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The Warrior-Poet
"They come from the end of the line, most of 'em. Small towns you never heard of: Pulaski, Tennessee. Brandon, Mississippi. Pork Bend, Utah. Wampum, Pennsylvania. Two years' high school's about it. Maybe if they're lucky, a job waiting for 'em back in a factory. But most of 'em got nothin'. They're poor. They're the unwanted. Yet they're fighting for our society and our freedom. It's weird, isn't it? At the bottom of the barrel, and they know it. Maybe that's why they call themselves 'grunts', cause a grunt can take it, can take anything."


It is 1971. The US involvement in Vietnam is going down, but the draft relentlessly continues. People from all over the nation are having a rifle shoved in their hand and being sent overseas. Anti-war protesters are numbering in the millions, and discipline is barely heard of amongst troops. And yet, they serve with a purpose, and some even find pride in their bonds of brotherhood. They fight for those next to them, and for those around them. They are willing to lay down their lives for each other. They are brothers, husbands, sons. They are soldiers


This RP will follow the tale of a squad of soldiers from the 7th Air Cavalry as they attempt to survive the most ignored and disliked war in US history. It will follow their triamphs and failures, and it will force everyone playing to think about their morals and who they are as a person. As such, I am politely asking for mature people only, so over 16. I will not request a post legnth, but I will require no one liners, and at least 3 to 4 sentences. This RP will be slightly controversial, but things such as racial slurs and sexism will not be tolerated. I would love to see some diversity in the squad, and I will accept ARVN characters as well.

CS: Realistic or Modern - Paint It Black IC
OOC: Realistic or Modern - Paint It Black OOC

Okay kids enough fucking around, let's get this started off right.

Central Highlands, 1971...
Name: Donny Malone
Current Rank: Corporal (E4)
Current Squad Role: Fireteam Bravo Leader
Age: 22
Bio: When Malone arrived in-country in early '69 he just wanted to do his one tour and go home to his newly-pregnant girlfriend. The old guys, the ones who had managed to live more than 2 weeks, told him 12 patrols. 12 patrols was the magic number you had to hit, and then you were home free. Most guys didn't even make it to their 6th patrol.
By his 8th patrol Malone had learned the law of the jungle and managed to keep himself together. He'd hit the 6 patrol mark already and suddenly that coveted 12th patrol didn't seem so far away. Home seemed like it was just within reach...
Then by his 11th patrol Malone's team leader, Sgt Kotter, had taken a piece of shrapnel to the heart from a VC mine and bit it instantly. With his team cut off from the rest of the squad in a vicious ambush, Malone had no choice but to take charge and lead his men to safety under enemy fire.
For his actions Malone received a meritorious promotion to Corporal to fill the void left by Sgt Kotter. Since then he has grown into a battle-hardened leader, having gone long past the end of his initial tour. Having just signed on for a third tour (mainly enticed by that fat bonus to send back to his wife and 2 year old daughter back at Ft Polk, LA.
Malone cares deeply for his men, though he doesn't allow his emotions to control him and understands that in combat men are going to die. If he can, he'll move mountains to make sure they come home in one piece. If not, he'll damn sure make Charlie pay for every one of his boys they put in a box.

Malone's seen the best and the worst of the shit, to him it's all just one more day in the meat grinder...
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Bippity Bump, the Commies have hit a Slump. Rp will close on Friday, and start on the Following Monday, join while ya can

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