Story Fires of Vigilance


Anteliun Kaiser

Holographic Message: Date: 09/11/2037 Location: Giylorian Shipyards, Titan, The Moon of Saturn Message Sent: 15:07 I am worried about you, Ethan, and all of the problems about Maverick Industries, your industries, and what consequences it is causing to the Human Race. One of the consequences it has caused is with this mysterious ship we just found outside of the Asteroid Belt and it has more than just cargo and emptiness, it has horror beyond belief that will give you nightmares beyond your comprehension. What your pitiful industries have found are monsters only thought to be in urban legends and myths, they are so horrid, these things should have never been created, it was your creation, son. I dearly hope that we can settle this and destroy this ship with these horrors and actually rebuild Maverick Industries from the bottom-up. By the time you read this message, Giylorian Shipyards will be infested with these horrors and I shall be dead with the rest of the Shipyard's crew, don't come here without knowing that you will die here too. Sincerely, Robert Maverick, Father of Ethan Maverick *End of Transmission* "Vengeance shall be mine, and all those who oppose it shall be wiped clean from the void of the universe. None shall stand in my way, not even pitiful Earth shall." Thought Ethan "I'm coming back with the remnants of Maverick Industries and I'm coming back with a fistful of fury that'll rip apart the entire pitiful Human Race and claim the throne as the dominant empire of this universe!" Vengenace comes with Fire too many a time.... ... ... ... A Dystopian-Horror-Science Fiction-Modern Fiction Story that'll start from 1992-the birth of Maverick Industries to 2162 - The fall of Maverick Industries and it shall be based around the life of Ethan Maverick and those around him... I don't know what else to say, maybe you can create your characters and post it here with any factions you wish to choose and such? I'll see what I can do... EDIT: Stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span><strong>~Characters~</strong></span></p></div>

<p> <em><strong>()xxxxxx[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::></strong></em> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="valerian_100.gif" /> (Ethan in 2027) Ethan Stefan Maverick Date of Birth; September 11, 1978 Date of Death; September 9, 2178 Origin; Lincoln, Nebraska Height; 6'2 Weight; 178 lbs. Religion; None Profession; Engineering, Cloning, Science History; A man of many words, yet many actions, Ethan was born of a Caucasian mother and a Hispanic father. Much was not known of his childhood or teenage years, but he build his reputation through his successes in technology, engineering, cloning, science, and being the founder of the notorious Maverick Industries. ever since the Riots of 2036 which almost completely destroyed the Industry, much has changed in Maverick Industries and Ethan Maverick himself. None have heard of Ethan since 2037, but word has it that he is re-building his empire up from the ruins of despair and he's coming back with a fist full of vengeance. <em><strong>()xxxxxx[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::></strong></em> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="avatar100x100.gif" /> (Æøx in 2012) Æøx Birth Name; Unknown Date of Birth; Sometime in the 1940's Date of Death; Unknown Origin; Somewhere in Belgium Height; 5'9 Weight; 135 lbs. Religion; Unknown Profession; Assassination History; A Mysterious Belgian Assassin of unknown origin, Æøx has built her reputation from the ground up from notoriously breaking through security systems easily to assassinate her targets. Easy to spot on sight due to her soft, skin of a teenager, face of a mid-20's woman, and her lush white long straight white hair, none can't even have the balls to get close to her due to her intimidation looks. Be careful what you wish for because she's going to make that wish go down. </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span>~Factions~</span></p></div>

<p> <em><strong>()xxxxxx[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::></strong></em> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="umojan.png" /> Maverick Industries

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Should a mod move this since it's an Ongoing Story that I'm going to start or no?

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