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Fantasy Fresh Start OOC Room

Lol, I will. I will write up the character info on docs and upload it, it may take me a day or so but I will be joining you. I have my version of a shadovar character so I hoping he will be well received.
Lol, I will. I will write up the character info on docs and upload it, it may take me a day or so but I will be joining you. I have my version of a shadovar character so I hoping he will be well received.
Shadovar? I'm unfamiliar with what that is, but interested to find out!
Zaen Hu Shand Zaen Hu Shand I just looked up Shadovar and if you are willing to turn this character into a human so they fit the setting then I don't mind. It should be noted that the only playable race is human!
Ubertide Ubertide Are mini first aid kits allowed? I'm contemplating since we don't have any of our memories, do we still know our previous life skills? Ex: medical, foreman, etc.
Minyari Minyari I will allow a small first aid kit so long as it fits into medieval era technology. And your character can retain some knowledge of their previous life skills, yes! As I mentioned to Bang Bang it stands to reason they would have some idea on how to use the items they start out with. This also could pertain to some skills if you wanted.
Ubertide Ubertide I'm actually going have to pull out of this RP. My mind has been drifting lately and I couldn't come up with anything to fit the theme. I apologize!
Hey everyone I have an announcement! I have decided that I will indeed implement a posting order so that things don't progress too quickly and that everyone is kept on the same page. The posting order will be added to the first post of the main thread. Any new characters will be added on to the end. If you have any questions or further suggestions on how I can better manage this rp, please let me know!
Okay, since I posted last, we start with our posting order with L llamatime and then proceed with the order from there just so we're on the same page! If you want your order changed for any reason please let me know Bang Bang has posted in order to catch up so I am deciding that instead Cazberry Cazberry will be next to post and THEN we will use our new post order! Sorry for all the confusion everyone.
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That is correct, we're currently waiting for them to make their post, and then after that you can make your entrance.
I will give Cazberry Cazberry another hour and a half, around 12 Pacific standard time, if they don't post by then then Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon can go ahead and Charan can post next time she comes around on the guitar. I hope this is not an issue for anyone as I am just trying to keep things moving while figuring out how things work! Thank you for your patience.

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