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Multiple Settings Forbidden Love among the Monsters | MxF roleplay partner search


New Member
Hey everyone!

It's nice to meet you all, my name is Iv0ryx and I've recently gotten back onto this platform to start roleplaying again. I enjoying writing compelling a nd complex stories with my partner, taking time to flesh out each part of the story either in advance or as we go along. I've been roleplaying for about 7-8years so far, enjoying each story I get to be apart of.


-I am pretty well literate, able to write anywhere from 2-5 large paragraphs depending on the action in the scene or the description required.
-I prefer MxF pairings, I have nothing's against others it's just my preference.
-I work full time but will try and respond at least once a day, otherwise I will let you know if I'm busy.
-I love complex characters and plot that adds flare and drama, especially the type that has your character changing.
-I am pretty easy going with themes and what goes on inside the story, just let me know your boundaries beforehand.
-I like to try and flesh out as plot as possible in advance, especially the starting with you.


-Someone who can write 2-5 paragraphs, I don't do one liners with minimal description.
-Must be over 18, I don't really feel comfortable roleplaying with someone under 18.
-Be able to help plan out the story and come up with ideas with me. I like hearing your ideas.
-Talk to me if you don't like an idea or something that is going on, or you want to change it in a new direction. I can't fix what I don't know.


-Monster x Hunter
-Royalty x Knight/Commoner
-Demon x Human
-Vampire x Werewolf
-Hunter x Vampire/Werewolf/Witch
-Supernatural x Supernatural
-Supernatural x Human

-Forbidden Love
-Arranged marriage
-Science experiments
-Enemies to lovers

Thanks for having a read, please don't hesitate to PM or comment underneath if you're interested :)
Hello how are you?
It's a pleasure to meet you 🤝 😊 ☺️ ❤️ 💕
Not sure if I am famous over here yet lol but I am an advanced lit aka novella aka novel aka story rper who has a massive story I am always developing
- developing characters
- developing character romances
- developing custom races
- Developing custom race languages
- developing factions
- developing planets
- developing villain factions
- developing unique plots

And our setting takes a lot of inspiration from DnD..

The only thing I'd say is our word limit is a MINIMUM of three paragraphs so it's like 3+ paragraphs

I had one script rper try to justify and excuse why he wants to write short replies and he explained using only one character for his reply and that anything longer would be impossible

And I explained to him no not really. In one of my recent rps I am using 8 characters and that's one of my smaller short replies. Well short to me because again I practically write books lol

Anyways if I have caught your interest and attention I'd love to talk more 😀😃
Hello how are you?
It's a pleasure to meet you 🤝 😊 ☺️ ❤️ 💕
Not sure if I am famous over here yet lol but I am an advanced lit aka novella aka novel aka story rper who has a massive story I am always developing
- developing characters
- developing character romances
- developing custom races
- Developing custom race languages
- developing factions
- developing planets
- developing villain factions
- developing unique plots

And our setting takes a lot of inspiration from DnD..

The only thing I'd say is our word limit is a MINIMUM of three paragraphs so it's like 3+ paragraphs

I had one script rper try to justify and excuse why he wants to write short replies and he explained using only one character for his reply and that anything longer would be impossible

And I explained to him no not really. In one of my recent rps I am using 8 characters and that's one of my smaller short replies. Well short to me because again I practically write books lol

Anyways if I have caught your interest and attention I'd love to talk more 😀😃
Yeah, awesome!

Send through a DM, I'd love to talk more :)

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