Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears...


It is the year 64 A.D., the tenth year of Nero's reign as Emperor of Rome. And the city is close to boiling.

A new cult spreads slowly but surely; followers of the Nazarene. To the Romans, they appear atheists, incestuous, cannibals, and lunatics. These 'Christians' -as they call themselves- live mostly in hiding, and go to their deaths with a willingness that disturbs the good people of Rome. The man Peter still preaches to any who will listen, though the authorities are closing in on him.

Nero himself is a complex and dangerous figure; his excesses make Rome a dangerous place to be. The plebians adore him. The patricians fear him. Only the influence of the philosopher Seneca holds his wildest desires in check. Even so, the people are grateful; he is no Caligula. The Golden Age ushered in by Augustus is over, but Rome's decline is not yet begun. The city lives, pulses with energy and danger and beauty, groaning with the largest civic population on earth. Over a million call the city of Rome home, peoples from all parts of the world, as far away as India.

It's the best place on earth to be a Vampire.

Within the Camarilla, a power struggle is growing in the Senex, the ruling body. Julius Senex himself is in torpor, and the Propinqui of Rome wait to see who comes to fill this power vacuum. In addition, new expansions have brought new kinds of Vampire to Rome. the Julii, the descendents of Remus and Mars, walk their streets as they have always done, serving as Lares and Penates to their mortal families when their wills are obeyed - and as vengeful spirits when they are not. The Worms, the Nosferatu, have always been below the city, and the dead's own city of Necropolis spreads under their skilled work. But now they are joined by the sultry and deviant Daeva from Greece and further afield, the bestial Gangrel from the borderlands of Empire, and the mysterious and esoteric Mekhet, rising tenebrous from their ancestral Egyptian sands to come and partake of the bounty of Rome. The Camarilla holds undisputed sway over the vampires of the Empire; no vampiric organisation will ever again be so successful or widespread.

It is a tense time in Rome. As above, so below. Rome is the Eternal City, and its dead have an eternity of nights to feast upon her. Assuming she doesn't feast on them first...


I have a plot in mind for a Requiem for Rome campaign, set during the reign of Nero Caesar. There'd be a fair amount of political backstabbing, but also some quite literal backstabbing. Important things to note:

-There are no Lancea et Sanctum in this period, and Christian vampires are very rare.

-The Morbus bloodline will not be founded for another 200 years.

Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone would be interested?
Tentative interest. Not sure if my character would fit in.

I'm thinking a Gangrel philosopher from Ionia, maybe five and a half centuries old by this point, from the days of men like Plato and Anaximander. Primitive scientist of sorts, but certainly more a philosopher. Believer in naturalism (how's that for irony?) and vehemently opposes the Roman priesthoods.
As long as you don't interfere with them, it should be fine.

Also, you'll have been in torpor for a time, since you won't be any more than 30xp beyond chargen.
Well, Ionia was captured some time in the mid-5th Century BC. Gives my character reason to have gone into torpor, trying to avoid war and all. Awoke again some centuries later, only to see it put to the flame by Alexander the Great, went into torpor again, and is now back once more.

Plus, all the time in the dreams of torpor give me lots of time to invent weird philosophy expansions for them.
Need to read more on the setting but would a senator be likely to be turned? Perhaps a silly question but oh well.
Le gasp! Mind if I state interest? This sounds like something I could really wrap my teeth around. =)

No more bad jokes from me this thread, I promise.
Hmm. Lots of interest. Nice.

I'll see about starting this up soon. Can those interested post me some character concepts?
Hold on, I have the Character background from the other thread.

Name: Adiega Lugurix

Concept: Gaulish Warrior

Clan: Gangrel

Wing: Peregrine Colligia

Adiega is the third daughter of the brother of the chieftain of her tribe. In this time when the tribes of Gaul lived in constant threat of the Roman legions, all swords were needed. Adiega was trained in the ways of war alongside her brothers and when the legions came she rode into battle alongside her father, uncle, brothers and cousins. She watched them all die. When she saw the final blow strike her oldest brother she went into a rage, leaping at the trio of legionaires who had killed him. She struck two of them down before one managed to slip a blade between her ribs, and he too died before she fell.

In the chaos of battle her actions had not gone unnoticed. A gangrel warrior of the legion had paused, watching her ferocious fighting and lack of fear. Impressed, in the aftermath of battle he embraced her as she lay dying, bringing her back to Rome. He had hoped to bring her into the Legio Mortuum when she had adjusted to her state. But the newly turned Adiega proved too wild and undisciplined, hating the people who had killed her family and destroyed her tribe.

Over the years that hatred dulled into a constant simmering belligerence. She faded into the shadows of the Necropolis, making a reputation for herself as a brawler, hired muscle of the most dangerous sort.

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