Forbidden Love RP


Senior Member



How complicated can love gets

Well ...

Let’s find out

You can here role-play all kinds of love scenarios, you just have to fill out in the character sheet which one you would like:

- Teacher x Student

In this role-play: It will take place at a high school. The Student will be new to the town. The Student will fall in love with the teacher and try to catch the teachers attention. The Student MOST have a talent that can make the teacher more interested in them, and they MOST be a mature character and not a timid one.

The teacher is preferred to be on the young side (21-30) and doesn’t have to like the relationship at first, but should definitely be attracted to the student.


Teacher - xxDragonEater95xx

Student -

- Boy x Boy (wether this one takes place in high school or College is optional)

In this role-play: Boy 1 is completely assured of his sexuality, and he is currently on the drama team in school. He is a very popular person, who is very good looking. Everybody likes him, but he is also a bit stuck up and thinks very highly of himself - he doesn’t have to be a bad person though, that is up to you.

Boy 2 is just getting out of the closet and nobody knows about it yet. He is in a very religious family, and therefore he definitely don’t want to come out yet.

The two meet at a party where both of them is drunk and goes with the flow.


- Boy 1

- Boy 2

- Girl x Girl (THIS RP IS FULL)

In this role-play: Girl 1 will be on vacation with her family, there are staying in a small cabin at a resort. Girl 1 has a boyfriend at home that she never have really been attracted to.

Girl 2 is working in an ice cream stall down by the beach and is very beautiful. All the guys always flirt with her.

The two meet a day when Girl 1 has gone to the beach, and get’s hit on by a guy, but Girl 2 fends him off. After that they become close friends and romance unfolds. True summer love.


- Girl 1: Coko_Bacon

- Girl 2: KaiaWolf

- Girl x Boy (THIS RP IS FULL)

In this role-play: The boy and girl HATES each other. They comes from two totally different ‘cliches’, the boy being a jock, and the girl being a “nerd” who hates his guts. They have always disliked each other. The only problem is that they are neighbors and their parents absolutely loves each other.

What will happen when they need to go on vacation together and have to live in the same hotel room, because it was “cheaper”. (their parents are totally trying to match make them).


- Boy: Jhames Lloys

- Girl: Mikkelle Sting

(in this you might want to agree who plays parents.)

- Angel x Human (THIS RP IS FULL)

In this role-play: The angel is a new recruit who has gotten his/her first assignment to watch over a human as a guardian angel.

The Human is a very clumsy and very unlucky individual with the heart in the right place.

They met, because the angel for years have started to fall in love with the human, and decides to show themselves to him/her. However, the angel can not reveal who they are, or they will be banished from heaven.


- Angel: Wolf Wolf

- Human: Scottish Cupcake



  1. All the rules that normally apply to a role-play
  2. You most write your roleplaying in your assigned color (so role-plays doesn’t get confused)
  3. Have fun
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((I don't know what my role play partner's timezone is but I'll just wait after this post.

@Scottish Cupcake ))

Maxen sighed as he leaned against the lamp post. It was a weekend, and he had nothing to do. He was too lazy to watch over the human he was assigned to. Yes, he said lazy. Everyone can be lazy! Anyone, anywhere. Anyway, he decided to go and visit the coffee shop he just found yesterday. If it was there the entire time he started watching over the human, he didn't notice it. He must be going blind! Wait... can an Angel even be blind? He had no idea. He was new to this assignment thing. He opened the door to his red Ferrari CascoRosso and stepped in. "Alright... To the coffee shop!" he exclaimed as he closed the door and started up his car. He heard the usual 'vroom' when it starts up and laid back against the driver's seat.

Maxen wasn't to buckle his seat belt because that's a little
too safe. In the movies, he saw some guy's seat belt cut him in half, and Maxen didn't want that to happen to him. He did the required stuff, excluding buckling the seat belt, to be able to drive safely and then stepped on the pedal. He was immediately pushed backward and he slowed down a bit until he reached the coffee shop. He parked his car, and once he stepped out, all the people around him looked at him, as if saying, "Whoa that dude is rich!" Maxen appreciated their unsaid comments, whatever they were, and stepped in the shop. He was greeted with the scent of coffee, and he grinned.

He wasn't going to buy coffee, that's for sure. He was going to buy a Frappuccino. Cappuccino. Whatever you call it. He looked around, and noticed that some girls were checking him out. I knew I should not have worn these shades. he thought to himself.


"Hey mom where's James and Jason?" Dallas moaned as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Her mother turned away from washing the dishes and looked at her "They already went to work," she replied

turning back to the dishes. "Th-They what?! They already went to work why didn't they wake me up?!" Dallas

shouted running back up stairs she grabbed a white t-shirt and grabbed a pair of jeans. She

quickly slipped them on a long with a pair of black sneakers. She rushed back down stairs and snatched her

apron from the coat rack causing it to fall over. " Dallas what did you just knock over?"

her mom shouted as she opened the door " Sorry mom I'll make it up to you later!" she shouted back

as she ran out the door and began running because her brothers already took the car.

Dallas quickly ran down the side walk and apologized as she ran into various people. She turned

a corner leading into an alleyway that was behind the coffee shop and quickly opening the back

door to the coffee shop. The sudden gust of wind grabbed the attention of Jason who was

pouring milk into a blender." Dallas you're late," Jason said with a cheeky grin on his face

" Yeah and it's all you're fault Jason," Jason began laughing as Dallas

slipped her apron over
her head before clocking in." It's not funny Jason,"

she said walking out of the kitchen
and into the front of the coffee shop.

She saw James taking orders and huffed she walked

over to him as he finished the order he was taking and tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around and saw her standing with a fake smile on her face "I'll take

over James go help Jason in the kitchen," James smiled gladly giving her the

notepad and walking back into the kitchen. Dallas watched and sighed " I hate fake

smiles," she said as she walked up to a group of girls who were staring at a guy who

had just walked in." Hello can I take your orders," she said politely awaiting their response.

((Sorry it took so long
@Wolf Wolf ))

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Emerald walked on the beach in her black two piece with her sister, Jade. They sat on an rainbow towel, shaded by a blue and white umbrella. The seagulls kawed over the shore and people traversed all over the sand. Emerald snuggled close to Jade, her beloved sister. Her sister who meant everything to her. Jade snuggled back. She looked at Emerald and asked, "You want something to drink?" Emerald smiled back and answered, "Yes, please..." Jade nodded and walked to a snack bar to order some water. Emerald looked at her, envying her figure. A guy walked up to Emerald, muscular and head held high. He seemed to be checking emerald out. She noticed immediately and covered her breasts with her arms. "M-may I help you?" The guy smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, actually. How 'bout you come to my place?" Emerald shook her head and leaned away. "No thank you..." The perverted man smiled and leaned over. "At least remove your arms from your chest and let me have a peak." She scooted back. "Please go away..."

(@KaiaWolf reply please)
Eren sighed. Work was slow today, and sitting in the blazing sun for hours made her want to pass out. "Why do I have to be here today..." She mumbled, her face flat on the counter.

"Please go away..." Someone nearby said, and Eren peeled her face off the counter and looked over to see a girl around her age had been cornered by one of the many beach bums that prowled the sand, looking for helpless targets such as he had now. Growling under her breath, she exited the stall and walked towards them.

"Why don't you go find find someone who isn't 10 years younger than you." She said, stopping near the man and glaring at him. He was muscled, but Eren knew she could take him. Years of wrestling and fighting with her brothers helped her figure out easy ways to take guys down. Being athletic helped too.

Her mind was yelling at her to run away, her fight-or-flight reflex kicking in, but she stayed. Eren had never been one to let people get prayed on by these guys.

@Coko_Bacon )
"Why don't you go find find someone who isn't 10 years younger than you." Emerald and the man turned to a beautiful woman. Her hair about as red as her anger. Emerald sat there, jaw dropped, and the man gave a sneer before walking away. Emerald stared admirably of the girls spunk, and body. Emerald's face turned crimson, and not from the sun. Her voice, trembling from due to the woman's beauty. "Th-thank you..." Jade finally showed up, being the fashionably late heroine like always. She gave water to Emerald, who was still furiously blushing. Jade smiled at the newcomer and asked, "Is this you new friend, Emerald? What's her name?" Emerald nodded and repeated, "What's you're name?"

@KaiaWolf )
Eren looked up from shaking her head at the retreating man. "Huh? Oh, no problem." She smiled. "My name's Eren." She blew a piece of rogue red hair from her eyes. "Your name is Emerald, yes? And who might you be?" She turned her head to look at the new girl who obviously knew Emerald. Maybe her sister? She could see the resemblance.

Fiddling with the pendant that hung from a chain off her neck, a simple bronze key, Eren watched the girl's face flush. Probably the sun. "You okay? You're really red." She asked, worried the girl had gotten heatstroke or something to that affect.

"Want some ice-cream or something?" She flicked a thumb towards the stall where she worked.

@Coko_Bacon )
Jade gestured to herself. "Name's Jade, and I'm Emeralds sister." Emerald started shaking, and her blush stayed. Her heart raced as she thought, Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Hot person. Asking me. To spend time with her. ME! A nobody!! She quickly drank her water, as if it would cool her down. Instead of freaking out. He took a deep breath and replied with a still trembling voice. "One, n-nice to meet you, Eren. T-two, I-I'm fine. Three..." Emerald cupped her face gently, trying not to faint. "...yes...I would like some ice cream." She stood up smoothly, admiring Eren's figure once more.

@KaiaWolf )

((No problem,

@Scottish Cupcake ))
Maxen looked at the girl who had asked the girls which were staring at him what their orders were and nearly choked on thin air. The girl was the human he was supposed to watch over. Well, it looks like I don't need to find her anymore. She's already here. he thought to himself. He listened to what the girls were saying, and tried his best to keep a straight face.

"I would like that hunk over there."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I'm going to ask him out!"

"What?! No! He's mine!"

Maxen sighed as the girls started fighting one another. He decided to have a little chat with the human, Dallas. He walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder, "Excuse me miss, it seems that they are... not ready to order yet. May you take my order?" he asked Dallas. "Did that sound rude? Because it did, to me." he added. After that, he shoved his hands into his pants' pockets and awaited her response. He wasn't forcing her, it's her choice if she wanted to take his order. And he also hoped that she wouldn't take his order just because of his looks. It's wrong to judge a book by its cover.


Dallas stood next to the group of girls awaiting there order when they all yelled

one after another. Dallas sighed and bit on the end of her pen pondering

what she could do to make them simmer down.
Is it going to be like this all morning.

She thought getting a bit irritated with the yelling. She shook her head

before feeling someone tap on her shoulder she quickly spun around when the

person who tapped her said "
Excuse me miss, it seems that they are... not ready to

order yet. May you take my order?" He simply asked her before adding " Did that

sound rude? Because it did to me."

He pushed his hands into his pockets.

Dallas blinked a few times before smiling and replying to his comment " No it

wasn't rude at all. Yes I'd be pleased to take your order," she said looking

down at the notepad before clicking the end of the pen awaiting his order.

@Wolf Wolf ))

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Maxen sighed in relief when she said it wasn't rude before grinning. "Could I have a frappuccino? Cappuccino. Whatever you call it." he said, fumbling with his words. He wasn't used with buying at a coffee shop, so he was new to this. Oh wait, the frappuccino is from a place called Starbucks... he thought to himself. He saw a poster with the title "Starbucks" in it. He never really tried going there, since this was the nearest coffee shop in town near his place. Speaking of his place, he forgot to check the calendar. He didn't know what day it was today, so, he thought of asking Dallas what today was.

"Also, miss, what date is it today?" he asked Dallas. He called her 'miss' because she might call him creepy when he called her by her name. Plus, he wasn't allowed to tell her she was an angel, so how was he supposed to explain how he knew her name? He then brought out his wallet to get ready to pay for his order.


Dallas tried to hold her pen in place as she waited but she couldn't stop

shaking. She didn't know why she was shaking but there was probably a stupid

reason why."
Could I have a frappucino? Cappuccino. Whatever you call it." She wrote down his

order as he said it and smiled thankful she
got it down without dropping the pen.

She ripped the sheet off and put her pen in her back pocket. She was about walk to the back

to go give the
order to her brothers when he asked " Also, miss, what date is it today?"

before bringing out his wallet to pay. I almost forgot about the money. I hate my short attention

span. Dallas smiled again and replied "Sorry I don't but we do have a calender on the wall

over there. My brother marks it off every day so it should be easy to find todays date. Oh and the

will be $4.56," she said pointing to the calender on the wall by the


Maxen nodded and held his hand out with the said amount of money to Dallas while squinting his eyes at the calendar, trying to read it properly. Hmm... It's Friday today? Wow, time flies fast. he thought to himself as he looked back at Dallas once again, waiting for her to take the money. He didn't know that she had a short attention span despite him being her guardian angel. Maxen then mentally face palmed. I can't believe I have to ask her name even though I already know it. he thought. Since he already showed himself to her, he had planned to confess. But, there's a huge problem. If he reveals himself as an angel, he would be banished from Heaven.

Maxen looked at the girls who were staring at him earlier and sighed when he saw them still arguing on who would take him. Too bad that he was soon to be taken, though. Taken by a certain someone...


Dallas stood there waiting for the man to give her the money when she

completely spaced.
Why am I shaking? Why do I get a bad feeling

talking to this guy? Why do I feel awkward when he calls me "miss"?

Why am I asking myself questions? Wasn't I supposed to do something?

Dallas shook her head trying to push all of her questions to the back of her

head. She looked back to the man who was holding out the money and

completely flushed." S-Sorry I spaced. You see I have a short attention

span and I get so easily distracted by my thoughts." she said grabbing the

money trying not to drop it as she rushed back to the kitchen with her face

slightly red." Your drink will be ready soon sir," she shouted before

walking into the kitchen.

James saw her panicked state and walked up to her " Dallas are you

okay you're shaking," he said grabbing her shoulder." Y-yeah I'm

fine. Jason I need one cappuccino and I mean one!" she said before leaning

on the counter.
Come on Dallas stop shaking stop shaking. She thought

trying to give herself a pep talk before heading back out. Dallas took

a deep breath before she was standing in front of him again.

Why am I shaking?


((Sorry for the short reply, I'm currently working on two things at the same time.))

S-sorry I spaced. You see I have a short attention span and I get so easily distracted by my thoughts." Maxen heard her say. He nodded in understanding and watched as she took the money then ran towards the kitchen. "Your drink will be ready soon sir," Maxen nodded silently to what she said and waited patiently. After a while, he saw her walk out and was standing in front of him once more. He noticed that she was shaking and he gently put a hand on her shoulder. "Miss, are you alright?" he asked Dallas worriedly. First time showing myself to her and something bad happens, just great. he thought to himself, mentally sighing again.


((It's okay I understand. Sorry about making mine short too.))

Dallas was still shaking uncontrollably when she felt a hand being placed on

her shoulder."
Miss are you alright?" she heard the man speak again and

she took a deep breathe and clenched her hands into fists. She looked up at the

man and smiled "Y-Yeah I-I'm fine," she said looking at the ground and then

back up at the young male "Excuse me sir but uh may I ask w-what your name

might be," she said trying to push the shaking problem away for now.

God please don't notice that I'm trying to change the subject. Please. Please.

Please! She thought awaiting his response.


Maxen could've sworn he heard a very faint voice saying something about not noticing something. "Y-Yeah I-I'm fine," he heard her say. He watched as she looked down then back to him. "Excuse me sir but uh may I ask w-what your name might be?" Maxen inwardly smiled. "Maxen. Maxen Kazama. And you, miss, are?" he said, his hand still on her shoulder, but not noticing it. Then, he heard whispering. He looked behind him to see the girls talking to one another in hushed tones, but he could hear them perfectly.

"Oh my God, did you see that?" "Totally! Why would he go after that girl?"

"I agree one hundred percent, girls." "Come on, let's try to get his attention."

"Yeah right, I'm pretty sure I already have his attention. He's just waiting for her to go away."

"Stacy, shut up. We all know that he already fell in love with me." "Oh my God, I can't believe you girls! He's mine!"

Maxen rolled his eyes at them and returned his attention to Dallas.


Dallas looked at the man who was now smiling at her " Maxen. Maxen Kazama. And you, miss, are?"

Dallas began hearing whispers but couldn't make out what the voices and decided to ignore it she smiled at

him " I'm Dallas Jones sir - I mean Maxen," she said tucking a strand of hair
behind her ear.

She shook her head a took another deep breath remembering his drink." Oh uh your cappuccino is

probably ready. I'll go get it be right back," she said feeling as if they stood there for hours. Dallas began to

slowly walk to the kitchen.

Dallas walked into the kitchen only to be startled by Jason "Why was his hand on your shoulder?" he asked causing Dallas

to jump and stumble back a little bit." Is Maxen's drink ready yet?" Dallas asked regaining her balance " Maxen? Who's Maxen?

You know what never mind now answer my question. Why was his hand on your shoulder?" Dallas rolled her eye's "Maxen

was the guy who's hand was on my shoulder and he was just asking if I was okay. Why does it matter?" Jason brushed his

bangs out of his face." Because you're my baby sister. I don't want you getting hurt," he said looking at the ground.

Dallas sighed " Jason that's exactly why you don't need to worry," she said giving him a slight punch to the arm. He

put on a fake smile as he gave her Maxen's cappuccino. " Thanks bro I'll go give it to him," she said walking

out of the kitchen and back to Maxen." Here you go sorry it took so long," she said holding out the cup for him.


"I'm Dallas Jones sir - I mean Maxen," Maxen heard her say. Step one, knowing her name, check. he thought to himself. "Dallas, huh? I like it. It's a nice name." he commented. "Oh, uh, your cappuccino is probably ready. I'll go get it, be right back." He watched her walk back to the kitchen, leaving Maxen alone again. Well, not exactly alone. There were the girls behind him and a bunch of other people whom he doesn't know. He looked at his watch and whistled quietly. He couldn't do anything, well, anything involving the human he was watching over, Dallas Jones. After a while, she came back with his order, a cappuccino. "Here you go, sorry it took so long."

Maxen shook his head, smiling slightly, "
No, don't worry, it's fine, it's fine." he told her as he took the cup from her and sat on a nearby chair, which was by the glass, showing him the view of the city, with people walking by here and there. "Say," he said, taking a sip from his drink, "Would you like to hang out some time? Of course, only if you are willing to. I'm not forcing you." He put on a friendly smile as he said this. Well that was straight forward. he thought to himself as he took another sip from his cup. He meant what he said about not forcing her. His Teacher gave him free will to do anything, and he was going to pass that gift on to people he will meet. Right now, he was passing that gift on to Dallas Jones.

“Ok, shirts, shorts, flip-flops, hygiene, undergarments, I think that's everything. Why are you sending me on the vacation again? I thought you had refused to let me go to Florida cause it was 'out of my price range'.” Addy said looking at her mom suspiciously. “Oh, well things changed. You see my boyfriend and I need some alone time, and we thought this would be a good time for you to go on vacation, like you wanted.” Addy raised her eyebrows. “Alright then, I guess I can accept that answer. Anything else crucial I need to know?” her mother smiled. “I almost forgot. Your going to be bunking with one of your classmates there. It was a very good price, so that's what we got.” Addy looked back up at her mom, her eyes wide. “Mom, your not trying to set me up with some guy are you? I thought we already went over this!” her mother patted her on the head. “Now, honey, why would you ever think such a thing. It's just one of your nice little friends. I'm sure you'll both have a great time. Now off you go!” her mother said hurrying her into her car. Addy sighed. “This is going to be a long vacation.”

Jhames Lloyd)
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Eren felt the girl's eyes on her, and tried not to think about it. She'd never been one to care about how she looked or about her body, but she imagined what with being so athletic she didn't look half bad.

"Well come on then. It's been a slow day anyway." She said, motioning for Emerald and Jade to follow. Slipping behind the counter, she asked the usual "What would you like?" and waited for a response.

She's so shy... Shyer than me even, though I've gotten used to people at the beach. Maybe they're on vacation here or something? Eren thought, her fingers back at the key around her neck.

@Coko_Bacon Sorry for the late reply, I got an awful headache yesterday and couldn't even look at a screen without dying)
Emerald's blush lightened, but she still couldn't speak. Jade smirked and replied, "You work here?" She stared at the menu, and stroked her chin a thinking manner. "Now what do I want?" Emerald still couldn't speak, so Jade ordered for her. Thank god she knew Emerald so well. Jade gestured to Emerald. "She'll have a cookie dough and cake batter on a cone please. As for me...." She chuckled for reasons unknown. "I'll have the same thing." Emerald looked at the key Eren was touching. After admiring Eren's figure again, she asked, "Is that for the store?" Jade turned to Emerald and smiled. "Oh hey. You can talk." Emerald smiled and punched her sister playfully. "Shaddup..."

@KaiaWolf It's fine. I understand.)
Eren looked up again at Jade's question. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I work here every summer." She listened to their orders, and proceeded to scoop out the ice-cream into cones, handing them to the sisters. "Is that for the store?" Jade had asked, making Eren's fingers go instinctively up to the key again. "This? No. It unlocks something secret." She said, smiling evilly. "Plus I love keys in general. Always have. I have a key ring at home too, some of them unlock things, some of them are just for show." She shrugged. Eren had always had weird hobbies and collections of things, keys for one. Tons of boxes littered her room, filled with random assortments of things.

"So what are you two doing here? I haven't seen you before. You on vacation or something?" Eren asked. She knew most people in the area, or at least knew of them. Never was one for large groups of loud people.

@Coko_Bacon )
Emerald nodded in confirmation. "Vacation for two weeks." Jade looked at the ocean and added, "It took a long time to raise the money for this vacation, and now we're here." Jade licked her ice cream, and Emerald stared at hers for a minute. Emerald's eyes grew wider and wider as she thought, Eren's really attractive. I wonder what she thinks about me? Does she think I'm attractive? What if she doesn't? What if she thinks I'm ugly, or something? Well, she likes me enough to offer us ice cream. Jade snapped her fingers to get Emerald's attention. She smirked and informed Emerald, "Hey. Believe it or not, ice cream melts." Emerald snapped out of her trans, and blushed as licked her ice cream. Jade reached into her purse and looked at Eren. "Speaking of ice cream, how much did it cost?" Emeral glanced at Jade, but stared at Eren, admiring her figure again. She looked back at her ice cream took another lick.

@KaiaWolf )
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“Ok, shirts, shorts, flip-flops, hygiene, undergarments, I think that's everything. Why are you sending me on the vacation again? I thought you had refused to let me go to Florida cause it was 'out of my price range'.” Addy said looking at her mom suspiciously. “Oh, well things changed. You see my boyfriend and I need some alone time, and we thought this would be a good time for you to go on vacation, like you wanted.” Addy raised her eyebrows. “Alright then, I guess I can accept that answer. Anything else crucial I need to know?” her mother smiled. “I almost forgot. Your going to be bunking with one of your classmates there. It was a very good price, so that's what we got.” Addy looked back up at her mom, her eyes wide. “Mom, your not trying to set me up with some guy are you? I thought we already went over this!” her mother patted her on the head. “Now, honey, why would you ever think such a thing. It's just one of your nice little friends. I'm sure you'll both have a great time. Now off you go!” her mother said hurrying her into her car. Addy sighed. “This is going to be a long vacation.”

Jhames Lloyd)

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