Focus on the roleplay world?


New Member
By this I mean the GM establishing facts about the world in which he roleplay takes place. Say what is possible and what isn't. What factions are involved in what conflict and describing them.

The possibility to set age limits, race limits for instance.

And most of all the character has to fit in the world GM describes.
I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused on what your asking exactly. What about those things? Are you asking for an opinion on gms who do that? Are you asking how they do that? Would you mind clarifying this a little?
I prefer more details than less. World description is what gets me to join.Am wondering about others.

Plus I'm wondering how should I handle world description as gm.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who like detail.

As for how you'd handle it as a gm, I'd first make a list of all the information that is absolutely crucial. That way you don't forget to add it in. Then you can flesh it out to the degree you'd like. Put in as much information so that when you read it over, you find it covers everything you wanted to say while not being overwhelming. It helps if you break it up into paragraphs so that it's not just one big block of text to read. Subtitles might also help if there are different aspects of the info you want to convey and stuff.
I wrote a book to support my RP world. Should demonstrate where I fall on this issue.

(it's in my sig).
What about npc control?Can you introduce and play hostile npc and set no autohiting rule for them?
A GM should always be ready to introduce NPCs, hostile or not. I'd assume no autohitting is a given, but I run exclusively system-driven RPs where autohitting is almost impossible for anyone.
The most important aspect of an RP is the plot, the setting and the rules. Those are the 3 things you should focus on.

Plot: What's going on?

Setting: What exists (or doesn't) in this world. Are there elves? Is it the 1550? Are we on earth? Is resurrection a thing? How old is it normal for someone to get before they croak? Can I has laser cannon?

Rules: What the players can and cannot do. This is where "auto-hitting" would fall.

Personally, rule #1-3 of all RPs I moderate read as follows;

  1. Follow common RP etiquette. This means; no god-modding of any kind, no power-playing, no auto-hitting/killing, no bunnying.
  2. No flaming. Be respectful of other players in all manners OoC (though what you do IC is of course your own business).
  3. No mary-sues/gary-stus. If your character doesn't have at least 1 well thought out flaw, I don't even want to see your character profile.

I personally believe that you cannot go on without those 3 things (plot, setting, rules). You'd have nothing to go on.

I enjoy detail, but detail =/= length.

"The half-man tossed the ring into the volcano", when it comes to plot and background story, does the job. No need to directly quote the whole passage from J.R.R. Tolkien. If I wanted to read the book, I'd buy it.
I remember once- the gm said why did you introduce enemy reinforcements.

In the end the boss was roleplayed beating everyone all by himself and then leaving instead of finishing of the weak heroes.There was no reason for that.
Well, sometimes big bads carry the "Idiot Ball" a.k.a. "Villain ball" it can keep interest in the RP by having the villain kicking the heroes' asses without finishing them off. It's one of the best ways - when done well - to tell players; "See that? That's the guy you have to beat at the end! Better get stronger!" but there usually needs a good reason for the villain. Sometimes, it can be as simple as "They're not even worth getting blood on my boots." Or something like that.

Plus, its even more satisfying to the heroes to kick the ass of the villain who treated them like insects at the beginning of the RP.

But yeah, it needs to be handled well.
A true villain wouldn't spare weaklings if he had them cornered.

I expect to see the losers hide and run.

In terms of conflict it would be fun to have multiple sides instead of just two with no side being truly moral or just.
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