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Fantasy Fractured Pantheon โ€“ The War of Ascension (WIP Name & Lore )


Two Thousand Club
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    ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ ๐„๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ - ๐€๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐, ๐€๐ซ๐œ๐ก๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‹๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  [๐€๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž]

    The ruler of Valkyros, a skybound kingdom consisting of floating islands just above the clouds. Revered once as a war-goddess amongst her people, during times of conflict, the people of Valkyros would call upon Astrid for strength before and during combat. Considered to be a beacon of justice and strength, she ruled Valkyros with an iron will and a sharp mind. Unlike her fellow Archons, she did not view herself as a distant deity among the mortals but rather as a guardian over them, it would not be unlike her to descend from her throne to fight alongside her people.

    In the days before the Divine Sundering, Astrid was known for her unyielding sense of honor and devotion to order. Many believed that she was the only Archon who genuinely loved the world she ruled, and the storms that followed were signs of her fury as well as her protection. However, this same sense of passion made her prideful, stubborn, and unbending. She struggled with compromise, believing only in strength and conviction could maintain order, to her hesitation was a weakness and mercy was a dangerous luxury. She expected loyalty, respect and honor from her people, yet refused to demand worship while punishing those who dared to show dishonor during combat even against an enemy of hers.

    Unfortunately, after the Divine Sundering, Astrid changed. The loss of her fellow Archons, and the rising rebellion of mortals left deep scars on her. She no longer knows who she is meant to beโ€”a goddess meant to protect her people or a tyrant that should crush and dominate them before they can destroy her. The once glorious kingdom of Valkyros whose people had always looked up to her were now divided; some believe she is still the last true god of order while others believe that she is an old lost relic who refuses to allow the world to evolve beyond divine rule.

    While the rebellion grows stronger day by day, Astrid has become more volatile, she is still the unstoppable warrior she always has been, though her thoughts and judgement are now clouded with doubt and rage.

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    ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐š๐ง๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ฆ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ƒ๐ข๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐ž

    After the Divine Sundering and with chaos emerging throughout Ethellis due to the loss of the Archons and many of their followers forming resentment as well as withdrawing their worship of them. A new group arose, known as The Sanctum of the Divineโ€”a fanatical religious order, believed that the chaos that their world currently experienced was a punishment for the rebellion against the Archons. To them, the world was in turmoil because mortals had strayed too far from the natural order that the Archons had set in place and their goal is to restore the divine rule, no matter the cost.

    The order originated in the kingdom of Valkyros due to how it was once ruled by the Archon of Lightning; Astrid, who demanded order, loyalty and honor amongst her people and had been able to keep her people both safe and content with an iron will. Though as the years have passed, the order has been able to expand to many other nations, forming inquisitions, and political strongholds wherever their influence reaches.

    While their views of the Archons are as supreme rulers of Ethellis, they believed that the Divine Sundering was a test rather than a disagreement amongst the Archons, they believed that Luthiris' betrayal, and the instability of the elemental forces that now spread throughout the land was all punishment for those that were faithless toward the Archons. Any and all that dare seek to separate themselves from the rule of the Archons are considered blasphemers and would be struck down by the order to 'save the world'.

    While the Sanctum is a religious group, they resemble both a church as well as a military inquisition. This is only further proven by the fact that the group is not led by one leader but two; The High Inquisitor, a warrior-priest who enforces divine law through strength. The Grand Prophet, a spiritual leader who claims to receive divine visions from the Archons themselves.


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    Valkyros, the Kingdom of Lightning, ruled by the Archon of Lightning; Astrid. The fortress city was a bastion of order, discipline, innovation and unwavering strength. The kingdom consists are multiple floating isles all connected to one another by chains and sky bridges built by the people there known as Valkyrians with the help of their Archon. Underneath each of the isles are massive crystals that absorb the natural elemental energy in the air before converting it into lightning energy to keep the islands afloat.

    Valkyrians are known for their ironclad discipline, martial prowess, and their devotion to the ideals of strength and honor. From birth, citizens are trained in combat, strategy and elemental control, believing only the strong could safeguard the weak.
    Due to Valkyros reliant on their storm-powered technology, they are considered one of the most technologically advanced kingdoms throughout all of Ethellis. Prior to the Divine Sundering, they had provided their knowledge and technology advances to many of the other kingdoms for them to also be able to evolve, making Valkyros being one of the main reasons as to how Ethellis has grown as technologically advanced as it is to this day.

    Because of their advancements, their military is also one of the most powerful throughout the world making their kingdom well admired for their strength but also feared for their uncompromising rule. Some fear that the kingdom is more similar to an unyielding empireโ€”one that valued order over freedom.

    With the Divine Sundering, in its aftermath, Valkyros was thrown into chaos. The people of Valkyros had become skeptical of the Archons and that their old ways had failed, that the Archons had failed, Astrid had failed. More and more as Valkyrians became divided, Astrid would eventually vanish from the public eye, with her disappearance, the skies and storms had become unpredictable and much more violent. The kingdom of Valkyros, which originally could detect storms and live amongst them had now been striking into the hearts of the city inconsistently. One moment the skies would be clear and the next it would be dark with horrendous winds and lightning strikes landing in the middle of the streets rather than being directed to the many lightning rods scattered about.

    Without their Archon's guidance, the once might kingdom began to fracture. The Council of Stormlordsโ€”politicians who worked beside Astrid struggled to maintain order as many citizens saw them as unworthy replacements for their Archon.

    With the divide growing amongst the people, while some still held out faith that eventually their Archon would return, others have abandoned their faith and some have even become warlords and sky-pirates.
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Since Ethellis is a world where everyone is born with a specific elemental affinity, technology would naturally evolve to incorporate elemental energy as a primary power source. Unlike traditional industrialization, where steam or electricity dominates, Ethellis would rely on elemental conduits, catalysts, and engineered magic to drive innovation. The power sources that the world of Ethellis uses is called Elemental Cores, these cores are either naturally occurring crystals or artificially created constructs that store and release elemental energy, as a form of 'battery'. These cores can be used in numerous different ways such as for airships, tide-power ships, and even rail networks.

Many of the floating isles such as those once ruled by Astrid or Zephiron have massive crystals created originally by the Archon that generate a near infinite amount of their respective elemental energy which keeps the isles afloat to this day.

Other forms of use for the technology is that of Elemental Automatonsโ€”robotic golems that have been known to be used as workers, warriors or even guardians. Unfortunately, after the Divine Sundering and the disruption of magical energy, it has been rumored that some of these golems have gone on rampages and have somehow discovered a will of their own to attack their owners and now wander the world aimlessly.

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