Forgotten World

S n o w

Roleplay Type(s)
Forgotten World

Listen up because i'm only going to tell you this once. The year is 2760 and the world has gone to hell. From what I've recovered in my great times 1000 grandmothers journal, something happened in 2129. A catalytic event or something. Most of the pages of the journal are either torn out, faded or had been burned away so what happened exactly isn't completely clear. It was something big though, something to wipe out 99% of the human race and mutate the animals that managed to survive The Event. The journal has been passed down through the surviving generations of my family for generations. Well anyway, nowadays the whole world is one giant forest-y hole that seems to have no end to it. All of the so-called buildings are just ancient ruins of what once was. I've found one or two ruins of book places and one or two pages of what were once apart of a book but other than that I have found many particularly useful ruins. I'm not even sure if there are other faraway lands where people live. I've seen a few here and there but- I'm getting off track again. Ill just make a list of animals that I have encountered so far:

Green Tigers (or I think those would be considered 'tigers'..)- striped green beasts that blend into the enviroment, can smell you from a mile away (and probably your fear too) and have outrageously long fangs that are a lot more like tusks.

Live Vines (I forgot to mention that plants are a problem too)- Cord-like vines that wrap around you when you get close and literally squeeze the life out of you and then they use your corpse as nutrients for their roots. A pretty picture right?

One eyed slithers (or snakes, if you prefer)- they live underground and tend to attack more during the night than the day. (which is why I sleep in trees) also they burn up during the day. Their venom is acid. I'm not kidding.

Tree spiders- they stick together in groups of 100 or more and their bite is poisonous. Stay away from those.

Plant traps (the names not exactly original)- they tend to only eat things that are already dead but sometimes if you get a little to close they'll bite. They blend in with the enviroment for the most part, except their leaves are a bright red. They are also gigantic. Twice as big as a normal human, at the very least. They're fast and can swallow a human whole in the blink of an eye.

Metal Heads- a long creature with a tail, four limbs, and a fin on its back. It has extremely sharp teeth and really tough heads, hence the name. It can survive in land and water.

Flying lizards- not poisonous or even that dangerous really. Just.. Unpleasant.

Point Throwers- an animal that has spikes all over its body and can throw them at you. These spikes are coated with some sort of paralysis that'll keep you paralyzed for 4-6 hours. I learned that the hard way.

Avian (old fashion name for 'bird')- a flying animal that sees everything as its prey and has razor sharp claws.


#1: No Godmodding

#2: No Powerplaying

#3: Be at least semi-literate

#4: No excessive cursing

Side Note- If you have any questions, comments or concerns don't be afraid to ask ^.^

Character Skelly-


Nickname: (optional)




Skill: (optional. Like building fires, climbing trees etc. not super powers but something that was acquired naturally through work of some sort)

Weapon(s): 1-2


Power: (same as weapons except if you have one weapon, only one power and if you have two weapons no power and vice-versa)




Extra: (optional)

My Character(s):

Name: Cathrine Harris

Nickname: Kat

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Ancestry: Russian-American

Skill: Tree climbing

Weapon(s): A long, faded dagger with a silver hilt that has old engravings on it. It's also been passed down through her family.

Weakness: Impatient-ness, as in rushing into danger without waiting or in stealth-requiring situations.

Power: Enhanced Reflexes

Appearance: Girl/l_68693e030bdd3e58018d16e46da76c9b.jpg

Personality: Cathrine is a typically straightforward type of person and is highly impatient, preferring to solve things immediately rather than wait for something patiently. She can be friendly but usually isn't since she doesn't usually meet a lot of people along her travels. Secretly though, she's a bit lonely and wishes to find someone to join her though she'll never admit this out loud, not even with the threat of death over her head. She's can also become a bit childish during more relaxed times but since relaxed times are a bit rare, she is usually a fairly talkative and 'all-business' type person.

Backstory: The Event was an apocalypse of cataclysmic proportions. It was literally the end of the world. Earthquakes opened up holes in the ground everywhere, even where fault lines weren't located, volcanoes around the globe erupted burning everything down to the ground and sending everyone and everything fleeing in absolute panic but it was useless. By the time the news crews sent out emergency broadcasts it was mostly too late. Cathrine's grandmother wrote a journal detailing everything that happened but it got mostly destroyed over the centuries. For a while after The Event, everything was dead. A handful of people survived but a lot of them died due to starvation and dehydration. Slowly, after 400 years or so the dead planet began to live again. Plants and trees started springing up everywhere. And after 200 more years the entire planet was covered in forest type vegetation. Also, over those 600 years the surviving animals had begun to mutate to adapt to the new enviroment around them. Cathrine's family managed to survive and pass a few found trinkets along their family line. Other than surviving for 17 years, nothing has really happened in Cathrine's life.

Extra: None.
Name: Alton Kingsly

Nickname: Shadow Angel (Name taken in-lou of his real name, him cutting ties from his absent family)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Ancestry: American-Japanese

Skill: Assassination of human and animal alike.

: Can be seen in the appearance picture of the character. (It being a Katana with a strap that slings over his shoulder)

Weakness: The inability to connect with others.

Power: Enhanced stealth capabilities.


View attachment 11623

: A bit of a cold and calculated individual, meaning that he will stop an pretty much nothing to get the job done, his cold demeanor masks his yearning for someone to call friend and perhaps something more.

Back-story: (It's not much hope it will suffice) As a young child he was abandoned by his real mother, his father dying a few years beforehand due to an attack from other more animalistic human beings. More times than naught such reactions come from humans in this day and age, comforts and safety but a thing of the past. The reason of his mothers disappearance is a mystery to him, one day she was simply not there anymore as if she had vanished or ceased to exist. Her disappearance was not necessarily a bad thing, considering that he had to learn to fend for himself. In this case fending for himself revolved around quietly removing things and people from his path, whether or not someone sanctioned it.

He simply stopped using the name he was given and started going by the word people were calling him, that word being “Shadow Angel.” In truth he thought the name was kind of drawn out and mehh, but he went with it nonetheless. Against all odds he seems to always get the job done, no matter the severity or difficultly of the challenges that lay before him. Years and years of silently executed deaths have honed his skills to that of the ninjas of old, which would mean nothing to the human populace now. They have but one silent killer now and that silent killer is a Shadow Angel, one who once was Alton Kingsly.

Extra: (Perhaps he can show up and start a storyline in the vacinity of you living area?)
Name: Fang

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Ancestry: German-American

Skill: Herbal knowledge

Weapon: Small knife worked from very tough stone. Is used more for utility than actual fighting

Weakness: He hates injuring wildlife, and will often go to extremes to avoid hurting/killing them

Power: Has a habit of being able to jury-rig together something useful out of surrounding materials in a very short time span

Appearance:View attachment 11626

Personality: Usually calm and collected, Fang prefers to think things through thoroughly before acting in any manner. He does not avoid contact with other people, but does not actively seek it out either. He has gotten through the years by utilizing his surroundings to their fullest. However, he does not like to view animals as any less than himself, and thus often simply tries to hide from them or avoid them rather than hurt them.

Backstory: Fang grew up in this hell of a world as one might expect. His parents took care of him until they both died from the onslaught of nature, he was 12 at the time. He had learned how to survive by that point though, hiding from creatures and using his intelligence to circumvent encounters. Over the years he has experimented with most plants that lay around, courting death on more than one occasion. However, as a result he now holds a large repertoire of knowledge with how certain plants function and how they can be used.

Extra: none



gender: Male

ancestry: indian american

skill: Hunter/gatherer

weapon: bow and arrow, machete

power: none

appearance:View attachment 11671

personalitly: he is patient yet very hard headed and quick thinking. He is very deadly at all times. He is very smart and isnt afraid of anything

extra: none

Weakness: he is a skitzhofrenic and drugs {speed and escasty}

backstory: He always had a thing for hunting and so on. HE used to hunt with his father until he died of cancer two years later his mother lost her mind and took her own life. a year after that he was diagnosed with skitzhofrenia he has no medication so he lapses into his dillusions randomly he started taking speed to stay awake at night he didnt like to sleep it reminded him of the dreams he had of his parents. he has serious trust issues
Name : Vincent Rogers

Nickname: Vinny

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Ancestry: American

Skill: Survivalist

Weapon(s): M24 sniper rifle.

Weakness: Doesn't trust people much.

Power: Eagle eye

Appearance: View attachment 11674

Personality: He is a careful man, Who is serious about on what he does. He is trained for war, have a presence of mind.

Backstory: Vincent was only trying to survive with his wife, Sarah. But all of it ended until they were attacked

by those creatures.

Lose his wife, His home, Everything.

Losing everything, he decided to kill himself by jumping off a cliff and onto the rocky bottom.

He jumped without any more hesitation, but while he was falling to his death.

He was caught by a Giant Eagle.

He was amazed by it's beauty and angry of what it has done.

It saved him from falling but he did not want to be saved.

The eagle flew him back to his house, where it was now all in ashes.

He burnt his house, but in the middle of the ashes. There was something out of place.

He ran to it as he dug it out, A bag of his rifle M24.

He used this rifle to hunt down food, but now it was the only thing left on the ashes of his house.

He realized that his wife wouldn't want him to kill himself, But for him to continue on living.

To survive.

He adapted to his surroundings, knowing what to do and what NOT to do.

He even mastered the "Eagle Eye" where he can see a long distance, maybe half a kilometer if he is concentrating.

And now, Vincent is just trying to survive .

Extra : None

[ are there going to be cities or towns or villages in this RP ? ]
Name: Daryl

Nickname: Cross

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Ancestry: Redneck-American

Skill: He lives in the forest. Meaning he is like the trees. He blends in well and can move around in silence. He's a great hunter.

Weapon(s): A simple crossbow. (He never misses)

Weakness: He was abused and beaten as a child. He is skiddish and he is short tempered and violent.

Power: He is quick on his feet.

Appearance:View attachment 11684View attachment 11685

Personality: Daryl is quiet and distant from others. He is violent and has a bad mouth. He is a 'redneck' and has a since of humor at times. He does get protective of people and loves a good fight. He is very stubborn and sometimes gets too close to people.

Backstory: He grew up in the woods. He learned everything there is to know. He lived off the earth and killed anything in his way. The last group he was with where murdered and now he travels alone because he is scared of having people take away from him.

Extra: His crossbow is his best friend
[MENTION=4196]Makira Kaiser[/MENTION] & [MENTION=4077]Luka[/MENTION] Accepted.

There may be very small town of survivors scattered about but cities and towns would be in ruins.
Name: Alexandra Grey Cross

Nickname: Alex/Grey/Cross

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Female

Ancestry: Japanese-American

Skill: Assassination/Stealth

Weapon(s): Katana, which is shown in apperance

Weakness: Had little to no human interaction in almost two years, hard time to trust people, Hates getting help from others

Power: Enhanced martial arts skill


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View attachment 11694

Personality: Quick thinker, but never rushes into something before thinking. Calm and patient, serious when she has to be. Alex is nice, but keeps to herself when she does have human interaction.

Backstory: At the age of twelve she witnessed both her parents being brutally murders by people who had gone insane due to the events. She was able to escape her captives hands with her younger sister Sofia, who was only five years old. From there she trained herself and Sofia to be able to survive the hellish environment. One day when they were out, Sofia thought she saw a group of people, without thinking she ran out to them. When Alex and Sofia meet group they decided to work together, until the group betrayed Alex by killing Sofia. Now Alex avoids human contact whenever possible.

Extra: Usually keeps her hair in a high ponytail
I don't exactly have a set amount of people thought up.

I'll post the thread later today.
[MENTION=4449]Rose_Lawlington[/MENTION] Slightly non-human characters would be accepted but out of curiosity, what kind of character were you thinking of doing?
[MENTION=3681]S n o w[/MENTION]

The character would look almost completely human, although her eyes and teeth would be different. Not much other than that will be different from a regular human, except the fact the she would not be originally from Earth. Is that okay?
@S n o w Wonderful! I'll have the character sheet up shortly.

Name: Rose Elanor Lawlington

Nickname: Rosie

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Ancestry: Not from Earth, Rose's ancestry is fairly confusing, so I won't go into it.

Skill: She is very talented with things that require stealth, such as burglary and pickpoceting. However, she can also build things using wood- to a degree. She's also very good at climbing.

Weapon(s): Her main weapon is her .22 revolver, usually silenced, but she also has a set of throwing knives if she runs out of ammunition.

Weakness: She sucks at the less stealth-orientated stuff.

Power: N/A

Appearance: She's a very lithe woman, with just over shoulder-length white hair and ice blue eyes- she also has red pupils, but she tries to conceal that fact by wearing sunglasses or something similar all the time. She usually wears a red t-shirt and loose pants- although she does have camouflage equipment for when she needs it- along with her ever-present sunglasses. She usually lets her hair hang loose, until the time comes to be stealthy. Then she ties it up and covers it with a hat of some kind. She is about 5'11, and weighs around 135 pounds. She has very sharp, predatory teeth

Personality: She's a very patient lady, but she also has quite a temper when angered. She tries to avoid others most of the time, and is very distant when she has to stay with a group. If you manage to win her loyalty, however, she will be very protective of you even if it means risking her life. She has a somewhat twisted sense of humour, and does not smile much- due to the fact that would expose her sharp teeth, which she tries not to show off too much.

Backstory: She wasn't born on Earth, but she was brought here when she was four. She knows- and tries to conceal the fact- that she isn't human, but she does not know what exactly she is. She's always known how to survive, and ever since her protector died when she was twelve, she has been exploring and trying to survive. She hasn't really been near people for the past few months, but she wasn't very social anyways, so what little social skills she has have gotten fairly rusty.

Extra: She has been through several groups, but she's been kicked out of almost every single one for various offences- like lifting extra food and the such.

(If you need me to elaborate/ change anything just let me know. Also I hope you don't mind me describing her with text instead of art. I'm not that good with art, and I can't find a full-body picture that looks like her.)

(I'll just wait for you to accept/decline before interacting with this further.)
Name: Svenja Bastone

Age: Twenty

Gender: Female

Ancestry: Russian

Skill: Svenja is a fast thinker, her reflexes are sharper than most and she can spin on a dime.

Weapon(s): She has a simple dagger and a set of spears for long range.

Weakness: While she is able to get by with her wits, she is not very strong. She also has a limited amount of english in her, making it troublesome for her to interact with others around her.

Features: Svenja is a small person, about five foot tall. Her hair is a dark black and cut like a man's so as to avoid getting it caught on anything. Her eyes are a charcoal,large and show a edge of hunger, but everyone in the world does. Her body is slim and she has long legs but a little torso. She wears dark clothes for the sake of not being noticed easily by the wildlife population, and carries around a bagpack with all the things she owns. Svenja is often seen with a gas mask on, afraid of being poisoned by the tropical airs like her parents had before.

Personality: Svenja is for the part, a very caring and naive young woman. She had countless times given help and aid to others, and in return been turned on. Yet, she is not impatient and others and very calm. She gets around with her ability to think things over quickly and is very curious about everything. It helps her hide easily though, so she doesn't mind being as small as she is.Since ten she had been taking care of herself, both parents dying of a jungle virus, and is very accustom to the jungle life. She has moved through the jungles her entire life and with that she knows much about it. Her only boundaries are her language, seeing that she was raised by Russian mother and father she had diffucultity understanding others with different words.


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