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Fandom Firefly - Soarin' Through the 'Verse

Go ahead. Sorry. I'm just fighting with someone and I'm emotionally stressed and upset.
I don't know if it ever will. Right now, in resorting to my emotionless state so I don't do anything or feel any more pain. I'm just tired. Goodnight all.
Anaxileah said:
I don't know if it ever will. Right now, in resorting to my emotionless state so I don't do anything or feel any more pain. I'm just tired. Goodnight all.
Alrighty, night. Hope you feel better once you wake up (:3)(o'v'o)
* When Boredom Gets the Best Of You*

OK, I know this is any odd question, but answer if 'ya see it XG


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DID YOU KNOW?: Matt Smith actually really hated fish fingers and custard, so in that particular scene, little Amy would intentionally screw it up so he would have to eat fish fingers and custard over and over again.

Comm Aeson first
Anaxileah said:
DID YOU KNOW?: Matt Smith actually really hated fish fingers and custard, so in that particular scene, little Amy would intentionally screw it up so he would have to eat fish fingers and custard over and over again.
Comm Aeson first
Oh right. Mk, I'll do them later then!! I'll do it first!!!!!!
Did you guys know that Nine is my favorite? Both number and Doctor?

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