Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay


Lord of Wolves


Nickname or title:

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)





Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example)


Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color:

Scars or marks:

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I just wanted to get this in, I'll finish my CS today :]

Name: Baymara

Nickname or title: Baya or (coming up with a title for her)

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Crush: Spike

Mate: Spike


Profile: Baymara was from another pack before she came to the pack under Shadow's rule. She was popular in her previous pack for having a wild personality with no care for others. Baymara's mom had gotten exiled from the pack that she was being raised in because she had given up the chance to kill an exile who was a dangerous threat, who had also been one of her mom's best friends. Because she was considered a traito when she let the exile get away, she had been exiled as well. After that Baymara never seen her mother again and was left with the on edge pack. When she was a bit older and was at the independent stage she left the pack with her loyal friend Spirit. A month or two of being on her own she found the pack in the Western territory and was soon to join.

Baymara changed after she left the pack and even though she's still playful and strong minded, she is more calm and doesn't do dangerous or thoughtless things anymore. She also learned how much depending on a pack made things easier then it just being two wolves. Even though she has a dominant personality, she knows that she must listen and respect her alpha.

Rank: Beta Female

Picture or description:


Eyes color: Honey/Gold

Scars or marks: Baymara has plenty of scars but they are hidden in her fur, there is small scar near her eye but its barely noticeable


Name: Spirit

Nickname or title: Ghost

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female




Profile: Spirit has no clue what happened to her mother but one day she had just disappeared when Spirit was a teen. She was raised by her wise and gentle father who made sure to teach Spirit everything he knew. She got her calm behavior from her father but she got her great hunting skills from her mother, a skill that made her the Alpha Hunter in her previous pack. She was one of the young wolves who witnessed the 'betrayal' of Baymara's mother and since then she got more protective of her friend. When Bay told Spirit that she was going to be leaving the pack, she didn't hesitate to go along with her.

Spirit is calm and has a sweet personality but that doesn't mean she's naive or stupid. She is smart and got her wisdom from her father while getting her stubborn and fiesty side from her mom but she tends to hide that side of her. Spirit enjoys the feeling of hunting and when she is hunting, she lets her other side out and doesn't bother with being calm and nice.

Rank: Alpha Hunter

Picture or description:


Eyes color: Light brown

Scars or marks: She has a few scars, one of them can be seen at around the ankle of her front left paw

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Nickname or title:

Rolling Stone

(When made fun of):

• Double

• Muddy Blinkers

(Not called that often)

No title yet.

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)





None yet.


None yet.



Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example)

I liked watching the others protect me. It made me feel safe and sheltered. I love my family and my pack.

That was until the Beta was a bug, and turned on us. He was secretly in another pack,

and we were all invaded. Most of us died. My family wasn't lucky,

only I survived. For I, I was oblivious, and I was out in the field, coyly chasing butterflies.

I then realized no one would protect me. I had to follow other wolves and eat their scraps they left behind.

I'm not protected anymore.

I'm not safe anymore.

I miss them.

Creek is bubbly and social pup, and tends to hover over other wolves, constantly asking them if they want to play. She doesn't mean to be a nuisance, but she's a child. She can be very sensitive, and is often made fun of because of her eyes.

She can be brave at times, but is overall a weakling. She can't do much but kill rabbits or field mice. Her adapted senses from when she was younger had proven helpful because she can sniff out animals from miles away if she isn't distracted.



Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)


Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color:

Brown and Blue.

Scars or marks:

Has a three claw scars on her right hind leg from trying to escape other Rogues.


• Keener senses than usual

• Ditzy and oblivious at times

• Silly and playful at times despite the hardships

Name: Malenkai

Nickname or title: Maka

Age: Young Adult (March 7)

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Mate: Lilian (Deceased) [No information will be given on Lilian. She represents only a memory of Malenkai's past.]

Pups: Marek - Son (Deceased) [No information will be given on Marek. He represents only a memory of Malenkai's past.] / Creek - Niece

Profile: Personality - Malenkai is not easily annoy'd, piss'd, or offend'd. He's always calm and level head'd. He stays focus and works hard. He can sometimes piss others off due to his way of communicatin' and/or explainin' his views on life. When he's right about a situation, he'll admit it, but when he's wrong and knows it, he refuses to submit until he realizes any true mistakes. Malenkai can get very emotional when reminiscin' on the past but tries to hide his true emotions to others. He's secretive yet very out going and open, mysterious and easily judge'd. If anything can be said about him, he makes a great, loyal friend despite his short comings.

Physical Status - Like many wolves in his family, Malenkai is large in body and is cover'd in a thick coat of fur. He also bears a large bushy tail that is fairly the same length as his body.

History - Shortly after a large earthquake durin' Malenkai's youth, he woke to the loss of his parents. While he was sleep, they sheild'd him and took the fallin' debris of their makeshift house on themselves. Crawlin' out that same day, he found that his entire village was destroy'd. Only a handful of wolves survive'd. Makin' his way with the others to the center of the village, their alpha delegates other larger and older wolves to gather any food and material that may still be useful. The young, like Malenkai, stay'd behind with the village alpha. Malenkai discovers that his closest friend, Lilian, also survive'd the earthquake but lost her mother. In response to Lilian's sufferin', Malenkai made an oath to always protect her no matter what came to pass, he swore undyin' allegiance and loyalty. Time pass'd since the day the village fell and the remainin' wolves reloacted in the deepest parts of the eastern forests of North America. Malenkai was a teen now as well as Lilian. They live together, hunt'd together, and even help'd the elders train the young in survival techniques and combat. After livin' a peaceful life in the new village, Malenkai made the decision to marry Lilian and be by her side for all of eternity. With the village support and the alpha's assurance, Malenkai and Lilian were a pair. They had a son name'd Marek who took on the look of Lilian and had a thin coat of gray fur while taking on Malenkai's eyes and bravery. Malenkai was the happiest you'd ever seen a wolf. This did not last long however. While Malenkai was out on a mission one evenin', a mighty bear attack'd the village. Most of the hunters were gone gatherin' food, so the village was defenseless. The alpha would've been more than enough to take care of the beast, but he was ingure'd in a previous fight out with a rogue wolf. That story is not important since the rogue wolf was from an entirely 'nother village and is now dead. When one of the high flyers (cardinals live'd around and assist'd the village) made it to the huntin' grounds and told the news, with thought a single thought of anythin' else but Malenkai's family, he dash'd off back to the village. When he arrive'd back to his surprise his home was destroy'd but Lilian and his son survive'd. When Malenkai tried to approach his family the bear attack'd him. With one strike from Malenkai's blind spot he was defeat'd. Shiftin' in and out of consciousness, he watches his son constantly bark at the bear as it was preparin' to finish me off. Annoy'd at Marek, the bear attack'd Malenkai's family instead of endin' his life. Malenkai, though it was blurry, watch'd his family be brutally murder'd. The rest of the huntin' group finally arrive'd but they were too late. Malenkai was scar'd in the worst way possible. Constant images of his family's last moments haunted him and with the village alpha gone, there was no one to lead. The rest of the remainin' wolves dispatch'd and went their own way. Malenkai for days laid in the spot where the bear left him mortally wound'd, he could not conjure the energy need'd to even move on with his life anymore. One day, a travelin' wolf pass'd by and was collectin' things from the destroy'd makeshift houses of the village. When the traveler came close to Malenkai's house, Malenkai jump'd up and approach'd the traveler, angry and mortify'd.

"Hey, stay away from my home!" he yell'd.

"Woah there buddy, I mean no harm." the traveler claim'd. "You're a big fella aren't ya'?"

The traveler noticed Malenkai's wound, cover'd in dirt and said, "Ya' know kid, I can help ya' with that if ya' want."

Malenkai stumble'd in pain, he arose too fast and cause'd a bit of damage. "I'm... I'm fine... just leave here." He want'd no help from anyone, he'd grown to trust no one after his experience.

Malenkai faint'd. The traveler assist'd Malenkai's wound and treat'd the bleedin'. Malenkai awoke hours later to find the traveler still here nappin' aside him. He notice'd the bandages wrap'd around his large body and got to his feet feelin' much better.

"You awake?" the traveler ask'd. "Good, now to get some food in ya'." The traveler pass'd on a bowl of mush to Malenkai. "Eat up son, you're gonna need it if you're gonna make it all the way to the western encampment like me."

"Western encampment?" Malenkai ask'd.

"Yeah, they say that o'er there is a large pack of the worlds most powerful wolves. I wanna go but I'm too old to get all the way there." The traveler took out a map creat'd by the humans.

"Right here son, this is the path to the encampment." He laid a paw on the map and drag'd it across to show where how to get to the western areas.

"How can you read this? This is made by the humans right?" Malenkai was confused at the old wolf. He seem'd a bit odd to Malenkai.

"Had a human as an owner with I was just a ity bitty pup. Let me tel ya' he sure was violent, but he love'd me like family. Shame he died long ago." The traveler got to his feet and look'd at Malenkai. He gather'd his things in an attempt to leave to not create a scene with the revealin' of his human owner.

"Wait, sir... I... How did you get over... loosin' someone close to ya'?" Malenkai drop'd his head in despair.

The traveler put a paw on Malenkai's back and told him with a stern voice, "Boy, things die and there ain't nothin' you can do 'bout it. But you can't let it get ya' down. Move on."

Malenkai look'd at the traveler as he smiled at Malenkai and said a second time, "Move on, and let it go. You can't change the past, but you can shape the future."

The traveler left Malenkai sittin' there in shock. Malenkai start'd to remember the images of his family dying. He becomes sad and starts to shed tears when suddenly he hears the man's voice in his head repeat those words. Move On. With this, Malenkai shot up and race'd in the direction of the western encampment. The words 'Move On' repeat'd through his mind every step he took. He decide'd to take heed of the man's words. He chooses to shape his future and live to see another die rather than die in his own filth. Malenkai decide'd to move on with things and keep his promises to the bitter end. Malenkai train'd himself on his way to the western encampment sharpenin' his awareness and his speed, as well as his strength. He was alpha male material but never thought of himself as suck. Whether a leader or a follower, Malenkai was ready to put his life on the line for others and hope that he could truly prove useful to the world's most powerful wolves. His new chapter starts there.

Rank: Alpha Warrior

Picture or description:

Detail: Black and gray; Large body with thick fur; Long bushy tail [Hopefully I'll draw an image of Malenkai, and update this post later.]

Eyes color: Ocean Blue

Scars or marks: None

Other: To Illustrate his strength, Malenkai can kill a bear single-hand'dly. [Hopefully that's not too op.]
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Lighto or Arko


Dark Lighting


Pup - 6 months










History + Personality:

Lighto was a playfully pup before his old pack, which is his parent's pack, was attacked by strange, strong wolves. He was taught by his mother about healing since she was both the Alpha Female and the Alpha Healer. Lighto was like an apprentice to her mom and shows her a lot of respect with his father, who is both the Alpha Male and the Alpha Warrior and Alpha Hunter. His parents taught him everything they know but Lighto prefered to be a healer although he is quite good at stealth attacks. After running for days and days after his pack was attacked, Lighto stumbled into Shadow's pack's camp without knowing it. Now, he is still getting used how his new pack works, still being quite quiet and shy and he is easy to be frightened by Shadow or at least, a larger wolf than he is.

Physical status:

Lighto is an quite small and nimble for his age, helping him while he need to be stealthy but in a fight, he won't be able to fight back, especially if it's a big and mature wolf. He always tries to keep calm and help the ones in his "new" pack: Shadow's pack.



Picture or description:



There is a mark which is said in "Scars or marks" category.

Eyes color:


Scars or marks:

Like in the appearance picture but there is also a white oval mark on the forehead but covered by hair.



( I'll finish it before tonight )

Name- Lilith Anderson

Nickname or title- Lil

Age- Young Adult

Gender- Female




Profile- Lilith was adopted into the pack when she was found on her own. She quickly gained repute in the pack, carrying out her missions with utmost efficiency. She had a little bit of a wild heart, sometimes throwing herself into battles that could have been avoided or did not need to be fought. But this wildness also brought about a loyalty to her pack leaders, the Alphas and Betas that gave her the missions she was eager to carry out. She was soon promoted to Delta and she wore that title with pride. It meant that she had been recognized for her talents and skills, and that her leaders saw her as a worthy member of the pack, even though she had started out as only a stray. She has some interest in finding a future mate, but does not understand how some of the other females seem to worship the Alpha males. She seems to prefer a mate with a heart as wild as her own

Rank- Delta



Eye Color- Purple

Scars or marks- A small scar over her right eye

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Name: Pepper

Nickname or title: Pepp

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Crush: Death, but may change

Mate: it used to be Death

Pups: Ban and Smear

Profile: Pepp enjoys adventure. She's kind, and loves to talk. But, she may blame herself for stuff that wasn't her fault, and will apoligise many times.

Ever since Pepp found out about her parents' deaths, she's blamed that and everything else on herself. She also likes to stick with the group more, because she feels that the fact she wasn't there when they got attacked. But, she kept doing her best, and that's when she met Death. She fell in love with him for some reason that she didn't understand, and eventually they mated and she had a small litter of two. When, she found out Death betrayed the pack, she was heart broken, and tried to forget about him. To get her mind off of it, she began studying herbs. She memorized herbs, and what they did. She learned their names, smells, textures...

Doing her best, she eventually got promoted to Beta Healer, recently.

She's a fast wolf. She's more heavy set, but fighting isn't really her style. She'd rather talk things through, which makes her a better healer than anything else. But, she can protect herself and others if she really HAS to.

Rank: Beta Healer

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gray_wolf_5932_np.jpg.231698879610ddccf8867e5c791598e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gray_wolf_5932_np.jpg.231698879610ddccf8867e5c791598e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail N/A

Eyes color: Yellow

Scars or marks: N/A

Other: N/A

Name: Bandit

Nickname or title: Ban

Age: Pup

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: none

Profile: He's a mischeivous trouble maker, and is often playing tricks on the others. Some say he won't be good for anything, since he doesn't pay attention to lessons and lectures.

He was born into this pack, and devoted his life to playing tricks, and causing trouble, since he found it fun. He was never one to sit still, or listen, and one day he found himself wandering away from a scolding.

He ended up in a part of the forest he had never been before. It was an interesting place, and it caught his attention. He found his father, who the young pup didn't know betrayed the pack, and now they meet near there every now and then.

He's small and sneaky. He hasn't found anything to devote his stealthy talents to, except tricks, which he swears he will be doing all his life. He says he'll do it to entertain others, and make food off of it.

Rank: Pup

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gray-wolf-canis-lupus-pup-amid-lupine-tim-fitzharris.jpg.8e7c93b6509e9242c29c376619d502de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/gray-wolf-canis-lupus-pup-amid-lupine-tim-fitzharris.jpg.8e7c93b6509e9242c29c376619d502de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Details: N/A

Eyes color: Green

Scars or marks: N/A

Other: N/A

Name: Death

Nickname or title: The Hunter

Age: Adult

Gender: Male

Crush: Pepp but it may change

Mate: it used to be Pepp

Pups: Ban and Smear

Profile: Death is a wolf who enjoys the thrill of a chase, the blood, the fighting. He's full of himself, and will gladly sacrifice others for his own goals, but will never sacrifice himself for the greater good.

He was known for his dangerous tendincies, and his self obsessed nature. He mated with Pepp, and got two pups who he loved.

But, what happened next is what got him exiled.

He betrayed the whole pack for his own personal gain, no one knows what he wanted exactly, but it was defenitly for himself. So, after such a betrayal, they should have been harder on him, than just an exile, but that's what they did.

He's big, and has strong muscles. His strong points are running, and fighting. His weak points are sneaking and hunting.

Rank: Exiled

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/black-wolf-in-snow-beautiful-eyes-kewl.jpg.64fc313fe8ba427a12b66de5748244b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/black-wolf-in-snow-beautiful-eyes-kewl.jpg.64fc313fe8ba427a12b66de5748244b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail He's bigger and covered in scars

Eyes color: Brown

Scars or marks: He has many scars on his legs, one on his nose, two on his back, and a knick in his ear

Other: N/A

Name: Smear

Nickname or title: N/A

Age: Pup

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Mate: N/A

Pups: N/A

Profile: She's kind of bossy, and likes to take charge. She will often scold her older brother, telling him to pay attention and be good.

She was born in the pack just like her brother, Ban. She told him over and over again not to trick people, and one day she was scolding him, when she noticed he wandered off.

"That boy!" She huffed, and she ran off to find him.

She found him after quite a while, and brought him back to camp. But, she had to wonder what he was doing out there.

Rank: Pup

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/cutewolfpup.jpg.cf7495dc22e7f9ff0b9f87604150e2e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/cutewolfpup.jpg.cf7495dc22e7f9ff0b9f87604150e2e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail: N/A

Eyes color: Yellow

Scars or marks: N/A

Other: N/A


I'll change anything if need be.

I will go further into history in the actual RP.

I hope they're okay.




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Name: Aurora

Nickname or title: None

Age: Old Adult

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None

Profile: Aurora has been around for a while, watching the pack go through highs and lows. Throughout her life, she's learned many things, having previously been a healer. She has not had a mate, instead focusing on loving the entire pack like her children.

She has a kind-hearted personality, treating each wolf (save for omegas and exiles) with respect. She has learned much over her time, and is willing to impart both wisdom and knowledge on whoever asks. She is not afraid to be loud and voice her disapproval if something does not go the way she likes, as she realizes her position in the pack. Weak limbs, sharp senses

Rank: Elder

Picture or description:

Detail: Dark black markings around both eyes. Thinner and weaker.

Eyes color: Yellow

Scars or marks: Nicked left ear, otherwise unscathed

Other: N/A

Name: Dane

Nickname or title: None

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Crush: N/A

Mate: N/A

Pups: N/A

Profile: Dane doesn't remember his life. When every day is about surviving to the next, memories other than the location of food, water, and shelter are unimportant. As such, any interaction with other wolves is awkward and often ends in bloodshed.

His body is scrawny due to lack of food, but he's a skilled fighter and hunter. He has to be, to survive and defend himself. When he does catch something, nothing goes to waste.

Rank: Rogue

Picture or description:

Detail: Basically, same pelt color and pattern on a scrawnier body.

Eyes color: Blue

Scars or marks: Plenty of scars across his body, both from

Other: N/A
Name:Calla Lynn

Nickname or title:nickname Cal Cal title Fighter cause she always helps the pack fight.

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)Teen


Crush:Will be updated during Rp

Mate:will be updated durning Rp

Pups:(she adopted this pup cause the pup was hurt and Shadow said the pup would make a great fighter. Rosie

Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example) In Calla POV. I have always been a fight a great brave fighter. I know when to step down though and let the Alpha and other fighters take care of who ever we are fighting. One day when I was helping Shadow and a few others I saw a pup lying on the ground I instantly looked at the pup then at Shadow asking if he would follow me we then went to the pup I remember Shadow turning to me saying she would make a fine fighter you can have her if you wish Calla my fighter. I got happy picking up the pup who I named Rosie very carefully I had Shadow help me place Rosie on my back. I love Rosie with all my heart and am a very good mother to her I have helped train her when asked.


Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b093d2ed7713cb9e84c56928c56c6618.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.b093d2ed7713cb9e84c56928c56c6618.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)her fur is just a little darker gray.

Eyes color:Brown

Scars or marks:a scar on ear a fighting wolf that was against Shadow's pack bit a little of her ear.

Other:She likes Shadow as a friend a very faithful friend.

Name:Rosie Lynn

Nickname or title:Rose

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)pup


Crush:none yet but this will be updated

Mate:none yet but this will be updated

Pups:None as of now

Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example) In my mom's POV Rosie is a smart beautiful pup who loves to train in fighting especially when her mom is helping train her. Rosie tends to sometimes cause a little mischief but her mom catches her before Shadow.

Rank:Not yet

Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.a52b65559910ea30449c538fc027d61f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.a52b65559910ea30449c538fc027d61f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)her fur is a little darker but not to much darker.

Eyes color:Brown

Scars or marks:a tiny bullet wound on her right ear

Other:She loves Calla her new mom with everything she has and will ever have.



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Jalapeno Fire


Adult - 2 years




Aquora - Deceased


Aquora - Deceased


Lightark's uncle but no real pups yet.

Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example):

Jala is Tarrou's younger brother, in other words, Lightark's uncle as Tarrou is Lightark's father. Jala was a multitasker just like his bigger brother. Being a Beta, Hunter and Warrior, looks like he was busy but strangely, he always have time to play with Lightark. He loves Aquora - his mate - really much and his mate is just as playful as he is, sometimes even play with Lightark. The playful trio: Lightark, Jala and Aquora was separated suddenly because of the attack of strange rogue wolves. Those wolves are bigger and faster than any normal ones. Jala and Tarrou fought the wolves with all the strength they have but unluckily, Aquora and Tarrou's mate - Halie - are killed in front of their eyes. Then Tarrou was caught of guard and killed mercilessly in front of Jala's eyes. He was shocked and stunned for a bit but quickly pounces through all the wolves, running for his life, unknowing that Lightark also escaped alive.

Jala is a playful wolf although he is now an adult. He is also quite humorous but when he is in a fight, he is really serious, deadly serious. He can be really strategic in battles but Lightark bested him in that part although Lightark is younger than him a lot. Jala is quick-minded and with his strategies, he can be a good leader.

Jala is quite big for his age but very agile and can run very fast, allowing him to be a good fighter although the size makes stealth for him is really hard.






As said in marks

Eyes color:


Scars or marks:

White ovan on forehead



Name: Tasha

Nickname or title: She is normally called by her name, Tasha, but she is occasionally referred to as "Tash."

Age: Teen-Young Adult

Gender: Female

Crush: None.

Mate: None.

Pups: None.

Profile: Tasha was born into a litter of two pups, her littermate being of the name Thunder. They were born into a gradually dying wolf pack, the only pups in the pack at the time, and their father had died in a battle with an opposing pack two weeks after his mate had given birth to Tasha and Thunder. The group of wolves was slowly decreasing in number. Some died, and others left for other packs. Their mother raised and nursed them until they had grown to be teens.

"Why won't you come with us to be accepted into a different pack?" Tasha would ask her.

"I am loyal to this pack," she would explain. "And I am growing old. When I die, I would like to die with dignity."

Tasha was overcome with ruefulness, and often her eyes would sting, whenever she heard these words from her mother in her head.

Thunder had grown to be far larger and stronger than Tasha, and was accepted into a different pack of wolves that was particular about the strength and size of the wolves they allowed in their pack. She had asked to join her brother, but she had not yet grown enough and had not acquired her full strength. Although born at the same time, Thunder had matured faster than her, and when being examined by the alpha male and female of the pack, she had little more strength than a pup. Thunder bid his tearful farewells to Tasha and their mother. Tasha knew Thunder felt guilty for leaving them, but it was rare to find such safety and protection in joining a strong, dominant pack such as the one Thunder had been accepted into, led by an intelligent and strategic alpha female.

Tasha spent another several months with her mother in her home wolf pack, watching it grow closer to its eventual extinction. They lost more battles, and won not one. The alpha male and female were growing older and weaker, but they had no pups and refused to give up their positions. Tasha's mother, the beta female, had no interest in acquiring another mate, and her life was now devoted to helping her pup find a safe, healthy pack in which Tasha would spend the rest of her life. Alas, she found this one, and with hope, perhaps it would work out.

Tasha has always been a kind and considerate young female, unceasingly keen to appease her peers' desires. Although she possesses a friendly and bubbly personality, she always stands up for any wolf that she finds to be in any way unfairly treated or accused. She possesses a risky habit of becoming involved in other individuals' disputes, as she continuously seeks peace and harmony and is often found as the mediator of an argument. Always eager to make new friendships, she had been known in her previous wolf pack for her outgoing and teasing, fun-loving character.

Although compassionate and good-natured, her combat skills and strength have yet to suffice. She has not yet developed enough expertise in fighting to succeed in an encounter with a skilled warrior. This may be partly because she cringes at hurting any living being for a reason other than for food. However, her quickness and ability to make practically no sound when prodding across the forest floor serve her excellently in hunting. Currently, she is not injured majorly, although she has suffered wounds from combat with other wolf packs months ago, now only scars concealed beneath her fur.

Rank: Beta hunter, if that rank is not already occupied.

Picture or description:


Detail: Tasha's fur is dark brown, accented by white fur around her face, paws, and chest. She possesses kind eyes a light tail that, like her body, is also dark brown, with white at the bottom and tip of the tail. Her muzzle is short and curves slightly upward compared to a typical wolf's muzzle.

Eyes color: Dark brown with the slightest hint of flecks of jade green.

Scars or marks: A few scars along her body from previous battles, though obscured by Tasha's thick fur.

Other: None.

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Name: Crin Farpe

Nickname or title: Cry (Before she hunts, or enter battles she does a battle cry. )

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Crush: None at he moment

Mate: None at the moment

Pups: None at the moment

Profile: Crin is mixed with two different types of wolves so she can labeled as a mutt sometimes, however it is the mutt that always comes out on top. Her father died when she was just a pup so her mother took over. Usually the father teaches the pup how to survive, the father is more fierce in training and cares little if you get hurt, however on her end it was her mother who was. She grew up strong, and still continues to grow. Remembering her mothers teachings as if it was taught yesterday. Once entering the pack with Shadow her mother died which was more of a reason to not let her go. She is a little off sometimes, wandering or going about her usual work. She has bad habits of stopping and staring at you but only because shes an observer. She has angry times and sad, both actions look exactly alike so you never know which one she is. She'll snap her jaw , dig at the ground and lift her tail up before walking away. She holds high loyalty and will do anything if commanded. She'll even kill one of the wolfs in the pack if that was what he wanted.

Rank: Warrior

Picture or description:

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color: Crimson red

Scars or marks: She had various scars on the bottom of her pads due to her intense training. She is best known for her agility and agile movements.

Other: She hates being called little girl. She is unable to sleep in dens so she is found mostly somewhere else sleeping, a few feet away from where the pack is. She also thinks you don't have to be topped ranked to be alpha female. It could be anyone.
Name: Nuka

Nickname or title: N/A

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Crush: Spirit

Mate: N/A


Profile: Nuka was considered the runt of his old pack when he was a pup, always getting the scraps of his more accomplished siblings. His mother always scolded him for being so weak and defenseless against them, but he to obey their demands. With their father always out, no one stuck up for Nuka, not even any other members. One day, when his family and he were in a snow storm, he was left behind, and they never came back for them. On his own, Nuka was able to finally hunt and scavenge for himself, getting in brawls with the other animals of the wilderness.

Nuka is rather hot headed and easy to anger, and usually prefers to remain on the outskirts of the site he lives on. When alone, he is quiet and often thinks to himself, wondering if any of his old family is still out there, alive. Enjoying a good hunt, Nuka relishes the feeling of sinking his claws and teeth into prey. His dreams though, are often filled with lights of fireflies that light up the dark skies as he lies asleep in a quiet grassy meadow. Although he is very ill-tempered, he is completely loyal to those who rely on him

Rank: Hunter

Picture or description:


Eyes color: pale yellow

Scars or marks: many litter over his front legs and torso.
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Name: Fenrir

Nickname or title:

Age: Young adult

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Mate: Holo

Pups: Matilda and Valentine (Adopted)

Profile: His family was outcast years ago because of his father and has lived alone all his teen life after separating with them that is... until he met Matilda and Valentine. Now that he has grown up and has his own family how will he adjust to the life of a husband, a warrior, a father.

Rank: Warrior

Picture or description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0540cc8cce940ff367f524648d539906.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0540cc8cce940ff367f524648d539906.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Eyes color: Grey

Scars or marks:


Name: Holo

Nickname or title: Bitter Blue

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Mate: Fenrir

Pups: Matilda and Valentine (Adopted)

Profile: When Holo first met Fenrir during one of her night sneaking away from home to watch the stars, he was traveling with two pups at that time so she approached him and ask "are you lost?" He answered her softly "Just trying to find them a home." Holo quickly took them to her home the next morning and introduced them to her parents and they agreed to let them stay as long as Fenrir helped around the den (not sure what you call house here.) but as time passed by they grew fond of each other and now have started their own family. Holo is an adventurous wolf ever since she was a pup and meeting Fenrir her life just became more exciting.

Rank: Hunter

Picture or description:



Eyes color: Blue

Scars or marks:


Name: Matilda

Nickname or title:

Age: Teen

Gender: Female

Crush: None Yet

Mate: None Yet

Pups: None Yet

Profile: The elder sister of Valentine. She lost her parent after another pack of wolves attacked them, barely escaping they stumbled upon Fenrir who protected them from one of them who was hot on their tail and ever since after that they have always been with him

Rank: Hunter

Picture or description:



Eyes color: Green

Scars or marks: Has a small cut above her right eye


Name: Valentine

Nickname or title:

Age: teen

Gender: Female

Crush: None yet

Mate: None yet

Pups: None yet

Profile: Matilda's younger sister. She was too young to remember her original parents and every time she asks Matilda her only answer is "I don't want to talk about it Valentine" But she has no regrets with the family she has now she just wish she was just a little older than she is now.

Rank: Pup (For now)

Picture or description:


Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color: Green

Scars or marks:




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Name: Fawn

Nickname or title: Fawn

Age: young adult

Gender: female

Crush: updated during rp

Mate: updated during rp

Pups: updated during rp

Profile: Fawn is a mute, but she is a mute by choice so she can speak. The reason she is mute is because she saw her rogue family murdered by humans. Her parents were alphas so she has alpha blood in her veins. She is an amazing fighter. She is a very mysterious she-wolf and doesn't open up to wolves. shes never been able to fit in and has had a hard time with it as well. She acts tough but on the inside she needs a good friend who won't betray her like her others. Shes very abused and afraid but doesn't let it show and does as shes told and does it excellently. She is very loyal and will never, ever betray someone.

Rank: Alpha Guard

Picture or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/e1ddc5335b93035ec9d4b06495fa0fa7.jpg.8f2c142a0cb15bbf32349147930837bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/e1ddc5335b93035ec9d4b06495fa0fa7.jpg.8f2c142a0cb15bbf32349147930837bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail: Eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings. Lots of tribal tattoos.

Eyes color:Ice blue eyes that change from gold to light purple.

Scars or marks: multiple scars over her body. different lengths. Her muzzle has a silver tint along with her paws.

Other: Not like most wolves because of her color changing eyes and piercings along with tattoos.



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Name: Katsuo

Nickname or title: Kat

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine) Young adult

Gender: Male




Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example): I don’t really remember much of my past. I remember a brother and two older male wolves. We seemed to enjoy each other’s company. Then, a loud roar, earth opening up, a sharp pain on the right side of my head, and I woke up by myself. That’s all I could remember, except for my name. I wandered for weeks, trying to find those vague figures. I found this pack instead. I am still wondering where they went, and if they are ok.

Katsuo is thinly built and tall, contributing to the speed that he normally uses. Despite his build, he is stronger than he looks.

Katsuo listens to all the upper ranks have to say, but argues with anyone when he gets bored. This makes him seem as disrespectful or uncaring, but he truly cares, showing through different acts. Otherwise, he is happy and loves picking on younger wolves. He enjoys learning new things and looks up to anyone who is willing to teach him.

Rank: Alpha Guard

Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine):

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add) His whole body is the dark brown, he has no markings.

Eyes color: Green

Scars or marks: Has a scar that curves around his right ear



Xandra (ZAN-drah)

:Nickname or Title:

The Forgotten Hero


Young Adult











Xandra was not always wild and free as she is now. In fact there was once a time when she lived happily along side the human race. Xandra was born in the midst of the war as a cross between a wolf and a Border Collie. This mixed breed gave her the strength and endurance of a wild canine, but also the speed and agility of a dog. As a puppy Xandra was raised within the walls of a military encampment. It was a horrible place to grow up, and as time went on the encampment began to harden her. She learned to shut off her emotions and ignore the pain that she caused others. Her heart was closed off to those around her. Others teased her for being a half-breed, but she made up for it in excelling in nearly everything she did. Xandra became a fierce warrior, with combat skills that exceeded even those of a purebred wolf. There were many who admired her skills, but also many who became overly jealous with her success. Some canines started acting aggressively towards her, lashing out when no human was around. They took it as far as an attempt on her life.

It happened while she was asleep in her kennel. Another dog managed to get out, and in doing so he was able to attack her while she slept. He gained the advantage of surprise and inflicted her with life-threatening wounds. When the battle actually began their shrill cries and howls were enough to draw attention to the kennels. If it hadn't been for the humans she may never have survived that night. The dog left her with a wound that put her back nearly a month in her training, and suddenly she wasn't the best anymore. If anything she started out where she had began, at the bottom. Xandra had to learn how to work around her weakness. She had to learn to make it an advantage, and in time she did. Eventually she made it back to the top, but in the end she gained nothing from it.

The day came when she was sent out on her first mission. She, along with five other dogs, were shipped over seas to the battle field, but never in her entire life had she expected it to be like this. The first three dogs were sent out, leaving her with two others. They watched the three canines race out onto the field with contraptions on their back. Just as in training they ran under the rival tanks on the field and waited for the command to return. Only this time there wasn't going to be a command. Xandra watched on in horror as her friends were slaughtered before her eyes. The contraptions were bombs. The humans had sent them out there so that the bombs on their backs would explode and destroy the tanks, but it was only at the cost of a canine life that they were able to achieve this. It broke her. To watch her kennel-mates die in such a horrible way was devastating. When the humans went to strap the contraption on her back she turned on him, snapping down onto his hand. She used the small opportunity she was given to escape. The dark wolf ran and ran, blinded by the tears of agony. Xandra escaped into the wilderness, where she swore never to trust anyone again.

~Physical Profile~

Being as she is a mix between a domesticated dog and a wolf, Xandra is an extremely fit canine. Muscles like that of a male line her legs and abdomen. Just by looking at her it's easy to tell that Xandra is not the kind of canine to mess with. Her overall feature is beautifully balanced, making her a very attractive female.


Xandra isn't the kind of canine that can be run off or scared easily. She stands up for what she believes in and what she knows is right. Either you get along with her, or you don't. Everyone has their flaws, and she's no exception. Though hers may be greater than those around her. She doesn't like to feel weak, and because of that she refuses to show any emotional attachments. This leads her he become hard and rather cold-hearted. Most don't take the time to understand her or realize that after everything she's been through there is nothing left for her...



:Eyes color:

From a distance they appear to be a blue; a piercing sky blue. But at a closer look you can just see the beautiful turquoise flecks that make her eyes shine.

:Scars or marks:

Down her left side is an ugly scar left there when a male made an attempt on her life. It runs from the top of her left shoulder down to the center of her underbelly.

:Picture or description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Xandra.jpg.82a6143533d9620026e20941eb10b4e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Xandra.jpg.82a6143533d9620026e20941eb10b4e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





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Name: Halvor

Nickname or title: The Blind One

Age: (very)Old Adult


Crush:None at the moment

Mate:None at the moment

Pups:All dead

Profile: Halvor was the pup of a great pack leader, who united many large packs and kept them from fighting eachother. As he grew up he was always a disappointment in his fathers's eyes, for he wasn't fast or strong - he only good instincts. When the time came, however, and his father became too old, Halvor challenged him, as was the custom in the pack. In the fight Halvor suffered a large wound on his left eye, leaving him blind there, but he eventually defeated his father and took his place as the leader. Under his leadership, however, the old packs that were once united by Halvor's father started to wander off, disregarding the authority of their new leader. Halvor used to be very kind and easy going, allowing more freedom than he had to to the other wolves. His softness brought upon the death of his cubs and mate, alongside a full fledged war between the loyalists and the rebel packs, who thought they were better fit to rule. Halvor was on the loosing side, yet his thirst for revenge didn't cloud his judgement. The humans waged their war, and the blind one dragged the rebels into it, using his wits and cunning, and forever proving himself a good leader. But his old good and kind self has been left in the past, for a more ruthless and needlessly cruel Halvor to come out. No one dared to question him. Soon he grew old, and blind, but he held to his strict rules. Eventually, a larger pack of wolves attacked Halvor's pack, and half of the wolves that were supposed to answer to The Blind One deserted, either to leave with their lives or to join the other side. Halvor lost everything- his pride, his pack and most of his health. Although he can still take on any pup stupid enough to challenge him, his days are numbered. He tries to remain kind and good, although he can be angered very quickly.

Rank: Elder

Picture or description:

Eyes color:Used to be blue

Scars or marks:Scar on his left eye




Nickname or title:


Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)










Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example)

Growing up in the pack (Needing a Momma lol) she was an extremely excitable pup, always following in the footsteps of Tessa, the Alpha Healer. She tries to help whenever she can, despite the others urging her to follow her talents as a hunter. She is extremely fast for a pup, and has extremely good eyesight and is fast for kills. She learns tactics and fighting strategies pretty well, and can catch prey before they even smell her. Her healing talents are very strong as well, and she sometimes sneaks and gets supplies for the clan, hiding them in obvious places without anyone knowing.

Even though she is very talented, she's modest and humble as well for a pup. She aspires to be a beta one day, believing Alpha is to big of a job. She cares for everyone in the pack and sneaks to listen to strategies as well, deeming her a slight trouble maker.



Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)

as of now


When she grows up


Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

She is quite small as a pup, but is pretty tall when fully grown

Eyes color:

Deep Brown, nearly Black

Scars or marks:



None :)

Aside from needing a momma in this RP

Name: North

Nickname or title: Snowball, Ice, Mountain tail, Mama (Foalan mainly)

Age: Young adult

Gender: Male

Crush: None yet

Mate: None yet

Pups: Foalan (Adopted)

History: North had been a rogue for as long as he could remember. His mother had abandoned him, as ordered by her alpha, because he was the runt of the litter and was said he wouldn't live through the harsh winter of the north mountains. Somehow, he beat those odds and managed to worm his way into a hibernating bear's cave. He stayed, feeding off of the females milk for as long as he could before living in the mountains for a bit longer, realizing that this was not the life for him like it was for his old pack he began moving on toward the forest. It took many days and along the way he found a small pup, barely a week old and just managing to survive. Seeing himself in the pup, he quickly moved them toward the local pack and asked for help as the pup was in need of nurishment. After a period of taking what ever orders he was given, aside from leaving the pup for too long, North was eventually allowed into the pack.

Personality: North is a rather compassionate wolf, a surprise considering his less than perfect life in the mountains. He is a bit of a loner due to his status within the pack but he doesn't like to let it show, so he usually puts on a fake 'smile' that does not reach his eyes. North is very protective of Pups due to what happened to him as a pup, he is willing to sacrifice himself for any of the pups and will never regret doing so because every pup should be given a chance to grow and become the best that they can be. However, North his also very argumenative, a habit formed from a lack of communication, and will fight his points until they are heard and acknowleged.

Rank: Omega

Picture or description:

Detail: Rediculously thick, pure white fur, perfect for winter but makes him quite lazy in the summer.

Eyes color: Golden Amber

Scars or marks: a few scars on his side and one under his muzzle, just above his neck.

Other: Has no problem adopting more pups.

Name: Foalan

Nickname or title: Sunspot, Pup, kit, little one(North mainly)

Age: Pup

Gender: Male

Crush: none

Mate: none

Pups: none

History: Born into a small rogue pack in the forest, Foalan was abandoned my his alpha after his mother was killed by him for insubordination. The small pup had kept thinking that his alpha would return for him, that he was just scaring him into learning a lesson. It was only after three days had passee that he gave up that hope and began crying loudly. It was only hours later that the ghost of his mother appeared, wrapping him up in 'her' large paws and gently growled a low "Shh, Little one. everything will be alright now. I've got you." in a small bout of hysteria, the white pup couldn't hold back his loup yip of "Mama!!" as he nuzzled into North's stomache. Soon after, he was being taken care of my the female members of another pack, his 'Mama' never too far away, if 'she' ever was, he would cry loudly until 'she' retuned.

Personality: Foalan is a little emotionally broken, having lost his mother at such a young age, however he copes by considering North his 'Mama' despite knowing that the older wolf is a male. Aside from his rather fragile emotional state, Foalan is extremely clingy to North and the females of the pack, never really letting himself trust other males, especially the Alpha. Foal is also a very energetic and curious pup, often sticking his muzzle where it doesn't belong and is quickly and fairly repremanded if not my other members, then certainly by North.

Rank: Pup

Picture or description:

Detail: Has some blackening spots near the tips of his tail and ears as well as by his left eye.

Eyes color: Dark brown.

Scars or marks: none as of yet.

Other: Thinks North looks like his mother, and could possibly be her twin.
Name: Hokulani

Nickname or title: Lani or Lilly

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine) Young Adult

Gender Female

Crush: No one yet

Mate: no one

Pups: has none

Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example) She is quiet, but she is a good hunter. She seems perpetually sad, but no one knows why. Before she was with the pack, she lived alone with her brother Tiviel. He was killed in a grizzly bear attack, and Hokulani was mortally wounded. Luckily, an elderly wolf named Zaikir found her and healed her. Hokulani treated Zaikir as a father, but Zaikir was old and soon he died peacefully in his sleep. Hokulani lived on her own until the pack found her. Her favorite time of day is midnight.


Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_14-37-55.png.91f0a126e87e1804255438b869e4eaec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_14-37-55.png.91f0a126e87e1804255438b869e4eaec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color:
ice blue

Scars or marks: Little spiral patterns on fur near haunches and on stomach and tail

Other: Hokulani loves water, snow, and ice. She hates the underground, and is afraid of rockslides or cave-ins. She loves the mountains, and hates to be out in the open. Hokulani tends to want to be hidden. When she lies, she scrunches up her nose a little.



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Name: Willow

Nickname or title: Willow

Age: young adult

Gender: Female

Crush: Takers?

Mate: Takers?

Pups: N/A

Profile: My character Willow was born in a enclosed space due to the fact her mother was unhealthy and was terribly injured. The people managed to care for her and her mother for a total of 1 year (in dog years) before her mother died and she was released, healthy. She was determined to locate her father after giving up after a few weeks, soon finding (the pack?)

Rank: Hunter?

Picture or description:

Detail: completely black muzzle and left ear, grey nose not black

Eyes color: Icy Blue eyes

Scars or marks: A cut going over her muzzle near her nose

Other: she is outgoing, and trusts anything easily like human and other wolves 
Name: Willow

Nickname or title: Willow

Age: young adult

Gender: Female

Crush: Takers?

Mate: Takers?

Pups: N/A

Profile: My character Willow was born in a enclosed space due to the fact her mother was unhealthy and was terribly injured. The people managed to care for her and her mother for a total of 1 year (in dog years) before her mother died and she was released, healthy. She was determined to locate her father after giving up after a few weeks, soon finding (the pack?)

Rank: Hunter?

Picture or description:

Detail: completely black muzzle and left ear, grey nose not black

Eyes color: Icy Blue eyes

Scars or marks: A cut going over her muzzle near her nose

Other: she is outgoing, and trusts anything easily like human and other wolves
Name: Snowheart

Nickname or title: Snowy

Age: 2 years (Adult)

Gender: Female

Crush: none yet

Mate: none, but looking for one

Pups: none

Profile: Personality: Snowheart is a kind hearted wolf who will always stick up for her friends. Her nickname Snowy doesn't come from nowhere, she loves snow! She is also a great huntress. History: She cannot remember her past. Physical status: Snowy is strong, fast and agile,

Rank: Hunter

Picture or description:


Eyes color: Bright blue

Scars or marks: None

Other: nope

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