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Fantasy Forbidden Academy {Interest Check}


Elder Member
Okay. So i had this Idea for a possible story, but decided I didn`t want to write it on my own. Soo, I was wondering if y`all would be interested in this idea, and if ya are, I`ll make a roleplay for it. Here goes:

One Halloween, you and a group of elven other kids were out trick or treating. You go to what is said to be the spookiest house on the block, and knock on the door. The door opens, no one is on the other side so the twelve of you enter. Mostly, you are traveling down a straight hallway, the doors and hallways leading off all blocked in some way, which turns once and only once. Soon after the only turn, you come to a door and cautiously open it, all of the group filing in through th doorway. Going farther in, you come to a set of stairs, and talk, arguing about weather to go down or not. You all decide to go down, curious about what is below. At the bottom, you come into a basement, a curtain going across the room in front of you. Once you all reached the bottom, an audible slam is heard, proving, stating you are all trapped inside. A man, short and creepy looking, pushed through the curtain. "Hello Children. It seems you have discovered the way to me. Are you ready for the scaring of your lifetime?" The man asks, a wickedly creepy grin upon his face. Half of your group shakes their head yes, the other half doesn`t move. "That`s what I like to see. Come, children. Come." The man said, pushing the curtain aside and motioning the group through.

The twelve of you go through the gap in the curtain, most of you gasping at what was on the other side, a few screaming. Surrounding you are head of witches, dead bodies, vampires, werewolves, and many other typical scares. But those weren`t what scared you. It was a circle, more of a mirror shape, that was floating in the air at the end of the room. A face of a witch is on the green floating mirror. You would think it is a mirror, if the surface of the green wasn`t moving, rippling like water, radiating from the center. The man beings herding you all towards the circle, the vampires and werewolves helping. One by one, you were pushed into the circle, disappearing as you went in. After disappearing, you got the dizzying sense of falling, nothing but blackness surrounding you. Then, you seemed to hit ground, something pulling you up and sideways. You see the rest of your group following, or if you were in the middle, members of your group being held by werewolves.

You can hear laughing, beginning just as the last person arrives. "Welcome. Welcome." A female voice says, and you see the source. A lady, more like a vampire, walked from the shadows, wearing a black dress, a redened crown on top of her head. "You are now at Crow`s Ridge Academy, the Forbidden Academy. You are not on your own planet. You have been transfered to a world of what you would call Monsters. I am Queen Galoia. I suggest you take a look at yourselves now." She finished, snapping her fingers and the werewolves released the group. You all look down, gasping, screaming, or downright fainting at what you find. You all have been turned into monsters.

Long entry, yes, but it explains most of the idea. There may be spelling mistakes, that son me. Sorry. So, this is going to be an rp for 11 people, as there are twelve people in this group. I will be one of them, leaving 11 spots open. If you like the idea, let me know an reserve a spot if you want to be a part of it. The character details would be explained if this becomes an rp.

Thanks for taking time to look at this, even if you don`t like the idea.
For a monster, do we pick specific ones or can we choose our own?

Edit: Nevermind xD

Interesting idea btw, hehe.
@Ratchet It`ll be a limit to the types o monsters you can choose, but not too limiting, but there aren`t going to be set. 
Okay I`m going to be busy irl for a while, so if ya request a spot, I`ll get back to ya as soon as possible. Just, if your going to request a spot, take a look at how many are already taken and if there gets to be 11, then hold off on the reserve request. I may bump up the amount or open joining up later, but for now its 11. There are 3 spots taken so far.
Have fun with your rp Cecilia! If you need help with any moderation of such id be happy to help you out.
@Cadell Morde

Hey! Long time, no see! Haven't roleplayed with you in a while! Too bad Melon's rp died :(
LifeNovel said:
@Cadell Morde
Hey! Long time, no see! Haven't roleplayed with you in a while! Too bad Melon's rp died :(
Oh hey, long time no see! And it's too bad the New World rp had to die...
[QUOTE="Cadell Morde]Oh hey, long time no see! And it's too bad the New World rp had to die...

I don't think any thing has to die. But I was not in your rp and sorry it had to end for you, but I can say this. Iv prevented role plays if been in from dieing some how.(Amazing cus im dumb as a nail.) but To be honest I think any role play can come back if they love it :D
Well it's just the person who created it left. But I don't think she meant to do it on purpose. She just vanished, poof.

If they're are any spots still open if love to join

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~Pablo Picasso

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