Forsthfall Academy

Wolf Wolf

The Dovahkiin

Character Sign-Up.

This is the Character Sheet. Fill this up if you wish to join. Do not forget to
read the Rules! Also, on the Appearances, you are recommended to use pictures since it might be difficult to describe your character with words.


Name: (First, Last)

Age: (13+)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Species: (There are many creatures, don't copy someone else's. You may create your own race BUT it has to be easy to pronounce and NOT OP [Over Powered])

Personality: (1 Paragraph, no traits)

Monster Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Mark Appearance: (It depends on the race of your character. Read my sheet for more info.)

Place of Mark: (Where your mark is located)

Others: (Likes and Dislikes)


My Character:


Zedd Theo


17 years old, born on Febrary 3




Wolf Man / Wolf Beast


Zedd is serious almost all the time. If you manage to make him laugh, he will instantly stop and glare at you. He is a quick-thinker and can be often seen the library or his room because he prefers quiet places and to be alone. He uses deep words that you might think he's a thousand years old (but he's not). He rarely uses shortcuts for words and doesn't have a sense of humor. He doesn't get jokes but he tries to. He's a computer genius (There are computers at the library) too so he can easily hack things when he's bored. The only way to get him out of his seriousness is to give him ice cream or Skittles and he'll have a sly smirk pasted on his face.

Monster Appearance:


Human Appearance:


Mark Appearance:


Place of Mark: Right Shoulder


Zedd likes being alone, books, music, quiet places, ice cream, Skittles, and the dark.

dislikes noisy places, crowds, talkative people, and immature people.


Also, there are only 8 players allowed (0 ?, 0 ?):

- @Purcible261

- @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

- @DinoGosRwarz

- @Mikkelle Sting

- @Toaster Muffins

- @Action


Read more about this role play...

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Name: Merrirem Runes - Merri

Age: 15 years - born on 14th April

Gender: Female

Species: Devil child/ Demon child


Merri is a mysterious girl. Her head is usually up in the clouds and have no sense of directions. She normally only talk to people if she has a reason to. (she normally talks to herself) She smiles once in awhile when she thinks of something she likes. She enjoys exploring and sketching under the light autumn breeze. Most of the time she tries to stay calm but can get a little snappy. When there's no-one around she secretly goes to the music room and play piano. Merri gives off mean glares to anyone she doesn't like. She gets bored easily and wonders off anywhere that is peaceful or interesting. She likes to experiment things even if it annoys the others. She's a bit odd...

Monster Appearance:


Human Appearance:


Mark Appearance:


Place of Mark: Left eye - (underneath the eye patch)


Likes: Candy, Peace, Piano, Sketching, Exploring, The colour "Red"

Dislikes: Getting Bored, Uninteresting people, The word "Normal"


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Name: Lace Smith

Age: 16, born on August 13th

Gender: Female

Species: Graceling

Personality: Lace has a very mixed personality. Most of the time she's really outgoing and friendly, then other times she's quiet and shy. She rarely get angry or sad and tries to keep emotions like that hidden. On rare occasions she will get jealous, but most of the time it's because one of her friends got ice cream and she wasn't told about it.

Monster Appearance:


Human Appearance:


Mark Appearance:
(It depends on the race of your character. Read my sheet for more info.)


Place of Mark: (Where your mark is located)

Across her hip.

Others: (Likes and Dislikes)

Likes: Ice cream, black cats, rainy days, sunrise and sunsets, photography.

Dislikes: Heights, tight spaces, loud noises, and cockroaches............ especially cockroaches.

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Name: Alasteir Douglas,

Age: 17 of june 6th

Gender: Male


Personality: He is quite polite and sophisticated, never needing to change his tone or manner. He is friendly with a questionable sense of humor ready for when its needed or, more often when its not. He considers himself very personable and tries to make himself to be the agony aunt, or in this case uncle, unaware that it may make him out to appear the opposite. Not easily angered but can be ferocious when pushed almost becoming feral but he tries to control it when this happens with a good dose of calm music and by drawing.

Monster Appearance:

Not to scale. With more of snow leopard coloring

Human Appearance:


Mark Appearance:


Place of Mark: Right side of his neck.

Others:Likes:Art, good tea, nicely cooked piece of meat, history, legends particularly mythological creatures

Dislike:Silence when there is several people about, vegetables, watered down tea, too serious people.

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Name: Vendetta Hartwig

Age: 17 of February 17th

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Dragon

Personality: Kind of the sly dog, Vendetta always wears a grin. (Not necessarily a smile, as he will only flash those around sometimes for his own benefit.) He doesn't really care for the being of others except for his own. (Unless there is the rare situation in which he cares enough to take a bullet in the hand for them or somethings.) He is known to be sarcastic at times, to the annoyance of others. He isn't the type of person to easily blow a fuse either... Well, unless there was the possibility one could find a way to seriously irritate him to the point of breaking his peaceful demeanor. He can be easily disappointed by the actions of others and holds high standards for every person that he meets, no matter their background. He is very headstrong and adamant, but is also very persistent when he sets his mind to something; and doesn't quit until he has accomplished his goal to the farthest of his ability. (He finds it distasteful when others do things 'half-assed'.) V doesn't rush into anything, especially a fight, without finding a way to keep somebody from hurting someone else. This includes him harming another person. He finds a type of 'discuss', in the overly 'goody-goody two shoes' type of being, whether it be a person or monster like him. However, it isn't in a sense that makes him evil, just in a sense that their constant actions are to help anybody out, while also purposefully going out of their way to stop some form of ‘evil act’.




Place of Mark: Between his shoulder blades. The mark itself spans most of his back really. The horns on the sides extend onto his chest while the horns located at the top stretch up to his collar bone.

    • Dark Places
    • Confectionery Treats
    • Fizzy Drinks
    • Rock & Heavy Metal Music
    • Sour & Spicy Foods
    • The Book of Revelations
    • Rainy Days
    • Gaming (He especially likes RPG's/ Hack & Slash Games)
    • Watermelon


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Scarlett David


17 Birthday is June 13






Moody a lot of the time but not always, agitated really easily she can get in fights a lot, a troublemaker, she doesn't laugh even if what you said was actually funny, sarcastic all the time, a real 'Debbie Downer' and pessimistic all the time, but just because she won't laugh doesn't mean she can't make you laugh. She's clever and will find a way to get back at you for revenge if you made the mistake of making her mad. Rarely she is happy but it can happen. If she smiles it's a kind of smile that will make you want to smile, even if you don't want to. In this rare occasion, she is bouncy and full of energy. It doesn't usually last long though.

Monster Appearance:


Human Appearance:


Mark Appearance:


Place of Mark:

Top of the back, just below where her shoulders start


Loves any meat especially steak, likes video games, likes stormy days and days where the sun does not shine, Loves the colors red and black, Absolutely hates the color yellow and doesn't like light colors, likes warm and hot weather.
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(( We're going to start today:

8:30 AM on my time, Philippines.

12:30 PM on Zakkol's time, New Zealand.

6:30 PM on Central North America.


11:30 AM on my time, Philippines.

3:30 PM on Zakkol's time, New Zealand.

9:30 PM on Central North America.

I'm pretty sure everyone can go online on that time, even though some of you may be eating lunch and dinner. Don't worry, I can wait until you guys are done eating. I posted this on this thread because all of you would get notifications. So, yeah. That's all. ))

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I'll get my CS up after school tomorrow. Sorry, I was a bit busy this evening!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Name: Karo Styme

Age: 18, as of November 15th

Gender: Male

Species: (Something I made up on the spot~)-Lantera (flame person {yes, yes-I am sure there is a name for these. I'm too lazy to look it up though. Kill me})

Personality: For the most part, Karo is cool, calm and collected, which is the complete opposite to what you may imply when confronted with his monster form. He tends to be the one who prefers reading and generally being quiet, but when the mood overtakes him he can be rather loud and energetic, which may be viewed as annoying. Karo regards many things such as the dark a trivial thing, for when most people would use a flashlight or a lantern to view things in darkness, these things are nothing to Karo, as his form solves all of these issues. As such, he often struggles to understand "normal fears", and often resorts to worrying about the amount of milk in his coffee, etc, sad as that is.

Monster Appearance: (No pictures-have a passage of text instead!)-Karo's "monster" appearance, in terms of body shape anyway, bears a strong look to his human form. The same height in this form, Karo's body retains the lean appearance of his human one, with his skin being (for the most part) an orange colour. His skin does not have one single colour, instead, beneath the surface of his "skin" is a strange substance that moves and swirls around. This is where the orange colour comes from, however in addition to oranges, yellows and tones of red can also be seen swirling around. The "skin" is smooth like glass, with a texture similar to it, but not nearly as fragile or prone to smashing to pieces. Touching the glass like surface may prove to be a rather large problem though, as in addition to this, Karo's body is also on fire. The fire looks exactly as you would imagine it to, crackling and leaping. However, the fire has no little to no heat, and cannot burn anything. Instead, submerging a hand in the flames is much like submerging a hand into a tub of luke-warm water. In this form, Karo's head lacks proper eyes, instead with a two smooth dips on his face representing where his eyes would be. He does have a mouth though, which comes in the form of a strange slash on his face, where a mouth would typically be found. A long tongue (which seems to be made of fire), is inside of his mouth, but said mouth lacks any teeth. These are the only features of his head/face, excusing his hair, which comes in the form of a series of more “obvious” flames around his head. His limbs are proportioned as they would be in his human form, and this form lacks any reproductive organs.

Human Appearance:

Mark Appearance:

Place of Mark: The mark is located in the centre of his chest, where a necklace he wears that bears the same symbol rests.


Likes-Comfortable places to sit down, warm areas, cool areas, rain, quiet areas, libraries, coffee.

Dislikes-Confinement, neon colours, unpleasant people (see: bullies, etc.), having things done for him.

(I am very sorry for the shocking formatting. It pains me. If more detail is needed on the monster appearance, I can add it~)

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Name: Wyvern Zwicke

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Cu Sith

Personality: Wyren is very timid and shy, hating confrontation. She's a large coward and is frightened by most things. She's a very gentle soul, though, and treats others well. She is kind and tries to say things to others that would make them feel good. She herself, though, is extremely sensitive. One word that might be semioffensive could set off waterworks, and it takes a bit to get her to stop crying. Sometimes its hard for her to tell right from wrongs, making things very black and white. She's easily manipulated and often obeys her superiors and those older than her.

Monster Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Mark Appearance:

Place of Mark: In the crook of her elbow.

Others: Wyren likes naps, wandering around aimlessly, not having to worry about work, salty foods, and playing with others.

Wyren dislikes sweets, swear words, being busy, and loud noises. Forever.

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