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Fandom Fox in the Brush [Full RP]



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❧ A mountainside full of trees slants deep into the sky on both sides of the scenery. Deep in the canyon, many waterfalls seep and flow past, and through rocks, and great cedars into a large river that coalesces at the bottom. On one side of that river a warrior camp resides. Protected by the flowing water from enemies, and predators on the other side, as well as defended on theirs by the large overhanging mountain. Nothing can jump on them, nothing can sneek up to them. In this tranquil space coves have been made into the side of the mountain, tree logs, and overgrown brush. Many felines walk around in this space of all sizes, fur lengths, and ages. The air is licked with humidity, but not thick with it. The sky a humble blue dotted with clouds, and the earth moist and full of greenery. It was mid new-leaf, and the sun had been up for but a short time.

❧ On the edge of the camp, a medium sized molly with long black fur patrolled gently, checking in on individuals around the territory. Wolf was making her morning rounds that were to be done after breakfast. Very few were still eating, and this was usually the elders, who took their time with just about everything. One of the many stops on Wolfs list was the medicine den. She was to check up on supplies and see what could be done with what they had. The medicine cat that normally stood there had been missing for a little over a day, and Wolf was beginning to worry. She would have to send out a new patrol to look for her soon, perhaps she would have to check things out herself. While it was prudent she stay in the camp to watch over things, something this important required her immediate attention, and she didn't want to announce the missing cat dead, or replace them till she was certain she had done everything in her power to remedy the situation.

❧ By the apprentices den, a small blue molly with white legs, and chest, seemed to be talking with a bunch of other apprentices. None were interested in her excitement or loud expression, but she was telling a grand tale of how she managed to catch a bird the other day, and it would have been apart of the food pile if it weren't for her mentor making her let it go. She made a furious look on her face as she recounted the part where she explained a black sphynx pulling her paw away from it. Saying something about 'that one is to young'. It was silly in her mind as food was food, but apparently the deputy knew more then her. Whether any of this was true or not made no difference as barely anyone was even looking in her direction as she went on and on.

"Fine! I'll go find someone else to share my stories with!" Possum would spat, and then carried on to look around the camp for someone who might hear her out.

- CoyoteSwirl -

CoyoteSwirl ducked against the touch of rows of earthy leaves that covered the entrance way, a limp, small body dangling from his jaws that carried the fresh scent of thrush. He had decided to go hunting for the easy go-to prey of trout, but the sound of fluttering wings caught his attention during the hunt. Now, with twitching whiskers from the overheard outburst from Possum, he carried his fresh-kill to the pile. Having it filled up at all times, but empty enough for food not to be wasted, seemed to keep the clan at ease. CoyoteSwirl curled his tail, cocking his head as if to wonder when the other patrols would be back. NocturnSight made a bad choice of leaving his appretice behind, because the small furbundle was just angrily stomping past the cats that had made no use of surrounding her. He shook his head, eyes rolling.

"One could could say the new litters are getting more spoiled..."

CoyoteSwirl turned away from the area chaos would be taking place in just a few minutes, settling himself under the shade of a leafy branch. Under the 'hood' was a nice, smooth, and cool rock which he slipped upon. From here, he could get a view from the main clear4ing and medicine den. It was the best place for him to swim in his thoughts. The only water best made for his pelt. Now going back to when he was hunting...

CoyoteSwirl had just caught that thrush and was heading back to camp when he spotted an unusual symbol on a nearby oak. A claw mark. It carried an odd scent, unrecognizable, but he thought too little of it. A rogue passing by would obviously be found by a patrol and shredded, and would naturally leave. Besides, no prey crumbs were left behind, and any other cat could handle the problem themselves once they found the odd logo.
How ignorant was he...

- Raven -

Raven leaped the fence, leaving the dusty, old, abandoned site where the others had taken refuge in. The pathway was crumbly, full of stones that scraped her pads, as she strode right past a dumpster with a cat on top.

"And I presume you are going...?"

The cat named Bats rumbled through a purr at the sight of her. She shrugged, giving him a mere glance.

"Not anywhere important, that's for sure. I'll just be roaming that area with these strong odors- they're like barriers. I figured prey would be best there, though it is a long way."

Bats frowned, as if just remembering to tell her something, but then he nodded and she went on her way.

Raven scrambled past another wall, using a dumpster to heave herself up. There before her were cars zipping by- a word she'd learned from the kittypets that lived in the red brick houses. The roaring of the road barely reached her ears as she made her way down and across the sidewalks which were made of some hard...rock? A far length up ahead was just the opening of some greenery, and Raven took note the 'journey' might take a day or two. But at least she had the chance to explore the growth past the two-leg area once more. A sudden creature walked past her, brushing her nose, and Raven hissed when she realized it was a two-leg carrying some stinky, white bags. Oh boy was this walk going to be long...


The sun was already mid-way in the sky when Raven reached the end of lined up houses, sight of dry paths in the color of dust catching her eye. On the far side was a perfect view of what looked like mountains, and even a distant forest lay ahead. Adrenaline rushing through her, she readied her haunches before she sprang forward, running towards the forestry. She had only ever been there once, and it was only on the outskirts of the land. The smell of other cats definitely were there, but that was a fifty-fifty if she had to be worried. Raven would have to stop half way probably to catch her breath and eat some moor-prey, but that was alright. The red hint of a barn laced the field as she raced past, wind buffeting her fur. Two-legs sure did make the worst places to settle...


The second sunrise had already passed for Raven when she halted at the closeness of the trees. Branches reached up, as if longing to touch the sky but always failing miserably. She knew Bats wouldn't mind her absence, so the risk of delving into the undergrowth was only up to the predators. The second her paw hit the forest floor, she was swallowed by the extravagance of the natural beauty in such common plants. Prey scents wafted to her nose, and the sounds of chirps arouse above her. Ponds were scattered evenly incase she ever needed to stop and drink. This place was amazing!

(This is past clan territory because the forest is so huge)

Fallen logs were gaping open with cobwebs hanging from the mouths. Moss was clinging to the bark of pines and wet rocks, and as she sniffed, the smell of squirrel filled her nose. She had already had her fill, but having a snack would do her good. But, the problem was, the area she lived in never had squirrel. Raven had no idea what the furry red creatures had up their sleeves. Without further ado, Raven crouched, pin pointing where the chattering of a nut and teeth came from. Just behind a - what looked like - bramble thicket was a plump squirrel. Raven crawled quietly forward, crunching a twig underneath her paw. She yelped, seeing the prey run away, and she leaped. But an ivy tendril that was crawling up the nearest tree, wrapped around her ankle. Slurs of feline curses left her mouth as she untangled herself. She supposed she'd have to let the prey go. She quickly got herself away from the area, as if to show she did nothing, when the sound oof something rumbling caught her ears.
Just a few more tail-lengths was a huge waterfall set on display, the trickling, rushing water having a pounding sound through her ears. Just below, in the dip of the fall, were several stones that possibly were used to cross over.

Now what if Raven crossed to the other side...


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