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Realistic or Modern FoD Character Sheets


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
  • BasicsName:
    Appearance: (Please use art)
    Extras: (optional. Add lines as you see fit)
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How Stats work...[All stats start at 0. You are given 2 points to spend. Choose wisely.]

Legend of point values;
[2] You are exceptional, standing above your peers. Geniuses and masters.
[1] Above average for something. Gifted or trained.
[0] Average for humans. Nothing special.
[-1] Cripple/handicap of sorts that is character defining (not a mere “not very good at __”). Amputations, chronic disease and inhibiting mental illness. Adding a negative will grant you +1 spending point elsewhere, but this can only be used once.

How skills workSkills are specialized traits that make each character unique, even if they have the same stats. Everyone starts with 1 choice of a skill. You gain 1 additional skill point for each point invested in the Stat anchored to the skills. (eg. 2 Mind has a total of 3 skills to choose from).

Point to skills ratio.
-1 → 0pt
0 → 1pt
1 → 2pt
2 → 3pt

Stats and SkillsBody (Physical fortitude & strength of the flesh)
  • Armed
  • Unarmed
  • Endurance
  • Pain tolerance
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Dexterity

Mind (Intelligence & wit)
  • Investigation
  • Knowledge: Subject (custom) *can be repeated for additional subjects
  • Memory
  • Quick thinking
  • Research/learning
  • Problem-solving

Sanity (Mental fortitude & willpower)
  • Stress Management
  • Free will
  • Will to live
  • Prudence
  • Bravery

Instinct (Senses & extrasensory)
  • Sight
  • Hearing
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Intuition
  • Reaction time

Charm (Eloquence & theatrics)
  • Persuasion
  • Inspiration
  • Counselling
  • Perform
  • People reading
  • Deception

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