Story First Encounter (River, Riesa and Aries)

(A RP scene done between me and Pyre, my writing is coloured brown and Pyre's is coloured black. Aries and Riesa are both 14 in this scene where as River is 15)

It was a pretty average day for Aries and Riesa Blackwood, Aries thought idly as he and his twin dodged through a crowd of people, running from a knife-wielding man and his two-man gang of thugs. Riesa was giggling madly as they ducked around a corner, her eyes lit up with the excitement of the chase, and Aries was a tad more docile as he ran, clutching the wad of money they had just stolen, but he still had that fire in his eyes as well.

They both loved a good chase.

Within record time they had ditched the idiots, and were hiding out in the back alleys together, Riesa whooped and punched the air, grinning gleefully at her younger twin, "How much did we get?" Aries shrugged, shifting through the notes, "Only about 40, bastard must have been feeling cheap tonight." He shrugged and shoved it into his pocket, "Oh well, it's enough to feed us at least." Riesa - still with that insane grin on her face - wrapped her arms around her little brother's waist and nuzzled her face against his chest, "Aww cheer up Ari, we're doing pretty well for a bunch of 14 year old hooligans." She giggled, "Hooligans." Aries rolled his eyes at that, his twin was much too easily amused.

It was then that they heard the sounds of a fight nearby, and they both glanced in it's direction, Aries frowning lightly. He looked to his twin, a silent question in his gaze. She nodded with a smirk and grabbed his hand, heading in the direction of the fight. He held back a sigh and uttered under his breath, "Just don't get blood on my top Ri, or else I'll put a spider in your hair."

River was feeling good tonight. Taking out a drug lord and his henchmen with blades and wasting no ammunition was very uplifting. He pepped up and pulled the scarf off of his face, revealing a wide grin. "Ahh, I love having this happy feeling before I hit the hay." He paused for a moment, sliding his blade back into it's usual place. His wide blues eyes narrowed in suspicion, "what kind of sonsofbitches hits hay? That's just plain rude... and I don't like that phrase, ew, why did I even say it?"

Unknowingly a group had followed him, eager to avenge their fallen leader; River, on the other hand was standing sadly with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and as the group swarmed the grimy alleyway, Force greeted them somberly. "Oh, I guess I should have kept the scarf on... now I'll have to kill all of you and this is just going to take up too much unnecessary time.." At the last second the boy threw a small dagger, catching a man between the eyes. "I've got things to kill, money to collect and a huge apology to give to a hay-barrel."

A loud fight began to ensue.

Aries had convinced Riesa to go for the sneaky approach.

Which of course meant sticking to the sides and clambering up the roof at the nearest opportunity. Riesa always teased him for being cautious, but he didn't want to get involved in a fight if he knew they couldn't finish it; that was all. They crouched low on the roof and scooted to the edge, spotting what was obviously a gang group surrounding one lone individual - who was putting up a hell of a fight. The twins looked to each other then, both nodded at the same time and stood up. The silent decision was made to help the one who was alone. After all, one versus.... - Aries couldn't be bothered to count how many, there were at least six... - was unfair.

He pulled off one of his gloves before sweeping up a rock from beside them, he quickly threw it at one of the men in the background of the fight, watching as the rock went straight through the man's skull and some brain spilled out. Riesa however took the more direct approach as she ripped off a glove, threw it at her twin and then full out leapt from the building, she landed on the back of one of the men behind the lone ranger, and with a wild giggle she shoved her hand straight through his neck, withdrew the bloody appendage and then for good measure re-shoved it through his skull. She then gracefully leapt off the man's body and went straight for another. Aries, by this point, had removed himself from the roof and joined in. He was no-where near as good as fighting as his sister or the amazingly skilled loner who was taking down the men like nobody's business, but he knew enough to dodge a punch headed his way, grab the shoe of the nearest offender with his ungloved hand, and then proceed to thrust the shoe into the man's stomach, leaving it there for sake keepings before he took the other shoe and shoved it through his chest.

It wasn't long before all gang members were dead on the floor, and Aries grimaced as he looked down at his blood-splattered top, he glared up at his twin, the scowl making his features look much younger than he was. "Dammit Ri, I told you if blood got on my top that I was gonna put a spider in your hair." His twin simply shrugged, wiping her bloodied hand on the trouser leg of some dead guy. She then looked to the stranger, "Aww, you're kinda cute." She giggled, "And the fact that you're covered in blood is strangely appealing to me right now."

The group had decided to surround River in an attempt to bring him down. The first punch was thrown. It didn't even register as a thought to block or dodge - it had become his instinct to do so; he tilted his head and allowed the fist to collide painfully with the bricked wall behind him, sure enough a loud crack was heard on contact, signaling that fingers or knuckles were broken. He took advantage of his pain and pulled out a serrated knife, slashing it fast across his jugular, causing blood to spray from his neck. "Ugh, that went all over me. Nice, real nice." River spoke loudly, showing his disdain by sending a powerful kick to his chest while he fell and clutched his neck, choking on his on blood.

The group shouted and all tried to jump in at once while River knocked them back left and right, delivering powerful kicks and punches that was sure to break some ribs. Barely panting or letting his heart beat rise above normal he spoke between punches, "wow, you must have all had some real crush on that guy or something," he paused to slam a head into the wall with such force that the man's blood splattered up the wall. "Now, I got a pretty good look at him and he didn't seem all that cool. He looked pretty creepy and smelled funny."

That's when a rock fell and landed straight through the noggin of his attackers. River erupted into laughter and shouted upward: "thank you person from the sky!" He stepped over the body muttering "you dropped your brain." Another person, a girl, leaped from the building and shoved her hand into his neck so River stood amusingly to the side to watch her fight. A small smile settled on his features as the sky boy came into view and started killing people with shoes.

When the baddies were all dead River fist pumped. "Go team! We did great today, I am, no really, I am really proud of you guys."

River glanced behind himself and noticed no one was there, he stared around in confusion before pointing to himself, "me cute? I just murdered people. That's not cute. And besides, I'm not attracted to anyone, ever, so haha! In your face!" He stared amusingly at the two and bit his finger, then screwing up his face and spitting blood onto the ground. "Blergh! Gross! I didn't mean to lick my bloody finger... heh, sounds British. Weird."

Riesa giggled lightly, covering her mouth with her gloved hand, she didn't even bother to look as Aries tossed her back her other red glove and she caught it deftly, pulling it back over her exposed hand. "You are cute though, murdering people can be cute, especially if it's a bunny or something doing it." She tilted her head then, "Not attracted to anyone?" She tapped her chin, "Are you sure? You look pretty young, so maybe you haven't gotten to that point yet!" She nodded, deciding that was the answer.

There were footsteps before Aries came up beside her and he grabbed his twin's hand, tugging slightly, "Come on Ri, we gotta go." She shook her head at him and flicked his forehead, he scowled up at her, annoyed that at this current point in time she was slightly taller than him. Stupid puberty not kicking in until late. Why did girls always hit puberty first? He knew it was happening though, but he had yet to receive the growth spurt side of it. "Now now Ari, we just killed a bunch of guys with this person! The least we can do is..umm...I dunno..hug?" Before Aries could stop her she had bounded over to the other person and grabbed them in a hug. She was pulled back by Aries, and she grinned, staring at the person. "Wooah, you got really cool eyes. Though your face is a bit girly." She prodded River's chin, "As soft as a baby's butt!"

Aries snickered lightly from behind her, "You been touching baby butts Ri? That's sick." She turned to glare at him then, putting her hands on her hips, "That's not what I meant dumbo!" A snort from her twin, "Sure sounded like it." Riesa huffed irritatedly and turned back to River, "Hey! Since we just engaged in murder today, mind telling us your name? I bet it's something cool like Chronix or Rykler!" Aries rolled his eyes, "I'm pretty sure he won't be named after your toy monkeys Ri." "A girl can dream."

River frowned. "No, I don't like people." It seems that he was ignored so he grumbled under his breath. Now the boy, seemingly twin, was pulling his sister away; while they exchanged words, River noticed his height and couldn't help but smirk and try to stifle his giggles. He was barely able to repeat 'group hug' before being pulled into a hug, which lasted only a moment since both he and the boy seemed irritated and uncomfortable.

The uncomfortable-ness wasn't over as his face was pulled into staring at the girl's line of vision. She gleefully commented about his eyes which narrowed and his face set in a down turn expression. He pulled away and smacked at her hand, "leave my baby butt skin alone."

The two began teasing each other for a moment while River watched silently, only smirking. "Ah, the act of killing and then friendship, beautiful." He pouted, "Chronix? That just reminds me of chronic diarrhea. Gross, you sick girl, you." River put a finger thoughtfully to his chin and hummed, "I suppose I could tell you, I doubt we'll ever see each other again," a hand was offered, "River, that's my name, what's yours?"

Riesa's grin seemed to widen as 'River' complied, and she grabbed his stuck out hand, her white gloves contrasting greatly against River's skin tone. "I'm Cari, and this is Aric." She nodded behind her at her brother, "And maybe the toy had diarrhea, I dunno." She let go then and skipped around River, prodding at his hoodie, "Why you wearing this? Are you a wanna be assassin or something?" She remembered watching one of her cousins play the game when she was younger, and they had hoods similar to this.

Aries stayed where he was and watched his sister interact with River. He was just glad that his twin was smart enough to use their street names and not their real ones. He glanced around at the dead bodies before shrugging and heading over to one of them, he dropped down low beside it and literally began raiding the body, mostly for cash. He called back over his shoulder absently, "He probably is Ri, did you not see the way he took out some of these idiots?"

Riesa just seemed thrilled by this information, rather than terrified like a normal person would be, "Ohmygosh! Are you an assassin? That's so cool! Do your missions self-destruct when you get them?"

River shook her hand and raised his eyebrow. He had been focusing and her heartbeat changed ever-so-slightly, meaning that he was being lied to. It broke his heart, really, he had given his name and they couldn't extend the same courtesy? River had half the mind not to k-word her on the spot... just entirely rude. "Oh, hi Cari, Aric." His words were spoken with a hint of sarcasm.

He zoned out and started picked at the skin on his hand, nodding every so often. "Yup, toys pooping." His skin picking was interrupted by 'Cari'. "Nope, I'm just wearing a hoodie because I'm cold." He turned and settled his gaze on 'Aric'. "No I'm not, I just learned how to fight, duh."

'Cari' started bouncing around then spurting out random questions to which River placed a finger on her lips. "Shush. No I am not. Yes I am still cool. I have never seen such a thing, why would messages self-destruct? That sounds stupid." River pursed his lips and pulled up his sleeve, looking at the time. "I gotta run really. I'll never make it in time to send that apology."

At any looks he may be receiving River merely muttered something about hay, as if that would clear up the questions.

Aries looked up as River spoke with sarcasm, his eyes narrowing slightly. he guessed it made sense, not many believed people when it came to giving out names when you were street filth. But still, what if they were telling the truth? Kind of rude really. When he looked at him he rolled his eyes, using the same sarcastic tone he had earlier, "Uh huh." He stood up, shoving the money he had just taken from the corpse into his pocket, "How much we'd get?" He looked to his sister as she spoke and he shrugged, "About 80 if we add it up, we might be able to find someone to stay tonight if we're lucky now."

Riesa grinned at River as he answered all her questions effectively, and she made a move to bite at the finger on her lip, "You are cute. Ari, can I keep him as a pet?" Aries sighed as he walked over, he looked over River before nodding lightly, "Sure, so long as he doesn't shit on the carpet." Riesa squeaked happily before looking at River, "Hay? What has that got to do with anything? Have you got a pet horse or something? I want a horse, but Ari says it'll shit everywhere, so I can't have one."

Aries held back another sigh, absentmindedly running a hand over his scar before letting it drop back to his side. He needed to think of a cheap motel or something they could stay at that wasn't too far from here, it was already getting late. "Ri, I don't think River wants to talk anymore, seeing as he's making up excuses about apologizing to hay, so let's go." "Aww but Ari, I wanna hang out with River for a while longer! We can go get some food together or something!"

River watched Aric loot the bodies and he only smiled in amusement, then Cari made a move to bite his finger so he moved it and flicked her nose instead. "I try not to shit on the floor, but I won't say that it doesn't happen because it's always possible. Although, most of the time, I tend not to shit on the floor." River contorted his face at the sudden squeak and rolled his eyes. "I'm hardly responsible enough to take care of an animal." That's when Aric sighed, causing River to notice his scar across his eye, he held his question back with considerable control for the moment.

"Hey! That wasn't an excuse, you just weren't there earlier to hear my pondering! And I wanted to ask about your scar, it's bugging me, how did you get it?" He wasn't sure if he would stick around to answer his question so he bit his lip, wondering what people like, what these people would like... 'Well, they were searching for money. Are they poor then? Oh, that sorts this problem out.' Wordlessly, River unzipped his hoodie and pulled out a wad of cash and threw it around the alley.

"Money. Take it, now, about your scar?"

Riesa didn't seem to mind as she was flicked, but then when it was confirmed there was no floor-shitting to be taking place she clapped happily. "Yay! Ari! He doesn't shit on the floor, so I can can keep him right?" She didn't have to time to get an answer from her twin, because River tried to defend himself and then asked about Aries's scar, a smirk twitched onto Riesa's lips, curious as to what excuse he would come up with this time, but then money was being thrown, and she squealed once more as she ran around to try and grab it.

Aries meanwhile stood still and raised a brow at River, "Why are you just throwing money away like that?" Then he asked about his scar, and he shrugged, "Got hit in the face by a unicorn. It was tragic." He sounded dismissal, and he looked to his twin as she scrambled for money, he then looked back to River, half-suspicious, "It's not fake or anything is it?"

River itched his cheek. "I'm throwing it away because I want answers." Then Aric answered his curiosity... and it merely left him very confused. "What... what is a unicorn?" If he knew what it was then maybe he could understand how tragic it was. But maybe if he was paying attention this time then he would have known that that was a plain ol' lie, instead River just stood there confused.

When asked if the money was fake, River burst out laughing unexpectedly. "Why would I carry around a bunch of fake money? Just the sudden chance I meet people and want to throw it at them?" His face turned thoughtful and a smile grew. "Actually, that seems like that would be a lot of fun... thanks for the idea!"

Aries frowned, "Answers? That's a bit stupid really, you should get the answers first, then give the money. Or else the people could just leave with the money and not answer anything." When he asked what a unicorn was he frowned lightly at him like he was crazy, "A unicorn? It's a horse-like creature with a horn on it's head, they don't exist though, so don't expect to see one around."

"You're welcome." He said with a shrug in reply to his thanks, and he blinked as he was suddenly pounced on by his twin, he grunted as he hit the floor, Riesa literally bounced up on down on his chest, straddling him, "Look Ari! There's loads of money here! We can rent out a hotel room for like, a week with all this cash! No more sleeping on the streets for us! Well...for a week at leas--" Her sentence was cut short as Aries shoved her off unceremoniously, "Ri! Next time can you give me some warning before you decide to try and turn me into a flattened bouncy castle!?"

Riesa shrugged, "Nah, probably not." She then jumped up and bolted over to River, pulling him into another hug, "Thanks for the money!" She let go and looked at him, "What do you wanna know anyway?"

River nodded his head, pretending to take all of this in when in fact he was thinking of something entirely different, but then he spoke about the unicorn thing so he perked up, interested. "Wait.. if it doesn't exist then how did it give you a scar?" His face became shocked. "You discovered a unicorn! It's a miracle! Woah."

Cari pounced on her twin and while observing the entire ordeal, River helpfully nudged a nearby stinking body with his foot. When Cari thanked him, he awkwardly shrugged his shoulders and hummed in reply. "Oh, what do I wanna know? Well... I've built up quite the appetite so... the nearest restaurant, I guess."

Aries just frowned at him, "Gave me a scar? What are you talking about? A unicorn never gave me a scar. I've never even seen one." He rolled his eyes, "Crazy guy."

Riesa tapped her chin as she also frowned lightly, "Uhmmm, nearest restaurant...ohh! There was this reallyyyy cool one that did these awesome pizzas!" She turned to her twin, "Aries?" He looked up from robbing another one of the bodies before standing up, "Uhmm, think it was called Papa's Pizzas, about three blocks down from here."

Riesa sighed dreamily and flopped her head onto her twin's shoulder, lacing her hand with his out of habit, "Oooo, now I want Pizza Aries!" He shrugged, "We can get some I guess, but I need to change my top first, I don't think a kid covered in blood would be welcomed at a restaurant, well, anywhere."

And with pizza on the brain, the three teenagers departed, the twins and River both firmly convinced they would never meet again.

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