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Fantasy Flovia Lore


One Thousand Club
Flovian Society

Flovia is considered the smallest land on the continent of Necros only being a slim area of land connecting the ice lands of Skaala and the rest of Necros. They came to become one of the richest kingdoms due to their powerful Navy and colonizing the vast islands to the east of Necros.

Over the centuries an elitist uperclass formed from the more productive islands. The Fish Emperor (The unofficially name for the king/queen ) usually kept a hold on them but as the years went by the newer Fish Emperors would slowly become just as bad as the elitist.

War of the Isle

Forty years prior to current events Flovia was attacked by the Tagryn Empire of Nimeria. Most of the war was fought Island to Island. It became clear that some captains and admirials would rather protect their patrons than the common folk. This lead to in fighting and many officers deserting. In one case the officer beat his captain to an inch of his life. In the end Flovia won the War of the Isle but it was a hollow victory. The once powerful Navy was broken unable to guard islands. Leading to the rise of Piracy.

The Great Pirate War

With in five years of the War of the Isle Pirates became common place and brazin enough that they attacked Naval ships on sight. It came to a head as War lord Suluca openly declared War on the Navy. With Suluca's influence more and more pirates joined. Naval basses were destroyed, their families beaten and kidnapped.

It came to ahead at the battle of Flovia main. Suluca and his fleet attacked the Navy headquarters on the main land. The battle was long and brutal. Many lives were needlessly lost. The battle came to an abrupt end as Grey a former Navy officer turned pirate plunged his sword into Suluca. After their leader was killed the pirates turned on each other making it an easy route for the Navy and those that were against Suluca.


After the Pirate War Grey and the six other captains that stood against Suluca were given the title of Wardens. They were asked to freely travel the waters and deal with problems so that it never gets to that point again.

As the years passed and Wardens changed many of them became willing puppets of the Elites.

magic exist in this world but it comes at a cost. The power comes from within the person. So for example you can shoot however many fireballs you want but it will take a toll on your body either making you collapse, go into coma, even death depending on how much you use.
The Necroian Kingdoms
Other than Flovia six other Kingdoms make up the continent of Necros

To the north are the ice lands of Skaala The harsh snow environment has ccaused many of it's inhabitants to seek shelter in small clans scattered throughout Skaala and always on the move. They have a pale white skin. It is said that they can tame and ride polar bears. Their sir names are based on their clans. Clanless Skalains are simply known as snow.

Flovia as stated is the smallest land area in Necros considered the bridge between Ragroth and Skaala. Because of their sixty islands Flovia main is very rich economicaly. Flovians are primarily olive skinned. Because of their class systems their family names mean everything. If you were born a farmer you will die a farmer. A bastard Flovian goes by the sir name of Rivers.

Ragroth Considered the largest land mass on Necros. It has been healing since way before the Tagryn invasion. The previous King Avian the first willingly gave up his throne to his bastard son. Thinking the less ties to his destructive lineage the better. Ragroth like Flovia takes family name above all. Unlike Flovia however people are allowed to do what they want. A farmer can easily join the military, become a sales person, or given the right motivation amd drive a noble man. Those of Ragroth are primarily Caucasian. Bastard name is Heart

Pyke to the west of Ragroth is the great Pykian Mountains. The people here are of a different sort. They are warriors first and formost. The people are short and compacted. Though they have a monarchy of sorts most don't listen to them as they raid and pillage the land of Boie Ragroth, and the Great Forest. If it wasn't for them being landlocked they would be the vikings of this world.

Boie to the west of Pyke is the land of Boie. They are isolationists don't trust many outsiders. It is said that they watch the shorelines waiting for something. Of what not many know. They serve an Emperor of their lands. They're considered good swordsmen. They have a sense of honor and hold close family values. Primarily a mix of Chinese and Japanese in appearance.

The Great Forest south of Ragroth is a forest that spans for 3000 kilometers. The foresters that call it home are from any kingdom. Their people are known for their agility and archery. Their sir name is simply what part of the forest they call home Eastern, western, northern, southern, and central. They fallow a religion of the One above all. Their high priests are known to be curropt and excommunicate anyone who doesn't fallow the religion their way. Wether or not it's the correct way is irrelevant.

Hethia the land of deserts. In the deep south of Necros. Hethia though mostly desert have some of the most beautiful architecture in the lands, their people live near the oasises scattered throughout the desert. They have primarily brown skin color. They are known for their philosophy and riding on wyvern.

Southern Isles below Hethia past the green sea is the Southern Isles. Much like Skaala the land is hostile. Though filled with deep jungles, hostile animals. The men and women are hardened to the environment learning how to move around and survive. They are usually have skin the color of obsidian.
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Flovian Society

Flovia is considered the smallest land on the continent of Necros only being a slim area of land connecting the ice lands of Skaala and the rest of Necros. They came to become one of the richest kingdoms due to their powerful Navy and colonizing the vast islands to the east of Necros.

Over the centuries an elitist uperclass formed from the more productive islands. The Fish Emperor (The unofficially name for the king/queen ) usually kept a hold on them but as the years went by the newer Fish Emperors would slowly become just as bad as the elitist.

War of the Isle

Forty years prior to current events Flovia was attacked by the Tagryn Empire of Nimeria. Most of the war was fought Island to Island. It became clear that some captains and admirials would rather protect their patrons than the common folk. This lead to in fighting and many officers deserting. In one case the officer beat his captain to an inch of his life. In the end Flovia won the War of the Isle but it was a hollow victory. The once powerful Navy was broken unable to guard islands. Leading to the rise of Piracy.

The Great Pirate War

With in five years of the War of the Isle Pirates became common place and brazin enough that they attacked Naval ships on sight. It came to a head as War lord Suluca openly declared War on the Navy. With Suluca's influence more and more pirates joined. Naval basses were destroyed, their families beaten and kidnapped.

It came to ahead at the battle of Flovia main. Suluca and his fleet attacked the Navy headquarters on the main land. The battle was long and brutal. Many lives were needlessly lost. The battle came to an abrupt end as Grey a former Navy officer turned pirate plunged his sword into Suluca. After their leader was killed the pirates turned on each other making it an easy route for the Navy and those that were against Suluca.


After the Pirate War Grey and the six other captains that stood against Suluca were given the title of Wardens. They were asked to freely travel the waters and deal with problems so that it never gets to that point again.

As the years passed and Wardens changed many of them became willing puppets of the Elites.

magic exist in this world but it comes at a cost. The power comes from within the person. So for example you can shoot however many fireballs you want but it will take a toll on your body either making you collapse, go into coma, even death depending on how much you use.
Are magic powers hereditary?
For the Southern Isles, what do you mean by obsidian skin? That they have hard skin, or that they have dark skin?
The currency throughout most of the Necorian kingdoms is called Coin.
they equal .20 cents to a US dollar.

There are five types of coins
A Circle worth 1 coin
A triangle worth 5 coin
A square worth 10 coin
an octagon worth 20
a star worth 100

Acadian Blood

Long ago during the first Era of man there was an island to the far west of Necros called Acadia. It's people were considered the strongest warriors and the wisest throughout the world. It was said that they held back the darkness from the world. The Island thrived for hundreds of years until a being called Aeris came. He slowly curropted them to the point they declared War on God. The One Above All wasn't having it and destroyed the island. Those that survived made it to Necros and became one with them.

Now in the third Era Acadia is all but myth. Even so the Acadian blood is known to flow in the bodies of a few people. They are known for their bright saphire, Azure, indigo, Orange glowing eyes and silver or gold like hair. They are usually discarded by society or born into power.
They become leaders of their time and either die protecting people or peacefully in old age.

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