Forced to Write Posts


Just created an account and apparently I cannot post any links until I have a certain amount of i'm basically writing meaningless posts. please ignore
I just don't like being forced to write things lol. I just wanted to jump right into things without having to be restricted access because of lack of posts.
Well it's restricted so people don't make a bunch of spam accounts

It's annoying, but it's not really all that bad
Hello Tiana, and welcome to RpNation!

The 24 hours/10 post rule was one we found to be most effective at weeding out accounts that are created only for the purpose of promoting products (spam). It is usually within that first ten post and 24 hours that a spam account is most active, the person or bot program creating the account usually only posts a handful of times within that first day before moving on to other sites and forums.

This said, for a dedicated and interested new user, ten posts is hardly a barrier. Many post in the Introductions forum, as I see you have, introducing themselves and their interests, as well as posting in the three Interest Checks and Looking for Partners forums. There is no barrier to 'jumping right in', either. The only restrictions a new member faces are as follows:

  • Starting new conversations (also referred to as Private Messages within other forum systems. New users will be able to receive and respond to conversations started by other users.)
  • Setting a Signature
  • Making Status Messages
  • Sending messages on other user's profiles
  • Gaining access to the RpN Teamspeak Server

Source: New Accounts - 10 Post / 24 Hour Rule | - Best Roleplay Forum

What sort of links are you trying to post, might I ask? We do limit the posting of links, since that is the primary avenue of spam accounts for promoting their products. If you are trying to display images, you can always upload them to RpNation's server and embed them in your posts, which would remove one potential stumbling block for you.

Captain Hesperus
thanks for the information. I was concerned about the restrictions, but you've cleared that up for me. I just wanted to make sure it would be alright if I jumped into creating a RP. I don't think I plan on posting any links anytime soon or even at all. I am spending most of my time trying to figure out how the site works and have spent the past hour or so reading up on helpful tutorials in the forums section. All I want to do is create a one-on-one RP with two close buddies of mine, and I am currently trying to study these BBcodes in order to figure out how to utilize them properly in order to make a very organized, detailed, clean/concise, and visually appealing RP. Sorry if I'm ranting it's just that for quite some time my friends and I just RP in One Drive or Google Drive where we can create documents, tabs, slide shows, vids, character sheets, and so on without codes, but a buddy of ours suggested I create an RP on this site and I'm just trying to figure out how all of this works.

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