Freaks, if that's all we are


Bust :(
Freaks. That's what we all are. Circus freaks. Everyday the crowd comes to jeer at us. They laugh and the whole scene is muted to us. Nothing is ever going to be the same again, is it? They think we are mental, not normal, but they don't know how much pain we are in. Help us. We are lost and never to be found. Help us.

Epic plot, I know.

You can choose the name of your character, but the names referred here are their nicknames, remember that.

So, this runaway kid comes one day, and looks at a poster. It turns out to flier for a circus show. You decide to go, because you know your parents aren't here to tell you not to. The kid goes into a nearby auditorium. At 5:00, the show begins. The twins come out to announce. There is no ringmaster.

The twins: the Demented Divas are two heads, one body. But not just any two heads. They seem to be a cross of goat and human, and they have multiple eyes and run very fast. The two never agree and people enjoy watching them fight. ( girl 1 ) and ( girl 2 )

the two leave still muttering angrily over their fight and the Red Grim Reaper comes on with her many knives

the Red Grim Reaper : ( Taken )the Red Grim Reaper is crazy mental. She is usually kept in a cage because of her crazy ambition to kill everyone that comes to the show. She hates them all. She is not to be trusted with any sharp object, and she is usually cover with blood because of actually swallowing knives. Digesting them.

The red footprints trail off and what's left of Faceless Warrior comes onstage, looking multicolored, as he usually does

the Faceless Warrior: he is ruthless killing machine. Unlike the Red Grim Reaper, he must be kept in a straight suit and chains, then put into a cage because he wants to kill, EVERYONE. Not just the crowd, but EVERYONE. including other circus folks. He has multicolored, fungi covered skin and is always foaming at the mouth. The only reason you can tell he is not in charge of his body is by looking into his eyes.

The Faceless Warrior ends his act by cutting himself inhalf, and trying to get people outside the mesh net between him and them. He gives up eventually and hobbles off stage.

fifteen minutes pass and people assume the show is over. The last person comes on, and only the kid is left to see him. The insane clown, also known as Bobby the Unhappy. Bobby begins to act for no one by cutting his limbs off then stepping into a box, then they are " put back on. "

Bobby the Unhappy: the clown. The sane one of the bunch. He has no left leg or right arm, and went a bit crazy after they were gone. He's much more sane now but people won't let him out.

The Kid: you may choose the gender if you pick this character. Rescues people from circus, and leads them to sanity and a normal life.

Rules :P

1. Cussing is not allowed

2. Two characters max

3. Put " Hi. " on your form if you read this

4. If you have a good idea, you can make up a character ( ill post the form below )

5. I really hate rules, don't you?

6 don't do too much without me!

7. Done, have fun! Or I will seek you out and haunt you the rest of your life!!


Demented Divas: girl 1: open girl2: open

Red Grim Reaper: girl 3 taken

Faceless Warrior: guy 1: open

Bobby the clown: guy 2: open

The Kid: guy or girl: open

forms: also, the Kid mentioned above misuse this form








Name: Faceless Warrior

age: 25, he seems that age....

gender: male

Disability/abnormality: He can cut himself in half....

person: Faceless Warrior!!

looks: he has a white detail-less face. A warrior outfit (blue). But, the only thing on his face, is his red lips.


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