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Forgotten Realms RP?


Senior Member
Would anyone be interested in a 1 on 1 rp set in the Forgotten Realms universe? I've been playing Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale enhanced edition, and it's made me really fall in love the with universe all over again. I originally made a Forgotten Realms RP intended for a larger party, but I think it may be for with a solo partner. Here's the jist of the storyline, let me know if anyone's interested.

The year is 1225 DR, five years since the Arch-Druid Asmund discovered the ancient oak Kuldahar, nestled within the Spine of the World mountains. For years, this disciple of Silvanus tended to the holy tree, and with the aid of his druidic brotherhood, used its remarkable power to protect the natural balance of the northern heartlands. However, despite their attempts to conceal their discovery from the rest of Faerun, this beacon of power could not remain secret for long. Recently, the beasts of the outlying forests have become rabid, driven mad by a malevolent force that has yet to reveal itself. The number of villagers missing from the Ten Towns has continued to rise, and rumors of human sacrifice atop the icy peaks of the dale have spurred panic throughout the region. A strange curse afflicts the Druids of Kuldahar, sending the entirety of their order, save Asmund, into a death-like sleep that even the strongest magics have been unable to dispel. Evil stirs within the shadows of Icewind Dale.

Unable to leave the great oak undefended, Asmund has sought the aid of Fendrel Liorus, a brooding man, seasoned Ranger and long standing ally of the Druids. Sending word throughout the Ten Towns, Fendrel has assembled two skilled mercenaries within the small village to Good Mead. With the help of these adventurers, Fendrel seeks to uncover the source of these recent disturbances, and silence it forever.

No takers? Really? I'm just looking for someone to do a good old fashioned fantasy roleplay with me. You'll be able to create your own class etc.; I'm just really craving some nerdy fantasy at the moment.

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