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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Fledging


sentient fox
BB-code as you see fit, include the basics:






Appearance: pic(any style) or description

anything else you feel like adding, this cs is not strict, just do what you want and make sure enough detail is present.

include the song your character is based on as a youtube link
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Flynn Jardus

Character Name:
Flynn Jardus

Alias / Nickname:

Male (straight)


no slide

Flynn is a relatively shy individual. He is always curious, since birth he has been asking 'how?','why?'and'what?' His desire for knowledge makes him strive in learning. He seeks to understand everything, from people to the deciding mechanism for quantum states. When in conversation, Flynn may often be wondering what people's thoughts were to make them say what they said and how they said it, how they mentally operate, as an oppose to understanding and listening to their statements. Flynn loves to apply his knowledge to devices or mechanisms.

alongside being very inquisitive, Flynn is a docile creature. He tends not to argue or fight for anything, he simply lets everything happen. He will often do what he is told to do, as long as he is provided with a compelling reason. Flynn is like this because he knows that he cannot change the world by fighting or competing, the only thing he accepts he can change is a few lives with his actions. One boy cannot fell a giant, whether that giant is a corrupt government, a group of bullies, or anything bigger than him.

Mostly, Flynn is considered a very amiable individual, mainly because he has no bad intentions and is quite submissive. Although, adrenaline junkies and those who want change and will fight for it may despise him. They'll see him as no more commendable than a mouse, he is pathetic and does very little apart from support himself. Whether Flynn is a good, loyal friend, or a meekly runt is dependent on perspective.

There is one thing that Flynn will fight for, and that is to make his closest friends happy. As his view on the meaning of life is to enjoy it, he will try his best to allow others to enjoy life. He will not simply let somebody he knows live in pain or sadness, because for him, that is simply wasting life, you only get one life.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ca932f5db67f83421e43bafc8d4c5d36.jpg.5283f4efbde68b5d7357683baeb18670.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ca932f5db67f83421e43bafc8d4c5d36.jpg.5283f4efbde68b5d7357683baeb18670.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Flynn is relatively average in terms of fitness, he is slightly athletic, and stands at about 6ft tall. He is not the fastest runner or swimmer, nor does he have the most stamina, he is quite god at sport, but not outstanding, or near that. This is due to the majority of his time spent studying and learning.




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Name: Aster Hawkins

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Aster is a rather cold and closed off person. She tends to stick with herself, and can be quite rude when it comes to meeting new people. Orphaned at a young age, she's seen cruelty and loneliness her entire life, and treats the world with cruelty in return. Growing up on the streets, she learned a thing or two about combat and fighting, as well as gaining street smarts and survival skills. Aster is terrible at making friends, and is rather awkward if she attempts to form any friendship. However, if she somehow miraculously manages to make a friend or two, she's a lot different than one would expect. Besides being sarcastic and sometimes blunt, she's rather quirky and kind. She's as loyal as a puppy- or more like a wolf- and would go to extreme measures, even death, to make sure those she cares about are okay. Romance wise, she doesn't know what to make of it. The girl would never expect anyone to like her, and becomes almost 10x more awkward if she thinks that a guy might like her.

Physically, Aster is as fit as a girl of her age and height (5'11") could be. Despite what people think, she's incredibly strong, fast, and durable in most situations. Fighting isn't a problem for her, as she was known to make anything, even a plastic spoon, into a lethal weapon.

Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGzgoSg5OZg[/media]
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BlawnD said:
Name: Aster Hawkins
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Aster is a rather cold and closed off person. She tends to stick with herself, and can be quite rude when it comes to meeting new people. Orphaned at a young age, she's seen cruelty and loneliness her entire life, and treats the world with cruelty in return. Growing up on the streets, she learned a thing or two about combat and fighting, as well as gaining street smarts and survival skills. Aster is terrible at making friends, and is rather awkward if she attempts to form any friendship. However, if she somehow miraculously manages to make a friend or two, she's a lot different than one would expect. Besides being sarcastic and sometimes blunt, she's rather quirky and kind. She's as loyal as a puppy- or more like a wolf- and would go to extreme measures, even death, to make sure those she cares about are okay. Romance wise, she doesn't know what to make of it. The girl would never expect anyone to like her, and becomes almost 10x more awkward if she thinks that a guy might like her.

Physically, Aster is as fit as a girl of her age and height (5'11") could be. Despite what people think, she's incredibly strong, fast, and durable in most situations. Fighting isn't a problem for her, as she was known to make anything, even a plastic spoon, into a lethal weapon.

Picture: I wanna post one, but was wondering what style (anime, realistic, etc.) you all prefer.

Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGzgoSg5OZg[/media]
Accepted, good character. Whatever picture you want
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Celeste "Cel" James

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

DOB: April 16th



+ Is an observer

+ Athletic enough

+ Easy to approach

+ Speedy


- Too loyal

- Gives up easily

- Runs out of energy

- Hates the cold

- Hard to adapt to new things


Generally kind and thoughtful, she is usually a great team player. Although she is naïve and sometimes too gullible, you can count on her for almost anything.


She had a pretty normal life before she was in a cell---had great grades, was on the track team all four years in high school, and even received a scholarship to a very good school. It was all thrown in the trash when she was imprisoned. When she first got there, she tried for days to try to escape. She eventually gave up until they said it was time. Time for her to escape.


She liked to dress nicely, and honestly dressed to impress others. Of course, it really doesn't matter now.


Theme Song:



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Ayane said:

Celeste "Cel" James

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

DOB: April 16th



+ Is an observer

+ Athletic enough

+ Easy to approach

+ Speedy


- Too loyal

- Gives up easily

- Runs out of energy

- Hates the cold

- Hard to adapt to new things


Generally kind and thoughtful, she is usually a great team player. Although she is naïve and sometimes too gullible, you can count on her for almost anything.


She had a pretty normal life before she was in a cell---had great grades, was on the track team all four years in high school, and even received a scholarship to a very good school. It was all thrown in the trash when she was imprisoned. When she first got there, she tried for days to try to escape. She eventually gave up until they said it was time. Time for her to escape.


She liked to dress nicely, and honestly dressed to impress others. Of course, it really doesn't matter now.


Theme Song:



Good good, you're accepted.

Name: Oliver Hollows

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Oliver has an adventurous, and reckless nature. He's not afraid to take risks or try new things and is curious about pretty anything. This however leads him to be quite mischievous, always causing trouble, sometimes unintentionally. But he means well, he's just trying to have some fun. As for his behavior around other people, he's actually really nice and outgoing, as long as no one is constantly telling him what to do or being rude, he'll cooperate with just about anyone he comes across.




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NinjaCat said:

Name: Oliver Hollows

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Oliver has an adventurous, and reckless nature. He's not afraid to take risks or try new things and is curious about pretty anything. This however leads him to be quite mischievous, always causing trouble, sometimes unintentionally. But he means well, he's just trying to have some fun. As for his behavior around other people, he's actually really nice and outgoing, as long as no one is constantly telling him what to do or being rude, he'll cooperate with just about anyone he comes across.




Accepted, good character
Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/teen-boy.jpg.e95fdaf8fcb9b540a81dca82ee7fffc6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/teen-boy.jpg.e95fdaf8fcb9b540a81dca82ee7fffc6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Robert Jones Jr.

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alias: Robert


Robert had a job at starbucks before life took a turn for the worst. He had a girlfriend but she cheated on him with his best friend, both of his parents died in an accident. He managed to get the job thanks to bis uncle and he was there, until one day he was marshalled out of the shop by the cops. He was thrown to a 6x6 prison cell till this very day.


Robert is charming...or so he ws told. He is a quiet guy and he is not afraid not to speak his mind. He fears no one as he has some training in martial arts. He is loyal and will not be afraid to die for his friends. He rarely gets angry even when you push him to his limits. Though that does not mean you do that though.

Theme Song:




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CkSmalling said:
Appearance: View attachment 293413
Name: Robert Jones Jr.

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alias: Robert


Robert had a job at starbucks before life took a turn for the worst. He had a girlfriend but she cheated on him with his best friend, both of his parents died in an accident. He managed to get the job thanks to bis uncle and he was there, until one day he was marshalled out of the shop by the cops. He was thrown to a 6x6 prison cell till this very day.


Robert is charming...or so he ws told. He is a quiet guy and he is not afraid not to speak his mind. He fears no one as he has some training in martial arts. He is loyal and will not be afraid to die for his friends. He rarely gets angry even when you push him to his limits. Though that does not mean you do that though.

Theme Song:



NAME: Casey Williams




Casey is very social but can really get scared easily, she hates taking risks and really worries about people and gets very anxious. She isn't very curious and generally wants to get things done her way. She is very kind and trusts people quickly which doesn't always work out for her.

APPEARANCE: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca918e784_ScreenShot2016-06-05at10.14.33pm.png.178bc20c6738f2c497cc43919d19d7fa.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca918e784_ScreenShot2016-06-05at10.14.33pm.png.178bc20c6738f2c497cc43919d19d7fa.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Casey is a fast runner her general fitness is ok

HISTORY: Casey was very popular at school and made friends easily,she was raised by her Dad.​



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[QUOTE="Ursula Halliday]

NAME: Casey Williams




Casey is very social but can really get scared easily, she hates taking risks and really worries about people and gets very anxious. She isn't very curious and generally wants to get things done her way. She is very kind and trusts people quickly which doesn't always work out for her.

APPEARANCE: View attachment 293444


Casey is a fast runner her general fitness is ok

HISTORY: Casey was very popular at school and made friends easily,she was raised by her Dad.​

NAME: Ezekiel 'Zeke' Rayome

AGE: 17

GENDER: male

SEXUALITY: pan-sexual

PERSONALITY: Ezekiel is a very determined individual. There are countless times where he is seriously depressing to be around, but he never has let himself lose sight of his ambition. He has a phrase that he might say often if you ask him what he's like and what he really wants out of life. "To stay true to myself, my friends, and my word. I just want to be myself and that is the pure freedom I seek." Ezekiel never really wants anything but to keep himself honest in every way possible and finds it nearly impossible to lie or exaggerate. If you want the honest to god truth, ask him and he'll tell you the way it really is. He likes to keep it real and see things as they are, but unfortunately he has two major fears: being alone and large open spaces or expanses.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ModernLen.jpg.c80a10a467c7d2a6aa29a12c67a9e74e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ModernLen.jpg.c80a10a467c7d2a6aa29a12c67a9e74e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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ZekeDude said:
NAME: Ezekiel 'Zeke' Rayome
AGE: 17

GENDER: male

SEXUALITY: pan-sexual

PERSONALITY: Ezekiel is a very determined individual. There are countless times where he is seriously depressing to be around, but he never has let himself lose sight of his ambition. He has a phrase that he might say often if you ask him what he's like and what he really wants out of life. "To stay true to myself, my friends, and my word. I just want to be myself and that is the pure freedom I seek." Ezekiel never really wants anything but to keep himself honest in every way possible and finds it nearly impossible to lie or exaggerate. If you want the honest to god truth, ask him and he'll tell you the way it really is. He likes to keep it real and see things as they are, but unfortunately he has two major fears: being alone and large open spaces or expanses.


View attachment 295449

A unique personality, knew to me, I'm excited to see how he plays out. Try to find a partner and begin. Ninjacat hasn't been replying so @Ayane might be free
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Vulpes said:
A unique personality, knew to me, I'm excited to see how he plays out. Try to find a partner and begin. Ninjacat hasn't been replying so @Ayane might be free
Okay ^-^ So do we get to pick our biome or do you do that?
ZekeDude said:
Okay ^-^ So do we get to pick our biome or do you do that?
Pick if you want, or use a random number. the plains and hills are taken, but you may pick any other. You will need to have a partner to begin.
Vulpes said:
Pick if you want, or use a random number. the plains and hills are taken, but you may pick any other. You will need to have a partner to begin.
Okay thanks ^o^
Name: Kenny B. Timmons

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual (no interest)

Personality: Quite mad. Kenny is not your average teenager. He doesn't feel things like other kids do. He cannot empathize with people. He does not love or experience heartbreak. He does not feel guilt. He's often been called a psychopath. The boy is manipulative and cunning, often using others to get what he wants. He is an adept liar, and he is used to faking a lovable persona. He can easily adopt the air of a kindhearted gentleman or that of an innocent child as it suits his needs. The boy's unnatural colors will likely be seen only if he is angered or caught off guard...or when he grows tired of faking. Of course, anyone who stays close to him for long enough will likely see through his fake personality to the psychopath beneath. It might be best to stay away from the kid's dark side however. Kenny is very unpredictable as he may well be considered mentally unstable.

History: Kenny never was a 'normal' kid. Perhaps, he might have been if he hadn't watched a man murder his parents when he was just a toddler. The effects it had on his mind became apparent to his foster parents when they found him, at six years old, playing with a dead cat like it was a stuffed bear. At eight years of age, the boy took the life of his neighbor's dog because it bit him. And at age eleven, Kenny's foster brother drown in the family's pool. The dead boy's parents knew it was Kenny's doing, but the child received no punishment for his sin...there was proof of nothing. Kenny was relocated to a boy's home for troubled children. There, he was bullied for being different. Too small to properly defend himself, the boy relied on his acting abilities to gain the sympathies and protection of the kinder big kids. The poor treatment he received sculpted him into a cunning escape artist and problem solver. He also acquired a high pain tolerance; the child could take a beating well.

Other facts:

- Has an odd attraction to blood.

- Hates romance/affection. Doesn't know how to react in such situations. Makes him uncomfortable.

- Dislikes being touched in general.

- Doesn't deal well with being called a psycho or psychopath. May cause him to lash out.

- Terrible fighter. Good runner. Good strategist.

- Grows bored easily. Constantly in search of entertainment.

Appearance: Red-brown hair and blue eyes. NO eyepatch. Small build.



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XDBuggyBatXD said:
Name: Kenny B. Timmons
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual (no interest)

Personality: Quite mad. Kenny is not your average teenager. He doesn't feel things like other kids do. He cannot empathize with people. He does not love or experience heartbreak. He does not feel guilt. He's often been called a psychopath. The boy is manipulative and cunning, often using others to get what he wants. He is an adept liar, and he is used to faking a lovable persona. He can easily adopt the air of a kindhearted gentleman or that of an innocent child as it suits his needs. The boy's unnatural colors will likely be seen only if he is angered or caught off guard...or when he grows tired of faking. Of course, anyone who stays close to him for long enough will likely see through his fake personality to the psychopath beneath. It might be best to stay away from the kid's dark side however. Kenny is very unpredictable as he may well be considered mentally unstable.

History: Kenny never was a 'normal' kid. Perhaps, he might have been if he hadn't watched a man murder his parents when he was just a toddler. The effects it had on his mind became apparent to his foster parents when they found him, at six years old, playing with a dead cat like it was a stuffed bear. At eight years of age, the boy took the life of his neighbor's dog because it bit him. And at age eleven, Kenny's foster brother drown in the family's pool. The dead boy's parents knew it was Kenny's doing, but the child received no punishment for his sin...there was proof of nothing. Kenny was relocated to a boy's home for troubled children. There, he was bullied for being different. Too small to properly defend himself, the boy relied on his acting abilities to gain the sympathies and protection of the kinder big kids. The poor treatment he received sculpted him into a cunning escape artist and problem solver. He also acquired a high pain tolerance; the child could take a beating well.

Other facts:

- Has an odd attraction to blood.

- Hates romance/affection. Doesn't know how to react in such situations. Makes him uncomfortable.

- Dislikes being touched in general.

- Doesn't deal well with being called a psycho or psychopath. May cause him to lash out.

- Terrible fighter. Good runner. Good strategist.

- Grows bored easily. Constantly in search of entertainment.

Appearance: Red-brown hair and blue eyes. NO eyepatch. Small build.




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