/Cosmic_Flare]


Yiling Patriarch
Plot- Our characters have are each an Heir to a powerful Kingdom. They've been friends since childhood, with the knowledge that they would one day marry and unite the two kingdoms. Neither royals have really thought about their impending marriage while growing up the bets-of-friends but now, at 20 their parents have each announced their upcoming wedding tot he kingdoms. One month. A single month to either fall in love or simply accept ruling beside one another. Can love blossom in such a short amount of time? Or will their friendship shatter under the pressure?


Princess Seraphina Evelyn Vollet of the Kingdom Xeris~
The young woman is petite, standing around 4'9 with lean muscles. Her skin is a natural darker tan shade, with scars and scrapes from childhood. She does tend to have her arms and back covered in intricate Hennas, ranging from words to animals, to flowers as well. Seraphina’s eyes are a quizzical caramel brown, that seems to change shade in different angles of light- sunlight to candlelight. From caramel to chocolate, to honey even. Framing her soft pink lips and sharp cheekbones is long wavy black hair. It is normally plain and straight, so she likes to curl it.

Sera is a dreamy person, always looking as though she is lost in thought. Her smiles are small but filled with warmth and welcome. The princess’ main objective is to create happiness for her people. Though sweet and always putting others first she does have a tendency to be forgetful and spacey. But, in certain situations, she is a very sharp minded woman. Death is one situation where all her previous dreaminess vanishes. She loathes death and does her very hardest to reduce the number of people who die in her kingdom.

The princess is skilled in archery and survival tactics. The reason for survival tactics is because a shocking amount of men have tried and even succeed in kidnapping her from a young age. Now she has the ability to escape and meet her rescuers halfway. So as to not put them in grave danger- as dreamy as she can be she is not unfamiliar with death. She also had taken up stargazing and mapping said stars out. Seraphina’s biggest weakness, aside from her spaciness; is that she isn’t very good with people in general. While she cares greatly for them the young woman simply can not communicate with them well.

Seraphina’s family is a small but happy one. With her dear father(46), mother(40), and older sister (24). The princess’s father is the current King Richard, with his wife and queen- Kathryn, beside him. She has an older sister, Lauren, who decided to not take the throne and so the responsibility lays on Seraphina.

Petwise, Sera has a barn owl named Theta and a kitten named Zerena.

Original search thread-
Princess Polaris Diana Intole of the Kingdom Oroga

The light skinned woman stands at a shocking height of 5’ 8”. Though she is slim, she can appear a bit bigger due to her wide curves. Her face and eyes are both sharp, the latter a bright emerald color. Her thin brown hair stops at her shoulders, which are surprisingly muscular. Altogether she looks quite big thanks to her endowments, her extra height, and her muscles.

Polaris doesn’t act the way a usual princess does. For the most part she doesn’t smile, at least around the castle. When she is out in the royal garden, however, she is never without a smile. To those closer to her she is quiet and reserved, but to those who don’t know her very well, she likes to experiment with personalities. She finds other people very intriguing, since she was shut away from them for most of her childhood, and she is always curious to learn more about them. Sometimes she doesn’t know when to be serious, but in most cases she simply remains silent. She is much more at home with animals and plants than people, but she never feels awkward around them.

Her muscles result from her favorites activities: climbing and riding. The royal garden has dozens of large, ancient trees that she loves to climb and has since she was small. She also spends an hour at least every day riding her horse, Santiago. She has no street smarts and though she loves nature, she has never experienced it in full, so she has no survival skills. She does know how to fence, but it doesn’t help her that much. Her biggest weakness would probably be her confidence. She does not fear any creature, and combined with her curiosity, often pulls her into undesirable situations.

Polaris’s family is a distant, cold family. Her father (46) built his kingdom up with his own bare hands, conquering and building to make the glorious kingdom he rules today. His hardship made him consider his queen and only child simply as a means of continuing his legacy. Her mother (42) tries to impress him nonetheless, so she has always tried to make Polaris as feminine as possible. She and Polaris do not have a good relationship seeing as it was her idea Polaris be shut in the castle for most of her young life. King Damian rules with his wife Queen Manila.

Polaris has her horse Santiago and a fox named Offa.
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Seraphina laughed softly as she sat in a grassy meadow in the forest near the palace. Her fingers ran through the soft fluffy fur of a bunny. She wore a soft blue dress that seemed like water running down her body in small ripples, humming she reached for the woven basket she brought with her and rummaged through it before finding some carrots. “Here you go, darling,” she murmured, holding a carrot out to the bunny and beaming as it nibbled at it. With a happy sigh, she laid on her back and stared at the fluffy clouds floating by. The princess adored nature in all its forms. If she could she would even live out here.

Closing her caramel eyes, she dozed off. Many hours later, she faintly heard voices within her foggy mind. Eyes fluttering open, she focused on the voices and heard her name among them. Oops. Shaking her head, Seraphina sat up and looked around. The shadows had grown and it was late in the afternoon by what the sun position said.
“I’m over here!” she called, voice floating with the breeze.
"Now Polaris when we reach the palace you will behave. Am I understood?" The tall, scarred king looked to his daughter. She sat across from him in the wagon, playing with a small silver braclet around her wrist. Normally she wouldn't respond to her father when he was like this, but she took offence to his words.

"Father I understand. Princess Seraphina and I have been friends since we were young, I know how to act around other royals," she said in return, though didn't lift her eyes. King Damian bit his tongue in anger, but chose to overlook her disrespect. To him, any action he did not first call for was disrespectful or even treasonous. This mentality had kept him on the throne, but kept his family and potential friends at arm's length.

A few moments later the royal blue and black clad carriage rolled to a stop. A young page open the door and bowed deeply. A servant in the colors of the Xeris kingdom came forward and bowed his head. "The royals send their greeting. The king and queen will meet you shortly." King Damian walked out of the carriage. Patting down the fluff of her puffy blue dress, Polaris stepped down into the sun. A small smile graced her lips before her father waved her forward. She hated dressing up in such a ridiculous manner. She much preffered the clothes her father wore, but a princess had to dress like a princes.

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