Forgotten Ones

Angel Evans

Soldier Of Love & Beauty

Monsters used to run the world and co-exist with humans,However the human's feared the monster's immense power and special abilities and so they shunned them. Years later the monster's were completely forgotten about,their existence only acknowledged in movies and fairy tales;However they are alive and they're out there among us they could be your bestfriend your girlfriend or your teacher. This Rp is about a group of 6 teen monsters (maybe a 7th creature later we'll see how it goes and Vampire is taken by me) These 6 teens must cope with being Monster's in a human dominant world. They have to support and protect each other from the judging,and hateful eyes of the humans where they must protect their identities as monsters They are the forgotten Ones...


Follow all RPN Rules

At least 3 sentences per post

Keep it Pg-13

Be nice

Be creative with your characters

Keep it realistic please no anime characters and I don't want EVERYBODY to be scene/emo let's have a mix


Have Fun!









Last edited by Ronkaime, Yesterday at 12:20 AM. Reason: hgghjghjghjgj
Skelly: dont know what this is

Name: fudge

Age: 14

Orientation: male

Race: black

Personality: jerk/troublemaker/creep

Bio: he's a creepy immature bastard that likes to vandalize everything he see's

Other: hes actually a lizard in disguise
Can I join? I haven't done a group role play in awhile...((And do mermaids count as monsters? If not, I can come up with something else...))
You sure can and mermaids do count they're not all sweet and kind And sing songs about wanting to live on lamd
ok fine..

Name: Fudge

Age: 14

Race: African american male

Orientation: Male

Personality: he is a juvenile delinquent that gets into a ton of trouble due to his bad habits that include smoking, cursing, fighting, and graffiti. He is extremely rude and sarcastic and usually only shows respect to certain people. Despite his ignorant behavior fudge is actually incredibly clever and can be quite charming and convincing when he needs to con someone into doing something for him ( much like a sociopath). People call him fudge, because its the name he uses to tag, his real name is Freddi. His appearance includes light brown skin, braided hair, abnormally green eyes ( the white part of his eyes are green) a striped shirt, baggy jeans, and a baseball cap turned backwards.

Other: aside from all of those human traits, he is actually a lizard wearing human skin, the slang term for his race of monsters is "creep" his skin is scaly and purple and he largely resembles a humanoid version of the carnivorous dinosaur (velociraptor). he is extremely ravenous and is known to devour mice, cats, and puppies alive when stalking the dark alleys of his ghetto neighborhood. Like the other monster in this story Fudge is a forgotten one, and he knows the urban legends that describe him will soon catch up to him, besides this he prefers to not take his role as a forgotten one seriously and simply tortures the urban population of the human society as best he can.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/creep.jpg.cf88023e2ac9ea092f5ae8353c7a4afc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/creep.jpg.cf88023e2ac9ea092f5ae8353c7a4afc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
hows that?



  • creep.jpg
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i already told you but if you want specifics. When he is in his human form he just pretends to be the neighborhood bully. picking on all the other kids. He goes to school too but frequently gets suspended or expelled for his misconduct. when not tormenting others. He smokes, drinks, and spray paints the dumpsters and alleyways of his neighborhoods, he is not afraid of the dark despite the gangs that lurk in the night. The one thing he does fear though is human affection, he tends to stay away from human females for this reason.
Name: Genevieve Benzing

Age: 17

Orientation: Female

Race: Mermaid

Personality: She is usually quiet, but has a short temper. She doesn't like getting close to people if she doesn't have to. She also tends to be very skittish.

Bio: Genevieve, who prefers to be called Gen, has seemingly normal parents. Only both of her parents are merpeople too. She grew up half in the water and half on land. Hiding the fact that she grows a tail whenever she gets wet is something she's almost mastered. Though she can't account for when people accidentally get her wet. Her parents have normal jobs and no one knows, obviously. Though Gen has had some close encounters with scientists and fisherman. She spends most of her free time in water, it's better than being on land in her opinion.

Other: Gen has the ability to control water; making it move, freezing it, heating it up, etc. About ten seconds after she gets wet, she grows her tail. When she loses control of her emotions, typically anger, her powers work on their own and it usually doesn't end good. Though she has managed to stay hidden from the "land people" as she grew up calling them, not that she'd ever call a human that to their face.


This is her. As a human imagine her with legs (Kind of obvious, right?)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_1307.JPG.631dbb05ae2300c0565c639bc55ce575.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_1307.JPG.631dbb05ae2300c0565c639bc55ce575.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> its a bit rushed but you asked for it so here is a rough sketch of his human form.



  • IMG_1307.JPG
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Name: Eleanor St.Clair (Also known as Elly)

Age: 16

Orientation: Female

Race: Fairy (If that works! If not I can change it :smile 2:)

Personality: Eleanor is mischievous, unlike anyone else of her race who are usually; fair, sweet, caring, lovable, all that fun stuff. Elly, is the complete opposite, she is short tempered, jokester, causes hell basically wherever she goes. Eleanor get's into trouble, probably a lot more than she should. Though she's a hell bound child, she can be serious at times and someone to talk with at other times.

Bio: Elly grew up being the 'rebel' fairy. She got into trouble from day she could began to fly. Both of her parents are also fairies, but they'll never fully know how to handle Elly. Everyone that comes across Elly, will either love her and want to be friends with her or will completely hate her--Which-- its usually the second one. The bad part about Elly being a fairy, is her magical abilities. She had 'fairy dust' which helps her fly, but that is her main hand helper for pulling pranks on people, mostly humans.

Other: She looks like this:

But that's when she's hiding her wings, when she has her wings she looks the same but her hair is down and she has wings! :]

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