
Hi! Really cool idea by the way, but I'd like to point something out. You mentioned the year 2040, when the device was fully conventional, yet the we were sent back in time during the year 2038. It might have been a typo, but I just wanted to point it out. Nevertheless, I am truly interested in joining this rp of yours.
Hehe ... read again. It said "would have been". Xavier had some samples of alien tech to draw from in 2038.
No worries ... and certainly. I thought I had a tech timeline for this RP. Looks like I'll have to redo that. I have used 2037 as a target year before, so easy to do. That will give an idea of the tech the characters would be familiar with.

Oh, so long as the NPC's aren't too game disbalancing, people should feel free to develop 2018 family members and close friend. You aren't travelling back into a vacuum. For example, my character's father will still be alive in 2018. Hmm...
So we change the history depending on what we do? So why were we picked? Is it due to some tests? The fact that you were close to a point of interest during 2018? Your social standing in the year 2018? The toll on the body? Sorry if you already explained it in the overview, I just really want to make sure.
Well, really, Xavier was limited to what his people could find in the way of survivors. The "interrogations" of the survivors as well as the minimum requirements were the basis for selection as usable candidates. It would have been useless to send someone who was too young back.

But yes, the idea is to alter history and prevent WW III. You will be armed with technical knowledge. But bear in mind that revealing this knowledge may make you visible to the aliens. (Bear in mind that you would be working with 2018 technology. Imagine trying to create a current harddrive with technology from 20 years ago. Today we have smartphones. But in 1994? Hehe ... Win95 hadn't come out yet and people still used pagers.

You won't see the changes you make. For you it will seem like the present. All you can do is hope you aren't just making things worse. Really worse would be to allow Xavier in the past to die.
Nothing to you guys. But it becomes much harder for the war to be won in the future. IE there won't be a third chance.

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