Flight of The Nighthawk


The Immortal Demon of Blades
Connor has just freed the Sovereign Colony Array from the oppressive government calling themselves the Council. He now has a ship he called the Nighthawk, which lacks a crew to work on it. But he is willing to take just about anyone to voyage with him on a one way trip deep into space on a near suicide mission to stop a telepathic mutant race he calls "The Star Slavers". They are 10x stronger, faster, smarter, and more agile than the normal man. But Connor has a step up on them, because he stronger and more resourceful than they think. But before he can do anything, he needs a crew to operate The Nighthawk. (pictured below) He needs a pilot, engineer, weapons engineer, cook, doctor, and a navigator.


Basic Rules: 1. No God-Mods (There is no way you're good enough to dodge or block every attack, and kill anything in one perfectly placed hit)

2. Enhancements: You can have enhancements like my character but keep it contained, like how I only did his arms and legs and parts of his brain.

3. Weaponry: Try and keep armor and weapons reasonable. Rifles, pisols and some blades are allowed but heavy weaponry like Rocket launchers or miniguns or anything of the sort must be in the armory. Armor can be kept in your cabins but again heavy armor must be the armory or in special cases the docking bay.

4. Romance: It will be allowed BUT if a sex scene is coming on keep it brief and please please have the consent from the rest of the group, cuz we have to read that you know.

5. Sign-up: if you register a character for a role you are then free to post in the rp.

6 Posting: keep it resonable, length isn't an issue with me. Frequency is a problem, don't post too frequently. If someone is acknowledged by someone else they have first go to post unless they state otherwise. Also try to post atleast once or more a week. Due to my schedule I can't post on sundays and very shortly on saturdays so yeah.

7. Ship Size: With the rp the ship's size if flexible, although it does have the standard, deck, lounge, engine room, barracks, kitchen, armory, and vehicle bay. Other rooms can be added but please discuss it with the rest of us first before just adding it in. Also yes the ship does have stairs and it does have an elevator.
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