Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

ryanpk200 said:
That's not the best idea if I understand what your saying. The pods are for one person.
Thanks for telling them that, Ryan.

Just so you know-

Escape pod: Can fit eight to nine people, including the driver. It is basically a basic space craft that can be flown and has enough supplies in it to keep the occupants alive for a week, even in the dead of space.

Drop pod: Can fit just one person and some gear held in certain compartments, such as a med kit, rations, weapons (the occupant normally takes off their weapons before they lock themselves in), extra ammo, etc. Not much more than that and a person can fit. The occupant is usually only in there for a few minutes during the drop, and the pod cannot be steered at all. It just has protection for head, a parachute on the top that helps to slow it down when it gets close to the surface, and jets on the bottom that push back to slow it down even further. Without those, the person inside would most definitely be reduced to a mound of pulp and jello inside the pod. The Agents drop off of the MoI in these.

Adelaide Swan

  • Birth Name

    Adelaide Swan

    State Name


    Code Name










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Birth Name: Clayton Grove

Rank: Seargent-Major

Nickname: Little Willie (After 1st british tank) or Crusader

Codename: C-449

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Relatives in Project: None

Relationships: None

Defining Features:


-Carries 10 MM Chain gun

-Decent temper

-Large scratch running down chest plate of armor

Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: He has a long faded scar running down his left arm, a large black cross tattoo on his chest, and a sword tattoo with R.I.P engraved into the handle on his right arm.

Personality: Does not talk allot but he is not as quiet as Iowa. He can make a friend but that is a rare ocassion. He is quite smart for a person like him. Since he is a heavy support class, it is not likely for someone of his standards to know allot of field engineering. Although he did do well in in his academics. But he does have a few meltdowns when either being beaten physically or mentally. He is very loyal, brave, and merciless. But he will try to be respectful to others, especially when a female is around. Although sometimes it won't stop his anger from taking hold. Monster or not, he still does make a good edition to a team. He does smoke a little but only on the breaks he gets.

Under-amor appearance:

(same face, just a more built body)
Height: 7'2

weight (without armor): 336 pounds (most of it is muscle mass)

Wieght (With Armor):1,032 pounds

Armor Configuration:

Primary color: Grey

Secondary color: Red

Third (outline color): white

Primary weapon: As shown above, he use a chaingun but it uses seperate catdriges. Two have AP another two have HE. Each onee contains 400 rounds and the gun is able to fire two 10MM rounds

in a second.

Secondary weapon : He also uses an assault rifle and 2 Magnum pistols in emergency.

Melee weapon: A 3 foot long machete.

Prefered grenade type: High explosive

Primary armor ability: healing

Secondary Ability: Strength increase ( helps him to carry his gun and other heavy items)

Professions: -Support

-Melee combat expert

- Medium to long range fire fight

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Project Freelancer Agent:

Birth Name: William Molloy.

State Name: Agent New Jersey.

Nickname: Jersey, Joisey, Will.

Code Name: November 091.

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: UNSC Marines Corporal.

Age: Tweny Seven.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Relatives in the Project: William is unaware if any distant relatives are cooperating in the project, but all of his closest of kin don't have any knowledge on it.

Relationships: Mixed relationship with the agents Ohio and Michigan. WIP.

Defining Feature(s): William's often enough quoting older literature, sometimes out of context or inappropriately. Along with darker or dry humor, William makes a series of 'Tsk' noises when excited.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: William has several scars, largely from his service in the UNSC. The first and most noticable is a scar dead center on his forehead. Agent New Jersey received it when he was still a young child, having played too roughly with local children, they retaliated by throwing the youthful William into the side of a playground slide. Hitting his head on the metal beams holding it up, William's still developing head began to bleed. He was later rushed off to the nearest hospital.

Several minor scars cover the man's body, from his toes to his neck. Nothing more then cuts from glass or close calls in combat. But a single scar stands out, cutting down from his right pectorialis major to the center of his abdomen. The scar was given to William on a mission to the outer colonies, off fighting against a terrorist band. The mission itself was successful, the terrorists not being prepared for the quick raid. Though, several had hidden themselves and ambushed the marines as they went to investigate the interior of one of the compounds. A large man jumped William, wielding a machete. Having lost his gone in the few seconds of surprise, the two were fighting bare handed for a minute before William was over powered. The machete only shallowly cut into William's body, though the man did lose one of his nipples in favor for gaining a scar, during the attack. The other marines cut into the room, and managed to shoot the terrorist before any further damage could be done.

The most noticable of damage William has taken from his time in the marines would be his missing left arm. In a separate battle, on a much larger scale, William had taken initiative and decided to storm an enemy bunker. The humans inside had set up sensors, being immediately made aware of William and the two soldiers who left with him's approach. Before any of them could notice, a grenade was thrown. One of the soldiers suffered a fatal injury from the grenade, the other making it out with deep gashes in his legs. William received a barrage of shrapnel, cutting deep into his left shoulder. William was picked up there and then, being sent to the nearest medbay. The news came that the shoulder and parts of the limb underneath the elbow were severely damaged, and for his career as a soldier to continue he'd need to amputate it. Begrudgingly, William went through with the process.

The mechanical arm is not disguised in the least, unlike others. It's the same size as his right, equipped with receptors to send messages back to William's brain when the arm is doing what he wants. Though, a pain receptor was never installed. The limb is supposedly as strong as the previous one, though it's subject to be damaged by the elements moreso then his former arm.

Personality: William is many things, a good soldier, a decent listener, though few would ever give the man positive compliments. Some of William's most common traits can be summed up simply; The man is effective in combat, and usually brash when running in on missions.

Expanding a bit, Agent New Jersey is known for volunteering to participate on dangerous missions, the man putting his life as a second or even third priority. When screened for this and many other unusual traits, William would merely reply that the mission would come first. When further asked on rash behaviors that normally endangered the lives of his teammates and company, William rebutted with an unorthodox answer. Explaining that when tensions are high or his life is in danger, he feels the most. William isn't above taking leadership roles in battle, though he often finds himself listening or volunteering for less popular roles, passing the leader spot up to someone else. This has led the man to be dominated in a day to day basis by his AI.

On a personal level, William seems to be friendly enough. Willing to start or participate in conversations, going from mindless chatter to some discussion on literature. Though Agent New Jersey doesn't often sympathize with others, keeping true to a personal belief that every man's destiny is there own to shape. If a person has a bad life, it's due in part to his lack of effort. Personal strength, both physically and mentally, is well respected by the agent.Jersey will compliment or act friendly to almost anyone, giving off a trade mark joke of his, usually always dry or dark humor. Though ultimately, William's competitive when it comes to ranks. Doing what he can to come out over his fellow agents.

Description: Despite the earlier mentioned scars and missing limb, William would appear as average as you'd expect. Will has short black hair, recently having had a buzz cut, though his hair already seems to be growing back. He's free from all facial hair, though that's another place that seems to quickly sprout hair. Particularly on his chin, with his upper lip receiving not enough hair in two months time to grow a mustache.

William's a tall individual, at six feet and three inches, though he is quite white. With most of his time now spent inside his suit, William leaves little time to tan or get any sun. This works in contrast to his dark hair and coal-like eyes, giving the man a somewhat ghastly appearance. William's a muscular individual, primarily spending time in the gym or work out rooms, with his body there to show his results.

Height With Your Armor: Six feet five inches.

Height Without Your Armor: Six feet three inches.

Armor Configuration:

Primary Weapon: BR55 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle

Secondary Weapon: M6D Personal Defense Weapon System

Melee Weapon: A re-purposed trench knife with grip.

Preferred Grenade: Frag. Grenade.

Preferred Vehicle: Warthog.

Agent Skill(s): Infiltration, Stealth, tracking.

Primary Armor Enhancement: Adaptive Camo

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Enhanced motion tracker.



Dark humor

Cheerful people.

Honest people.

Competent soldiers/Technicians.

Mechanical arm.


Stormy/Windy Days





A lack of a sense of humor.




Positive Qualities:




Eager to work

Negative Qualities:

Brutal in both his honesty and methods in combat.

A survivor, Agent Jersey looks out for himself in the worst situations, if a mission can't be completed.

Obsessive over a mission or requirement.

Dismissive or insensitive.

Might not take some situations as serious as he could.

History: William had a rather average appearing childhood, growing up in a family of four. He was the youngest, with an older sister, Katherine, and his two parents. As previously noted, Agent New Jersey was rough in his earliest years, not understanding more basic concepts which led to his first scar and hospital visit. After that, though, most of William's young life was dedicated to his older sister. An odd relationship bloomed between the two, with Katherina being the elder by two and a half years. By the time William was ten, his sister began to experiment on him, testing out what she should do with her different boyfriends. Not so innocent at first, Katherina began to instruct William on smaller matters such as kissing. By the time William was fifteen, the two were in a full flung relationship. Having progressively grown from just using each other as references to a passion forming between them. During William's fifteenth year, it was then that his parents were made aware of the relationship between their children. Disgusted by the pairing, William was sent to a boarding school, with Katherina being kept close by as to keep an eye on her. She was sent to a therapist for years, trying to work through the problems that caused her to fall into the situation she was in. Whereas William was sent off to different boot and training camps during the Summers, keeping the two apart as much as possible, with only winter breaks giving them chances to see each other.

Eventually, the two would part ways with mixed emotions. Katherina had found another, though her feelings lingered for William. Agent New Jersey never moved past her, emotionally, but he followed the advice of a drill instructor at one of the boot camps he had gone to, and enlisted in the marines. The two haven't seen each other since William was nineteen.

William's time in the marines was a mixed success, he has accumulated a collection of scars, but also found himself gaining friends along the way. But with how large the galaxy is, and the line of work they're in, many left or drifted away as time went on. Many didn't join William when he joined the ODST's at the age of twenty three, though new friends and allies were made in the hell jumpers, not many remained as steady as his earlier bonds. After a fatal operation, William being too impulsive and springing the trap of a terrorist troop in the outer colonial worlds, he was captured and his rescue cost six lives, three of them belonging to his friends. William was formally dismissed from the military, with this just being a the last straw in a long line of events that got others hurt or killed. It wasn't soon after this that William was confronted, questioned about joining Project Freelancer. He accepted, without much hesitation.

Home World: Kholo.

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name: Zedd

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Dominating, determined, cautious. Zedd is the dominate personality between the Agent and Zedd, though this isn't a widely known fact. Zedd will whisper William suggestions, who follows them more often then not. It's only when Zedd's pulled that William will seek others out, an odd sensation of loneliness enveloping him.

Zedd is very obessessive or determined in his/William's goals, unrelenting until they failed beyond the point of ever achieving the goal or until the goal is accomplished. Zedd is more then anything else, cautious. With a fearful nature, Zedd wishes to not endanger his, and by extension, William's on going 'lives'. He'll stress this quality as much as he can.

A.I. Appearance: The AI will usually take the appearance of another Spartan soldier, nameless in origin, though the standard EVA armor is noticeable.

A.I. Color(s): Zedd is a mix of a variety of greens, with a dark purple visor and several paint lines of the same color on his forearm, wrists, and kneecaps.
Agent Tennessee
  • Birth Name: Richard, Last name is classified State Name: Tennessee Code Name: Ten-001 Age: 26 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Birth Name: Classified State Name: Kentucky Code Name: Kent-069 Age: 30 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight

Agent Tennessee

  • Birth Name: Richard, Last name is classified

    State Name: Tennessee

    Code Name: Ten-001

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

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Mysterion7514 said:
The word color fucked up, but I can fix them. Thx

Well warning, if you color the tab codings it'll fuck up again like it was. So be careful with that.

Agent Oklahoma

Identification Information

Thomas Denny Harrison, better known by people in Project Freelancer by his state name "Agent Oklahoma", his nickname "Oak", or his code name "Oscar 327", is a twenty-nine year old male Freelancer. He was an ODST at the rank of Gunnery Sergeant before being recruited into the SPARTAN-IV program, later to be taken into Project Freelancer.

Harrison (hereby known as "Agent Oklahoma") is currently six feet and two inches tall (six feet, seven inches with armor), and weighs one-hundred and seventy five pounds.

Personal Information

Agent Oklahoma is a heterosexual male with no relationships or relatives inside of Project Freelancer.

Some of Agent Oklahoma's "defining features" are as follows:

  • Agent Oklahoma tells inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times quite often.
  • Agent Oklahoma has a bad habit of speaking too much.
  • Most of the time anyone has seen him out of his armor, they've seen him with his iconic smile.

Agent Oklahoma has been explained to be quite the jokester. He doesn't take much serious, and often says things he shouldn't, yet he doesn't seem to care. On rare occasion, Agent Oklahoma's outward jokester personality has broken and revealed a darker, more serious, and less forgiving individual.

Agent Oklahoma has recorded that he enjoys people, humor, and lightheartedness, while he dislikes most seriousness (except in certain occasions), waiting, silence (or just general quietness), and anger (whether it be his anger or that of those around him).

Some of Agent Oklahoma's fellow Freelancers say he's an upbeat, happy, energetic, funny guy. They also say he can be annoying, provocative, stubborn, and pestering.

Combat Information

Agent Oklahoma's preferred military loadout consists of an M392 Designated Marksman Rifle (shortened to DMR), M363 Remote Projectile Detonator, impact grenades, and a combat hatchet. Agent Oklahoma seems to enjoy using his DMR in long and short range combat, instead of the intended middle ground Marksman Rifles are made for. Agent Oklahoma's combat hatchet (seen below) can be folded to turn into an easy stabbing tool. Agent Oklahoma also went out of his way to make the point that he's not picky with explosives, he'll use just about anything.

Agent Oklahoma's preferred operated vehicle is the M247-M "Gungoose" Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle.

Agent Oklahoma's armor is enhanced with Active Camouflage and Holographic Projection.

Skills that Agent Oklahoma have shown to possess include an above-average ability for stealth, lock-picking, and explosive usage.

Artificial Intelligence

Agent Oklahoma's Artificial Intelligence Program Fragment is named Ada. Ada takes the form of a female SPARTAN, colored yellow with orange highlights. Ada is serious, but also favors unorthodox or cruel paths to success. Ada also speaks in a German accent, sometimes even speaking German.

Agent Nebraksa

Identification Information

Hailey Dawn Gable, or "Agent Nebraska", is a twenty-five year old female Freelancer that usually goes by the code name "November 414". Before Project Freelancer, Gable was at the rank of First Sergeant in the UNSC Marine Corps.

Gable (hereby known as "Agent Nebraska") is currently six feet and one inch tall (six feet, six inches with armor), and weighs one-hundred and forty-nine pounds.

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Personal Information

Agent Nebraska is a heterosexual female Freelancer with no relationships or relatives within Project Freelancer.

Agent Nebraska's head tilts sideways a little when she has nothing to do.

In regard to things that Agent Nebraska likes and dislikes, here is a quote from her to Agent Oklahoma:

There are plenty of things I like, Thomas. I like being alone, I like it when things are calm, and I like peace and quiet. You come with none of things, so therefore I do not like you.
Agent Nebraska

Agent Nebraska also seems to like being a hero and being in control, while she seems to dislike it when people don't listen to her, when she is around most people, and generally being pestered.

Agent Nebraska has been explained to be forgiving and patient, while also being a good leader and showing exceptional teamwork. However, she seems to get aggravated easily and hold grudges against people who purposely aggravate her. She doesn't accept failure very well, and despite being a good team player she doesn't seem to fit in with people in a non-combat scenario.

Combat Information

Agent Nebraska's preferred combat loadout consists of a Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel, an M7 Caseless SMG, Incendiary Grenades (specialized combined mine and tossable grenades), and standard combat knife.

Agent Nebraska's preferred vehicle to operate is a Pelican, though she seems to be eager to fly any sort of aircraft.

Agent Nebraska's armor is enhanced with a Domed Energy Shield (explained in more detail later) and Enhanced Bio Scan (also explained in more detail later).

Agent Nebraska is skilled at Sharpshooting, Team Evacuation, and Reconnaissance.

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Artificial Intelligence

Agent Nebraska's Artificial Intelligence Program Fragment is named Hans. Hans takes the form of a World War II German officer.

Hans is dark and sadistic, and acts like everything is a game. He also speaks with a German accent, to go along with the rest of his appearance.


Agent Colorado

Identification Information

Trenton Jacob Belmont, who goes by "Agent Colorado" and "Canvas 475", is a thirty-four year old male Freelancer. He achieved the rank of First Sergeant as an ODST before the SPARTAN-IV program and later Project Freelancer.

Belmont (hereby known as "Agent Colorado") is currently six feet and six inches tall (six feet, eleven inches with armor), and weights two-hundred and fifteen pounds.

  • Agent Colorado has heavy scarring to his chest due to sharapnel and burns, this scarring streches up his arms and down his legs to around the elbow/knee, where it quickly begins to diminish. The scarring goes up his neck and a little bit goes around his jaw.


Personal Information

Agent Colorado is an asexual male with no relationships or relatives within Project Freelancer.

Agent Colorado's defining features are:

He does not speak. His AI SAM speaks for him, and has pretty much become his voice. They communicate privately to each other, but if his SAM is speaking it's a combined voice of Colorado and SAM.

He has a thirst for combat.

Agent Colorado's personality is an odd one. Due to his lack of speaking, no one can really tell what he's like. However, he seems to be able to follow orders well and will put himself in a bad position if it helps an allied person escape danger. He seems to only enjoy himself when he's fighting, and the closer he is to his opponent the more he seems to enjoy it. The most accurate personality reading for Agent Colorado is through his AI, SAM.

Agent Colorado seems to enjoy any form of combat. He also likes being pushed beyond his limits, and will often go out of his way if a secondary goal will push him. He enjoys the feeling of adrenaline, and sometimes if he catches an unexpected enemy off guard you may hear a small deep chuckle of satisfaction.

Agent Colorado gets frustrated when he needs to communicate something, and usually just relies on SAM to do so, as it almost seems the two have a telepathic connection. He seems to shy away from things that require gentleness. If he believes something to be too easy for him, he'll either completely disregard it or put no energy into it, as he dislikes when he's not being pushed.

Agent Colorado has some good qualities. He seems to be nearly fearless, and he is the "take one for the team" type of person. He's hard to aggravate at most times. He's also very good at combat.

Don't be fooled by Agent Colorado's good qualities, however, as he has some bad ones too. His inability (or at the least evasion) to speak makes communication hard with him, and his thirst for combat sometimes drags him off of the path to success just to get a taste. Any time he achieves victory, he tends to do it over-the-top, which exhausts him more, and he engages one-sided fights often, and is quite lucky he hasn't been killed yet.

Combat Information

Agent Colorado's preferred military loadout consists of an M739 Light Machine Gun, Concussion Rifle (Type-50 Directed Energy Rifle), and his Energy Sword. He does not seem to prefer any type of grenade over another, and will use any he can get a hold on.

Agent Colorado has shown a dislike to vehicles in general. He does not like to get in them, and unless it is an air vehicle he would rather just hold onto the vehicle so he can drop at any time. If he can do something without using the vehicle, he'll choose that option most of the time.

Agent Colorado's armor is enhanced with both strength and speed boosts.

Agent Colorado is an expert in Hand-to-Hand combat, or more realistically, Hand-to-Sword combat. He is also good at suppressing enemy fire to assist in teammate cover.

Artificial Intelligence

Agent Colorado's AI goes by the name "SAM", and chooses to look exactly like Agent Colorado's armor.

SAM isn't humorous, and generally ignores humorous things. Not because he doesn't like them, but rather because he's always serious. He's always got something to say about a situation and is always intent on getting to the next location.

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Agent Tennessee

  • Birth Name: Richard, Last name is classified

    State Name: Tennessee

    Code Name: Ten-001

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight


  • Birth Name: Classified

    State Name: Kentucky

    Code Name: Kent-069

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

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Trovsky is the personal AI assistant assigned to the Mother of Invention to make sure things stay in order. Trovksy was created by the Director like any normal AI is created, but the Director won't say who the AI is based off of. Trovsky can usually be seen as a blue humanoid AI. Unlike any of the fragments, Trovsky doesn't have one specific quality. Like Delta is logic and Theta is trust, but Trovsky, being a full AI, has more than one distinguishing trait. Trovksy is usually helping the Director with personal things or helping to orchestrate missions.

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Birth Name: Kai Valenheim

State Name: Delaware

Nickname: Delly

(If he catches you calling him that, he will probably kill you. Or maim you. Or both)

Code Name: Delta 000

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Sergeant Major

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: None

Relationships: None

Defining Feature(s):

His mismatched eyes (one green one purple)

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

A scar running down the right side of his face and neck, from forehead down to collarbone. Caused by the knife of a terrorist leader, before Delaware killed the man with the same knife.

Multiple small scars and pockmarks on lower abdomen. Caused by fragmentation grenade in combat.

Across his back, he has tattooed the name of every person he's killed. Over one hundred names.

Personality: Delaware is usually cold and calculating, normally putting the mission objectives before himself and his fellow Freelancers (the few times he works with them.). But, if shit hits the fan, one can expect him to usually put his life on the line to save some poor fucker who, say, didn't activate their motion tracker on a stealth mission and got discovered. However, he does have a warmer, friendlier side, despite the fact that he usually keeps it hidden from all but the closest of friends, the list of which is extremely short.

Appearance Under Your Armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f3c2e1e841261ba7fdd170e365090430.jpg.59eaca05b339dcaf6419f2c3eefdd3e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/f3c2e1e841261ba7fdd170e365090430.jpg.59eaca05b339dcaf6419f2c3eefdd3e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Delaware is of asian ethnicity and has a slim yet muscular build. While not bulky, his muscles are strong and well defined. He sports long, platinum blonde hair, which usually covers his eyes. The eyes in question are mismatched due to a head injury that he recieved when he was young. His left eye is a bright emerald green, and his right eye is an equally bright amethyst purple. His tattooed and scarred skin is pale due to long times spent inside the sunless confines of his armor.

Height With Your Armor: 7 feet

Height Without Your Armor: 6 feet 8 inches

Weight Without Armor: 224 Ibs

Armor Configuration:

MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Halberd


Primary Armor Color: White

Secondary Armor Color: Black

Tertiary Armor Color: Gold

Primary Weapon: Stanchion Gauss Rifle

Secondary Weapon: Dual M7 Caseless Sub-Machine guns

Melee Weapon: Twin 15 inch kukri machetes

Preferred Grenade: Napalm grenade

Preferred Vehicle: M247-M "Gungoose" Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle

Agent Skill(s):

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Close Quarters Combat


Sharp Shooting

Primary Armor Enhancement: Active Camo

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Strength Boost



Dead enemies


Getting a job done quickly




Being told how to do his job

People who can't take care of their own problems

Positive Qualities:





Negative Qualities:

A bit sociopathical

Doesn't always share his plans

Tends to follow his own agenda

Doesn't always play by the rules.

History: //[DATA EXPUNGED]\\

Home World: Harvest

Other: The Ruskie of Nebruskie

A.I. name: Mors

A.I. Personality Trait(s):

-Talks in a professional manner

-Oblivious to the feelings of living creatures

A.I. Appearance: Mors takes the appearance of a traditional Chinese dragon, the size of his serpentine body varying in size from small enough to fit in one's palm, to big enough to wrap himself around Delaware.

A.I. Color(s): Mors shimmers through colors, shifting from translucent to black, and all the shades of grey in between.

Other: "We appear to be experiencing technical difficulties. Agent Delaware, I suggest you try punching the computer."



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PFL Agent CS:

Birth Name: Jack Cross

State Name:

Nickname: Silver State

Code Name: Foxtrot 12

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project:
None as of now

Relationships:Currently Single

Defining Feature(s): He lives by the motto:''You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:Scar near left eye

Personality: Generally down to earth, values honesty and loyalty. Jack will always put his team members first before himself even if it means sacrificing his life.

Appearance Under Your Armor:

Height: 5 ft 11

Weight Without Armor: 158lbs

Armor Configuration:

Primary Weapon:(do not choose a weapon that makes no sense for a freelancer. Can changed throughout the rp) - Pistol

Secondary Weapon:(can changed throughout the rp)– Pistol

Melee Weapon:(can changed throughout the rp. Optional) - Knife

Preferred Grenade:(can changed throughout the rp. Optional)

Preferred Vehicle:(can changed throughout rp. Optional)- Warthog

Agent Skill(s):Stealth and Sharp Shooting

Primary Armor Enhancement: Teleportation

Secondary Armor Enhancement:(same list, optional)

A.I. name: Kap-pa Tau

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Friendly and encouraging, will always try and be positive about a situation no matter what it is.

A.I. Appearance: Quite small, looks like a miniature version of Jack himself, some may argue that it represents what Jack wishes he was.

A.I. Color(s):Light Blue

History: Jack was an everyday solider who impressed on the way up the top, however a major injury ended his hopes of one day leading his own team, this injury lead to him falling into a coma for a few years before waking up and finding out the world around him had changed.

Home World:Earth

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Birth Name:Nathan C. Vincent

State Name:

Nickname: Nev

Code Name: Alpha-115


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Relatives in the Project:

Relationships: None

Defining Feature(s): Serious, Cusses, Silent(most of the time)

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: Right eye scared

Personality: Strict, Bossy and Cautious

Appearance Under Your Armor:
Brown Hair, Scared right eye, Green eyes and athletic build

Height: 6'3"

Weight Without Armor: 132 lbs

Armor Configuration:
(if you just want to use a picture to show what your armor looks like, then just put it with this point and ignore the next three points)

Primary Armor Color: Black

Secondary Armor Color:

Tertiary Armor Color: (optional)

Primary Weapon: Modified Nornfang

Secondary Weapon:
Modified BR85N Service Rifle

Melee Weapon: Two Combat Knives

Preferred Grenade: Plasma Grenade

Preferred Vehicle: (can changed throughout rp. Optional)

Agent Skill(s): Stealth, Sharpshooter, Hand-to-Hand

Primary Armor Enhancement: active camo

Secondary Armor Enhancement: enhanced motion tracker(if during the RP we can get more Enhanchments I would like adaptive camo)

A.I. name: Lambda

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Blood Thirty, Deceptive and Manipulative

A.I. Appearance: CQB type look

A.I. Color(s): Black with red glow

History: Classified

Home World: Earth-Canada

Other: He ain't Canadian
AgentWinters said:
Birth Name: Winter Eritsive
State Name:
Agent Tennesse

Nickname: Ness

Code Name: Tenfree628

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Simple Marine


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: No

Has no relationships however she is Interested in acquiring one.

Defining Feature(s): Green eyes. Black hair. Quick on her feat, can do quick climbing, but does it rarely, makes great stew.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: Small Scar on her right hip given to her from being thrown off a cliff after being stabbed by a former partner.

Personality: Has a hard time trusting people, Normally listens to advice given. She can be almost always be happy go lucky, or overly excited about the simplest of things, however, At times she may lock herself in her room after a mission or become mute for weeks. Most would say she is trying to stay strong in front of her friends. She is easy going and seems very friendly and easy to get along with. She rarly will remove her helmet and feels uncomfortable with people seeing her face. Normally hides and stays in her armor. Hides her fear of heights. She is also a picky eater and does not eat much.

Appearance Under Your Armor:


Description: Lightly tanned skin tone A few freckles on her cheeks, Her eyes colors are safire green with a few golden flexs in her eyes. She has a hardly noticeable British accent. She has a light weight of 99.98lb her muscles are toned due to constant training.

When she where's clothing, if she ever removes her armor, She will where a simple Brown or blue shirt and black or blue jeans. Most would consider her pretty if they do see her, Depending on what they like in a girl. She is thin and has a high metabolism.

Height With Your Armor: she is about 6'1Height Without Your Armor: 5'9

Weight Without Armor: 99.98Armor Configuration:

Primary Armor Color: Brown

Secondary Armor Color:

Tertiary Armor Color: Red

Primary Weapon: Black and Red Assault rifle

Secondary Weapon: Kinves

Melee Weapon: Knives

Preferred Grenade: Sticky

Preferred Vehicle: Warthog

Agent Skill(s): She is good at stealth and hand-to-hand combat

Primary Armor Enhancement: Cameo

Secondary Armor Enhance: Healing unit

Likes: Using Throwing knives, Hiding, Strawberries, Meeting new people, Throwing people off cliffs if they annoy her, Surprising people, Sneak attacking

Dislikes: Being disrupted when she is hiding in her room or someone does not knock, Oranges, Hates being put in the middle of things, heights, Running out of throwing knives, being sneak attacked, get annoyed if her favorite gun in hidden, being pushed off pelicans, freefalling

Positive Qualities: Good at climbing, Throwing knives, Creating friends, not to bad at lock picking, Great at sneak attacking, Great with helping out on some programing techniques.

Negative Qualities: Hides a lot, terrible with a sniper rifle, Prefers to be a 'loan wolf' after missions, Like to pull pranks on people who annoy her, May throw people out of pelicans.

History: Was betrayed by her best friend/ partner when she first started the marines. She was stabbed in the side before being thrown off a cliff at the age of 25 when her partner found out she was getting promoted and he was not. She was rescued by a few fellow marines and her corporal. At the age of 17 she had to watch her entire family executed by insurrectionist. She accidently infiltrated a low security prison at the age of 24, and somehow managed to rescue three marines from imprisonment.

Home World: Earth

Secretly loves soft blankets, secretly afraid of cliffs, She is easy going with friends.

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name: Zenith

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Overly Excited about simple things. Likes to scan people for no reason, thinks he is better than all the AI's Thinks Tennesse is the best freelancer, is very creative with her, and loves to be projected. At times the Ai may randomly project himself larger than the other AI's. Will become very concerned for his host when she locks herself in her room.

A.I. Appearance: Prefers to project himself looking like a wolf or a dragon he is an orange Ai with white details

A.I. Color(s): orange with white details on the chest and ears or claws and scales
Oh sweetie...
Eh just realized that I didn't see the other agent Tennessee xD I don't know if their can be two of the same agents so i'll just change it.
Ok so I did not see Montana was taken, but seeing I did not see Tennesse was taken Please let me know if I can or cannot use this character if not I will just change it again xD .
Birth Name: Winter Eritsive

State Name: Montana

Nickname: Monta

Code Name: Mont-480

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Simple Marine

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Relatives in the Project: None

Has no relationships however she is Interested in acquiring one.

Defining Feature(s): Green eyes. Black hair. Quick on her feat, can do quick climbing, but does it rarely, makes great stew.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: 2 inch Scar on her right hip given to her from being thrown off a cliff after being stabbed by a former partner.

Personality: Has a hard time trusting people, she will normally listen to advice given to her. She can be almost always be happy go lucky, or overly excited about the simplest of things, depending on her mood, She will play pranks on freelancers she feels needs to 'lighten up' or push stubborn people out of pelicans. If she is not in a good mood, she may lock herself in her room, or she will stop speaking for about a week. This occurs normally after missions. This type of behavior can be concerning to her friends. Most would say she is trying to stay strong in front of her friends. She is easy going and seems very friendly and easy to get along with. She rarly will remove her helmet and feels uncomfortable with people seeing her face. She prefers to be stealthy, and she tries to keep her body hidden by rarely removing her armor. Hides her fear of heights that are on cliffs. She is also a picky eater and does not eat much.

Appearance Under Your Armor:


Description: Lightly tanned skin tone, a few freckles on her cheeks, Her eyes colors are safire green with a few golden flexs in her eyes. She has a hardly noticeable British accent. She has a light weight of 99.98lb her muscles are toned due to constant training.

When she where's clothing, if she ever removes her armor, She will where a simple Brown or blue shirt and black or blue jeans. Most would consider her pretty if they do see her, (depending on their character). She is thin and has a high metabolism. She had dark Auburn hair which she dyes black for her own reasons. she also where's eye color changing contacts which change her eyes color to a stormy gray. Her armor changes her height about 2 inches.

Height With Your Armor: she is about 6'1

Height Without Your Armor: 5'9

Weight Without Armor: 99.98

Armor Configuration:

Primary Armor Color: Brown

Secondary Armor Color:

Tertiary Armor Color: Red

Primary Weapon: Black and Red Assault rifle

Secondary Weapon: Kinves

Melee Weapon: Knives

Preferred Grenade: Sticky

Preferred Vehicle: Warthog

Agent Skill(s): She is good at stealth and hand-to-hand combat, can climb very well,

Primary Armor Enhancement: Cameo

Secondary Armor Enhance: Healing unit

Likes: Using Throwing knives, Hiding away, Strawberries, Meeting new people, Throwing people off pelicans if they annoy her, Surprising people, Sneak attacking, Pranking people.

Dislikes: Being disrupted when she is hiding in her room or someone does not knock, not wearing her armor, Oranges, Hates being put in the middle of things, heights on cliffs, Running out of throwing knives, being sneak attacked, gets annoyed if her favorite gun in hidden, being pushed off pelicans, freefalling.

Positive Qualities: Good at climbing, Throwing knives, Creating friends, not to bad at lock picking, Great at sneak attacking, Great with helping out on some programing techniques, People person before missions.

Negative Qualities: Hides a lot, terrible with a sniper rifle, Prefers to be a 'loan wolf' after missions, Like to pull pranks on people who annoy her, May throw people out of pelicans.

History: At the age of 17 she had to watch her entire family executed by insurrectionist. She accidently infiltrated a low security prison at the age of 24, and somehow managed to rescue three marines from imprisonment. Was betrayed by her best friend/ partner when she first started the marines. She was stabbed in the side before being thrown off a cliff at the age of 25 when her partner found out she was getting promoted and he was not.

Home World: Earth

Secretly loves soft blankets, secretly afraid of cliffs, She is easy going with friends.

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name: Zenith

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Overly Excited about simple things. Likes to scan people for no reason, Likes to annoy his host. has an overconfident attitude and thinks he is better than all the AI's. Is very creative, and loves to be projected. At times the Ai may randomly project himself larger than the other AI's. He becomes very concerned for his host when she locks herself in her room, or becomes mute.

A.I. Appearance: Prefers to project himself looking like a wolf or a dragon he is an orange AI with white details

A.I. Color(s): orange with white details on the chest and ears or claws and scales

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