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Fantasy π…𝐨𝐫 π‹π¨π―πž 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁π₯𝐨𝐨𝐝 🍷: a main thread


  • N

    Love and Blood

    Do you wish to know the secrets to immortality?You have cordially been summoned.


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lady in red

Every year the King celebrates his love for Ezra through a seven-night extravaganza. Invitations span all across the vast world. As a guest, there are rooms you may stay in but depending on how many guests arrive; you may be sharing. However, luxury and extravagance are worth the small sacrifice. Welcome, and enjoy! You are expected in the ballroom by 9 PM.

Start your post on your way to the ballroom x | Your characters post should have them ending entering the hall of wonders x |tags: x

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Ezra's heels clicked sharply with each stride he took through the corridors of his grand estate. Dressed head to toe in royal regalia, he had spent the last hour greeting guests; without his companion. Finally, tired of Amedues and his excuses, Ezra made his way to the west wing and their sacred bedroom. All the while stewing, 'How dare he? Is he trying to embarrass me?' After all this time, Ezra should have been expecting a situation like this. But, alas, love was blind, and he always believed Amediues would do better one day. One day, Amadeus would not disappoint him. One day, Amadeus would not hurt him. The bedroom doors were just in sight, and his chest made an uncomfortable leap. His pale eyes narrowed, aggravated, brooding; his tightened lips mutter unpleasant obscenities. He pauses before his hands rest upon the ornate brass doorknob. The old vampire's mind wandered, and a part of Ezra's stomach sank as he replayed an uncomfortable conversation he had had with Amedeius a few weeks prior in his mind. The memory had made him uneasy and question, for the first time, if Amedius was utterly faithful. It left Ezra feeling vulnerable and agitated. Ezra had always been painfully loyal. There was just no other way. Nothing compared to the love he endured for Amadeus, even though it was a hellscape.

( I will make this more pretty soon)
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Dark eyes scan slowly through the ornate cursive script. A letter. A very mysterious and secretive letter. An admirer? A dearest new pen pall? The name is forbidden from being uttered in these walls. So her only resort was letters. But, generally spanning a few months here and there, she was never to write back. There was too much pressing danger in writing back. Although the sender knew her predicament, so they never expected a reply. Yet alas, they were planning on coming to the party tonight! Her stomach did flips, and her heart felt like a torrent of bees would carry it away. It was too dangerous. Ezra would kill her.

Tucking the letter into her dress pocket, she re-examins her hair in one of the ornate mirrors in the ballroom. Willow had dutifully made her way to the party. Even though her neglectful father remained painfully late, she mingled with guests. Idle chit-chat and nothing interesting. Willow could tell guests were starting to get impatient and angry with the king. Naturally, though, no one dares utter a word of disapproval.

(I will make pretty later)
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We are officially open. Your characters should be in the ballroom of mirrors. It's 10 PM. Your characters may have been there a while. They may be just arriving. Please be in formal wear. I look forward to meeting you. Enjoy! Thank you so much for your patience

( My apologies for posts being so tiny. They will get more extensive and more descriptive, I promise.

  • mood

    excited, yet indifferent.

Walking into the ball, golden eyes looked around in both excitement, and indifference. While he adored these parties, he couldn't help the odd feeling in his chest. He didn't even know where to start. Greeting people here and there as they recognized him, he was quick to b-line towards the live music. It was partically why he was here, other than the dire need for socialization, since he felt as if he lived in the middle of nowhere, outside of society. He stood kinda awkwardly near the back of the ballroom, having grabbed a beverage on the way. He was clearly mostly focused on the band, and the people dancing, swaying lightly back and forth.

hangover cure


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