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Realistic or Modern Four Turns At the Wheel


Mysterious Writer

After having just met, four young adults decide to head off on a road trip across the country. They have tied their loose ends off at home, or perhaps not, and gathered at the parking lot of a Quick-N-Grab grocery store. One of the three has brought his 1997 Co-Z Traveler SUV for the four of them to take on the trip. The agreement was that they would alternate drivers everyday, and whoever was driving would pay for gas. The young man now waits in his car for the others to arrive, his car is the only car in the lot. It is still dark out, the green digital numbers on the cars dashboard clock read, 5:03 AM.


"The open road is calling, can you here it?"

(If you haven't already guessed, there is only room for four people on this trip. I am very sorry to say that because of this I will have to be particularly selective in who the other Role-players are. At the bottom of this thread there will be a section giving you all the information on how to apply and what the basics are that I am looking for in the other Role-players.)

"How Things Will Work"

I will be acting as a GM (Game Master) and as such guiding the direction and structure of the Role-play to hopefully help it flow well, give everyone a fair chance to post, and keep things fun all around. We will start with me posting an introduction post, at the end of which there will be instructions on the basic idea of what the preceding posts should focus on or have in them, there will also be a post order as well.

Essentially, we will start with the gathering at the parking lot, then after that round of posts we will have a round were one person is designated as the driver, they get to pick where our next stop will be and the conditions of the group arriving, I.E. we need gas, the car broke down, we got a flat tire, someone had to pee, and so on. We will then have one or two rounds of posting at that location, depending on how the story is going at that particular spot. I will give us events and situations to react to at each location. If you don't totally understand this that's okay, just follow the instructions I give as we go and you'll be fine.

It will be fun!

"How To Apply"

If you are interested in this Role-play, send me a PM, subject, Road Trip. In the PM I want you to answer the questions bellow, and a rough description of your character you would want to play. In regard to your character tell me a little about them, their attitude, history, and whatever else comes to mind.


1) Why do you want to be a part of this RP?

2) Why should I pick you over others? (highlight your qualities both as a writer and RPer)

3) Respond to this situation with the character you have created for this RP, give me at least one, preferably two or three, paragraphs.

You are driving down the road alone in your car, as you drive your car starts to sputter and chunk, then with a rattle and clunk your engine dies and you mange to steer to the side of the road. You are 30 miles from the last town, and 50 from the next. What happens next? What do you do?

(I like creativity, feel free to add characters and such or go it alone, but make it interesting. I should also mention that you don't necessarily need to "solve" the problem. I want to see your writing style and your ability to come up with something on the fly that is in-line with your character. Proof Read!

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