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Your nightmares are watching you
Hai~ My name is Morie! Would you like a cupcake? >>>>>>Take one!!!<<<<<<

Grammar is a must!

Minimum of 1 paragraphs (with exception).

No smut.

Each post must contribute to the RP. (pushes the RP forward in some way)

Post a minimum of once a every two weeks preferred, but not required. Just don't let so much time pass that I forget we are even RPing.

MxF, FxF. I don't play guys, I'm not good at it.

Detail!! It is mandatory.

I have a lot of OC's to choose from, and I can create a knew one if I need to. No worries. I can handle gore, and I expect you to as well. NO SMUT.

I can't create plots for the life of me.. So how about something different.. We pick genders, we understand that we're in a fantasy realm, and we create the setting/world/culture by post.

One condition: No contradicting. If you say we're in a forest, I can't suddenly change it to a shopping mall.

Clear as mud?

Give me a bump back to the top, would you?

^^If you want to do that let me know.^^

To make things easy on both of us, follow these steps:

1) Bump the post.

2) PM me. (I will
not respond to RP requests through comments)

3) Your PM should look similar to this:

-Hi, I'm __________,

I saw your post a I would like to RP with you.

*I have my own RP search you can check out here: -insert link here-

I do/do not have my own plot lines I'd like for you to check out.

(If you do: find a way for me to see them. It can be a link, copy and paste, etc.)

* My writing sample: -insert link/sample here-

*There is a pairing I am craving: -insert link/pairing list here-

Copy and paste this to your PM:

I am aware that the minimum post length is ONE paragraph. I am aware that a post submitted in TXT language will
NOT be responded to. I am aware that sending this PM does NOT guarantee a RP. I am aware that if I do not submit a writing sample my RP skills and habits will be evaluated by the the way I participate in pre-RP planning.

written in black and having a * are optional.

In this section I'm going to add plot lines I've done before, or stole from somewhere else.

1) I once did a plot line where earth was no longer habitable, it was generations after humans left and a group of criminals and volunteers were sent to the planet to see if they could survive for a year. The effort was to turn earth into a planet-museum of the past.

2) I also once did a high school type RP, which I generally shy away from, but this one had caught my interest. It was an Academy for the Gifted. The species of all characters are human in this one, they're just gifted in certain ways. Some can control Ice, Fire, Water, or/and Air. Anything you can think of that would make sense. (Stay logical). If we do this one, we'll each choose a max of three 'gifts'.
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Oh me, oh my ~

Don't mind if I do owo

I'm here for the free cupcake.

Oh, and if I ever do decide to do an RP with you, or vice versa you want to do an RP with me... I've been called a 'World-maker' on another site much like this one, so settings are no problem for me.

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