
Dandelion Princess

Leader and Protector of the Dandel People



Gender (If needed to be specified)

Coach, 1st Class, or Staff?


History (To be written from character's POV)

Additional History (OPT, can be written in 3rd person.)





List Personality Traits


Life Goals







Photo (Realistic picture please)

Description of Appearance


Physical Abilities

Survival Skills


Mental Health

Physical Health (Before Crash)

Injuries (After Crash)

Any Fighting History?


I love, love, love character development. It's my favorite part of a roleplay. I really want to get to know your character before the RP starts.
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Luke O'Connel


Gender: Male

1st Class

Job: Journalist


I was born in Buffalo New York to an average class family. My father died when I was twelve, and I grew up most my life without a dad. My mom raised four kids by herself with barley any help.

I was a straight A student and had a large fascination with foreign countries , especially eastern countries. I was never the most popular kid at school, in fact I was the exact opposite. I was a pudgy overweight teachers pet who had a fascination with Japan and China.

I grew on to become an even greater student in high school, becoming the president of the school's Model Un and Yearbook Club.

I graduated from Columbia University with a major in Journalism. I was hired as a part time anchor for NBC world news, but quickly switched to become a Foreign news correspondent. It was in France that I met my beautiful wife Portia. fast forward a few years, and I am a happy husband and father of twins.

I have seen alot in my lifetime, I was knocked cold and broke three ribs after a suicide bombing in Iraq, and was there for the Mumbai hostage situation. My eyes have seen alot, but I still do what I do, not because I love it (Because I do), but because the world is a mess, and there has to be someone to shine a light on it.

Family: He is married to his wife of two years, and his two kids. He has two brothers and a sister


Jerald Ludgate (Co Worker)

Luke Ward (Cameraman)

Other: natm

List Personality Traits






- Anxious

- Blunt

- Nosy

- Quiet

- Skeptic


Nothing unnerves Luke like the concept of death. The thought of no longer being who he wants to be the most, and going from a human to a blank object chills him. He has looked at death in the eye before, after a suicide bomb led to him being sent to the hospital, the thought of leaving his wife and kids behind makes him wince with fear.

Life Goals

Luke hasn't thought that far yet, he tends to think about the present more then the future.










Being Alone



Due to Luke's job as a Foreign Correspondent he has learned to speak small phrases and vocabulary of many languages. He can however, speak fluently in English, Spanish, and Arabic



Luke knows what buttons to push in order to get people to tell the truth.


Luke can often be very self doubting. he tends to second guess his actions, but usually follows through despite not being sure it's the best plan of action


He has a tendency to chew his nails when nervous.



Description of Appearance

Luke is a rather tall man, standing at 6' 4 he keeps a well balanced shape by keeping a well built frame around him. He has a slightly chubby face with brown eyes and short brown hair that he often combs into a style of sorts.

197/6' 4" /Luke is has a rather tall, yet muscly frame

Physical Abilities:

Luke isn't the strongest, but he can lift heavy things and hold himself up.

Survival Skills:

Luke has spent many years in war torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. With this, he's learned how to filter water naturally, and how to treat minor wounds.


Minor allergy to mint.

Mental Health:

Luke's mental state is strong, despite seeing the effects of war in the middle east.

Physical Health: Good, he has multiple bruises on his leg from a hiking accident from a few days ago.

Injuries: He has obtained a large cut on the back of his leg. He has a sprained ankle and an injured right arm.

Any Fighting History?: No
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Lara Octavia


Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy. Sometimes, it simply means that you are a strong person.
Lara Octavia






Coach, 1st Class, or Staff?



First year of college


I was born in a loving family, with my mom & dad. I was like any other young girl, cheery & happy. I loved to dance & sing but grew out of that as I grew up. My dad started to write when I was a couple years old. At around eleven years old, he started to go to different cities for writing events, etc. while my mom was pregnant with my younger brother. I eventually became interested in tennis when I joined the tennis team in school, so my mom hired a trainer & eventually I was competing in large tournaments.



Lives with her mother and nine year old little brother.

Her father lives abroad due to business.


She hangs out with the average type of friends - a mixture of boys and girls. She wasn't popular nor a loner in high school, yet she knew everyone. She moved to a dorm in college with two of her close friends when she finished high school.

List Personality Traits

Lara appears friendly and unpretentious. She has a soft and warm exterior. Others perceive her as gentle, safe harbor. People are drawn to her because, among other reasons, she appears warm and unthreatening.


Watching someone die in front of her or losing someone important to her.

Being left alone or abandoned.

Insects or any scary animals.


Life Goals

She's training to become a professional trainer.


Likes to meet new people.

Dislikes the sight of blood.

Dislikes people who aren't trustworthy.


Has an amazing skill with photography.

Can cook good food.


She can be bossy, childish, competitive, self-absorbed, proud, overly-headstrong and vain. However, she is still a good person at heart, is a generally kind, caring and protective individual.


Generally submits to the ideas/suggestions of others without thinking of her own needs

Biting her lip when she's nervous or feeling playful



Her face is small and oval, her eyes are wide almond shaped, she has high cheekbones and a squared off jaw, softly narrowing into a proportionate chin. Her lips are average size, a bit more full than an average persons. Her eyebrows are generally left a natural thickness, and are quite arched.


Lara weighs 55 kg or 122 pounds and she's 5 ft 6 inches or 168 cm.

Physical Abilities

She can run at a fast speed and has quick reflex skills.

Survival Skills

Used to be in girl scout so she’s been camping before - still knows her skills like making a fire, etc.



Physical Health (Before Crash)

In shape and very healthy


Injuries (After Crash)

She hit her head against the window in the middle of the crash which caused her to become unconscious and have a bloody head. She has an injured ankle due to hitting it hard against something hard.

Any Fighting History?

Used to take taekwondo classes when she was young (thirteen/fourteen).


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Name: Carson James Lee

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male

Coach, 1st Class, or Staff?: Coach

Job/Grade: Part-time job in a restaurant

History: I was born and raised in south Detroit, Michigan. Being raised by a single mother along with five younger siblings, I learned to take responsibility for the little ones, and take care of the house while our mother was gone to make a living and provide for all six of us. She never spoke of our father. My siblings were too young to remember, but I remembered every snippet of the past. My mother and father had been happy, at the beginning. Five years after I had been born, things grew tense between the two as he began to grow greedy, spending longer hours working rather than busying himself with raising me and the growing family. Soft arguments evolved to yelling, and eventually physical fights. My mother hid the bruises with long sleeves and sweatpants.

Shortly after my last sibling was born, my mother decided she had had enough with my father and filed for a divorce. My father fought like hell to gain custody of me and the rest of the kids, but only won the custody of the two youngest ones. He moved far away from our old house, took the two youngest ones, and never spoke to us again. I tried my best to comfort mom and my three siblings, but nothing would ever be the same without the two little ones; a rambunctious toddler and a sweet, calm newborn baby. I was fifteen when this happened. At the end of the day, I moved on with life, and so did the others.

During the last quarter of my sophomore year, I got a part-time job at the local bakery which happened to be two blocks away from our new apartment (we lost our house after mom was unable to pay the bills without dad). I contributed in paying the bills, and took care of anything mom was incapable. Most of the time, mom was busy at work, on the phone with her boss, and filing papers. She was depressed, I knew, but I hadn’t thought it was serious until one morning she didn’t get out of bed for work. At first glance, I convinced myself she was just sick with the flu and couldn’t go to work. She didn’t get out of bed the next morning.

My mom eventually got fired for her absences, and she never got another job after. She rarely moved, and didn’t speak to any of us. In her eerie absence, I cooked, cleaned and paid the bills. I had to file the taxes, pay the rent and make trips to the market. I made sure she was fed, bathed and healthy. Fast forward two years, and she became addicted to prescription pills handed by the doctor. By the time I was nineteen, the government took her from us. I had graduated high school with a fairly high GPA, and was convinced I could go to college and make myself useful, maybe become something better than either of my parents ever could have been.

Turns out I couldn’t afford college, and ended up working part-time at the local restaurant, still living in the house I grew up in, with my three younger siblings. Now I’m just trying to scrape by, all the while raising the three. I’ve decided I need to visit my other two siblings, who presumably are still living with my biological father. I want to know how they’re doing, and get to know them. They have exchanged letters with us, but we lost touch after mom was taken. We haven’t spoken to mom, either. The government said it was better this way.

Family: Casandra Lee (56) - mother

Michael Fox-Lee (58) - father

Beth (18) - sister

Raymond (16) - brother

Tyler (16) - brother

Rachel (15) - sister

Liza (14) - sister


Hunter (19) - Carson met Hunter during their freshman year while in math tutoring.



Personality Traits:

Stubborn, independent, quiet, thoughtful, observant, hard-working.


- Anything to do with fire

- Being hopelessly helpless

- Open water in general

Life Goals:

- To bond with the two younger siblings.

- Go to college and graduate with some form of degree.

- Provide for those who he holds dearest, maybe raise a family.

- Travel around the world and live life to the fullest.


+ warm weather, being alone, the color blue, coffee, films, drawing.

- cold weather, large crowds, tea, abusive people, laziness, lack of will/effort.


- Enjoys to draw when alone or in deep thought


+ Is hardworking, a quick thinker, observant of situations, and is calm in extreme circumstances.

- Tends to be stubborn as a mule, willing to put himself in danger for others, and is blunt at times.


- Rubs the base of his neck when nervous

- Spaces out quite often when in thought

- Paces around when restless, worried or upset


None, for now.




Description of Appearance: Carson was born with a thick head of rich chocolate brown hair, set with round, warm brown eyes. He has a somewhat tan complexion, and always seems to have his eyebrows knitted together with a contemplative expression fixed on his sharply defined face. With a square jaw and a muscled tone to his body, he may appear somewhat intimidating to some at first glance.

Weight/Height/Build: 152 lbs | 6'2" | Lean

Physical Abilities: Is able to remain calm and level headed in a crisis, and think and react fairly quickly with a logical plan of action brewing in his mind at a moments notice.

Survival Skills: Carson does not obtain much knowledge of survival skills, but knows briefly how to set up camp if needed. He also can multitask fairly well, and even knows how to cook decently, all of which thanks to his upbringing.

Allergies: Insect bites [ not severely ], and tomatoes.

Mental Health: Fairly decent, though every now and then he harbors a tendency to bottle his emotions, which evolves into an explosion towards everyone around him.

Physical Health (Before Crash): In shape, but slightly skinny.

Injuries (After Crash): On impact, Carson's arm got smashed in the seat in front of him. Possibly suffers from a concussion, and the right side of his face is swollen. No critical injuries.

Any Fighting History?: Has gotten in a few brawls in high school, but nothing serious.

Other: - Is diagnosed with insomnia.

- Making a trip to see his two youngest siblings, of which live with his father.
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    Jenny Albert





    Coach, 1st Class, or Staff



    Flight Attendant


    "Oh gosh. Where do i start? I was born on May 14th. It was a lovely sunny day, and the hospital room was a soothing yellow color. I was a healthy baby girl, 7 pounds and 4 ounces. My parents. They loved me from the start. And my house was such a lovely environment. No fighting, Picnics every Saturday. Just, my childhood was great.

    When i was about 9 we had to write a paper. The subject was if we could go anywhere in the world, where would be go. I had no clue where i wanted to go. I spent a whole week just doing research on different places. Egypt, the Congo, Brazil, Paris, Russia, China, Korea. Everywhere. And i figured out i wanted to go everywhere. I simply just said i wanted to go on a airplane, and go everywhere.

    When i was 14 i found out the cheapest way to travel the world was to be a flight attendant. So i spent so much time on the internet trying to figure out what schooling i needed and such. by the time i was 20 i was a full blown flight attendant. And i loved every second of my job. I got to travel everywhere. And i became good friends with people all over the world. And i always felt safe on the plane. Like that was my home. What could go wrong?"


    Mother- Tiffany Albert- 67

    Father- Jonathan Albert- 72

    Sister- Brittney Mathews- 34

    Brother in law- Kristopher Mathews- 36


    Susan-Flight Attendant- Deceased

    Roger- Pilot- Deceased

    Catherine- Hometown friend- Alive; Still in her home town





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Name: Marcus Graham

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Coach, 1st Class, or Staff?: Coach

Job/Grade: Storage technician for a box company

History (To be written from character's POV):

Where did I go wrong? I used to think I had some kind of master plan. Everything was gonna be great. I'd go to college, get drafted by the NBA, and make millions of dollars with women crumpling at my feet.

But then I had to get a girl pregnant...

You see, when you're young it all makes sense somehow. There ain't no complications to it. Nothin to bog you down on your way up. I felt that way once. That was about ohhh...eleven years ago when I first met Denise. Man we were hot for each other! If this was The Notebook, we were the main characters. Yea yea, she dragged me to see it.

Anyway, it was senior year and everything was panning out. I played great basketball, and we were on the road to win the state championship. My grades needed some improvement, but coach said people were scoutin me out from different schools. A guy from a little place called Arizona approached my parents one day, telling them if I kept a C average, I was on the team. Can you say a one with six zeros?

But Denise kept on with the tomfoolery. She wanted me to show how much I loved her. I ended up pouring my heart out to hear the words: I love you. That was all it took before I was neck-deep in damage control, and when I saw that baby pop out, I knew I was in big trouble. I had to take on a bunch of odd jobs like workin at Home Depot just to support everybody. All my friends and teammates passed me by. Even my best friend Jason went on to play Division I while I sat at home playin dad.

Eventually I got "steady" work at some box company. New hires always started in the storage room. The boss had it in for me there. Man I hate that guy.. One time he started yellin because there weren't enough Styrofoam peanuts. He tells me he's dockin me two days pay. How am I supposed to fix that? You the boss in this place! This is the kind of nonsense I've dealt with on a daily basis. Then I'd have to go home and hear Denise complain about this or that, and by the time we're through I ain't got the energy to play with my son.

I guess it's a cyclical thing. My father was never there for me when I needed him. He went off and drank himself to sleep at the bar every night, and one of his buddies would have to drive him home. One time he crashed the Chevy into a telephone pole. He spend twelve days at the county jail before they let him out. I don't really know why I'm thinking about all this...I just wish things could be different. I need a change in my life, but I don't know how to find it.

*A letter written to his son before leaving for the airport

There's so much I wanna say to you but can't find the words. It isn't your fault what happened between your mom and me. Sometimes there are things you just can't change. You never deserved to be treated like I've treated you; I haven't been supportive enough these past years. It's just all this pressure's got me burnt out. That's why I need to go away for a little while. Stay strong big man, and take care of your mother while I'm gone.

- Dad

Additional History (OPT, can be written in 3rd person.)


Grandma Graham (79) – The voice of reason in the family. She comes from a darker time and place where people acted like savages. She has seen things that no one should ever experience, having been on the receiving end of severe persecution. Grandma is a stern individual, but not an ungracious one. She is a role model for her family and carries herself with dignity. Marcus looks up to her and his mother.

Mr. Graham (57) – It's hard to believe he's still the “blemish” of the family. All his hard work at the coal mine had its toll, and he took up drinking a few years after Marcus was born. At first it wasn't that terrible. He knew how to manage it before it became a problem, but as time went on, he turned belligerent. He brought all the stress of work home and took it out on everyone.

In a drunken rage, he once locked Marcus in the basement for over four hours while his mother was at work. He then fell asleep on the couch while Marcus cried, banging on the door. They didn't have any lights, so he had to sit in complete darkness. Marcus developed Claustrophobia as a result of this incident. His father's been in and out of jail for the past twenty years (usually going in for DUI or Disorderly Conduct), and the duo have never patched things up with each other.

Mrs. Graham (55) – Marcus' mother and primary supporter when he was a boy. She and grandma compensated for all the years his father was an alcoholic. She was the one who encouraged him to pursue his dreams and helped Marcus pick his grades up. Even though things didn't pan out, he appreciates everything she's done. They are still close to this day.

Marcus' Siblings – ((Marcus has several brothers and sisters whose stories will be divulged later on in the roleplay as my creative juices start flowing))

Nuclear Family:

Denise (age 29) - Marcus' ex-wife. They met in high school and became romantically involved during senior year. Things got serious very quickly. When prom week rolled around, Denise gave him some shocking news: he was going to be a father. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest. Thus begins the story of a young man whose big dreams came crashing down in the name of responsibility.

Travis (age 10) - The Big Responsibility. That's all he's ever been to Marcus: a burden. Raising a kid is difficult, but raising Travis was a living hell. There were many sleepless nights during the early days. Marcus had no idea about nurturing, and neither did Denise for that matter. They often relied on other family members for support, including Marcus' mother and grandmother.

Grandma Graham ridiculed him constantly for making such a terrible decision. He never heard the end of it. But something happened along the way that was more unexpected than his new role. Marcus was learning to love. He couldn't help but feel affection for the little bundle of drool, dirty diapers, and incessant crying. There was something about the baby that made him smile. It looked just like him. /I made this/, he'd tell himself.

Unfortunately, that message didn't quite register later on. Marcus got sidetracked with all the negativity surrounding his family. He had to make even more sacrifices to support them, and it was a thankless job for many years. He began to lose focus of his parental duties, and the two slowly drifted away from each other emotionally. He sure wishes he could change it now...if he lives long enough to see his son again.


Jason Williams (age 29) - Jason and Marcus went to school together and became best friends in their junior year. They planned on going to the same college if they both got accepted somewhere. They joked about how they were gonna recreate the "Bad Boys": Marcus would be the next Isiah Thomas, and Jason would be the next Vinnie Johnson. Since high school, the duo have made a significant effort to keep in touch. On the weekends, they play pick-up games at the neighborhood basketball courts.

Other –

Marcus' Boss (unknown) – He is a supervisor with the box company Marcus works for. Marcus extremely dislikes him, as he makes his life more difficult than needed.


List Personality Traits:

Boneheaded – Sometimes he just won't listen to reason when he feels strongly about a point.

Passionate – Marcus treats certain things like a full-time job, obsessing over them until he runs out of energy.

Courageous – He doesn't back away from a challenge even when all attempts appear completely futile.

Depressed – Life has taken a cruel turn for Marcus, and he constantly reminisces about better times. It makes him sad to think about it, putting him in negative spirits.

Organized – He wasn't always this way, but with the baby and the job at the packaging company, he had to prioritize his activities. To this day he continues to approach things objectively, building checklists, etc.

Religious – He has kept the faith throughout the tough times and sticks to a strict regimen of prayer. He also incorporates God into his general philosophy of life.

Fears – Agoraphobia, eight-legged insects, certain exotic animals.

Life Goals:

Reunite with his son and fix their relationship.

Get a coaching position at a local high school.

Teach kids about making life choices and give them the tools to succeed.


Likes - Basketball, sneakers (Nike, Jordan, etc), exercise, fried food, church, his relatives.

Dislikes - Denise, his boss, cardboard boxes, the sound of Styrofoam squeaking.

Talents - Athletic, superior hand-eye coordination, thinks on his feet, is generally prepared for what he needs to do.


Strengths - Faces challenges head on, doesn't walk away from a problem.

Flaws - Sometimes loses track of what's important, has made poor decisions, lives in the past, has a problem filtering out stress.

Habits/Mannerisms - Works to live instead of lives to work, prays once in the morning/once at each meal/once before bed, keeps everything organized from many years of necessity.

Other – N/A

Physical – Plays basketball three times a week. He does pick-up games with a few of his old teammates, including Jason.

Photo (Realistic picture please)


*Picture taken during his high school days


Description of Appearance – A thirty-year-old African American male with a buzz cut and a thick stubble across his jaw. He sports a short mustache and goatee. His face is somewhat mouse-like and gives him an “innocent” quality. Marcus keeps himself in great physical condition (although nowhere near his peak), being active in sports. He doesn't have much time to hit the gym, but he can bench around 195 lbs.

Weight/Height/Build – 180 lbs/6'3/Medium-Small Build

Physical Abilities – Can run flat out for a quarter mile before losing his breath, has superior command over hands/arms/legs.

Survival Skills – Considered a planner of sorts, is used to thinking on the fly, has quick reaction time to objects moving in his path.

Allergies – Sinus irritation to pollen in the air.

Mental Health:

Claustrophobic – Has an aversion toward dark rooms, caves, etc. Working at the box company seems to have exacerbated this fear. He often must go into tight spaces to retrieve packages, which goes against his natural tendencies. He prefers wide, open spaces where he can roam around.

Borderline Personality Disorder – Experiences mixed thoughts concerning his identity and has problems expressing emotion. He bottles it all up inside until it reaches a head (at which point he explodes). Marcus has yelled at his wife and son from time to time due to the extreme pressures he's faced. Other times he shuts everything off and ignores what's going on around him (again, something he does to deal with the stress).

Physical Health (Before Crash) – Healthy and athletic, good muscle definition, and almost no physical issues.

Injuries (After Crash) – A piece of aluminum siding slashed his right forearm several centimeters deep. It would be bleeding pretty heavily, but not gushing.

Any Fighting History? – He hasn't really been in a fight since high school, having had a few tussles with classmates. Although he has done some boxing routines at the gym with a sparring partner.

Other – ((Sorry if this is extremely boring. I just got an idea and rolled with it!))
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Elodié Lebeau-Shaw

"You can call me El or Ellie for short."

*17 Years Old*

*Flies Coach*

*11th Grade*


  • Do find yourself lying in bed, unable to sleep, thinking about whatever's been on your mind? Because I do. A lot. I guess all that late night thinking, worrying is just part of the baggage of being adopted. Trust me, I'm happy to be where I am now. My dads have done everything they could to give me some closure on where I came from but for some reason, that's never been enough for me. I try not to linger on why my actual dad would give me up after my mother died -I was only a few days old. I'm guessing that his choice was the best but to this day, I can't help but wonder what it would be like to live with him. But enough about my birth parents. All that really matters is that I probably have the best dads ever and I love them. Being that one's French, the other is American, and they are pretty much polar opposites, not a single day goes by where our household isn't alive.

    I'm told that I was full of energy starting from my very first day in the world. I'm proud to say that I've kept my energetic reputation. So yeah, my terrible twos? I was 20 times the fun. By the 2rd grade, I was signed up for our local softball league; my energy was too much to handle by then. No surprise there. I took a liking to the sport and I stuck around to play the game more. Before no time, I started taking an interest in soccer, tennis, volleyball, and even football. To this day, I still play softball but it's just a hobby to me. I don't even play with the school, just the local league. I can't possibly imagine having a career in any sport; my teammates have way more passion for the sport than I do.

    What took everyone by surprise was my interest in music and writing. As the percussion section leader in the school band and newly appointed news editor of my school paper, I actually plan on taking the skills I gain into the workplace and other activities. While I'm in highschool, I try to find activities and programs to participate in so I can develop my musical and journalism skills. Usually I find an ensemble to audition for and working on my writing by blogging about the program. So I've also gotten some cash just taking about the things I love. Recently I was accepted into the Sunset Islands Orchestra; amidst all the excitement my dad, the American one, and I planned a whole trip around my rehearsals. I was going to be able to see the whole island, tour the island's news station, try tropical foods with Dad, purchase some unique instruments, you name it -it was on our list.

    But look where I am now.

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Character Completion



Gender: Female

1st Class

Grade: 8th




Tracy Colquitt (mom)

Mathew Colquitt (Dad)

Casey Colquitt (older sister)


Regan Gardner

Regan and her have been the besets of friends since the third grade, sticking to each other through thick and thin. After she also got onto the school's honor roll she won her school's raffle and attended a trip with Haley to the Sunset Islands.


List Personality Traits




Strong (Mentally)





She has an irrational fear of thunder, something about the crackling in the sky that sends fear shooting through her

Life Goals

Haley has always dreamed about becoming a female politician. More specifically, Secretary of State







Thunder (Obviously)


Loud People



Haley is great at debating, despite being kicked off her debate team Haley know's how to make a great argument and win people over with her words.


Strengths: Survival Skill, and Intelligence

Flaws: Impulsive actions, and Can't Take Criticism


She is a horrendous liar, often avoiding the question instead of lying



Description of Appearance


102/5'3/Short And Skinny

Physical Abilities

She's fast, real fast, intact she got one of the fastest times in her class on the 100 meter dash.

Survival Skills

She was required to know hot to do CPR, start a fire, and make a whistle to pass her Outdoor Science Class.



Mental Health

Well. Haley is quite a strong girl mentally

Physical Health (Before Crash)

Good, a bit underweight but nothing serious

Injuries (After Crash)

She has a rather large scratch on her right arm, and a bruised left leg

Any Fighting History?

A few small fights with other classmates

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Joanna Nicole Smith

"Joey, or Joe is fine."

"I turned twenty-seven just last month."

"Like many other flight attendants, I am a woman."

"I've been working as a staff member for four years now."

I grew up in a high class family, some would say. My mother and father were both well known lawyers. Since their jobs were quite demanding I was usually left with a nanny who was originally from Italy. The stories she would tell me are the reasons I became a flight attendant.

I had many friends growing up, but I wasn't the stereotypical popular, or whatever. I was kind to all who were kind to me, therefore, I made friends quite easily. I took many extra-curricular activities, such as sports, Foreign Studies, and Assisted Teaching. People could say I was a very good student, always turning in my homework on time and studying for every test. It really didn't give me enough time to explore my adolescence, though, so you can imagine what it was like when I got into college. I went ravenous, partying every night, sleeping around with boys. I was nothing like myself, bust after my first semester I pulled myself together and eventually I got my job with a very popular airline.

"My mother and father have grown quite old, seeing as they had me well into their forties, so they have been placed in an assisted living environment."

"I like to consider my coworkers friends."


List Personality Traits





+/-Strong Willed

-Not good under pressure

-Always seems to correct people


Spiders, Deep Water, Sketchy People

Life Goals

"I say, I've already met my goals, I plan to be doing the same thing for years to come."




Making others happy


Learning about other cultures


Unemotional people

Walking in heels



"I don't know if this is considered a talent, but I can deal with grouchy people"

"People say I have a calming voice, so I sing when there is too much stress."



A good people person

Can take criticism


Breaks under pressure

Scares easily


Chews the inside of her mouth when nervous

Her face turns red when angry




Description of Appearance

She has long black hair that reaches her mid-back, Light blue eyes. She has prominent cheekbones, and a square jaw. Her lips are quite soft and are thin on upper lip and plump on bottom.


124lbs, 5'4", Athletic build.

Physical Abilities

She's quite flexible, and can run for long distances.

Survival Skills

"Survival, what?"


Allergic to red wasps, and poison ivy.

Mental Health

"I'm quite strong willed, so I don't break easily."

Physical Health (Before Crash)

"Being a flight attendant, it's almost required for you to be healthy. Though I still suffer slightly from a recently healed broken ankle."

Injuries (After Crash)

When the plane started jerking she fell, landing awkwardly on her right wrist. She was also hit in the head by an out of control food cart.

Any Fighting History?

Absolutely not.




Eliza Summers





1st Class


Senior in high school


There are a lot of kids my age who have no idea where they're going in life. Luckily, I'm not one of them. I've already been accepted at the best public college in my state, and I would have gone to a private one, but it was too much money. Honestly, I like the public college better.

So, yeah, I guess I know what I'm going to do with my life. I'll get my medical degree and join Doctors Without Borders. Sometimes I wish I could just sing, though. I've been told that I'm good, and I love doing it. Ever since I was little, what I really wanted to be was a singer. Then, when I was told that most singers don't make any money, I decided to be a doctor. The money was definitely an added plus in my mind, but I really wanted to help people. As I got older, I became more and more interested in Doctors Without Borders. Seeing other people suffering has always bothered me, and not being able to help really upsets me. That's why I decided to join Doctors Without Borders, but somewhere in the back of my, every day, is this little voice saying, "You'll be bored. You'll get depressed, seeing all of those people in need. Do something that will make you happy!" I'm happiest when I'm writing songs and performing.

I come from an upper middle class family. I'm privileged, but there was a time in my life when I wasn't happy at all. Mental illness runs in my family. When I went into middle school, I realized I didn't really fit in. What was really going on was I trying to fit in with people I simply wasn't compatible with. I experienced rejection and exclusion for the first time, and I was in a really dark place. I made better friends, but was still depressed, which made me feel guilty. My thought process was, if I had all the privileges, why am I unhappy? I should feel lucky! I eventually went to therapy and started medication, which really turned my life around. It stopped the depression and opened my mind to focus on other important things that made me happy. I'm still so happy that I can
be happy again, I love finding beauty in little things. I try to help other people get to the place where I am now.


Eliza is an only child, and her parents are older than most of her friends. They can be strict about grades, but she keeps them up, so it's not really an issue. She gets along well with her parents.


Eliza's friends are sort of the misfits in her school. She found that they accept her for who she is, and while she could probably fit into more popular cliques, she feels like she would have to be someone she's not to do so.

Personality Traits

+ Not afraid to stand up for her friends

+ Has strong core values: honestly, kindness, and acceptance

+ Optimistic

+ Hard working

+ Will stand up for herself

+/- Will do a lot to make other people happy

+/- Gets angry and defensive when her core values are threatened

+/- Very emotionally invested in those she cares deeply about (she cares about everyone, but she always has a group of people she's very close to)

+/- Protective of those she cares deeply about

- Can fight other people's battles

- More concerned with morals than logic

- Sensitive to criticism



Accidentally physically or emotionally hurting someone


Spiders and snakes

Life Goals

Wants to join Doctors Without Borders and work in free clinics when she's home.

Wants to find a spouse and is not afraid to be picky, because she intends to find her soul mate.


Likes people she shares values with

Likes finding beauty in little things

Likes making friends and helping people

Dislikes people that violate her values

Dislikes being alone

Dislikes rudeness


Good singer and guitar player


Tolerant, kind, and accepting

Has quite a bit of medical knowledge from studying

Good at mediating arguments and keeping the peace


Scared of snakes and spiders, so she doesn't like going into the woods (she will if she has to, though)

Good at running long distances, but not running fast

Not overweight, but not very athletic


Plays with her hair and touches her neck when nervous

If wearing something that exposes her stomach, she's constantly pulling it down

Says "like" a lot


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1-1259162624NMFK.jpg.89f10bf0d77c25976bf4337cc91eca6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1-1259162624NMFK.jpg.89f10bf0d77c25976bf4337cc91eca6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1-1259000618geFz.jpg.49533e7eea935b3c2efcc944d023e3b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1-1259000618geFz.jpg.49533e7eea935b3c2efcc944d023e3b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description of Appearance

Long, wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Not pencil thin, but not overweight.


5 feet, 3 inches tall. 115 pounds. Long legs.

Physical Abilities

Long legs from riding horses

Good stamina

Good upper-arm strength


Survival Skills

Knows how to make a fire, but that's about it.



Mental Health

Good mental health with medication, but she hasn't gone without for quite a while. Won't have any withdrawal symptoms with medication, but might become a little depressed, but not dangerously so, since she's learned coping skills.

Physical Health (Before Crash)

Had a sore back from falling off of a horse, but otherwise healthy.

Injuries (After Crash)

Hit her head against a window and knows she has a concussion, but she doesn't think it's very severe. Her back hurts more from the jolt, but she doesn't think it's anything permanent and is probably just a sprain.

Fighting History

Punched a boy in preschool for making fun of her best friend's pigtails!



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So we have two spots left and hopefully they will be filled soon. If you know anyone that might be interested in this RP, let them know about it. I'd really appreciate it. :)
Okay. So it's been a while and we still don't have any new people signing up. At this point, I'll let one or two people create a second character if you're interested. This will be on a first come, first serve basis.
(Have you tried bumping your interest post? Or creating a whole new one explaining your need for more characters? If you don't feel like doing that, i can create another character)
Halcyon said:
(Have you tried bumping your interest post? Or creating a whole new one explaining your need for more characters? If you don't feel like doing that, i can create another character)
I'll bump the interest post. Thanks! :)
I'm ready to rock and roll! If need be I can make a second character tomorrow (currently zonked from the trip to Mexico..)
@Halcyon @Jabroni, You two can go ahead an make your 2nd characters. :) Imma make one also and just make him a 5th coach flyer since I really want Elodié's dad to live (sometimes I get a little attached to my characters...)
I'll make a first class passenger since i already have a staff member.

Perhaps a young adult who was in the middle of pre-med school. That way we have someone who's young (Like 19-20 idk yet) but also has some medical experience.
Halcyon said:
I'll make a first class passenger since i already have a staff member.
Perhaps a young adult who was in the middle of pre-med school. That way we have someone who's young (Like 19-20 idk yet) but also has some medical experience.
Actually, if I use Elodié's dad as a character, he'd be a doctor. But it'd be very useful if there was someone who knows a lot about plants and wildlife. Perhaps an ecologist? But if you still want to use someone who's in pre-med, that'd be great also.

Tanner Lebeau-Shaw

42 Years Old--Flies Coach--Doctor


  • Colgan City had always been good enough for me. I loved everything about the city, so that set me apart from most other people who grew up in the area. I didn't expect to ever move out of Cogan City; I even went to college there. Some said that I limited myself from ever going far if I just stuck to one place. Of course, I dismissed their statements. Colgan University already had a prestigious pre-med and medical school and I had a full ride.

    For a while, I had everything planned out. I knew exactly what I was doing and where I was going. But one things led to another and my dad ended up doing everything in his power to get me involved with the military. In no time I found my self in Europe cleaning and stitching up the wounds of soldiers. I hate to admit it but being a military doctor was actually pretty enjoyable. I had a very nice pay, I made great friend, and I the vacations I took were amazing. Yet surviving an explosion after being stationed in a soon-to-be combat zone wasn't something I had planned. But it was all good, I had work to get my mind off how right ear had not stopped ringing for the past 3 days.

    During my few but memorable years in the military, I had the chance to travel a lot for vacation and work purposes. Most of my vacations were inside the U.S. until I decided to take my mother and sisters to France for their dream vacation. To be totally honest, I didn't care to do much of really anything in the country; following Allie, Jenny, and Mom was just fine to me. I guess I kinda owe them one because if it wasn't for them insisting that they visit a silly bakery when they did, I wouldn't of met the love of my life.

    Actually it wasn't that cute. I ran into him, cake got all over the both of us, he cussed me out in French, I did the exact same in English, then things escalated rather quickly from there...Let's just say we didn't get kicked out the bakery for fighting with each other.

    Well, it's clear that from that point, my life was never going to be the same. Etalon means the world to me; he's the only person that has ever gotten me to look past the basics and try to see the world from a different point of view. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know five languages, I wouldn't have thought past working with the military, I wouldn't have my two beautiful daughters -and hopefully a son soon. But most importantly, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive.

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    Joey Lancaster





    Coach, 1st Class, or Staff

    1st Class


    Sophomore in College/ Part time barista at Starbuck



    "I was five when my life story really began. The parents both died. Shot up in an alley way right in front of me. I know what you're thinking 'oh like Batman' but no. Not really. My Aunt Chareece on my father's side was only 18 when she gain custody of me. She spent most of her time at the 3 jobs she worked, or at school for law. She never wanted to be a lawyer, but she thought it would be the best way to raise me. While she worked and went to school my Aunt Meredith took care of me. In fact, as soon as she turned 18 she moved in with Aunt Chareece. It was like growing up with two moms. I always missed my parents, but i was happy with this life style. I was happy with the late night Chinese dinners while watching family guy reruns. Or those days where the power would randomly go off because we didn't have enough money to pay the bills. However, they always made a game out of it. I was happy. And before you ask were all this money she got from being a lawyer went to to the point she couldn't pay the bills, lets just say abusive boyfriends were often in the picture, taking from her. She also paid for very expensive schooling for me.

    When i was about 15 Guncle Roger showed up. He was my Aunt Meredith best friend. He was 20 at that time. It started as just hanging out when Meredith went out for food or something. But over time it because more. A lot more. I wasn't sure how it happened so quickly but sooner rather than later, those 15 minutes alone would be spent fucking. I know. I geeky, loser, skinny kid like me having sex with a 26 year old man? And a hot business man to be exact? I was surprised too. I wouldn't say i loved him though. I still saw him as an uncle. As family. If family had casual sex.

    It ended when i was 18. Just entered college and i was studying Ecology and Botany. I spent most of my time studying plants and the way they work in the ecosystem in high school, i figured i would study it in college too. That's where i met Logan. He sat next to me in biology. We soon became best friends. Almost inseparable. I fell in love with him. He knew of my sexuality, and was cool with it because he assumed i would never fall for him because he was straight. Anyways, i visited home during thanksgiving break my first year and broke it off with Roger. There was lots of yelling and crying. He even proposed to me, but i don't think i could have ever loved someone like him.

    Fast forward and now i'm 20 and in my third year of college. Logan and I had just be chosen to go to an island to to a special in depth study of a new found plant. I was going to tell Loan how i felt during this trip. Little did i know... i wouldn't have the chance..."


    Chareece Lancaster - Aunt -33

    Meredith Lancaster - Aunt - 30

    Roger Stewart - Guncle (gay uncle) - 31


    Logan Mets - College friend/Crush he could never get with cause straight boys- Deceased


    He's bisexual, but prefers men.​

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*Name: Evan Hawkins

*Age: 17

*Gender: male

*1st class

*Job/grade: Senior in highschool

*History: I grew up in a small town just north of New York City. My parents divorced when I was 6, so I don't remember much of when they were together. (Not that I would want to remember, because they fight whenever they see eachother.) I was bullied at school but I could escape all that when I got home and started playing video games and watching anime. On the weekends I often went camping with my dad or he built treehouses with me.

*Family: Only child, his mother was on the plane too and is now dead.

*Friends: A lot of online ones...

*Other: Had a cat, Mimi.


*List personality traits:



•Good sense of humor


•Socially awkward


*Life goals:

•Marry and have 2 kids

•Beat his bullies



+Likes girls

+Likes to read comics and manga

+Likes animals

-Doesn't like being around people, especially crowds.

-Really, really hates bananas


•Can build treehouses, etc.

•Good at math and science


+Very concentrated and a photographic memory.

+Mature for his age, able to take on responsibilities.

-Not very social, prefers to do all of his own chores by himself and isn't eager to accept help.


-Stutters when nervous or scared

-When he gets really into what he's doing, he doesn't notice anything else.

+Likes to help out with chores



*Description of appearance:

Messy brown hair that he tries to hide under the beanie he alwats wears, green eyes and pretty much unable to grow any kind of facial hair.


•57 kg/176 cm/skinny

*Physical abilities:

•Sharp reflexes

•Good eyesight and hearing

*Survival skills:

•Can build small constructions

•Carries a Swiss knife

•Can make simple tools


•Allergic to rodents, he gets rashes

*Mental health:

+Actually enjoys being away from society

-Doesn't cope with his mothers death too well

*Physical health (before crash):


-Bad stamina

*Physical health (after crash):

+Relatively okay, other than some small cuts and bruises

*Fighting history:

-Tried to fight back against his bullies multiple times but lost because they outnumbered him and because he wasn't strong enough.
@UnknownRunner @Halcyon @Jabroni @Potato @Skye Davis @Redlink106

Okay. So since it's been like a bajillion days, I plan on starting this roleplay tomorrow. Now we do have a staff spot open so if anyone wants to throw together a 2nd character -knock yourself out. Anyhow, if I have the time (I'm going to guess that I won't since I have prom tomorrow, yay), I'll make the first post...Hopefully I won't sleep in to like 10 like most Saturdays. I do ask that if you haven't finished your second character that you do finish them at some point but I'm not going to stop you from posting as them because I'm dying to do this roleplay. That is all! :)

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