Forever Seems to Long (Private)

Brian was usually pretty careful, survey the area before moving in. Make sure there's no one that could be dangerous. How he had over looked it... well he had been hungry. He'd waited too long to feed and his hunger had clouded his vision. An easy catch, a few drinks and she was eager. They'd stepped outside and then he'd been stabbed with a needle and woken up here.

Where exactly he was he couldn't say, it was some sort of lab, far to bright and white for his taste but a lab all the same. In the last 24 hours He's been cut, poked, prodded and, though they would call it something different, tortured as they experimented on him. He was on his own, his 'family' didn't know where he was, even if they did there was no way that could get in there. He panted, leaning back against the uncomfortable chair he was sitting in. "I need... to feed..." He muttered. "At least if you want to keep me alive." He added, though honestly at this point he wasn't sure if they wanted to keep him 'alive' or could get just as much from him dead.

Even with his strength he couldn't break the restraints, what ever they were they had come prepared for him.
Arryn stood outside the newest subjects room, rubbing the back of her neck. Her dyed blonde hair was tied up in a bun, out of her tired looking face. She checked over the clipboard she held one more time, and sighed. Vampires. God damn vampires. People with psychic powers? Kinda pushing it there. But vampires? As if. But there he was, unconscious, strapped to the hospital bed like an animal.

The doctor in charge of the subject stepped next to her, peering in through the glass window, bulletproof, just in case. How this lab got the funding, she'd never know.

"He's alive. Uh, so to speak." Arryn piped up eventually. She was always uncomfortable around Doctor Niall, he wasn't...right. As one of the leading researchers in the lab, his job was to conduct most of the experiments - he insisted on it, and all the times she'd been present while he'd carried them out, he was just so...cold. Uncaring. She supposed she envied him to some extent, the work here was disgusting and inhumane.

Niall gave her a long look, and Arryn supressed a shudder, thinking, just for a moment that maybe he could read her mind. She shook the paranoid thought away as soon as it had arrived.

"Carry on."

She sighed in relief as he left, and slipped inside the room, gathering a sterilized syringe and prepping the sedative Subject 049 was due for.

Brought here, shoved into a chair while they ran tests, then knocked out several times to test his durability. Incisions to test his regenerative abilities, several poisons injected to test his immune system. This wasn't even the start. 'For the good of humanity.'

As if.
Brian groaned, pulling against the leather again. But there was no different effect then there had been the last 10 times. He couldn't be sure if the restraints were just that strong or of they had some something to weaken him. He hadn't even known that that was possible though. He groaned, crying out as he felt the sting of silver, another blade. He tried to jerk his arm away, not that he could move it very far. "Gah... That hurts you know" He yelled, collapsing back when he couldn't avoid the blade. "Get away from me." He hissed, barring his fangs when another figure walked in with a needle. He just needed to pull himself together enough to get away. Normal drugs normally didn't work on him, but what ever they were using was working, rending him almost helpless to their whims and experimentation.
"Shift." Arryn muttered as she passed one of the other doctors working with 049. She waited until he was out of the room before glancing at the vampire.

"If you'd co operate, it might be less painful." She said, this time to the subject. She pulled on a pair of latex gloves, lining the needle up with a vein on the inside of his elbow.

Horse tranquilizers. Not the most humane method of rendering a vampire harmless as a puppy, but it worked. Humane didn't matter. He wasn't human, Arryn had to keep telling herself. At least she wasn't the one who was cutting him to shreds. Once she'd administered the tranq and disposed of the syringe, she cast an eye over him before heading back to the door. She was strictly prohibited from dressing any wounds for now, so the team in charge could review his healing time.

She hoped the sedatives hurried up, for his and her sake. In 5 minutes, Niall was going to attempt to remove his teeth for close examination.
Brian glared at her, "Oh. right. Why didn't I think of that, sit back and let them cut me up and it won't hurt me when they do that. Of course." His voice was laced with sarcasm but... well, he wasn't in the best of moods. He frowned, blood pouring down his arm. The more he lost the hungrier he became. He tried to pull his arm away from her, his vein bulging as he pulled away under his cold, pale skin. Cutting someone up, leaving their wounds exposed. Strange how the true face of humanity wasn't as pleasant as they liked to believe. Hundreds of years ago they were hunted down like animals now they just locked them away to test on them. "You can't... can't do this forever..." He muttered, voice groggy, "When you mess up I'll get away, and might just kill all of you when I do..." He groaned, the smell of blood not helping. "You should know... vampires starve like humans... faster when you cut us open... I don't have much longer..." He repeated, though for the last time, if they didn't head his warning they weren't going too... maybe it was better, dead he was the same as any other corpse, they lost any information they might gain from him alive.
Christ. Arryn grimaced and paused at the door, chewing her lower lip absently. Niall wouldn't help. Hell, he'd try to make it worse to aid his experiments. Uh. She turned and looked around the room, thinking. Unstrapping him so he could drink from a cup wouldn't work, he'd get loose. She figured he'd need blood, anyway. Blood bags, a feeding tube direct to his stomach, maybe?

She hovered at the door way a few more moments, before checking her watch. Best to call the dental team, tell them to delay the appointment, in the meantime find a solution for this. If he was losing blood, then dressing the wounds might be a good call while she got someone to get a tube and a few blood bags.

"Does blood type matter?"
Brian watched her from behind, eyeing her tiredly before laying back against the seat, eyes heavy. He didn't even sleep, hadn't in hundreds of years, instead he was just groggy and weak. He swallowed, his mouth dry as he looked back at her and shook his head at her question. "O type is my personal favorite, but I suppose if I tell you that it's the last type you'd give me... so no, it doesn't matter." He told her, voice cold... though he supposed it was something if they were going to give him some, even it was on the brink of his second death. He growled a bit, fangs bared. Then again they were also the ones starving him so gratitude wasn't on the menu. He took a slow, unnecessary, breath, nope didn't help.
"I'll get what I can, and call off the dental team for now." She muttered, leaving the room and paging Niall and one of the 'dentists', heading off to pick up the blood bags herself. Arryn grabbed what she could and hurried back to 049's room. 049. Probably best if she didn't know his name, or background. He'd probably be dead in a few weeks. More dead than he already was. Something. God, undead are confusing.

She'd been there and back in about five minutes, she hoped that was long enough. Not really enough time to get surgeons to fit a feeding tube, unless he's lying and trying to pull something funny.

Arryn made her way over to the bed and opened the top, holding it to the vampires mouth, grimacing.

"I'm not unstrapping you."
Brian watched her. "Dental..." He repeated quietly. That didn't sound good. "I really hope you guys don't intend to pull any teeth..." He muttered, without his fangs it was impossible to feed without slitting a throat with a blade... then again that was providing he did get out. He took a deep breath, grinding his teeth together. He had to get out of here... somehow before something like that happened. He pulled, to no avail when she walked back in. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "I expected as much, try not to spill..." He muttered, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.
"I didn't plan anything. If I wasn't here, you'd probably be long dead and they'd autopsy you for their info, I'm in charge of the subjects' health, along with one or two other doctors." Because he needed to know that, Arryn. Good job. Idiot.

She checked her watch again while she waited for him to finish with the blood bag, her shift was nearly over, thank god. Though she doubted he'd survive very long, this wasn't the worst thing she'd seen in the lab.

"I can't get much more than that, we don't get many donors." Funnily enough.
"Okay, 049, my shift is over." Arryn told him after a moment or two of silence. He was sarcastic and smug, but then again, she hadn't really expected him to be all smiles, considering his position. Empty blood bag in hand, she headed to the door, twisting her head over her shoulder before she left.

"I'll drop my boss a message to make sure he doesn't run anything today,but I can't guarantee I'll be of any more help."
Brian smirked a bit, "It's like to see them try..." He muttered more to himself, dead, a vampires body was basically the same as any other corpse, they wouldn't get much more information on him they they would any other body in the morgue. Unless of course he turned to ash, but they weren't getting any more information that way than the other. "Subjects health?" He repeated doubtfully. "Well I suppose I should thank you for my treatment then." He told her, voice laced with sarcasm. He sighed softly as he felt some strength returning... not enough to help him unfortunately when he was dosed with sedatives but... He bit his lip, fangs sharp on his skin. "No? Guess you're not going to have a subject much longer than... I can't survive with out it any more than you can with out food or water." He told her bluntly.
(I got it don't worry! 'v' it just added to your otherr post)

God damn it. God. Damn. It.

Arryn shut herself in the womens bathroom, sitting with her back against the door, head in her hands. She needed a new job, this one was really taking it's toll on her. She couldn't just go on acting like all these awful, disgusting experiments and tests were okay, that they were helping humanity. What good does torturing people do? Sure, they now know exactly how to destroy a psychics mind inside out, sure, they're learning to do whatever with vampires, but she'd never heard of them before this job, they could hardly be doing that much damage.

049 was a sarcastic little asshole, but he was being lacerated daily. God damn it. Talking to Niall wouldn't work, talking to his boss wouldn't work. She stood after a while, chocolate coloured hands shaking. Well. Time to get fired and possibly die, Arryn. Good luck.

Pulling open the bathroom door, she sucked in a deep breath and proceeded back down the hallway to the vampires room, hesitating for a long moment before entering again, pressing a finger to her lips, checking out the window and getting to work on the straps.
Brian rolled his eyes, "I have a name... the one my mother gave me when she gave birth to me." He growled, looking away. "Oh well, thanks for dropping by, have fun going about your life." He tolled his eyes, ignoring her last comment as she left. "He groaned, pulling against the restraints. This was only the beginning and he knew it, cuts were low on the things that would harm a vampire. He had to get out of here before they did any serious damage... He groaned, closing his eyes. This was, essentially, every vampires worse nightmare, if they slept. 
Brian sighed, leaning back into the seat. It wasn't hard to figure out where this was going next. Garlic that was unpleasant to his sensitive nose, holy items which burned, sunlight... He bit his lip, fangs comforting. Were they just planning to examine them or remove them? Did it matter at this point. Guess his time was up, he just hoped everyone else was safe... He heard the door open, a familiar scent... He opened his eyes, frowning as he saw her but she was... different this time. He glanced at the window as she did, watching her undo the straps with suspicion. "What are you..." His voice was soft, different from before, human like.
"What does it look like, I'm getting myself fired." She muttered as she undid the last strap, stepping back when she'd finished, checking behind her, out the windows, into the corridor. "You gotta go, quickly. They've got guns here. Big guns."

Probably wasn't too safe for Arryn, either. This wasn't exactly protocol for leaving the job. Balls. Didn't really think this through.
Brian looked over at her, maybe he'd underestimated her as just another of the people holding him, like all the others. He took a deep breath, "Time..." he muttered, trying to clean his head from the drugs but it was helpless until they wore off. "What time is it... I can't even step outside if it's not dark..." He muttered, standing up,s tumbling a bit as he did. he didn't worry about the wounds, he'd come back to those. He watched her, "You could come to... it can't be all that safe for you here now..."
Arryn checked her watch again. "Eleven fifteen. Pm." She hesitated. "They're not the only ones with guns. You go one way, I go the other. I can handle myself, will you be alright?

She'd have to get to her stuff first. She'd changed into her scrubs when she'd arrived, her clothes and her car keys were in her bag in the staff room. Shit.

She bit at her fingernails absently, thinking it through carefully. There wasn't much way around any of this.
Brian watched her, sighing in relief at the time, so he could make a clean run. This would be pointless if he couldn't even leave the building. he nodded a bit. "I-I'll manage I've been worse... I died remember?" He tried to laugh but in truth... maybe he was a bit... scared. He wasn't in good condition, he hadn't felt like this for hundreds of years. "If you don't want to go with me I understand... I'm not going to force you. Thank you..." He told her quietly, running a finger through his blonde hair. Bullets didn't really effect him, under normal circumstances at least. Who knew what the drugs were doing to his system...
Died, huh? That's a new one. An alarm went off. God damn it. "Okay, whatever your name is, we need to go now. No time to get my stuff, we need to run, they've got tranquilizers and I've got a pistol."

He was looking shaky. And pale, but that was probably normal, but he didn't look alright right now, so she was probably going to have to help him out here.

Arryn tugged open the door and sprinted down the hallway, glancing over her shoulder to check if the vampire was keeping up. It'd be disapointing if he died after all this, or if she was proved wrong and he attacked her, or other people.
Brian opened his mouth to tell him what her name was but, the alarm went off. They had to get out of here. He nodded, followed after her, legs shaking a bit as he ran after her. His vision was a bit blurry but he managed to stay on his feet. It was a good thing she was here because he wasn't sure he'd be able to find his sway out with out her. He stumbled outside, breathing in the fresh night air. "Better..." He muttered, looking around they weren't out of the clear yet. "We need to find somewhere... to lay low, we don't have enough time to get to my house by sun rise."
Once they were outside, Arryn let out a slow, shuddering breath. Christ, she was horrible at running. She clutched at a stitch in her side and struggled to catch her breath. She'd not had to fire her gun, luckily. As much as she hated Niall, killing him just seemed hypocritical. But then, maybe it's what he deserved.

"My place, I guess. Don't you go chewing on my dog. Or me." She doubted he could get near enough Hans to bite him, though, he was a huge dog. A rottweiler, and though he wasn't the smartest, Arryn didn't doubt he'd defend himself.
Brian caught up, taking her hand and continuing to move. One good thing, in situations about this was that he didn't get tired. "Come on..." he muttered, leading her through alleyways to at least get cover. "Alright." He agreed, frowning a bit at her conditions. "I promise I will not drink your blood or your dogs blood, now can we go?" He hissed, not wanting to be outside much longer. "Do they know where you live?"
Arryn tugged her hand out of his grasp, shooting him a glance.

"Not unless they've been spying on me. I don't need you holding my hand." She sped up, glancing over her shoulder again.

If she'd have had time to grab her keys, they'd be there and back by now.
Brian rolled his eyes, letting her hand go. Alright so it was a typical reaction. Typical human. Then again, a typical human who saved her. He followed after him. "Alright I'm just checking, taking your word for it." He rolled his eyes a bit and followed her in silence, not wanting to irritate her too much, though she already seemed to not like him.
"We can cut through here." Arryn muttered as he turned to go a different direction. She led him through another alley until they approached a ratty looking apartment complex. Home sweet home. No matter how beat up it was, she just couldn't wait for a shower, eat something and to go to bed. Today had dragged on and on, and she was exhausted. Hans probably peed in the kitchen again.

"You never told me your name." She prompted as they entered the building, finally breathing a sigh of relief. They'd lost the few that had been tailing them since the lab.

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