• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Fools Rush In (Lounge)

Neon Valkyrie

She Who Is Called I Am

Here is where you can discuss things about the roleplay, or not about the roleplay ... or just vaguely about the roleplay, possibly about a different roleplay. I also welcome any comments, suggestions, critiques, etc, just post 'em here.
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Great! Actually working on a character right now.
You won't mind if I use a different character template, would you?
Great! Actually working on a character right now.
You won't mind if I use a different character template, would you?

I don't mind, just no real photos, and please do fill out something in the appearance field. Also, we're going to be using the outer frame of the profile for posting, so you might want to put together something for that as well.
Thanks for holding my spot all this time! But yes, I think I’ll have to give it up, especially now that my winter break is over. Hope you guys have tons of fun with this!
Alright ... I'm bored ... I'm removing the player limit and starting a second recruiting thread. If this really takes off, maybe we'll do a hosted project.
Its really sad that we got so much interest right off the bat and now no one is following through. Maybe everyone is just like me and poor at making decisions regarding their character...
Its really sad that we got so much interest right off the bat and now no one is following through. Maybe everyone is just like me and poor at making decisions regarding their character...

I can relate, I Hmm'd and Huh'd over my character for a while, still not entirely sure about her ... but that's the joy of gritty RPs: don't like your character anymore? Kill 'em off dramatically and start a new one. I'm sure having a frantic GM isn't helping.

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