They went over so many roadbumps on the way back to the apartment, Dad's vintage fuzzydice jumped off the rearview mirror. They landed somewhere on the floor and were understood to be lost.

"Dad," Angela complained as another bump sent her an inch off her seat. "I don't feel good."


"In my belly," she complainedz

"There's, uh...." He tapped the glove compartment hastily. "Tums."

There was a nervous twang in Dad's voice that Angela couldn't tell was normal or not.

"These aren't Tums," Angela said, pulling out a plastic bottle of store brand soft chews.

Dad shrugged. "Just take them."


"Just take them, Ang."

It made her bitter. Dad didn't care. He was always messing with other, more important things. His days were working wherever he could find work, his nights were reviewing bills and his resumé, and his off days were interval periods of sleeping and fishing. Maybe he'd care more if Angela learned how to fish. Or didn't scare off all the fish. Or didn't drop the fish she caught.

Maybe, if Dad cared more, he'd have kept his job at that place in Nebraska, and they could afford actual Tums again.

The road smoothed out, and they solently rolled on.

Helter seemed like one of those towns with subpar radio stations, and it didn't disappoint. At least on her iPod, she didn't have to hear some guy's heated, one-way debate on the competency of President Obama. A couple static stations and one German-Screamo station flipped by too, just as bad.

But Dad, apparently, liked the German-Screamo. She endured until it ended and the n flipped the radio off completely.

"So I was thinking," she started. "You don't actually believe that dorky doctor, do you? I mean, something was def' wrong with me."

Dad glanced at her. "Deaf?"

"Def'. Like, definitely." She hit the dash with her other hand. "It's so weird, Dad! People don't just, like... superheal. But it def' happened to me."

Dad made a face. "Please don't do that to the car. And stop saying it like that."

Angela conjured from the back of her throat an irritated whine that outlasted a red light. "Dad! You're not listening! You don't even care!"
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Ava crouched on one of the top branches of a tree outside the Helter Mansion. The experiment wasn't even doing anything interesting. All it did was sit there and ask her Father questions like some imperitnent child. Ava sighed silently and rubbed her nose, remebering that her face was still caked in dry blood when it started to crack and flake on her hand. She would steal a wipe later

(ok, I gtg, I'll text you when I'm home. you can text me while im out and plan if you want)
(? I can see your in character post if that's what youre talking about.) 
"But Dad."


"But dad."


Angela knelt on the floor, digging her knees into the grainy, wet asphalt driveway. "But DAAAD."

She spread herself out in her father's way, but he stepped over her while carrying a box marked Useless Junk. 
It started to drizzle as Ava watched the experiment and her Father. She was hungry again, but she was nearly always hungry. It was only now that she could actually do something about it. She looked around her for another food source and decided to go rob another house farther away in town. Surely nothing too interesting would occur in her brief absense.

When Ava actually arrived in the main part of the town she didn't see any houses that looked very promising, but she did see a small shop that had food in its windows. She strode in quietly and looked around her quickly. There was much food here indeed. All she had to do was take some and-

"Hello, can I help you sweetie?"

Ava recoiled as an older woman with short white hair looked up at her. She stooped so low that even though Ava was small she towered over the woman. The older woman's brown eyes widened slightly. "Oh, dear! Come on in sweetie, let me help get you cleaned up. What happened to you?"

"To what are you referring?"

The old woman took Ava's hand and started pulling her into the shop more.

"Your poor nose, and face! There's blood all over you hon!"

"I do not require your assistance. I only came here for sustenance."

"Never mind about that child, I'll get you something to eat, now sit down here on this bench and wait a moment while I go get a cloth."

The older woman scurried to the back of the small shop and Ava blinked and shook her head before grabbing several cans and a bag or two of something and ported away before the older woman came back. She had wasted too much time already.
Angela tripped on her untied bootlaces and her outstretched hands slid roughly on the loose gravel.


"Ang?" Dad turned around.

She huffed. "I'm okay." She started to get up, pausing as the blood froze over into a webby clot.

When she got inside, Will got the red lunchbag they used as an emergency kit. Angela held her hands up, but when Will glanced up at them he started zipping up the bag. Angela frowned.


"Hey what? You're fine."

Angela looked down at her hands, and was surprised when the scratches she had seen before were gone. Even the blood that had stained her palms had been washed out by the rain.

"But- "

"Ang," Will said, with surprising severity. He was putting his foot down. "I get you're antsy about what happened. But looking for attention isn't going to do you any good."


Will got on his tip-toes to put the bag away on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. "We're going to leave in a few days, and we'll stay there, I promise."

"We'd be on the road tonight," Angela pointed out. "if you'd just let me help you."

"You got into a serious accident, Angela! You need to just calm down and let me handle it." Will turned to leae the room. Angela ground her teeth together.

"It wasn't that serious. And I'm not kidding about my hands, Dad."


With that, Will left the room. 
Angela stood in the middle of the dimly-lit, musty kitchen, the rain pelting the roof an annoying, nerve-itching prescence.

She put her ear to the door. Will's footsteps were getting fainter, and when she couldn't hear him anymore, she dragged a kitchen chair to the counter, right under the emergency kit. The spiderman bandaids were spilled onto the bottom; sitting on the counter, she bandaged her hands up, even though they were worthless on her. She knew she had seen blood, if only for a couple of seconds.

(pk i gtg now, i'll tell you when i'm free later!)
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Ava was back in her hiding place when she saw the experiment fall. Blood mixed with dirt covered her hands, but nothing other than that. It was only when she kept watching did the interesting thing happen.

"Enhanced healing abilities." Ava whispered to herself. Even Ava didn't heal that fast. She kept watching.

(I can't really do anything besides stalk Angela right now so if you want to spot her that's fine with me)
Angela turned; she thought she heard whispers.

The rain was coming down outside, harder now. Picking at her band aids, she contemplated going back to the room where it all started. And then shook her head and resolved to watch TV.

It wasn't as if people didn't get break-ins every day. It wasn't fair to consider what happened NORMAL, but it was time to stop being dramatic. She herself would have broken into the Helter Mansion to explore. However, she and every normal person on the planet, including burglars, didn't usually carry needles.

Angela paused. Well, obviously they were a druggie looking for a place to shoot up. That explains it.

She flipped through the channels, trying to find something that wasn't snow, encouraged by her break through. Maybe Cartoon Network was...

She sat, frozen, trying not to make eye contact with the pair of eyes outside her window.
(sorry i had a family game night cause it's dave's last night home. still wanna write?) 
Ava had fallen asleep.

True, it had been a strange day, but that was no excuse. However tired, sore and out of her element she was, she should not have slept. She awoke when an unusually large raindrop splashed on her face. Falling asleep with her eyes open had been one of her main defense mechanisms, so she had been staring at the girl.

The girl that was now staring back at her.

Or she was just looking at the tree. If I move now, she will definitley see me.

Gritting her teeth and barely breathing, Ava began her staring match with the experiment.
(how was it? game night)

Angela heard her dad getting ready for bed and opened her mouth to call for him. Her chest tightened. Could that be the burglar from before?

Could be. Or maybe a cat.

Hesitantly, she rose and started for the window.

"Hey... i really want you to be a cat.... please dont be a person...." she whispered.
(we played scrabble. I lost a lot)

Ava didn't breath as the experiment aproached.

Perhaps it has a sight can only hope, or simply cause a sight defect...

Angela gripped the dirty window ledge, getting wet grime on her fingers that she tried not to think about.

The figure outside, hard to make iut past the streak and cracks in the glass, seemed as immobile as the tree.

She took a deep breath, filling her chest.

She tapped on the window.

Apparently she did see her. A sight defect would be added later perhaps. For now...Ava would break Father's principle law.

She would make contact.

"Greetings human." She whispered to the girl.
Angela wanted to scream the same way kids want to lick their elbows: she couldnt. Finding herself physically incapable of sound, she gathered her jaw from the floor and stepped back.


human? who did this person think she was? she knew the day would come when aliens overtook the earth, but today couldnt be that day. like, she still wanted to eat the leftover Chinese food from lunch that was still in the fridge.

Then Angela paused, and crossed her arms.

"Stop pulling my leg."
Ava furrowed her brow slightly.

"I am not pulling your leg. I am sitting on a tree outside your window speaking to you."
"Hey, dont get funny with me," she said, pressing her nose to the glass. She still couldn see, but the voice sounded like a gi

A sarcastic girl, apparently.

Angela sort of hoped her Dad would come down himself, so she wouldnt look like a sissy running for daddy. That didnt seem like it was going ro happen, though, because the lights went off with a CLICK upstairs just then; Angela jumped, then attempted to save face by folding her arms. 
"If y'all-- i mean, if YOU dont leave right now, Im calling the cops." Angela jabbed a finger at the air.
"Where would you like me to go? Also, it would be impossible for you to call the "cops" right now because the power is down and the reception you get in this exact area is only 28% accurate. What is the name by which you are called?"
Ava frowned slightly.

"No. Why would you think that? I may give you my name, I may not. There is no way for you to force me to give you my name however, and there is also no way for you to find my name."
Angela pried the window open with her spindly, unworked arms, and rust flakes fell on her hair.

The girl in the tree looked somber and, with her thinness and thickly covered in shadows, like a beach twig covered in seawead. Angela wondered what she was doing up there like that.

"What do you even want?" Angela asked. "My name isnt worth the time it would take to say it." 
ok my phones about to die amd i dont have a place to charge ut, but im e cited for yoyr response.
"You do not realize your importance. True, before yesterday I would not have even looked at you twice. For all the world to see you are a very insignificant human female. Everything in your life has changed now, since that injection yesterday. You have already seen some of the results, have you not?"

(Sorry I was in the shower)
Angela frowned. "'Insignificant human female?' What are you, an alien?"

Suddenly, Angela turned; although muffled by the distance, she heard her dad calling, "Ang, who are you talking to?"

"Nothing! I mean, no one!"

Angela faced the weird girl again. "Well?"
Ava cocked her head when she heard the older man's voice, but refocused on the girl.

" I am fifty percent Asgardian, forty two percent human, and eight percent tessaleca. Technically speaking then, I am only part alien, if that answers your query. Now, what is your name?"

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