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Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.








Galactic Record:

Relationship with Crew:




(In Customized EPMG MKII's, along with AAJU)


(In Casual Outfitting)


"Captain Rivaille, what's it to you?"








"Who cares."


"...Didn't I mention I was a Captain?"

Galactic Record:







What the public does know about Rivaille is that he is legendary in skill, and is looked up to by almost every member of the military. He was once a thug, the planet not being listed, but was later captured by Bervin, and forced to either join the Jaegers, or be left to rot or be executed by GSEC.

Obviously, he chose the first choice, as his friends had already been captured by GSEC. Other then that, not much is known, except for the many legendary tales of him against impossible odds.

Relationship with Crew:

Popular, but very strict.


Rivaille is a very quiet and quick-thinking man, analyzing everything around him so that he may use it to his own advantage. He keeps his general opinions to himself, only focusing on the matter at hand. Rivaille may seem rather uncaring and boring at first, but most people soon learn that he has a deep care for his fellow soldiers, and that he is always thinking, and opens up to people he has known for awhile. Rivaille is a very complicated man, and has never tried explaining his own thought processes to anyone else due to his own silence.

Rivaille cannot stand it when things are not clean, and usually expects everything to be completely perfect when it comes to ship and room maintenance. He is very strict, but considers the opinions and ideas of his disciples, and will not refuse to answer a question they may have for him.





"Commander Bervin"










"Commander of the Jaegers"

Galactic Record:





Commander Bereit Fuhrer, or Bervin. Grew up on Earth,

pretty good childhood, very intelligent at a young age. Father

was a thinker, a good one, but was quickly taken out by an "accident."

Suspects say it was Galaxists, but this theory has never been proved

by GSEC. Commander Bervin later grew up to join the Jaegers,

curious about space and all of it's freedoms, along with a strong belief

in Manifest Destiny. Bervin climbed up the ranks mission after mission,

destroying enemies, sacrificing lives, but saving more. He quickly

earned himself enough of a reputation with the Galactic Senate to end up

as a Commander, a feat made even more possible after he ended up

capturing Rivaille and making him an elite soldier. There are no cases

of criminal activity on his record, but he has many political enemies.

Relationship with Crew:

Respected, and looked up to.


Bervin is very calculating and realistic, perhaps the two traits that

got him and Rivaille ending up as friends. Bervin thinks everything through,

and is not afraid to sacrifice lives or the safety of millions to do what is best

for Humanity, and for himself. He is an excellent strategist and fighter,

winning more then one hundred battles and skirmishes for the Galactic Union,

and he is also very unorthodox, as he thinks outside of the box on many subjects,

as his father was famous for also doing.


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Instead of the outfit in the picture, she wears black combat boots, khaki cargo pants, a white tanktop, a brown duster coat that goes to about knee length, an ammo bandoleer, and a maroon scarf. The duster coat is old, worn, and stained with the dust, sand, and dirt of a hundred different planets.

Name: Marian Manton

Race: Human

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Mercenary and bounty hunter extraordinaire!

Galactic Record: She was raised in a military family, and from a relatively young age she was raised to be a soldier. She never saw the allure of that way of life, too much danger, not enough profit. So she became a bounty hunter! Lots of danger and lots of profit! She either takes odd jobs or spends some time working for organizations, sometimes criminal ones. According to a rumour, she once shot an employer of hers for asking her to kill an innocent man, but she's pretty quick to snuff out any talk of this in her presence with a fist or a string of profanities. She jumped at the opportunity to explore uncharted sections of the galaxy, since the unknown offered many new opportunities for adventure and profit.

Relationship with Crew: She sees herself as a cut above the other crew members, at least when it comes to combat, as such, she can come of as brusque and arrogant, but can be sweet to any who get the time to know her. While she can be hated for her rude attitude, most of her comrades have a healthy respect for her as a soldier.

Personality: Marian will do almost anything for money, almost is the key word. She puts on a tough girl persona as part of her job, drinking, smoking, and picking fights often, this is only partially a façade, she does enjoy those activities, but there is more to her. This attitude hides her moralistic and innocent side, which is actually the more dominant part of her personality, of course anyone who points that out will likely find themselves with a few bruises, as she doesn't like being reminded of this.

Other: Her combat style is brash, pragmatic, and straightforward, fighting with dual pistols when at range, and a serrated military issue combat knife when up close, she also has an affinity for grenades when she can get her hands on them.
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My character is a Green Solarborn, Howdy!

Name: Kermoruse

Race: Solarborn

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Outlaw of the galaxy!

Galactic Record: Wanted for Robbery of several drug shops in the southern Milkyway, Vandalism in the central Milkyway, and has bounty on head for 1.3 million. He was born in a very dangerous place and fell into the wrong crowd, (thats why hes done so much criminal activity) His mother and father died in a shootout with him being raised by criminals and "space gangsters".He was alsi known to be in prison atleast 5 times in his life.

Personality: Kermoruse is a very energetic solarborn, and known to be a troublemaker, he is untrustworthy but has a soft spot if he makes some friends and family. He is very stubborn, and mean to the people he had never seen or known because of his suspiciousness.

Relationship with crew: He is known as a enemy to them because of framing them for the robberies he caused, but he will most likely help them if they are in terrible danger. He is more like a trickster and can trick peopke who are dumb or airheaded easily. However, he is very loyal to the crew from saving him from trouble.
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Usually wears dark brown robes of the Kalaari technocracy with luminescent sigils etched upon the fabric. Stands at 6'1, with notable features including glowing red eyes and four arms.

Name: Tal'adrassi (or Tal for short)

Race: Kalaari

Age: 46

Gender: Undisclosed, refers to self with the male pronoun

Sexuality: Unknown

Occupation: Engineering genius

Galactic Record: Displaying a talent for the mechanical arts and engineering even among the Kalaari, Tal rose to prominence quickly among the Kalaari technocracy who display almost a religious reverence for technology in all its forms. Due to the sudden death of one of the Technocracy superiors, Tal was selected as successor thanks to his popularity with the younger members of the sect. This eventually led him to a minor place upon the Collective, the ruling council of the Kalaari race.

While the Kalaari are technically a part of the Galactic Council, they have remained aloof and reclusive for centuries - seeking isolation upon their ships in deep space beyond the galactic arms, far from the core. Tal's holds the belief that this self-imposed exile is incredible damaging to the Kalaari people, and that it is imperative that representatives be sent to rejoin the rest of the galaxy and seek out answers to the long-dormant mysteries of their race. As a volunteer himself, Tal was dispatched to take a place upon Rivaille's ambitious exploration project as both engineer and representative of his race. To the eyes of his elders, this posting also neatly solved the problem of his radical proselytizing within the Collective.

Relationship with Crew: Tal is seen as a bit of an enigma, and not entirely understood by the other crewmembers, most of whom treat him with reservedness. Despite this, his gift with technology is well-known and respected.

Personality: Young and idealistic amongst his race, Tal can display naïvety at times. Despite this reputation with the Kalaari, to other races he can display typical Kalaari archetypes through his careful, calculated and poised manner. As with many others of his race, Tal values civility and repose above all else which can come across as servile at times. When it comes to combat, he is not particularly comfortable in situations of peril and often prefers to flee or take cover until the combat has resolved itself. Given this, he has also been known to fight fiercely when cornered and it has been postulated that his collected, respectful manner hides a stubborn streak a mile high.

Other: Not possessing the necessary vocal physiology, Tal wears a vocaliser over his mouthparts that allows him to speak most of the common galactic languages of the Council races. While Kalaari gender remains largely a mystery to the Council races, Tal seems to consider himself male, at least in terms of pronouns.
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"Call me Freya, Freya Luridnessa"


"Half Human and the other half Illuminian, my parents were very ahead of their time."


"Oh I'm about 20 or 21. I know right?! I don't look it."


"Female, I guess that's the right term"


"I love everyone! So Pansexual"


"I'm a photographer! Well actually I'm a information and data assembler for the Galaxy Gazette, galaxy's best news in a instant! But just tell me if you need anything fixed I'm great a repairs I've broken my equipment so much you could call me a pro!....wait that's not a good thing is it?"

Galactic Record:



Freya born on the ship the Baltic, to a human mother and a Illuminain father. Her mother was the captain of the ship the Baltic and was a very admired captain and pilot. Her father was a talented Illuminain thief who stole many important items, the last being a very precious metal from the Illuminain maximum security. This led him to have to flee the planet and almost the system, which is why living on a ship is a great idea. When Freya was born her parents did everything to get her a great education and a great job. Freya always loved photography she took pictures of everything around her and eventually got a profession in it. Being very skilled on other world photography and an extreme traveler the Galactic Senate picked her to gather data and information on the new areas found. She is a veteran sailor of space and well known for her ability to adapt to dangerous situations.

Relationship with Crew:

She sees herself as a friend among the crew members. Although she is a veteran she doesn't act like a superior to the newer crew members. The crew has a kind feeling towards Freya and extreme respect for her.


Young and cheerful Freya is a optimist to say the least. Half-breeds have always been looked down upon and Freya was no exception. She makes sure to not be discouraged by the mean things and takes everything with a grain of salt. She loves exploring and takes to people easily. She doesn't discourage based on name age or race. Just the typical sunshine girl, with the flare of adventure.


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Yo! Everyone!

I'm going to post a few weapons the Jaegers commonly use, two things you probably will have, and probably will need!

It'll be in OOC!
Tylronix Draazar



Race: Guerran

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, unlikely to pursue relations outside his race.

Occupation: Shock Trooper, Meatshield, Intimidation

Galactic Record:





Being a Guerran, Tylronix, like the rest of his race, is recognized by the Galactic Senate, but not actually a part of the Senate, and thereby having no official Galactic Record entry. Having left Alagathar on a Human ship after the fall of his House, Tylronix spent a few years travelling with the Human Alliance, learning Common and observing the Human military. After several upgrades to his armor and training with explosives, Tylronix volunteered to join Project Hospitium, boarding the ship just minutes before takeoff.

Relationship with Crew: Tylronix has yet to meet with most of the crew, but most that meet him assume from his size and physique that he is a simple brute. They would be wrong in that assumption.

Personality: Honorable and straightforward, Tylronix is respectful towards his superiors and comrades, and expects an equal amount of respect as a Guerran Vanguard. Those who show disrespect or rudeness towards Tylronix, his superiors, or his crewmates might find themselves violently removed from the area or, in extreme cases, challenged to duel. However, Tylronix is curious about life outside Alagathar and the Orion sector, and questions others on their behaviors and traditions.

Other: Standing at 8'2 and 316 pounds of muscle, Tylronix is larger and stronger than most other races. Used to life on Alagathar, Tylronix is also a poor candidate for handling fragile items, as the planet has a higher than average gravitational pull. Unused to the political games of other cultures, Tylronix can be considered somewhat brash, as he assumes those who threaten his lordess or lord to be issuing a challenge, one he plans to answer with violence. With his armor and axe forged from the incredibly durable metals of Alagathar, alongside heavy technological modifications, Tylronix excels in melee combat. With only his grenade launcher to compliment his martial prowess, Tylronix mostly uses his axe and energy shields in combat.

Name: Finn "Checkmate" McGuire

Race: Human.

Age: 33

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Occupation: Spy, information broker, and underworld contact.

Galactic Record: Little is known about his past, it is known that he was a Gsec operative for some time, but left to pursue his own goals. Most don't know his real name, but know him only as "Checkmate" due to the effect his abilities have on disputes and conflicts. Despite the fact that he appears to be a spy for hire, he actually has his own goals, manipulating his clients and employers to suit his own ends. Finn was hired to serve as an underworld contact for the exploration mission, in case they run into any criminal elements.

Relationship with Crew: Finn remains very distant from the crew, a product of his years of isolation and paranoia, most haven't even seen him, as he stays in his quarters unless he is needed.

Personality: Extremely cold and pragmatic, human lives are just tools to him, freely sacrificing those in his care to achieve his ends. He is intelligent and calculating, and prefers not to speak without considering his words very carefully. This attitude has not made him many friends, which only drives him further into his isolation.

Other: While not particularly focused on combat, he can defend himself well enough with his trusty pulse pistol, which he keeps in a shoulder holster that he can hide under his coat, perfect for ambushes.


"Call me Savant, everybody else does"


"Human, yep plain old flesh and blood."


"I'm twenty-two, barely legal, yep."


"A dude, can't you tell?"


"Why does this even matt-"



"Things, stuff and things, mostly stuff"


Galactic Record:

File Corroded. Error! Error! Erroooor.

"Sorry about that, as you can tell, I'm an outstanding citizen."

Savant isn't exactly liked around authority. Many paint him as a dangerous terrorist, wanted in many sectors. Still, he has supporters that support him, still, they're few and far between. When Savant was eighteen he released large data files detailing the inner workings of several large companies, in particular he released private emails detailing what a certain company was putting into their food products. Since then, Savant's been keeping up hacktivism, three mercenaries have been sent after him, still, when you're in the system it's pretty hard to be caught by the system."

Criminal Record:



Grand Theft (4)

Theft (10)


-additional files removed-

Relationship with Crew: Savant mostly stays in his room, but he's friendly with the rest of the crew.

Personality: Extroverted, Intuitive, Intellectual, Perceptive, Narcissistic, Hemophobic, Egomaniacal



Name: Andrew Finnegan

Race: Human

Age: 23


Occupation: Mercenary

Galactic Record:



"The subject is known as 'Firefly'. Although dangerous, he often does "criminally questionable" deeds with the Corp.

Not much is known about Andrew's origins, despite the fact that he was born and raised in Earth. The subject first known adult encounter was at 19, when he was arrested while hitchhiking in a cargo of a transport ship. Since then, he raised a few flags aboard his own ship, which was acquired through unknown means. He is currently travelling with another mercenary, called Marian Manton."

Relationship with Crew: Being a hired hand, the crew doesn't trust a lot, but Andrew didn't make anything yet to lose all of their trust.















Spec-ops, potentially black ops.

Galactic Record:

Kul'ter's record is highly classified, as per standing galactic law pertaining spec-ops forces.

All following information had been censored appropriately.

Born aboard the Ter, a repurposed colony ship, Kul'ter (Kul) was born to a lower-class agriculture maintenence crew. His home ship was disabled by raiders, when he was ten. The loss of life was minimal, but the fact that a home ship had been taken was devastating to the Kilaani and he alike.

Spurred by this to do good, he joined GSec quickly, training as a field engineer and mechanic.

He signed with spec-ops forces in [REDACTED].

All operations classified.

Skillset includes hacking, field repair, infiltration, sabotage, espionage, sniping, and weapons design.

Kul'ter has been diagnosed with the following:


Early onset osteoperosis (does not yet reduce field capability)

Arm lost and replaced

Relationship with Crew:

Liked by SSec, scientists, engineers, Kilaani.

Regardless of above, disliked by criminals.


Tight-lipped and opaque, Kul is prone to rudeness and blunt statement. Factual and practical to a fault, he will uphold the law for the duration of his field viability.


Loadout as follows:

Railgun sniper, custom-built. Can punch through even Guerran power armor, but only gets a single shot before cooling and subsequent reloading.

Quasar-43 ultralite SMG. Fires small bullets, ineffectual against armored or shielded targets.

TNKD-87 Super-Heavy Hand Cannon. Capable of stunning a fully-armored Guerran, but must be reloaded after a single shot. Rounds are large enough that carrying more than three, plus one loaded, is impractical.

Infiltrator GSec Standard Issue armor, modified to have light shielding instead of cloaking. Classifies as light armor.

Custom-built recon drone. Too small to be weaponized or an effective suicide drone. Can cloak and serve as a proximity alarm, in addition to short-range scouting.


Naming based off Quarians, because the Kilaani are basically Quarians. Intentionally vague profiling. Appearance to be added due to time constraints.
Wanted: Scotty Linwood

"To the stars, my dying heart."
Scotty Linwood


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 8

Charisma: 11


  • Name: Sanford 'Scotty' Linwood

    Race: Human

    Age: 26 in Earth years

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight, but open to experimenting

    Occupation: Crew member and stand-in maintenance technician

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